
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Review: Beautiful, Experimental, Flawed | VGFirst

Excerpt from the review

"This the problem with much of Breath of the Wild’s experimental approach to its design, very few of its new features exist without some sort of caveat or strike against them. The artstyle is wonderful, but the developers couldn’t manage to include any anti-aliasing. The game is beautifully animated, but the frame rate drops significantly, hampering that sense of fluidity. Combat can be satisfying, but you’re interrupted every few moments to switch weapon as a result of the durability system. The game facilitates an abundance of player agency, but then tells you that you can’t begin to meaningfully charter each region without following its formula. It’s impossible to deny that it’s a phenomenal feeling, exploring a brand new Zelda universe that doesn’t feel like you can predict it’s every move, delving into all of its new features and gradually unravelling layered gameplay systems that feel genuinely and meaningfully responsive to the players influence, but these features don’t come with a flawless implementation."

starrman19852630d ago

Every time I see one of these reviews (let's be honest here 7/10 isn't a great score by current margins), I genuinely feel bad that the reviewer couldn't enjoy this game for how fundamentally brilliant it is!

Xx_Pistol_xX2630d ago

At least he has valid point of why he gave it a 7. Any game that drops frames no matter how brilliant should be called out on it.

cemelc2630d ago

You mean like skyrim and witcher?

Those games had some serious frame drops too... No one seem to remember them for that

starrman19852630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

True, but if you can't see past that it's also an issue! When you notice a frame drop, then realise you're sitting on a plane, or train or in the office on a tiny portable device playing a game as beautiful as this there is something wrong with how critical you are (obviously I am referring to the Switch, not the WiiU).

Honestly I barely notice the frame drops now, even on the big screen, they certainly aren't enough to warrant a considerably lower score, but definitely warrant making a point of!

starrman19852630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

cemelc - exactly, the fact that the frame rate get targeted so aggressively solidifies how great the rest of the game is.

conanlifts2630d ago

Regarding frame drops. Switch only suffers them when docked ( supposedly due to a wifi issue that is sapping resources). It doesnt have these isues undocked so there is a work around. Ps4 pro for example has frame rate issues in some games when running them in 4k, but not when 1080p is selected in the same game. Would these games be penalised for this. I see this as the same as switch. I can undock it which lowers the resolution and also fixes the issue.

Liqu1d2630d ago

@cemelc I do. Skyrim was practically unplayable at times on PS3 for me and TW3 dropped to 20fps in the bog. The latter was patched eventually but both games absolutely deserve to get called out for those issues. Bethesda get a free pass all the time though.

bouzebbal2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

i played this game a lot, did side quests, cooked dishes, opened up the map, got the master sword, beated the game...
it deserves a 7 at most. not for the the bad performance (i actually think this game looks damn good for the system it is running on), but for the off-road this episode has taken.
everything is centered around the shrines, my most hated feature of this game.

for example, i tried the swordswomen quest in Gerudo desert, i was excited to find some rare item or piece of suit....... it was a road to a hidden shrine *facepalm* i found before getting to the village in the first place, cause i have the habit to climb to the highest point and glide over to my waypoint and that shrine happened to be on my way.
so dumb..

dRanzer2630d ago

You write about ps4 pro 4K performance "problems" because your SWITCH is doing 4K with no problems at all?

thekhurg2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

I play witcher 3 at over 80fps. Don't complain about framerate when you play on inferior hardware with consoles.

Games should be reviewed on the optimal platform. And when you have an exclusive that runs poorly it should be noted and called out as such.

remixx1162630d ago


Dude you are hella right.

I hate the fact that every cool or challenging open world challenge or questions just leads to a shrines. The little brain teasers are fun but there are so many shrines in the game and the simple fact that I know that each interesting or unique area of the game just leads to a shrine.

Also it seems like they focused so much on shrines that the gamesame actually dungeons suffered and began to feel like glorified moving shrines.

Tho medoh (the bird one) is really cool.

Armaggedon2630d ago

You can cut all grass , that's to be expected. Huge game equals choppy framerate. No one complained about the poor framerate on the Witcher 3

Xx_Pistol_xX2630d ago

@starrman1985 The game shouldn't get a pass for being on handheld. This also doesn't really make sense since it's also on the Wii U.

Imalwaysright2630d ago

@ cemelc

And Dark Souls which to me is without any doubt a 10/10 game despite the severe framerate drops when I arrived to blight town.

nX2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Performance is actually one of the most important aspects of every game. Imagine any review for a movie that stutters all the time.

I certainly can't wait to play Zelda on my PC in 4k :)

theKiller2630d ago

incoming attack!! take cover!!!!

Dan_scruggs2629d ago

YUP. Like The Witcher 3, and Bloodborne and Skyrim and Fallout 3 and 4 every Mass Effect game with the most recent being the worst. Also pretty much ever open world game ever made.

conanlifts2629d ago (Edited 2629d ago )


"You write about ps4 pro 4K performance "problems" because your SWITCH is doing 4K with no problems at all?"

No, i used the pro as an example, because it is the only other console on the market that has games running in multiple resolutions. It was not in any way a dig at the pro, just an example.

Also "because your switch"...i own pretty much every console released and have a good gaming pc. I am a multiplatform gamer. It was just an example of why the frame drops should be ignored as it can be undocked to fix the issue.

spicelicka2629d ago

I disagree. Calling out is fine, it should be mentioned in the review, but that doesn't warrant taking away points. Not saying this review gave it a 7 just because of frame drops, but if that's one of the only flaws it's unjustified.

I have been gaming for 16 years, and I have never considered frame drops to be a real issue unless they make the game unplayable. It's something most people don't notice and shouldn't affect the score if the experience overshadows such a small flaw.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
conanlifts2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

I finally finished the game today and seriously want more. Such a great game to play. For me it sits along ocarina of time, uncharted, the witcher 3 and a few others as the greatest of all time.

2630d ago
EddieNX 2630d ago

Steps off a world class Roller coaster and is like 'well that sucked' hahaha

bouzebbal2630d ago

bro, if this is the only game you played in your life then i understand.
people have different expectations than yours, and people aren't as fanboys as you are.
i mean even months and weeks ago you were talking about it as the best game ever before you even tried it.
i had high hopes just like you, cause the worst case that can happen is that the game will have one weakpoint like the wolf in TP or chalice lights in SS.. this zelda ended up doing everything wrong according to what i was expecting.
put in your brain (i know you have one) that not every game can be loved equally by gamers.

remixx1162630d ago

Yeah the reviews hyped me through the roof and what I got wasn't well....I loved it but not for zelda reasons. More for the physics and exploration.

bluefox7552630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Sees opinion he disagrees with and is like 'well, he can't possibly be right, this is unacceptable' hahaha

seanpitt232630d ago

People need to stop thinking reviewers are just trying to get clicks just because they don't think I game is 10 because everyone else does.

They have there opinion and I accept it he has valid reasons for his score and a 7 isn't that bad.

Dark_Knightmare22630d ago

No let's be honest casual gamers not saying you think 7 is bad which is ridiculous since most gaming sites have the word good right next to the number 7

bluefox7552630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Maybe he just didn't like it that much? I don't know why people are so intolerant of opposing opinions.

Mexxan2629d ago

Spot on. I love Horizon, but i wont be heading back into it for quite some time

CaptainObvious8782629d ago

Maybe he did enjoy it, but he understands the game doesn't get a free pass just be zelda is in the title and so calls out it's flaws.

_-EDMIX-_2629d ago

? you feel bad that somebody else doesn't see a game the same way you do? This is so sad, is this how entitled and obsessed we are with our own damn views that were unable to respect other people's views?

IAmLoki2629d ago

Check this out

_-EDMIX-_308d ago

"NX is going to be awesome"? Buddy, you know this how? You don't know if its going to be "awesome" anymore then I know if its going to be bad....

Even I only speculate based on what could happen vs declaring a failure or victory lol

How about we wait til we actually have some real news regarding it before making such strange statements.


_-EDMIX-_2629d ago

@gred- why do you keep bringing up off-topic statements? How was that hypocrisy? Our opinions May differ but never am I telling you that it is sad that you have an opinion that differs from mine


@Iam- ? still Justified because I'm trying to figure out how anybody is excited about something we know not about around that time period.

I'm sorry but that's a far cry from telling somebody it's sad but they have an opinion that's different from their own.

Lol that desperate salty reaching.


You guys are so salty and Petty that you're trying to find statements that are similar to this? You can't find it because I don't actually care somebody disagrees with my opinion.

That's okay.

It's life.

I'm not going to tell you it's sad that you have a different opinion than my own.

Lol as to why you two are having a pretty damn hard time finding such a statement. 😂😂😂

Are you guys ready to make a fan club or? Lol

gangsta_red2629d ago


You talk about respecting views but are quick to jump down the throat of anyone that doesn't have the same opinion as you. I thought the link would be obvious with out having to literally spell it out for you like a child but then again...

And i also love the fact that you have not played Zelda, you like so many other games have only watched a friend play it and yet I see you in almost every Zelda article trashing the game and the peopld most who think it deserves the rave reviews it's getting.

So yea, its hilarious to see you cry about "disrespecting" opinions when that is all you ever do on this site..que little girl emojii's

🤣🤣😅&# 128517;😎😎ԅ 13;😁

_-EDMIX-_2629d ago

@gre- didn't read.

Just tell me who's the president of the fan club, I haven't been reading a lot of your post for a long time now 😂😂😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
iplay1up22629d ago

Any GAMER who agrees with this article....more likely than not HAS NOT PLAYED THE GAME...amazing game in fact.....GTA 5 and this are the best games THIS GEN......if you are still playing GTA 5 on ps360, move on.

BOTW, is like NOTHING you have ever, played. At the same time, all the things you wanted in a game and never got, and all the things you LOVED in a game and you get, only Zelda style!!!

_-EDMIX-_2629d ago

I played some of breath of the wild and I agree with what the article saying and yes breath of the wild is actually very much like lots of games that I've played in fact every time I play it I'm playing it from your perspective of other Concepts that I understand.

The climbing is extremely similar if not a carbon copy of Shadow of the Colossus, the open-world concept is very much like Skyrim or any other modern open world game climbing the towers is just like a climbing any of the major monuments on Assassin's Creed as it actually serves the exact same function.

Even crafting the items in terms of food is pretty much what I would do in Minecraft so a lot of this game like the absolute majority of it are from experiences that I've had elsewhere before even the breaking of weapons.

It's not saying it's a bad game or anything like that simply that breath of the wild for me anyway is indeed like something I've played before.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
2630d ago Replies(4)
Fishy Fingers2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Every other recent review submitted has been 9+.

Perhaps this guy just had a different opinion than the majority, no biggy, that's what reviews are. No need for the tin foil hats/wishful thinking.

richyque2629d ago

it's because they all got free switchs and zelda to give them that perfect score on launch day since its the only real game that exists on that system.

vergilxx32630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

After putting 100h into the game , that is the score I would give this game
Good game but the story was sooo meh , and the frame drops ehh
And Nintendo doesn't even care to release a single patch for the game
I guess they are too busy counting money this game has made them

Xx_Pistol_xX2630d ago

You bring up a great point where is the updates to fix and optimize? Not for nothing Horizon has had like 3 updates already one which fixes inventory problems like not being able to buy in items bulk.

rjason122629d ago

That's because their is nothing game-breaking to patch (other than having frame-drops).

Xx_Pistol_xX2629d ago

@rjason12 There was nothing game breaking about Horizon and they still did patches. And smoothing out the frames should be top priority for Zelda. Also navigation of the inventory could use an overhaul.

feraldrgn2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Reading the opening snippet, it looks like it'll be a balanced review.
Also can people stop saying 7/10 is a bad score? Jesus.

Veneno2630d ago

Why can't people stop saying 10 is too high of a score?

feraldrgn2630d ago

Because 10 is flawless, so stating that a game is flawed but then giving it a flawless score doesn't make sense.

bluefox7552630d ago

Because it is. No game that drops to 20fps with any regularity should get a 10.

TXIDarkAvenger2629d ago

A 10/10 score does not mean flawless at all.

talocaca2630d ago

I'm hardly a Nintendo fanboy...The switch is my first Nintendo system in 20 years and Breath fo the Wild is my first Zelda game.

Everything under 9 is trying to go against the tide. The game is a masterpiece.

Dark_Knightmare22630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

So am I trying to go against the tide because I feel it's an 8.5 at the highest smh

Show all comments (86)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil171d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64171d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga171d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic170d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits171d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake170d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Black Friday deals 2023 - save 15% on Link's latest adventure

The best prices we've found this Black Friday for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well as the previous game, Breath of the Wild.

Read Full Story >>

Nintendo not thinking about older Zelda games, "difficult to say" if classic style will return

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has again commented on the possibility of revisiting the style of past entries in the series – but there are no plans as of now. Speaking with RTL Nieuws, Aonuma said that games like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were possible because of what came before them.

Read Full Story >>
GoodGuy09345d ago

Which is very sad. I still wish we could get a zelda like twilight princess, the dark tone and theme in the traditional style. But times have changed and the masses prefer open world sandbox. Smh. Perhaps we can get a proper hd remake of ocarina of time some day.

CDbiggen310d ago

I played 100 hours of Tears of the Kingdom, enjoyed it, but ready for a game like that next.

kythlyn344d ago

If they can bounce between 2D and 3D Mario games, they can bounce between classic and modern Zelda games too. I thought this was a given when the Switch combined a handheld with a primary console.

Inverno344d ago

Then this is where I part ways. I won't disagree with anyone who says that the old formula was getting stale. And I do think BoTW in a few ways was a step in the right direction, but there's way too much good that was left with the old formula in the transition.

CrimsonWing69344d ago

I want it to. I’m sorry, but these new Zelda games I just can’t get into.

Duke19344d ago

Well that sucks. I still love the classic formula WAY more than the Hyrule Engineering Simulator

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