
Phil Spencer Encourages to See the Games Before Pre-Ordering Scorpio; Talks Cross-Platform Play

Phil Spencer talks Project Scorpio and cross-platform gameplay between Xbox One and PC.

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chrisx2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

They need to show good games that would encourage outside gamers to jump in.. Good games

Burrito26a2676d ago

Pre-order whenever you want. You can cancel after you've seen the games.

2676d ago
bouzebbal2676d ago

Just pre order ps4, it has the better games, and in quantity..

TheCommentator2676d ago

bouzebbal, first of all you can't preorder the PS4 because you can just buy one. Second, your idea of good is subjective, which is why people like me still prefer the XB1 exclusives.

ChrisX has a point though. I know that I'm in the minority with my gaming preferences and that more good games in more diverse categories can only lead to more gamers wanting an XB1. MS can only benefit from broadening its' portfolio and I'm curious to see what MS has yet to unannounce.

Godmars2902676d ago

Thing is, more so for MS than any other game company, seeing a game is no longer enough. You have to wait until its actually out.

mikeslemonade2676d ago

lol we see the games already on PS4 and PC already. There's no exclusives, who you trying to kid..

S2Killinit2675d ago

I don't think anybody is rushing to pre-order at this point.

Perjoss2675d ago

Why give them false hope, I say preorder when you feel the console will be worth it for you.

But also, no need to pre order as this thing isn't going to sell out, so might as well wait for the reviews first.

BizarroUltraman62675d ago


Yeah, because you can't.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
LastCenturyRob2676d ago

This I can agree with...they have plenty of good games that won't be on other consoles but lets face it, they need more.

XStation4pio_Pro2675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

it will offer the best multiplatform console experiences hands down regardless of the amount of exclusives - of which there still are xbox exclusives. 3rd party games still make the majority of game libraries no matter what. so good games will run better on scorpio. thats fine with me. i also look forward to 4k/60 HDR forza ms and Crackdown.

ragnalamb2675d ago

Woah!! 4k, 60 fps AND HDR... You've
got your spectations really high.

I dont mean to troll, but I dont think thats possible right now, even for scorpio.

mark_parch2675d ago

pretty sure motorsport 7 will be native 4k, 60 fps and hdr

DashArrivals2675d ago

If you want to pay all that money, then go ahead, and laugh yourself to sleep. Most people that are really interested will just put that money toward PC and keep their normal consoles that will be able to play every single game the Scorpio can play. And the multiplats will perform fine

LastCenturyRob2675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

That is true, the Xbox brand with the Scorpio will most likely capture the market for those mostly interested in cross plats, but the more high quality exclusives that are offered the more variety there is for consumers to choose from. Xbox brand hands down has the better console exclusive shooters with Halo and Gears
(Crackdown may join that club as well) and arguably the best racing simulation (Forza) but it is lacking in other areas. "IF" MS can tap into those areas and build successful franchises with single player adventure games like Tomb Raider and role playing games, that would only help bring in more gamers. MS has tired with games like Quantum Break, but it wasn't revived as well as thought. Doesn't mean they can't keep trying until they get ti right with that type of game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2675d ago
skydragoonityx2676d ago

See games before pre ordering so you don't get sssstung by the scorpio

IndominusRex2676d ago

"stung by the scorpio" lol i see wat you did there.

dohji2675d ago

Lmfao that should be their new tag line, especially after they cancelled Scalebound.

2675d ago
zivtheawesome2676d ago

so what he means is this "yes the leaks are correct... WAIT WAIT WAIT NONONON Don't go away please just watch those AMAZING (almost) native 4k games". still not interersted in Scorpio

2676d ago Replies(4)
XStation4pio_Pro2676d ago

Still more powerful than the pro...and I have a pro

Whirlwind_Fanfare_082676d ago

It can be powerful all it want to,
but if it doesn't have games, power means nothing! games are more important.

Gazondaily2676d ago

What about multiplat games? What if people wanna play Halo wars, forza, Sea of Thieves and Crackdown on console?

aconnellan2676d ago


Didn't you know? Suddenly everyone owns a gaming PC capable of running at 4K!


XanderZane2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

@Whirlwind_Fanfare_08, arkard
Have over 1000 games and climbing. Only biased fanboys believe it doesn't have games. It doesn't have enough exclusive games though. It has a few older exclusives and a small bunch of console exclusives.


bluefox7552675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

Still less powerful than today's mid-range gaming rig.

@aconnellan Not everyone does, but quite a few of us do. Though rather than focus on 4k with 30fps and low settings (ala Scorpio), most of us crank them up and get 60fps at 1080p or 1440p. True 4k gaming (not the half-ass console version) is still very niche.

aconnellan2675d ago


I understand that people have gaming PCs, and true 4K gaming itself is still pretty niche like you say. But my point is that the argument against Scorpio is currently "but all their games are on PC, just play them on that", when not everyone has or wants a PC, whether that's because of cost, effort, or simple preference.

The argument against the Xbox One at launch was 'multiplats are better on PS4', which is true; but they're better again on PC. So why wouldn't you get all multiplats on PC? Because people prefer to game on console, specifically on the PS4.

The same is true for when people ask "why not just get all the Xbox games on PC instead?" Because people prefer to game on console, and in this case specifically on the Xbox

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
LordJamar2676d ago

then dont be its not for you many dont care, people will buy it for power and games and exclusives

arkard2676d ago

It has no exclusives! So anyone that will buy it will buy it for power, and chances are pretty damn high that you could build a more powerful pc cheaper, hell you could still even play the games with an Xbox controller. The console has no draw!

Chris122676d ago

When are people like arkard going to understand a lot of us don't want to play on PC. Is it that hard to grasp? Clearly for some it is.

gums0072676d ago

HI my name is Arkard and I'm a PC gamer who doesn't have enough time to play because i read console articles.

2675d ago
BizarroUltraman62675d ago

@arkard, having fun building a rig that will run games better than Scorpio. Stop lying to yourself if you think you can build a 4K capable console for $399/$499 range. Link the video of the build too...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
Drizzy2676d ago

@whirlwind it doesn't have games? I wonder what system I'm using to play all these games in my living room. Must be a ps4 in an Xbox case then

Kingthrash3602675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

What games are you playing? What games are you gunna get in the next 6 months? Halo wars 2? That's what people mean by no games.

Chris122675d ago

Here comes Kingthrash again with his concerned trolling. Mate, you make out that everyone buys exclusives day 1 and finishes them quickly, therefore they only have Halo Wars 2 to play. I still have FH3 to finish, must be at least 40 hours already having finished Gears. Then there's the third party stuff. Not Started Titanfall 2 or Battlefield yet, not to mention the multiplayer aspects of all of these games. If you're cycling through games 1 a week you may be a bit empty on the game front but most people I know still have a backlog to play. That's before all the new stuff like Mass Effect and RDR start to hit.

Give it a rest.

MagicBeanz2675d ago


I dont think its about how many have the ability to but more about the fact you can.

LastCenturyRob2675d ago

If you are not interested in the Scorpio why waste your time in the comment sections?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2675d ago
CyrusLemont2676d ago

Games will look great, it's far more powerful than the Xbox One, so the upgrade is very promising for anyone playing exclusively to that platform. It doesn't matter if it can't hit native 4k. It's going to show a huge difference either way.

I upgraded to a PS4 Pro and it blew my mind when I played ROTTR for the first time. And that gap wasn't as dramatic as we're talking here. I'll definitely be doing the same thing with my X1S -which was still a worthwhile investment purely for its UHD Bluray support.

You're going from 900p at mid-high settings to 1800-2160p at high-ultra settings.

Comparison and 4K videos online will work but may restrict people to seeing the differences if their internet is slow, so having 4K HDR TV promotional displays showing off visuals at retailers will probably be the best route for marketing.

ninsigma2676d ago

Absolutely. Ps4 Pro gives an incredible boost to games that support it and there will be much better examples later on this year. I can only imagine the boost Scorpio will give (even if it goes the upscaling route) due to its beefier GPU. Can you imagine how amazing the dark and gritty world of gears 5 would look on that thing??

Obscure_Observer2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Honestly, im looking foward to Scorpio´s performance over resolution! I could care less about this 4K thing. It is cool and stuff but, i´m a competitive multiplayer gamer,
so for me, performance and cool graphics effects first/resolution second. ;)

christocolus2676d ago

If MS plays their cards right It's going to be a day one purchase for me.

JasonKCK2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

What does the PS4 Pro with this article?

NatFanBoyRestricted2675d ago

It's a good example of how noticeable the difference between the ps4 to pro was. It's doesn't matter what any fanboy tries to say about the gap between pro to Scorpio cause their 2 different platforms. It's the baseline models like ps4 and x1 to the upgraded model that matter

JasonKCK2675d ago

Actually no, it's off topic.

ninsigma2676d ago

That's good advice. The games are really what's selling consoles so it's best to see them first. Looking forward to E3 to see what games they have to show and how good they look on Scorpio.

2676d ago Replies(4)
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Neil Druckmann clarifies true intent of new Naughty Dog game comments

Following a recent interview with Sony, Naughty Dog head Neil Druckmann claims the original intent was “unfortunately lost” in the process.

just_looken2d ago

He can take dog shit put it in a oven with seasoning then call it waistland cookies the sony fans will pay $40 a cookie give them a medal of cooking.

No mater what trash this sobs puts out/talks about it will sell.

The true fact in the 8 years sense uncharted 4 his first time in the main seat to a point all this "amazing" team did was get 2 dudes to fuck in a van then destroy a franchise they never created.

But being a port studio they are decent at they should keep in there lane at being just that a glorified port studio.

fr0sty2d ago

Salty Bots... gotta love it.

just_looken2d ago


Over what? naught dog under his command is a glorified port team tlou2 was mostly tlou 1 asset's with the same game play loop but forced a trans down your throat.

I would gladly help pay for this blight and his team to get removed from gaming in general.

fr0sty2d ago

Seeing a LGBT person exist in a work of fiction isn't "forcing them down your throat". Nobody is forcing you to play it. Nobody is forcing you to agree with it. If you think that just seeing a LGBT person exist is "force", it sounds like they make you very uncomfortable, and maybe you need to be doing some serious reflecting on exactly why... looks to me like you're suppressing something with all that fear.

just_looken2d ago


When i think of the last of us i think of a group of survivors crossing the apocalypse wasteland with a growing bond between 2 people that end up with Joel making ellie his new daughter.

Then you fire up the 2nd one bang joel is dead oh that comic series? bang dead

Oh you want to continue all that we grew in the first one? na f that toss it in the trash

Now here is a trans woman so strong superboy would blush go out there kill all what made tlou1 then halfway get a forced sex scene that you can not skip between 2 dudes.

The gameplay? just like the first game the combat/backpack system crafting sytem? 0 changes/improvements.

I could go on but lets face it they copy pasted that tlou 1 assets bin a shit ton of times.

There is nothing on the box or the ads or anything before the game that said you would going to spend most of the game controlling a new trans character that has no ties to anything of the first game the only existence was to kill what the first game made.

Oh but hey there is a mp mode coming out before 2022 wait what is that? oh we made it its own game then cancelled it now go but the game again as we port it a few times.


mkis0072d ago (Edited 2d ago )

What has Straley or Henig released since they left ND? Not a thing! stop scapegoating! Which of them is credited with co-writing a majorly successful show?

just_looken2d ago


You bring up Bruce Straley really? someone that gave us 4 generations of amazing games and was there in the creation of 4 legendary franchises but was tossed in the trash for the pos niel druckmann not 7? years ago

So yeah in those 7? years you right all he has done is get 2 awards one is a game award for a puzzle game he made oh boy right like for fuck sake's all niel has done is one game that was a overhyped fan boy orgasm underneath all that ps jizz was just a typical 5/10 game.

Then you drag Amy Hennig that poor woman was also kicked out then became this century's Brendan Fraser with her sexual misconduct information coming out.

We all know how horrible people are treated behind the scenes she might have been sexual attacked groped or something.

So yeah all she did after was battlefield hardline forspoken now that new marvel 1945 game but hey Brendan Fraser was a great actor till he also said he was sexually attacked just now he is allowed back in no doubt she also had to take a leave of absence out and or was forced out on ice.

Man there are way to many out there that look at niel at the new gaming jesus when all he had done is some work on uncharted 4 then tlou2

Oh also the tvhshow? for real all they did was use stuff from the 2013 game its like saying GOT was a 10/10 but never watching past season 3

-Foxtrot2d ago


That's highly unfair to them both

Amy Hennig got messed around working on projects that got cancelled by the publishers (EA) and then ended up on a awful game (Forspoken) where you had 4 other writers working on it which is just a recipe for disaster. She is now working on Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. Not her fault she was pushed out of NaughtyDog, something both Nolan North and Richard McGonagle have both said in interviews.

Bruce Straley left after burn out, the rest of the story we don't know and will never know just like what happened with Amy Hennig. He decided to take a break and wasn't sure if he wanted to come back to gaming however he had an idea he wanted to make so he founded Wildflower Interactive, a smaller studio where they are currently working on a new game.

Tacoboto2d ago

@the obvious stain of a commenter

The trans character wasn't Abby. Try playing Part 2 instead of gatekeeping what you think Part 1 was about and meant.

Maybe try watching the show while you're at it, because you're terribly off with your opinion on that too

MajorLazer2d ago

Naughty Dog is better than all the MS studios put together.

derek2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@just he has been behind 2 of the greatest games ever made. Tlou2 was easily the best non-vr game made last gen. Losers just can't get over Joel's death, mixed with the usual console war nonsense. The fact that you so casually call him a sob shows how deranged some gamers have become about Drunkmann.

derek2d ago

@frosty, for people like Just, including anyone that can be categorized as being a minority in any kind of media is "forcing it down his throat " lol. I to don't care for poor "checking box" inclusion for inclusion sake but that was not the case with tlou2.

fr0sty2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

The pathetic part about it is, you can tell just_looken never even played TLOU, because that was the game where Ellie's sexuality was first brought to light... No "that was forced down our throats" to be said about that.

Only terrified folks in the closet that use their hatred as cover from outing themselves fear LGBT people that much. They exist. They will exist in all aspects of life, including popular media. Get over it.

just_looken2d ago


Once again you drag out something like its a big win

Here is my old channel a clip of me playing TLOU on ps3

Search my channel for more clips

Proof its my channel? look at this profiles banner that is 7yrs old then look at other vids on that channel like my bf3 clips to see my psn id. But knowing this group that is way to much work.

Also elle being a lesbian is another trump card? one dlc is all we got of that a dlc that took over a year to be tossed out.

Rainbowcookie1d 22h ago

Hey at least we have cookies to eat 😄

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1d 22h ago
Rangerman12083d ago

Glad he clarified it but i'm still somewhat skeptical. Plus, his comments about how Ai will revolutionize storytelling were still pretty iffy.

anast3d ago

No need to bow down, Stan your ground. The AI comments were gross though.

S2Killinit3d ago

Pretty excited as I read these. I just cant wait to see what ND is up to.

Export3d ago

put a chick in it and make her gay !

shadowknight2033d ago

Next they need a diverse couple, and perhaps some climate activists

StormSnooper2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I would love that if only to piss off all the lunatics. Lol

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Naughty Dog Boss Neil Druckmann Says AI Will 'Revolutionize' Development

Druckmann claims the tech could 'push the boundaries of storytelling in games.'

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Jin_Sakai4d ago

I’m more interested in what else he said.

“Neil Druckmann says new Naughty Dog title could ‘redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming’

4d ago Replies(6)
H94d ago

It will be something like "we erased gameplay all together it's just a movie now"

purple1014d ago

every time naughty dog make a game, you play it and get the feeling "this is not possible'

from the boulder running towards you in crash, on ps1,
to the massive open world of jak and daxter, on ps2,
to the QuickTime events sequences of uncharted on ps3/4

and now we will see what they do with ps5,

H94d ago

Press X for doubt at "PS5"

-Foxtrot4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Arrogant asshole who sniffs his own farts bigs up next game…sounds like typical PR to me

You know what I find interesting? Almost every site reporting this as the main title where the REAL interesting bit of the interview is Neil praising AI and saying it will be used to help push story, characters, dialogue and more.

It’s super shitty to big up AI especially when it comes to story telling and other creative elements.

senorfartcushion4d ago

Just because someone says this type of stuff, it doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to be good news.

You can say this about microtransactions. MXTs revolutionised the gaming industry.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
Levii_924d ago

Geez how full of themselves are these guys.

Einhander19724d ago

He also said it has "ethical issues we need to address" but of course that doesn't get the clicks.

CrimsonWing694d ago

I’m all for it. Cuts the time to make a game. Look, Hellblade 2 took 5 years to make, if AI can do that in half the time, as a consumer, I support it.

Chard4d ago

Things will get far sloppier brother

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The Witcher 3 REDkit Q&A - CDPR & Yigsoft Confirm Steam Workshop Support; Further Changes Planned

CD Projekt RED and Yigsoft have launched The Witcher 3 REDkit on PC. We interviewed both studios to discuss the release of these mod tools.

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