
Mass Effect: Andromeda Review I Gamespot

Andromeda's combat soars but its storytelling sputters, making the series' first venture into uncharted space a shaky but occasionally satisfying new adventure.

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boomtube19872638d ago

I knew it was going to flop. The story sets in Andromeda galaxy itself sound stupid when vast size of Milky way is enough to start a new story. This is NOT surprising as most of the important talent left Bioware. Just like Infinityward. They just great by name and not talent. Goodbye Bioware. You were once great.

SolidStoner2638d ago

weird.. and I thought that engine will blow us away.. seems like that was not enough...

UltraNova2638d ago

Dear God...it seems anything can happen...

Let this be a lesson to all big devs out thete- you either create a solid game in ALL areas or you are getting called out.

Bethesda, I m looking at you.

Bigpappy2638d ago

You sound very elated by this bad review. But it has not flopped just yet. The gamers will decide that, just as they are doing with Ghost Recon. It flops when gamers don't buy it, not when a reviewer did like it. You all are getting this flop thing all screwed up. A couple of guys, who may or may not be gamers, DO NOT get to decide if a game flops or succeed. But I see they do have their fans. I very well may flop, but it would purely be because of this review. That I can assure you.

blitz06232637d ago

"Mass Effect has the same sidequests as Horizon"

>Too many fetch quests


Eonjay2637d ago


Absolutely agree.

blitz06232637d ago

A flop can mean a lot of things. There is no denying Andromeda is flopping hard critically. If you don't want to call it a flop, then you call it the biggest disappointment so far - same crap, just like how Watch Dogs flopped yet sold well for a new IP. This is a game succeeding an excellent trilogy. The only game that can topple this as a bigger flop/disappointment is RDR2

ABizzel12637d ago

After reading several reviews it seems like the game needed another 6 - 10 months of producing to fix glitches, edit writing and dialog, polish framerate, and improve quest, and had they took those extra months most scores would have been 1 - 2 points higher.

So Mass Effect is a black friday game for me, when it's $20 and all the performance issues have been ironed out.

Anzil2637d ago

@blitz0623 a 78 on metacritic is not a flop. Try again sweetheart.

Unspoken2637d ago

We need more page hits!

Instead of content we focus on facial animations and poor script (same issues Horizon had). Watched his review and he mentions some of the better features of the game, ie combat, graphics, exploration and goes on to claim he wants to finish the game. His tone sounds like he really likes the game but has been forced to dial it back because of regurgitated issues given to him without a depth of discussion. A 6 but you are enjoying it? Ok.

Editors appear as if to be talking about the exact same critiques and makes me wonder how many reviewers want to agree with each other in the inner circle, and in turn influence each others experience negatively (glossing over the merits of a game ie Mass Effect), or positively (glossing over the negatives of a game ie Horizon). Do they not have their own opinions to add? Wait they do, and it's where the positives appear and where the reviews actually differ.

Interesting to see reviews from the same editors praise aspects of previous games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect for the same "issues" apparent in Andromeda. Hmm... I've seen more unbiased reviews on YouTube than any of the major review sites, which is sad. And this goes for any platform, be it PS4, Xbox, Switch, or PC.

From the same site that started this mess. Different editor though. If an editor doesn't like a particular genre, he /she shouldn't be the one to review it.


Time to go enjoy Mass Effect.

PeaSFor2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

im gonna play it and complete it myself, i guess i must be special since i think for myself in regards to a game instead of letting the outcry of others sway my judgement, getting my own opinions on stuff get a lot of overly negative thoughts due to social media and game site out of the equation when deciding if something is great, good, average or bad, anyway ME:A will be perfect to kill some time while i wait for Persona 5, meanwhile the sheeps will continue theire online blabering and put too much trust into others opinions(personally i cant count how many times ive been let down by overly praised games and also appreciated many games that have been bashed by bandwaggons of peoples who just regurgitated the sensationalistic stuff they saw online, so yeah, im gonna play it and make my own mind about it, then trade it and jump on P5 like i always intended to do.)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2637d ago
Lightning Mr Bubbles2638d ago (Edited 2638d ago )

And to think that for a brief moment I thought about not buying Horizon Zero so that I could buy Mass Effect Andromeda instead. Good thing I didn't. It was just for a little bit, but yeah I thought about that. I always liked the Mass Effect games and it was the bigger name, but Horizon just looked too good. Glad I made the right choice, Horizon Zero has been pretty damn awesome.

UltraNova2638d ago

It kinda feels weird...I.mean a new sci fi IP (horizon) being a better game than Mass Effect? Mind blown!

girevik2638d ago

I know! I was in the same boat. I wish I could play every game but time is limited with work and family. I'm SO glad I went with Horizon!

Kokyu2637d ago

I did the same thing so glad I bought HZ dawn and Ill be renting MEA.

seanpitt232638d ago

When this game was going through the testing phase, the game testers must of said what is going on here you need to go back to the drawing board with the character animations, all that time and effort and anticipation for mess affect andromeda.

trooper_2638d ago

This is a real shame. Never saw an ME game scored this low.

notachance2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

maybe all the recent highscored games affecting reviewers a bit too, they just done reviewing Nioh, Horizon, Nier, and Zelda back-to-back, not to mention the soon to-be-released Persona 5 that already has all the signs of another masterpiece....
all of them setting the bar enormously high that makes the scoring criteria significantly stricter than it usually is.

At least that's how it is for me, sorry ME:A. I have Nioh and Nier still unopened, just got to Meridian in Horizon, just got the glider in Zelda, and my CE Persona 5 will arrive in about 2 weeks, there's simply no time for subpar game.

threefootwang2637d ago

Sounds like this Mass Effect will be worth buying in a year from now after all DLC, a price drop, and some good patches.

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rivaldoo7772638d ago

Flop effect haha (Eat All) :)

Lightning Mr Bubbles2638d ago (Edited 2638d ago )

I might skip Mass Effect Andromeda, if the reviews were great it would of been harder but I was thinking of skipping it even before the reviews. The game just doesn't look that good, I liked Mass Effect for it's epic story and all but Andromeda honestly looks more like a multi-player installment of Mass Effect. The graphics and characters all look pretty generic, more like a create your own character kind of game not the engrossing characters and plot from the original trilogy.

lxeasy2637d ago

And this is why I had no plans of getting it day one

Jon_Targaryen2637d ago

These days getting games day one is like buying a car cheap old car what keeps on cutting out every few miles. Broken as fudge!!

2637d ago
PhoenixUp2638d ago

Yikes this game currently has a 73 on Metacritic

-Foxtrot2638d ago

Dragon Age 2 got 79...that puts things into perspective

KillZallthebeast2638d ago

Dear god 2 was atrocious even for a bargin bin game

game4funz2638d ago (Edited 2638d ago )

Loved Dragon Age 2. Besides the typical complaint of reused textures it had the best companions in any dragon age game. The best story missions and possible companion death. Definitely the best qunari fight. And the best political story between the chantry and the mage circle. And the combat was satisfying.

cleft52637d ago

Dragon Age 2 was limited, but it was still good. It had good writing, good characters, and the animations didnt look like shit. Oh and when the main character suffered that early tragedy, he or she (depending on who you made) didn't walk around making dumb ass jokes every time they discussed it. They had emotions that showed pain. DA2 had a lot of issues, but the core of a good game was there. All ME:A has is combat, which is fine for the mp but not okay for anything else.

SourtreeDing2637d ago

Dragon age 2 was crap tho.. idk how it went on and won game of the yr

Fist4achin2637d ago

DA2 wasn't a terrible game in and of itself. It was just a horrible follow up to DAO which was incredible.

This new ME,... It sounds like Bioware has steadily gone down since EA acquired them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2637d ago
chrisx2638d ago

Damn, what the hell Bioware, is this april 1st already? All the warning signs were true. In no rush to play this at all

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Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

A little more time in the oven would've done these products some good a lot sooner.

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shinoff2183523d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve521d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


Mass Effect Companions, Ranked from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "BioWare's Mass Effect franchise took gamers on a fascinating universal sci-fi journey that will never be forgotten. While fighting against the ever-looming threat of the Reapers was central to Mass Effect's storyline, what made the series so iconic was its vast and diverse cast of characters.

Not only do these companions accompany Commander Shepard as you make your way through hell and back, but, throughout your journey, you also get to learn who these characters were and are and what they think about what it is that you are doing. Some will even fall in love with you, and others will even become your enemy based on your decision."

sourOG1122d ago

When I looked at the list I thought they were saying Garrus was the worst lol. And tali being so far down the list was fighting words for me. But the numbered list is just the order they are shown so you are forgiven.

CYALTR1121d ago

I think they listed them from worst to best. Also keep in mind that this includes Andromeda characters that aren't part of the remastered trilogy. Interesting refresh on the characters though.

sourOG1121d ago

They did but I didn’t realize it until I started reading. That’s just the order they are shown.

Knightofelemia1122d ago (Edited 1122d ago )

I couldn't stand Miranda I could never like her as a character and I always skipped Jacob and James. I always liked Grunt, Jack, Legion, Tali, Garrus, Samara, Liara, Wrex, Edi, Zaeed, Kasumi I always use these characters. Using Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man just fits the character like using Keith David as Admiral Anderson was another good choice always feels like Goliath from Gargoyles is yelling at you which I like.

Rebel_Scum1121d ago

Kinda weird having a question mark at the end of that sentence?

Soy1121d ago

Garrus is best space bro.

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Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021

Zahi AR. from Link Cable Gaming writes “Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, with me in andromeda. Specifically, Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021. With the recent announcement of Anthem shutting down its future plans, I wanted to look at another recent BioWare game. My switch to a PlayStation 5 destroyed my save file right while I was at the end. So, I decided to do a fresh start on the new console to see just how well (or not) it’s been since launch. How has the new generation of hardware treated the game that fell from grace? Should you play Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021? Let’s find out.”

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iplay1up21188d ago

Such a good game! It got a 4K X1X upgrade and it looks fantastic! Also like the story! Was playing it again before Series X dropped. Going to download it for the Series X, as soon as I have more room on my HD. Playing too many other games right now.

Instant resume is AMAZING! I can Switch between 5 games in seconds. Like 10 to 15 at the most! No closing a game and opening another one! Thank you Microsoft!

giovonni1187d ago

It’s was decent to me. I didn’t feel the magic I felt when I played two or even three. I don’t know. It was repetitive, and the worlds felt bland.

jeromeface1187d ago

There's a reason it reviewed so poorly in the first place... these reasons among others.

anast1187d ago

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I haven't played 2 or 3 yet.

giovonni1187d ago

2 was wonderful, three was just as good as two the ending though 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wintersun6161186d ago

I finally gave it a go last autumn and was amazed by how bad a game can be. And believe me my expectations were low. After 10ish hours I just had to give up.

giovonni1186d ago

I powered through it, myself. It was just repetitive, and the Land Rover Exploration wasn’t interesting at all. The story also we mahhhhhhh.