
Metro Exodus Devs Targeting Full 4K On Xbox One X, Reveal Was Running On PC

Metro Exodus developers have shared some new information regarding the state of the game on the Xbox One X.

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KingKionic 2553d ago

"the reveal was running on a PC that had comparable specs to the Xbox One X."

Dang it i hope Xbox One X ends up the same. It looked fantastic.

Nitrowolf22553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

What a joke, this is the same thing that happened with both x1 and ps4 original reveals with multiplat.

Companies need to stop doing this. We are 3 or 4 years in this gen, this shouldnt be happening.

KingKionic 2553d ago

I think it will reach it. Its disappointing but if Anthem is anything to go by they should be able to pull it off.

Anthem was running off Xbox One X.

The game was built to take advantage of Xbox One X .

Obscure_Observer2553d ago


"Anthem was running off Xbox One X."

If true, X most probably will reach native 4K on Metro

Overload2553d ago

I won't be surprised to see Anthem get heavily downgraded (like Watch Dogs or The Division) and gets moved to 2019 instead.

81BX2553d ago

Do you mind posting a link to that co formation? Thanks if not, no worries

GTgamer2553d ago

If you guy think anthem and Metro will look like anything like their E3 reveal then guys have learned nothing this generation.

Gh05t2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )


The game was introduced on stage with the quote "Lets see what this game looks like running on an[sic] Xbox One X."

At ~2:34:18 of the twitch xbox channel recording of the conference https://www.twitch.tv/video...

JasonKCK2553d ago

Metro and Anthem will look like that on PC and Scorpio, and only those two.

foxdie20142553d ago

What is funny xb1x is suppose to show its true native 4k phil said they are bringing with the xb1x and they are running the games ok pc

thehitman13982553d ago

You are half right and maybe secretly trying to do it on purpose. But x1 did and was caught many times doing this, while on the other hand the ps4 NEVER did this. You had fanboys try n say it was happing but, there was never any times it was true. So let's just get that cleared up, ok.

BenRC012553d ago

If anthem looks like that I'll eat my brand new one x.
If you think it will, this must be your first e3.

MrCrabPuss2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

Xbox presentation or not of course companies are damn well going to show their game running on superior PC hardware, and then hope for the best that they can shoehorn as much into the XBOX etc as possible. Good old marketing. People should realize this shit by now, the smart ones do at least.
What can one expect from a sub 500 machine anyway? Its shitty processor has already been proven to be the bottleneck and the gpu is no 1080ti.
But hell, its good enough for its 2 year lifespan, 3 if you're lucky, at least until the next semi-obsolete money box gets released to all the suckers...THATS the real joke man. Consoles.

2553d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2553d ago
Gazondaily2553d ago

Well the One X version will be the closest to the PC vesrion in any event. Still, they should have shown the 1X version

SpaceRanger2553d ago

"Well the One X version will be the closest to the PC vesrion in any event."

You would hope so. Because right now the only game looking "beastly" and taking full advantage of the "BEAST" is Forza. Aren't I right Septic? The year long wait was worth it.

KingKionic 2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

Assassins creed Orgins as well is taking advantage of the Xbox One X Ranger.


I found it very impressive at E3 as well.

But almost every game that was on stage was running 4K or 4K enhanced. Very positive support.

Gazondaily2553d ago

Well it should easily eclipse the PS4 Pro in terms of performance. That much is obvious no?

ThePope2553d ago

@Space ranger

So does Anthem

Sunny_D2553d ago

You sure sound more humbled and calmer now Septic. Lmao, what happened to the hype you had about THE BEAST!!!111 😂

Null19802553d ago

Lol Septic, so much damage control! I almost feel sorry for ya!! (not really, you've been digging your own grave for a long while!) Yes true, it will be closest to PC on a console, no denying that. It was still a dirty move and I'll take it on PC. It's not so much a "Beast" as a cute little furry bear cub, possibly an adolescent compared to the true superior Grizzly PC version.

Cryptcuzz2553d ago


"Well it should easily eclipse the PS4 Pro in terms of performance. That much is obvious no?"

You don't say? The PS4 Pro has been out for how long now? Whereas the Xbox One X isn't even out yet. LMAO.

_-EDMIX-_2553d ago


So basically what you're telling me is this game was shown on another platform?

Ok bud.

I mean all this is showing is the irrelevancy of actually owning an Xbox One X

choujij2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

What a coincidence though, cause this game was shown running on the platform which it will look best on... :D

KillBill2552d ago

@SpaceRanger - did you not see Anthem and Middle Earth: Shadow at War?

Inzo2552d ago

"Its still a BEAST"

Its a limping beast.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
Ashlen2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

I knew it I am going to continue and guess whole show was on PC. I knew it as soon as they said "in engine" and not "on Xbox"

Gh05t2553d ago

They did say on Xbox One X for at least Anthem.

Mystogan2553d ago

It had comparable specs so it probably will look the same or better.

_-EDMIX-_2553d ago

In that respect all this confirms is I should just stick to my PC in regards to upgrading....

I mean all this is actually showing is just how Irrelevant this actually is to most consumers.

foxdie20142553d ago

Hopeing is one thing but since its not console exclusive and phil saying they are bringing native 4k with the xb1x now saying they will try lmaoo shame

Cryptcuzz2553d ago

A lot of spin, hopes and damage control so soon after E3 barely started.

xsta1ker2552d ago

for all you nay sayers here in pony land check out sit down with ark survival evolved developer
x1x will be true 4k 60fps on epic pc settings lol

whats that i hear crickets thought so.

xsta1ker2552d ago

all you nay sayers will soon run out of bs after x1x proves you all wrong you should just embrace
the 500$ true 4k console Microsoft built for console gamers not just fanboys preorder now and be part of
the future of gaming the beast is real.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
SpaceRanger2553d ago

Damn...and here I was thinking it would look remotely close on console. I'm sure the PCs they use are speced out!

Nonetheless, the game is looking good!

Gazondaily2553d ago

Yeah best get your One X if you want a console version that runs close to PC :)

ecchiless2553d ago

Nah, better on pc, pc actually have new games and some are "exclusive".

Sunny_D2553d ago

Moving goal posts baby😂

BiggerBoss2553d ago

Septic is so far in denial that his ego has imploded into itself. That e3 conference broke him

foxdie20142553d ago

What is the point in upgrading to xb1x other than it being a lil more powerful than ps4 pro when it has no good games at all smfh nothing to show for it no new triple a ip no new sequel triple a exclusives either out of all those 22 exclusives only 7 were console exclusives and in the mix were indies shame

Gazondaily2553d ago

Lool what happened in the E3 conference? Did the One X specs get downgraded?

Babadook72553d ago

Scorpio will be very close indeed

...to Pro

Null19802553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

Yea Septic, you know I as primarily a PS4 player I recently jumped in on the XB1 community..... on my new laptop. I love some Forza. Can't put FH3 down.

But I knew the XBOX's magic processor couldn't possibly hold up to my i7-7700HQ (multithreaded to a max 8x 3.8ghz when in overclock), even at a $500 price. I was told continuously by people that the XBOX would stand toe to toe, with my admittedly just "mid-range" GTX 1060. (I know it's not the best of the best, but it's good for the price) and 16gb DDR4.

The reality is setting in. It's not quite as "Beast" as it was played up to be. I know you just like to playfully get a rise out of people. You play PS4 as well, SOME.

I know not everyone wants to invest in a PC. (I needed to, bc of work) Some people may just need to invest in 1 or 2 components which could put them on par, for possibly $500 or less.

I'll be there enjoying some XB1 games, may even play some Sea of Thieves with you. However, the exclusive lineup was severely disappointing... now finding out that they cheated by showing PC footage of Metro? For me, the best combo is PS4 Pro (for sheer exclusives) and PC.... with a Switch on the way by the end of the year, I hope!

Ron_Danger2553d ago


The console specs didn't get downgraded, but crackdown sure did.

nowitzki20042553d ago

Hang in there Septic. You are doing good for MS, keep fighting

Gazondaily2553d ago

Lord Phil! Bestow upon me your bounties for my loyalty!

Null19802553d ago

Lmao Septic, I actually gave you a vote up for your hilariously entertaining delusion!

*I saw over on the N4G community on PS4 where you agreed that the game showing for Microsoft's E3 was weak. ;) You're a madman... all over the place! ha

choujij2553d ago

"Lord Phil! Bestow upon me your bounties for my loyalty! "

I sincerely hope he gives you a free One X just for trying. You definitely deserve that much.

xsta1ker2552d ago

don't worry about x1x it will deliver true 4k in those are the facts...
it's all these pc elites and sony fans can't handle the truth x1x for 500 will smash most midd range pc's
and the pro has no shot fact. and how about sony's press conference all this talk exclusive games
wow what happened that was hands down the worst press conference of all time.

almost a complete showing of e3 2016 this show was and is total garbage lol good luck sony fans
greatness is still waiting another fact😢

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
Relientk772553d ago

Or you could show what it looks like on Xbox One X instead of misleading everyone watching

GTgamer2553d ago

It's funny how they choose not to say it's running on pc on Stage oh yeah I forgot Ms is all smoke and mirrors.

Gazondaily2553d ago

Isn't just MS doing this. Sony has done this too. Could be worse though; they could have done a Killzone 2 and flat out LIED and MISLED everyone. Shieee

GTgamer2553d ago

@setpic I loved how you went allllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back to killzone 2 lets talk about all the recent Sony Shown Exclusives Running on Base PS4 :) Sony learned MS didn't end of story but of course, you will defend MS BS to the bitter end.

Gazondaily2553d ago

Or how about Batman Arkham Knight. That was this gen and Song showed gameplay on stage which later turned out to be running on PC not PS4.


GTgamer2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

@Septic ill take one game doing it on ps4 over 90% of the xone's lineup doing it :) and during that Batman presentation Sony didn't put 1080p at the bottom of the screen even tho devs haven't even hit it yet on the console but yesterday MS did give us the impression it was running on the xonex in true 4k hdr and now we're hearing that the game might not even be native 4k -__- and I'll say you this Batman looked exactly the same on PS4 on release but i bet money Metro won't one the xonex.

Sunny_D2553d ago

Septic on that damage control. It's hilarious. Have fun playing those indie games in glorious 4k at 30 fps!

SmielmaN2553d ago

Cry some more Septic. Just keep on damage control. You have to be 40 by now and I can't help but feel bad for you and your Xbox conference party chat. Must have been a lot of sighs and cmons going through those headsets. Buddy that conference blew and your bias is shining hard.

Don't worry about taking your time avoiding this site after the conference. We all noticed that virtually all the Xbox regulars were absent for the rest of the night. Kind of like MS exclusive AAA games were missing from their show.

But keep crying buddy. We are all getting a great laugh watching you jump article to article defending that pile of garbage.

DonkeyWalrus2553d ago

Um... what games are you going to be playing this year? Knack 2 and GT Sport? Lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2553d ago
Dmagic2553d ago

lol killzone came out looking better than the demo besides the facial expressions it kicked the original trailers ass in every way.

jukins2553d ago

Smoke and mirrors. They made a big deal in how forza was ported in days but theyre still showing games running on pc

SmielmaN2553d ago

Typical Microsoft. All bullshit, all the time.

fatbastard112553d ago

Why would they showcase a game running on PC at a conference supposedly showing off Xbox One X gameplay?

yeahright22553d ago

They do that all the time. Make it look as good as possible to build hype and get those pre order numbers up. they don't care how much X1X sells, they care how much metro sells.

FunAndGun2553d ago

Probably because they didn't have many high quality games to show. So in order to get this in the show, it had to run on PC.

cellfluid2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

Because they are deceiving the people by way of making it look like it's running on X hardware when it's a pc behind cloax doors... A Dezam shame Microsoft..

testerg352553d ago

So when the same thing is done for games done on PS4 its ok?

Lennoxb632553d ago

When games are not yet ready to run on console they're run on PC. This is a common practice. Sony, MS, EA, Ubi, etc, all do it.

ILostMyMind2553d ago

Jokes aside, i have to agree.

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The Rise of the Metro Series

A look back at 4A Games' admirably consistent post-apocalyptic shooter franchise.

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31d ago

Metro Exodus Sold 10 Million Units in 5 Years, Next Mainline Installment Coming in 202X

Metro Exodus turns 5 years old today, and has now sold over 10 Million copies.

Metro will return in VR with Metro Awakening from @vertigogames
in 2024 - and the next mainline Metro from @4AGames

When it’s ready

Thank you for coming on the journey so far with us.

ravens52112d ago

I still have yet to purchase Exodus. I have to get that. Love this series.


Metro Video Game Series: A Comprehensive History

The Metro video game series started with a humble b-list title, before building a strong fanbase and becoming a pioneer in the industry.

TheBrainZ122d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33122d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast122d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.