
Nier: Automata is a very lewd game indeed - God bless Japan and Taro Yoko

Earlier today I (Robin Ek, TGG spotted a tweet that truly proved once and for all that Nier: Automata is a very lewd game indeed (may Automata remain uncensored in the West). So here's my take on the matter.

2650d ago
Spenok2651d ago

It's very disappointing when people use Gods name in vain for something he wouldn't condone....

S2Killinit2651d ago

It's ok god can take it, he is more powerful than to take offense about such triviality when there are people dying of hunger and war around the globe.

I say let the people say what they like, as long as they aren't hurting anybody else. this isn't the 16th century anymore when god was angry.

Featuring_Dante2651d ago

oh no, people are dying, why can't god helpz them!!

PizzaSteve2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

When God was angry? God still is angry because the world put sex, money, fame, material things 1st over him and worship false Gods. This world could have been ended years ago from the sins of men but didn't because God sent his son Jesus so the world could be save through him.

CaitSith2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

Whoa, hi religious people! I missed you, what with all the SJWs in some of the comments. You know I can't stand them.

S2Killinit2650d ago

Woah you taking that whole religion thing a little literally there. I wonder what god thinks about his followers leading the way in causing human misery where it really counts while paying lip service to him the whole way.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2650d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx2651d ago

christ some people are sensitive, pre-ordered and payed for - can't wait.

Bathyj2650d ago

oh I see what you did there.

opinionated2651d ago

He meant the other God, Krom.

Knushwood Butt2651d ago

^ yeah, not that god, the other fella.

Kokyu2651d ago

God isnt gods name he has actual names so its pretty disappionting when someone has no clue what their talking about get disappionted about stuff they dont understand.

2651d ago
Kurdishcurse2651d ago

naaah. god sounds pretty insecure and small for "not condoning" something so trivial. he should get over himself.

PizzaSteve2650d ago

Speak the truth even if they don't want to see it.

robtion2650d ago

It's true. God wouldn't condone it because God is not real.

Bathyj2650d ago

I hate it when people think everyone should care about God as much as they do.

Ah religion. Responsible for more deaths than any other contributing factor in the history of mankind.

medman2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

Anything can be perverted, especially religion, but in the end, people are responsible for those deaths. To blame God is to abdicate responsibility for our own weaknesses. We all have free will, such as it is..such as it appears to be. Some use it to hurt others. That is on them. Can't blame God for that....we all make choices, everyday.

Bathyj2650d ago

I didnt blame God. I blamed religion.

Do you see the distinction?

Many wouldnt, and thats the problem. When people speak in the name of religion, they think they are actually speaking for God, but the are only saying what was drummed into them by other people.

God didnt write the bible. He didnt put pen to paper. A person did.

medman2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

You do realize that the Bible is believed by Christians to be the word of God, right? You do get that the bread and wine are believed to be the body and blood of Christ, right? You do get that the same goes for many of the other major religions? So when you say you blame religion, you don't really mean you blame religion. You're blaming people, which is fair enough, but don't say you blame religion.

Religion isn't the problem, people's perversion of it is. Which was my point. If someone gets drunk and drives over a bunch of people on the sidewalk, you don't blame the car, you don't blame the engine, you don't blame the tires, you blame the driver for choosing to drink and drive. People are the problem, not religion. You're trying to attribute blame to something that is ethereal.

Princess_Pilfer2650d ago

No, religion is the problem. Huge swaths of the planet believing creation myths not supported by science that *explicitly* condone things like slavery, rape, murdering non-believers and acting in accordance with said barbaric teachings is the problem.

Not having religion wouldn't fix all of the problems, but it would certainly lessen many of them. Replacing religion with a proper moral belief system (Humanitarianism) should be a high priority, for the benefit of everybody. Western religions effectively lost during the enlightenment, and have been increasing forced to accept humitarian values over the last 300 years or be abandoned as the barbaric nonsense that the scripture is. If the Bible Belt and Catholic Church are an indication, christianity in particular has not come so far willingly, it's been dragged kicking and screaming by a more humanitarian public that values things like equality and maximising the happiness of the largest number of people over fallowing the orders of their particular interpretation of god. If you want to see what happens when religion wins, Try Saudi Arabia, Iran or Quatar.

medman2650d ago

Can't spell Qatar nor does it know the first thing about the Middle East, has no ability to read what others have written and comprehend it, but thinks it knows something it possibly couldn't know. Typical. Some mothers do have them.

Princess_Pilfer2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

Yes, my ability to spell Qatar is what is relevant here.

The simple facts are, religion is influencing peoples actions. You can claim otherwise and say it's all on the people, but when you're taught something from the time you're born and leaving the faith will get you put to death (or disowned by your family or incur whatever other negative consequences) then it's power to control lives and inspire actions is massive. Religion in particular suffers from not being based on humanitarian values, but the supposed "will of god."

People who might have been good people, raised under religious teachings, become monsters. Imagine for 1 second if the muslim Jihad wasn't crazy and violently devoted to their fairy tale, and instead had that fanatical devotion put to use running humanitarian aid projects and charities. Just like people who *are* good people, do stupid things like drink and drive and so get people killed.

You're also not using an exact parallel. Alcohol is not a belief system that shapes peoples entire lives. It's a physical object which can be used responsibly with no ill effects. That's not how religion works, it's explicit goal is to make you live by it's commands at all times. It's not that religion is the only bad belief system, far from it, but *all* of the major world religions are exceptionally bad belief systems.

You're over focused on the micro scale. You don't just blame people, you change the things that are influencing their behavior and equally responsible for the result. You have relentless education campaigns and put super harsh laws in place so getting caught driving drunk permanently lose their lisence. You disallow the teaching of religion and religious values in schools/by public officials and teach humanitarian values instead.

Featuring_Dante2650d ago

sure, religion was the leading cause for all the wars in the 20th century alone. i knew infidels were dumb, but not this dumb.

medman2650d ago (Edited 2650d ago )

You say, "The simple facts are, religion is influencing peoples actions...People who might have been good people, raised under religious teachings, become monsters."

I say.... and?? You do realize that there are far more people doing good works in the name of whatever God they worship, than committing heinous acts in the name of those same God's, right? There are approximately two billion Muslims and approximately two billion Christians on the planet...the vast majority of which are decent people.....yet you focus on the fraction of one percent in the Muslim community that is acting like monsters (conveniently ignoring the Christian religious zealots/murderers by the way). And you do realize that there are plenty of monsters who are atheist, agnostic, and everything else, right? Yikes. Once again, blaming "religion" at large for the weakness of man. Typical.

Princess_Pilfer2650d ago

You would have those same good people doing good work in the name of humanitarian values in the absence of religion, for the same reasons.

Uh, no, I didn't ignore christian zealots, I *explcitly* mentioned the catholic church and the bible belt and implied they're the repressive, reggressive zealots that they are. I also explicitly stated *ALL* major religions are bad belief systems, in no way exclusive to Islam.

I *also* explicitly state it's far from the only bad belief system, so yes I do realize plenty of monsters are not religious.

What's typical, is religious apologists making stawmen out of anti-religious arguments to defend aincent backwards ideologies that are reprehensible beyond any rational attempt to defend them.

Humanitarianism, even if it became the 1 and only belief system, would not solve all conflicts. What is the most beneficial to the largest number of people varies based on other values and how to actually achieve that varies as well, but at the very least it, as a belief system, would be free of (or at the very least far less prone to) the institutional active maliciousness encouraged and perpetuated by other major and minor religions because it is fundamentally about giving as many people as possible the best lives possible, and in no rational way does that include most of the violence, oppression and bigotry included in quite a lot of religions.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2650d ago
Aenea2650d ago

Nah, doesn't exist anyways so who cares...

SatanicEyeJesus2650d ago

I believe that religious people shouldn't play video games. It's the devil's work.

GrimReaperGamer2650d ago

Yet your God allows children to born with countless diseases, some of them not even getting to live 1 year, hell even 1 week. Yeah he sure is an awesome fairy tale isn't he.

Lynx02072650d ago

Personally, I don't care about your God, I don't have one. But I find it funny that "God" should "bless Japan" and most Japanese don't care about him neither.

drunkenspy0072650d ago

lol, you actually think you know what god approves of or disapproves of. Famine, disease, war, suffering... so that's ok, but showing a butt in a video game, well that makes him mad? Nice grip on reality you have, perhaps if you pray extra hard to your concept of the invisible man in the sky and he'll make everything better for you in your dreams.

Mr Marvel2650d ago

Not really.

I find it more disappointing that people are still stupid enough to believe in divine beings. I suppose you think the world is flat too?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2650d ago
PhoenixUp2651d ago

Of course it is, it's part of the mature Drakengard series after all

raWfodog2650d ago

I figured there would be no less from this game as well. I still remember the intro to the original Nier featuring Kaine's colorful language. Needless to say, I was hooked from there :)

https://www.youtube.com/wat... (warning: very graphic language)

2651d ago Replies(1)
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Yoko Taro Passes Respect; Says Stellar Blade Is "Much Better" Than Nier: Automata

Stellar Blade's creative director, Hyung Tae Kim, has also claimed that the game is deeply inspired by Nier: Automata.

shadowhaxor42d ago

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

gold_drake42d ago

u do realise that Square made Nier a franchise after Automata right?

Taro is downplaying it cause hes not a snob like most of the directors that think their games are gods gifts to the human race.

he said the same thing when being interviewed during the development of Automata too, that he couldnt have done it without the devs.

hes just a humble guy rly.

shadowhaxor42d ago

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro, he seems like a cool guy, who loves the ladies and is humble. But damn, don't put down one of your masterpieces.

Cacabunga42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

I really liked Automata and cannot wait for Stellar Blade

isarai42d ago

I get he's giving them some credit, but i strongly disagree based on the demo. I honestly don't think any aspect of it feels good, it's not bad, it's just kinda ok but definitely a little jank. Also the souls like formula it is adopting does not help it imo. I was looking forward to this for years, now im just kinda let down honestly 🫤

fsfsxii39d ago

Its not a souls like, its a dmc-ish game with rpg elements. Any game with a third person camera and a sword is souls like to these buffoons

H942d ago

Man exputer can you stop putting words like that after someone's name, i read Yoko Taro Passes and just went blank

Snookies1242d ago

Same... Awful way to word that title's beginning.

exputers41d ago

Whoops. Sorry to startle you.

H941d ago

It's alright brother, maybe I am just slow

Hereandthere42d ago

Thats because Sony had a heavy hand in funding and developing this game.

purple10142d ago

They sent in XDEV one of their traveling support studios to Korea to lend a hand if I’m not mistaken, Sony pulled out the big guns to help this studio

jwillj2k442d ago

(From the demo) Stellar has better direction in terms of stage layout if you like that ninja gaiden type feel. Nier is more polished by far.

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Stellar Blade X NieR: Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim on How Their Blockbusters Inspire One Another

IGN: "We talk to Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim about the ways that Stellar Blade is inspired by NieR: Automata, comparisons between EVE and 2B, and much more."


NieR: Automata Sequel Has Been Teased By Series Creator

A sequel to Square Enix and Platinum Games' action role-playing game, NieR: Automata, has been teased by series creator Yoko Taro.

Read Full Story >>
CrimsonWing6993d ago

Is Square’s ethics department gonna insert themselves into this one?

CrimsonWing6993d ago

They weren’t around “last time.”

isarai93d ago

Yoko Taro doesn't play that sh!t

93d ago
Dirty_Lemons93d ago

If it can be done right then amazing, yes please. Yoko Taro seems to change it up each time so I'm curious what a 'sequel' really means.

blackblades93d ago

Either way hope he learns and give her more outfits like Stella got.

vTuro2493d ago

On a sidenote assuming this is indeed Nier 3 then I kinda wonder if Yoko Taro will stick to his guns of creating new characters and stories each time, or if he'll continue with 2B & co due to their skyrocketing in popularity. I guess he'll probably do whatever Squeenix pays him to do lol, but I'm hoping for the former. 2B and her gang got a decent enough conclusion (especially for a Yoko game) and I feel like continuing their story would ruin it.

vTuro2493d ago

Actually, now that I think about it, a new Nier game would technically be Nier 4 since the gacha Reincarnation was declared as the sequel to Automata and is therefore Nier 3.

Dirty_Lemons92d ago

Oh man, that game was a slog. Graphics and music were excellent though, and it's nice directly strongly to Automata.

Red3f1ned92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

Tifa is a good sign. There's at least some hope, lads.
Just maybe they'll leave things alone.

Plus, like people are saying - Taro don't play that sh*t.