
Dragon Quest X for PS4 and Nintendo Switch Gets First Screenshots, Box Art; Requires 24 GB on Switch

The PS4 and Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Quest X now have a box art and screenshots, alongside storage requirements on Switch.

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Nyxus2560d ago

No game card in the Switch version? I hope this doesn't become a trend.

Godmars2902560d ago

Can't really afford it.

Can't/shouldn't be asking owners to absorb the costs of further using/keeping their console, because many might not.

GameBoyColor2560d ago

This game has a sub, they can afford it but it being an mmo makes sense not to go physical.

yomfweeee2560d ago

If owners chose to buy a system with terrible storage, then it is on them to pay for more.

FallenAngel19842560d ago

No physical option on NS that sucks, not to mention the download will take up most of its internal storage anyway

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2560d ago

People can use external storage.
It not hard.

FallenAngel19842560d ago

It's still an additional purchase, no denying that

GrubsterBeater2560d ago (Edited 2560d ago )

That's why you spend the 50 bucks on a 128GB SD card. I grabbed 2 of them so I never have to worry.

I get that you shouldn't have to pay to have decent storage space in the first place, but it definitely solves the issue. I also am thankful they didn't go the route of proprietary SD cards like Vita that were insanely expensive.

slasaru012560d ago

128 GB is still too little. 5 games like DQ10 and gone

superchiller2559d ago (Edited 2559d ago )

It's really sad that you have to make excuses and run damage control for the poor design decisions made by Nintendo, found in the Switch. I have a 2tb internal drive in my PS4, the tiny 128gb cards you got just show how little thought Nintendo put into the Switch. With only a pitiful 32gb of internal storage, the handheld just wasn't built for the future at all. 128gb cards are fine for small indie games, but entirely inadequate for any larger AAA (or even AA) games.

XanderZane2559d ago

This sucks. Where is the US versions? I wouldn't even waste my time on the Switch version. What a joke.

FallenAngel19842559d ago

@ Grub

I could easily spend $50 and get a 1TB external HDD, something that NS doesn't even support. Hell for the $100 you spend just to get two separate 128GB SD cards, I spent $110 and got a 4TB external HDD.

It's one thing for Nintendo to basically require its users to buy a separate form of expandable storage, it's another to limit the type of external storage options they can use.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2559d ago
porkChop2560d ago

If you're not going to release the game on a cart then don't even bother with a physical release. Just do digital only since that's basically what you're doing anyway.

yomfweeee2560d ago

But Nintendo has discovered that morons will pay for box art.

davand1142560d ago

Do they make physical releases for mmo's?

GameBoyColor2560d ago

They are drm discs basically. In ffxiv's case you only need to put the disc in once and then throw it away, so i expect this to be the same.

Jmanzare2560d ago

Huge design flaw especially with no external hard drive support

Jmanzare2560d ago

So how many will you need if this trend continues

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2560d ago

Not much because you're talking about Japanese games not Western games which goes beyond 30-100GB for single game that less than 20 hours where Japanese games are 10-200 hours or more less than 25GB.

And what trend? No trend has even started.

Jmanzare2560d ago

you're right it's not a trend but it could become one. Games are only getting bigger

phoenixwing2560d ago

enough about people complaining about the switch version. I just want to know if they'll ever make a western release for the ps4 version

Vhampir2560d ago (Edited 2560d ago )

If you can get hundreds of thousands of people to agree to buy and pay the subscription fee, they may release it. This is a 5 year old MMORPG with 3 expansions. It's also targeted at Japanese children. Do you see any western children clamoring for Dragon Quest? DQVIII is the best selling DQ game in the west, and it only sold a little over 500k. While it sold almost 5 million in Japan. They have to setup servers, billing, and hire a team to translate it. Do you honestly think it'd be worth it to them?

2560d ago
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Japan's Aerobatic Team Blue Impulse Paints the Sky of Tokyo in Glorious Dragon Quest X Trailer

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TheColbertinator1101d ago

Dragon Quest XII is my most anticipated game now.

Sonic-and-Crash1100d ago (Edited 1100d ago )

i really hope to correct the music(or at least its repetitiveness) ...ooh man the game was very good but the continiuous music so damn annoying i couldnt stand it ..it was ruining the whole game

pecorre1100d ago

The music was horrible in DQ 11. It's the only time in my near 30 year of gaming that I turned the music off in a game.

Elda1100d ago

LOL! While playing DQXI I had to turn the music off as well because it was too repetitive & annoying.

1100d ago
FallenAngel19841101d ago

I wish they’d rerelease DQVIII on consoles. They could also try localizing DQX offline

It’s nice to see this series embracing worldwide releases now

It’s funny to see DQXII boasting that the choices the player makes will matter considering how things have always been up this point


septemberindecember1101d ago

That Octopath Traveler style DQ 3 remake looks pretty good. Here is to hoping Square uses that for other franchises (*cough cough* Final Fantasy 6)

NecrumOddBoy1100d ago (Edited 1100d ago )

*Cough* FFVI and Chrono Trigger

1100d ago
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Today Square Enix announced its financial results for the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2021.

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Darkborn1114d ago

Good for square Enix. It seems 2020 was a great year for everyone in gaming and even with the avengers fiasco, they still made record profit.