
Very Suspicious Man Spotted At Nintendo's Switch Presentation

At the recent Nintendo Switch event in Tokyo, there was some guy walking around and taking photos of various things.

CocoaBrother2703d ago

Yoshida is a fan of Nintendo so I'm not surprised.

gangsta_red2703d ago (Edited 2703d ago )

He's a spy!

But seriously, I'm hoping the Switch festival comes to the Bay Area.

Summons752701d ago

He has a spy trench coat and taking pictures, Ps5 a portable/console hybrid confirmed!.

But really, it's cool to see big names go to competitions events not only showing support but Yoshida is just a fan of video games. We need that in charge of the industry.

_-EDMIX-_2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )


Sony made a docking device for the PSP years ago to out to the TV.

@,Summon- give me the next PSP? Like I stated above Sony actually already made a docking device for the PSP that does the exact same thing....

Soooooo yea.

So what you're saying is the next PSP will just include the Cradle as opposed to make it separate? Ummmm sure

I don't really think they need to look at Nintendo to implement something that they've already done before them.......

Monster_Tard2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Oh lighten up, like anyone legitimately thinks that the head of Playstation is going around taking pictures at a Nintendo event that is open to the public in order to steal information from them.

Dee_912700d ago

idk who he is, but he looks fishy.. i don't trust him.

gangsta_red2700d ago

Edmix seems to be that guy at the party who is running around making sure no one spills their drink on the carpet.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
XXanderXX2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

So what's the excuse for the camera.

DashArrivals2701d ago

Excuse? Man STFU. He's a fan. He takes pictures of things he likes. All console launches are historic and he works in the industry.

andrewsquall2701d ago

Are you actually asking what somebody in the world is doing with a phone in their hand??? Don't go outside ever again, please.

Why o why2701d ago

Wow. . Reach much. . . . Typical . . .

Liqu1d2701d ago

People often carry cameras so they can take pictures of things. Then these pictures can be shared with friends and family or saved as reminders of past events. You would know this if you had a life. Do you question why people have cameras at other gaming events?

XXanderXX2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Its on thing to be a fan and take pics buts its whole different ballgame when you run or are associated with a rivial company. As for the STFU part of you're comment u first mate .

@Squall not just somebody but an executive of a trivial platform .
Been outside its full of a holes ,so yeah am better off inside .

@Liquid average everyday people no but people who are executive of rival platform companies yes .

Goldby2700d ago

ohh XXanderXX when will you learn.

Shu is a huge Nintendo fan. when he's at a nintendo event, hes a fan just like you or i.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
IamTylerDurden12701d ago

Shu is a gamer through and through. He's probably just there for his own enjoyment.

scofios2701d ago

He just catching pokemon .

Tapani2701d ago

Haha someone asked in Chinese in a tweet if Yoshida would play Swith with them :)

oof462701d ago

Reminds me of when Yuji Naka would be seen at Nintendo events and Miyamoto would be spotted at Sega's.

YAO-BLING2701d ago

the japanese love representing each other brands unlike us here in the west.. always fighting over the smallest stuff.

Segata2701d ago


And SEGA did it before Sony with SEGA Nomad. SEGA also release an adapter for GG to play SMS games.

_-EDMIX-_2700d ago

They did.....I know lol

XanderZane2701d ago

Nintendo is probably a fan of Yoshida as well, but not Sony as a whole. I'm sure they would love to have him under their umbrella.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
Neonridr2703d ago

incoming Sony tech that will be praised as being original and unique :P /s

Yoshida loves Nintendo stuff, I am sure he will have a Switch too.

Erik73572703d ago

I honestly wouldnt be surprised if the Ps5 tried to go the route Switch is taking.

_-EDMIX-_2701d ago

Why would PlayStation 5 go that route? Wouldn't they just make the PSP go that route since they are the ones that he even made the PSP cradle in the first place?

Sorry bud but it's Nintendo that needs to make their handheld play on the television. The PSP has had this ability for a very long time..

MRMagoo1232701d ago

I think Sony would rather make a console that people actually want

Bigpappy2701d ago

Will they did do the move to copy the wii. But the wii was already a huge success by then.

DJ2701d ago

Sony would do it right. The PSP 2 anyone?

Silly gameAr2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Why would that happen? If it does, (which it won't) I won't be getting the PS5.

andrewsquall2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

What, suicide? Its a shame the Switch didn't go the route of PlayStation in 2013.

DashArrivals2701d ago

WHAT !! ???

Are you really that out of touch? That is a terrible route. PS4 needs to just keep doing what it's doing. They're dominating. People just want a normal console. Not hybrid crap that jacks up the price.

NarooN2701d ago


Do you ever say anything that isn't braindead stupid?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2701d ago
Rimeskeem2702d ago

Yoshida is a gamer at heart.

King Nezz2701d ago

Yeah Sony will copy Nintendo's idea and say they've been working on it for over 10 years.

Last_Boss2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

I'm being silly!!

WeAreLegion2701d ago

Or Nintendo will copy Sony's idea and everyone will give Nintendo credit for it.

_-EDMIX-_2701d ago


Nintendo is the one that's technically copying Sony....

Soooooo yea

italkgame2701d ago

It's a shame when people don't know their history, or the history of the companies they talk about. Decades ago Nintendo already had a peripheral that allowed gameboy games to be played on the television.

Ravenor2701d ago

You posted a link of an intec cradle not a Sony cradle.

Segata2701d ago

Sony is copying SEGA dude. SEGA Nomad came out 9 years before PSP.

_-EDMIX-_2700d ago

@seg- except the Nomad is not a cord that simply plugs your handheld into the television.......

The concept is similar but I don't really think you understand what you're talking about. If anything I would say the PlayStation TV or the Gameboy player is similar to what the nomad was.

Segata2700d ago

Actually yes you could plug a Nomad into the TV with a cable and even have 2 players on the TV. Nomas was literally a portable console.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
ps360s2701d ago

His a gamer so he loves anything to do with gaming and Nintendo is probably one of his childhood gaming memories just like me and all other gamers :)

That is why Sony does so well in the gaming business

C-H-E-F2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

The switch is doing everything the PSP, PSVita, PS3 and PS4 was capable of LMAO the only thing they did was put it all in one console there is 0 innovation here sit down fanboy.

PSP = docking station
PSVita = remote play
PS3 = ability to connect with the PSP/PSVita
PS4 = PSVita remote play for every game ability to play cross platform games and games literally anywhere you have wifi connection. I play my PS4 often times at work from my Macbook Pro actually.

No innovation here just gathering all of the things Sony has accomplished and put it in one device... with the same old rubbish IPs.

Neonridr2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Vita does remote play via wifi only. You can't just take your Vita and play your PS4 anywhere. Good luck playing on public transit or on an airplane. In theory it has its similarities, but its execution is far from different.

The Vita you have to turn it on, run a stupid app to connect to the PS4, wait for it to establish the connection and then you can start playing. On the Switch I go over to the device and lift it up. Boom I am playing on the go. Not the same at all.

Segata2701d ago

SEGA Nomad 1995. PSP 2004.

2700d ago
fr0sty2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Hate to break it to you, but Sony has been doing the portable to TV console thing (PSP TV dock) as well as the console to portable thing for many years now. All Nintendo did was beef up the controller used and apply it to that concept.

Neonridr2701d ago

Remote Play isn't the same since you can't technically take the Vita anywhere and use the games on your PS4. It replicates the functionality at times, but you can't exactly take your Vita wherever you want and play.

PSP Dock is the same idea as the Switch though.

BIGBOSS082701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Soo ps5 will release with 4 launch games and 6 year old 3rd party titles? Man that would be a bigger screw up than 599 us dollars! Seems Nintendo fans have amnesia.. The way they been acting, you would think the wii u sold 200m consoles and everyone needs to copy Nintendos success.. lol gimme a break.

2701d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2700d ago
SaveFerris2703d ago

He is probably going to buy the console for his children, and another for himself.

UCForce2701d ago

Well, he has two daughters.

never4get2701d ago

Ps5 a portable/console hybrid confirmed!.

MRMagoo1232700d ago

that'll be the day Playstation dies , no way will they go the same route as Nintendo switch

PaleMoonDeath2702d ago

Our warrior, "Lol look they are try again inferior Japanese product" :P

Support your locals, I like seeing that.

WeAreLegion2701d ago

Shu and Shigeru both have a huge respect for games of all sorts. I love those guys.

2701d ago
Segata2701d ago

I remember an old interview Shiggy bought a Dreamcast and love Samba and wished he thought of it. He wanted it on a Nintendo console. He eventually got his wish.

WeAreLegion2700d ago

I didn't know that. Awesome! Thanks for the info.

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