
Game Stop is Killing Video Games #StopGameStop

In 1983 the video game industry passed away. Due to tons of crap games, corporate greed, and a huge lack of quality control. Ever wondered why Nintendo felt like it needed a Quality assurance seal or why they were so picky about what they released on the NES? Now almost 34 years later Kitsuga.com fear we’re on the verge of another collapse. It’s one of the most widely loved hobbies in existence and it’s up to us to save it (sound familiar?). George Santayana said it all with, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Razzer2711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

You could say the same for used books, cars....pretty much anything used. I'm going after the best deal. Period. And no, that is not killing video games. Might as well say physical copies of games are killing games.

If you want to point fingers then point squarely at the ridiculous price of digital games.

2711d ago Replies(8)
_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

10000000% agreed.

For a game to be bought used, it had to be new in the first place. Many industries exist today and I always use other industries to see where gaming might be headed. I've noticed many gamers don't seem to understand that other businesses, thus are not even able to fully understand the game industry. To say Gamestop is killing the games industry is exactly like saying used cars are killing the auto industry.

Artemus2710d ago

Exactly, the only thing killing games is big publisher's greed.

On a side note, I find this quote utterly hilarious: "Ever wondered why Nintendo felt like it needed a Quality assurance seal or why they were so picky about what they released on the NES?"

LMAO! Looks like the writer never played 80% of the NES library.

2710d ago
Raziel8932710d ago

@artemus lol yes that quote made me laugh as well, LJN that is all I'm going to say.

Soc52710d ago

Yup, they've made their profit, they just can't stand to see another company profiting from their business.

rainslacker2709d ago

The average profit margin on a new game is 25%. That's pretty pitiful in the grand scheme of things. Indie game stores may be lucky to get a 15% profit margin. Might be 30% for GameStop with volume buys and stronger buying power, not to mention their marketing deals they have with publishers.

If publishers want GS to not go the used game route, maybe give them a better profit margin, so there is no reason for them to buy used games so cheap, because if they can get it new cheaper than they give for trade in value, they won't see the need anymore.

Of course, that would require the price of games to go up, which consumers won't like, and it's likely that publishers will continue practices they've seen can give them an added revenue stream, so no real gain there. People will still sell their used games to pawn shops, or best buy, or on Ebay, and nothing really changes other than the outlet of money exchanges. And of course, the most likely scenario if game prices go up, is that the extra $10 will just go mostly to the publisher, thus GS has more incentive to continue to sell used games, because there is even more risk for them to actually purchase product.

It's a complicated matter of economics. Not something that can be wrapped up with some quippe hyperbole with a neat little bow tied around it. So many factors that go into it, and in the end, it's not GameStop that's killing the industry. There is absolutely no data to suggest that people will buy more new games, if GS didn't have a trade in policy. However, there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that trading in games does drive new game sales, as 80% of all trade ins go towards new game purchases according to GS. That's a pretty significant amount of revenue to take a chance that people will simply pony up the money if there is no other choice.

xxchicago33xx2709d ago

I agree with what you are saying to a degree. However, your auto industry example is not accurate. An overwhelming majority of used cars are actual sold at retail...by the dealership associated with the make of the vehicle. The exception being Carmax...which is the gamestop of auto and actually has a similar reputation in the auto industry.

So comparing gaming to auto would mean that the publisher such as EA would have to buy the game and sell it back to someone else used. Regardless...keep up the good fight I'm sure you guys can take down a multi-million dollar corporation via petitions and comments!

Razzer2709d ago


lol....if you think michigan is a result of used cars....dude, just stop.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
UCForce2710d ago

I don't like GameStop for sure, but that's how is it. My local game store do fairly well with me and consumer.

game4funz2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

How are digital games priced ridiculously? I rarely ever pay full price.

edit: I don't always buy on sale. In fact I rarely buy on sale.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

Yes...you rarely pay full price ie you buy on sales.

So basically restrict buying games only to a certain time a of year when the publisher sees fit to lower the price for a temporary time?


So never mind that this game's normal price is $60 even though it released in 2012? Oh but its on sale....great deal at $30 though right?


No sale either, thats its normal price on PC on Amazon....


Even cheaper if you buy used on PS3 or 360.

Soooooo do you not get the issue when a publisher has 1 method for you to buy their games?

ziggurcat2710d ago

"How are digital games priced ridiculously?"

because the regular price of those games, when they're released, is the same as the physical copy. they should be cheaper, even on day 1 because there's no cost in producing packaging for the digital version.

Razzer2710d ago

The only cost on a digital download is the bandwidth. Compare that to the cost of printing a blu-ray. Boxing it. Shipping it. Etc.

If you are not paying full price then you are using something like g2a.

Old McGroin2710d ago

Went looking for a second hand copy of Zelda A Link Between Worlds a few weeks back in GameStop here in Ireland, found one for 44 euros (!!!) while just across the way from it was a brand new copy of Gears 4 for 30 euros, hmmmm.

darthv722710d ago

Well that is because unlike other games, nintendo ones still hold a particular value regardless of age. Trying to buy mario kart 7 for 3ds and the game used was still going for over $30 and that game has been out for several years now. It should be under $20 but because it is a "Nintendo" games... they still sell for a commanding price.

CorndogBurglar2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

Two things:

1. Gamestop isn't the only store that takes trade-ins and resells them. Best Buy does this now too. Why are we not blaming them? Why are we not blaming Play & Trade, or mom and pop stores? Only Gamestop.

2. This guy isn't taking into account how many games are traded in toward new copies.

Also, the writer of the article said this:
"That’s not to say I’m totally against used games, it’s quite the opposite in fact. I grew up in flea markets and Pawn shops trading and upgrading with the solid 2-for-1 trade policy (which I always felt was fair to both parties) and/or trading with friends."

So, he admits to contributing to developers not getting their money from him BEFORE Gametsop and video game trade ins even existed.

Also, his solution is to ONLY buy new games and not used games.

Look, I understand Gamestop has some shady practices. I get it. But lets not blame them solely for this. They are not the only ones taking and reselling trade-ins.

This article is totally biased.

2710d ago
ShaunCameron2710d ago

Play & Trade? That's still around? I thought it closed down in 2013.

zekk2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

Did u know that eb game made $0.87 per copy of the quantum of solace game? At Best buy we got cost plus 10% as our employee discount and it was cheaper to buy the game as a customer by about $5. Since that's the case how are businesses supposed to survive? There are a lot of cost like rent, debit and credit fees, power, heat, and staff wages. None of that is cheap. And to be fair it's not too bad for the customer that is trading. Instead of going to sell it yourself and having people haggle and asking you to meet them or mailing it off you have a middle man who takes it and gives you something back with half the hassle. Also if you complain about the trade value you have to also consider that the store is taking the risk that no one will buy the game. If it doesn't sell then they loss money. If the price of the game falls below the trade value just to sell the game then they loss money. There are a lot of factors involved but essentially store can't survive on selling new games alone. You say developers are lossing money? Well what about the people working in these stores? Are you saying it is alright for them to gouge these businesses? You realize how little they get from sell each copy of the these "poor" developers games? I mean from what you are saying it's ok to run them out of business and have everyone of their staff loss their jobs so they can make more money. You know that the multi million dollars that games make are the profits made publisher and developer and not the store selling them? You may think your are unbiased but you and your article only give one veiw point and that is biased.

Razzer2709d ago


People can determine for themselves whether or not trading is a good deal or not.

"If they actually paid a portion of used game sales to the publishers and devs that would definately help."

They don't deserve to get paid again and again and again for the sale of a used game! You want to talk about "ridiculous greed"? And BTW....these are the same developers who hand over exclusive DLC deals to GameStop all the damn time. So if you are going to bitch and moan on their behalf, you might want to turn your focus back on the devs who are in bed with GameStop along the way.

And no one is forcing a single damn dev to sell games through GameStop. Period.

CorndogBurglar2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

@ NynjaDoom

Hi idiot,

You said this:

" it's the scale of gamestop as a company that causes THEM to be the issue. Small shops were never an issue, and companies like Best Buy only participate to try and keep some amount of business in games."

So let me get this straight. You are saying that Gamestop is the issue, simply because they are the bigger company? So Best Buy, mom and pop shops, and Play & Trade (When they were still around) get free passes because they were smaller companies? Even though they are doing the SAME EXACT THING! Even though they are keeping money out of devs' pockets as well? What world are you living in where that makes sense? Just because a smaller company isn't taking quite as much from devs as a big company like Gamestop, that makes it okay? Let me ask you something. If I stole $20 from you, then someone else stole $100 from you, are you going to forget about me stealing the $20, simply because someone else stole more? Or is there a limit? Is it okay if I keep stealing $20 from you a couple times a week simply because it isn't that much money? Think, man. This isn't rocket science.

Also, Best Buy has been selling video games since Best Buy opened their doors. They didn't NEED to start dealing in used games to keep selling video games.

Like I said, there are things to be upset with Gamestop over. Selling opened games as new. The constant annoyance of them trying to upsell pre-orders while paying. The horrible management that we've all heard countless stories of. Making employees work midnight releases as "volunteers" with no pay. I get it. They aren't exactly a stand up company in some respects. But the trade in/selling used games business has been around for a while, and Gamestop is hardly the company that started this practice. Blame them for things they are responsible for, and if you feel they are contributing to the fall of the video game industry, then blame everyone else that is in the used games business as well.

By the way, you spelled "ninja" wrong, dummy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
2710d ago
zerocarnage2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

Yeah I agree, there is never any price adjustment on digital releases games unless it's a sale or holiday and the sales are usually on holiday, so it's a blue moon type of scenario. Ms, Sony, Nintendo all do this, they do not care whether a game has been out 6 years, the price for a digital release will still be the same. No adjustment because a game either solt so well and has been out for years or it just didn't sell period so the price doesn't come down to get those copy's solt.

Yeah they need to get with the dealers in the streets on this and do price comparison.

I do buy digital now though, not only does it stop me selling my physical copies but I share on Xbox one with my son, so now I have a massive collection.

Raziel8932710d ago

Sony, and Ms cannot control pricing of every game released on their digital store if publishers decide to lower the price they will lower it. If what you said was true then every full ps4 release on the store would be priced at 59.99 but that's not the case. A good amount of games are priced lower without any discount or plus deals with games like until dawn and mad max priced at 19.99. I also know that physical may still be obtained cheaper than the digital but your comment seemed to imply that prices are never changed or lowered.

XanderZane2710d ago

So Gamestop makes a killing off of traded in games that they resell for a much higher price. What baffles me about this, is what aren't Publishers and developers, buying back their games for cheap and reselling them for a profit too? Why is Best Buy, Gamestop and Blockbusters the only ones having fun doing this? I think the reason Publishers aren't doing this is because they are now selling digital copies of these games for $60 and making a killing off of it. That doesn't include all the DLC as well. It's funny because these are the two things I would never do. 1) Never trade my games in at Gamestop, BestBuy or anywhere else that will rip you off. I sell my games on Ebay for a fair price. 2) I would never pay $60 for a digital game. No, I don't hate digital games at all, but if I can't hold it in my hands, it should be a hell of a lot cheaper. The most I'd pay for a digital game is $30 and even that seems like too much for me.

Please stop selling your games at Gamestop, Bestbuy and any of these places that are crooks. Even buying some used games at these places are a ripoff.

DivoJones2710d ago

A lot of us hoped prices would be lower with digital products (e-books, games, etc) seeing as it avoids the costs to produce, ship, and shelf space. Some games will always sell well at the $60 price point, but I'd be curious to see what would happen if more games launched at $40, and if the economics of scale would result in more profit by elling more units and appealing to a more frugal customer base. Titanfall 2 would be a good example of where it could pay off to be less expensive than the competition to help overcome the poor timing of its release.

rainslacker2709d ago

You'd have to sell 33% more copies to make the same as if it were at $60.

It's a sound principal, lower costs sells more copies, but in the real world, it's hard to say if you'd see that kind of uptake on sales. realistically, you'd need to see much more than a 33% increase in sales to make it worthwhile, when the current paradigm supports making as much as possible at $60, then making more off those who are more value conscious.

Realistically, the sale price of games actually needs to go up to support current AAA budgets. Although there is more room for multi-tier pricing where not every game needs to be $60. But a while ago, it was seen that any game that releases below the commonly accepted price point is considered less of a game, so it ended up selling less than the same game at $60. Weird, but that's the market we're in.

Consumers are pretty unwilling to accept that game prices need to rise to support the higher budgets, and still bemoan the DLC and MT, but those DLC and MT are allowing these high production value games to get made. otherwise, there is no way investors would give them the go ahead, because there is too much risk involved.

It's way to complicated to really think that there is one issue, or an easy solution. Sadly, the bad practices aren't likely to go away though, because they've been proven that people will spend money on them, and publishers aren't going to give up a viable revenue stream. The only thing that will change that is if a good game with no strings attached releases, sells great, and other games people complain about stop selling and making money. That's unlikely to happen though, because it's been suggested that's what needed to happen for a decade now, yet DLC/MT are becoming more prevalent.

joab7772710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

I didn't want to respond to this article, but just had to after discovering how illogical it is. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and hatred I guess.

I agree with your response, so I guess I'll just respond to you. Selling used games is not the issue and YES, it does allow people to keep gaming that otherwise wouldn't. How many people trade in games that would just sit on their shelves otherwise? How many poorer families are able to buy used consoles? Now, this doesn't mean that Gamestop hasn't been shady, but an argument can be made that they have struggled financially also. They pay a lot for new games, and most do NOT sell 10x or even close. Also, with competition being what it is, often their used games are more than new games bought online, as well as the price of most games tanking within a month or so. And those that hold value often do not get traded in. This is why they have ventured into other businesses.

As far as the Industry today, it is thriving, not dying. And that is saying something, when most people don't have luxury income like they used to. It IS true that publishers are figuring out ways to subsidize the lack of a price increase. We should be paying like $80 for new games now!

Now, this doesn't mean there are not many shady practices being used. But the blame should be pointed squarely on us! We demand certain products and we either do or do not fork over the money for them. Recently, mobile games have made a KILLING on micro transactions because we continue to spend billions, $1 at a time. We buy season passes etc. But we scream bloody murder at subscriptions or charging too much!

Overwatch is the perfect example that if we love the product we will pay whatever for it. If we do not, we will find flaws and dissect the evil practices. Destiny is a great example of our flawed purchase practices. We say no sub, get angry that dlc is paid, but demand more content and squash the micro addition. We demand to know everything and then hold it against them! No Mans Sky releases to insane hype and we demand our money back b/c a 4-man team couldn't live up to our expectations. Yes, it should have been $30, but many played it for dozens of hours and had fun, and economic theory would require a high price for the demand WE created!

We ARE schizo! We ARE the problem! Not Gamestop or Publishers etc. We demand a better Warch Dogs and Titanfall and when we get them, we don't buy them!!

The magic of childhood is why this author remembers pitfall in such a manner b/c today we have amazing Indies and platforms etc. Hell, we have so many choices, games for everyone! It's never been better... or more complex! It's tough to determine value in the present market! We have games like Uncharted, GTA 5, and Firewatch! We have Virtual Reality for goodness sakes! There is no loss of adventure or amazement! Children today can play Minecraft on a portable device! Soon, they will be able to play Breathe of the Wild on the go! We have limited 4k gaming and more is coming! We can create games and have them funded by others! The most expensive game in history (not yet but who knows) may have originated on kickstarter. Who would have ever guessed that that was possible!

So I don't buy anything that's being sold here! It is the Golden Age of geeks and nerds...undoubtedly! But it's a business, and unfortunately we are in the middle of a global economic evolution. There is money to be made and jobs to be offered to millions! It will all shake out and WE will be the determinates, not some store around the corner called Gamecock, or whatever was printed here!

NeoGamer2322710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

There is nothing wrong with the pricing of video games.

What is wrong is that people support the used game market rather then supporting the developers and publishers directly with new purchases. I buy video games at the lowest price that supports the developers and publishers who make the games. Not the lowest price I can find.

And publishers and developers that create junk games and charge full price for them.

Games are one of the best dollar for value propositions in the entertainment industry. Games can give you 10's, 100's, and 1000's of hours of entertainment for about $50-60. Meanwhile, going to a theatre to see a movie costs $30 for two people and two hours of entertainment and a rock concert from a AAA act will cost $100-1,000 per ticket for 3 hours of entertainment.

rainslacker2709d ago

I think this article tries way too hard to blame one entity for what's happening. Used games have been around since the dawn of gaming, and they weren't the reason for the crash. DLC....or expansions, have been around since long before GameStop. Bad games have been around since before GameStop.

The current trends with publishers implementing practices we gripe about comes down more to them trying to make more money. It's as simple as that. It's easy enough to blame used games, and that's about all the publishers are willing to blame, because no business is going to come out and call it's consumers cheap and unwilling to pay more for games whose production costs have risen exponentially compared to the actual cost of games. But you up the price of a game by another $10, to cover it, and then see what the consumer says, and watch people buy less games.

When it comes down to it, GameStop's practices actually see more new games get sold as people trade in to typically purchase new games. It's not ideal for the publishers, because they'd prefer to sell new copies, but at the same time, GameStop has such a shitty profit margin on new games that there is no way they can stay open without selling used games. Bigger stores can manage it due to having other things to back up, but new game profit margins are among the lowest margins of any consumer product, and it's even worse for the indie game store without the buying power.

GameStop isn't killing the gaming industry or gaming. That is counter productive to their long term success, and it's completely idiotic to even act like they are the reason for all the things we don't like in gaming. It's not even really greed the way some people talk about it. It falls solely on those $100 million budgets, where games still sell for what they did when they were $50 million dollar budgets.....mixed with a lot of trying to appease investors and make enough profit to keep investors invested, so the publishers can continue to make games.

I guarantee you that if people really did stop buying DLC and all these microtransactions, the actual production value of games would plummet within 5 years. The only games that would get made regularly with high quality production would be those that sell like COD or GTA. It's a necessary evil, and unfortunately, there is no easy answer. "Stopping" gamestop isn't going to help anything. It'll probably make things worse, and the publishers know that used game trade ins promote new sales.....they just want their cut of the profits because they want to double dip where they really have no right.

finite2709d ago

PC Digital is rather cheap thanks to an open purchase environment and the likes of Greenman Gaming and other cdkey sites.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
annoyedgamer2711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

Only greedy publishers would make an argument like that. Gamestop is killing itself by bad company management.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

Agreed. I'd say the way they conduct business is hurting them. They will get better before they get worst though as clearly they will need to ease up on their prices of used games if they want to stay in business. I don't see it driving them out of business just yet if ever.

game4funz2710d ago

I don't buy games from gamestop anymore.
I prefer best buy or target if I'm going to buy retail.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

@Game- thats nice.

I buy where I can get the cheapest price, Best buy, Target, Amazon, Ebay and yes...Gamestop. I don't shop based on emotions bud. Who ever has the best price new or used is who gets my money.

Fist4achin2710d ago

I agree with you as well. Gamestop doesn't give crap for trades. The only plus about GS is their selection. When I'm looking for something older, they are a good place to usually find it. I know I could always go online, but on occasion I'm ready to play it now versus waiting for the shipping...

no_more_heroes2710d ago

something Amazon is hoping to eliminate with same-day delivery.

indysurfn2710d ago

@No_more_heroes I'm one of there best customers, so before they announced same day I have been one of the test subjects for nearly a year. It work's great you order something and a couple hours later it is in your box or on your porch! DANG! Two day and then one day shipping got me shopping more. Now delivery in a few hours, betting me home from work will surely make me buy more still from amazon.

rainslacker2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

I agree. Their trade in prices are rediculously low. I suppose it's convienant for some though. But I found an easy solution. I don't trade my games into gamestop, Problem solved, and outside the odd instance every decade or so, I've never had a problem with them overall.

Sometimes I wonder if people actually realize all but one of their greivances with GameStop would be 100% solved by not partaking in the things they complain about as if it were compulsory or something. Last thing left is their trying to sell open games as new....which was my last problem with them,because they didn't have it new in the system anymore, and tried to sell it to me for the used price, which was higher than the sticker price on the box they pulled from the shelf for the open new copy....which I tried to explain was illegal, but to no avail, so I didn't buy it. Fun little aside on the stupidity of some of their policies.:)

Anyhow, since Amazon Prime has 20% off newish games or pre-orders, I have little reason to go there anymore. I like to peruse their used game section for those really good deals or their b2g1 free deals, and occasionally they have some good prices on new games or if I just feel impulsive and want to get a game quickly, which is rare.

UCForce2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

They need new management who is mindful without doing something stupid and greedy.

GrimReaperGamer2710d ago

The person who wrote this definitely rides the "special bus"

The day gaming goes completely digital is the day I stop gaming.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago


All anyone needs to do is look at the normal price of GTAV on PSN or XBL or Call Of Duty Black Ops II on Steam to know whats wrong with digital.

FunkyGoron2710d ago

GTAV was like $20-$30 digitally on Black Friday and during these Holiday Sales... What is wrong with digital in your mind? If we both buy a game new, we pay the same price... we both could wait and shop smart and each of us at some point could find a price deal on a game we liked, digitally or physically.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

@FunkyGoron- "we both could wait and shop smart and each of us at some point could find a price deal on a game we liked, digitally or physically"

Nope. You would have to wait for a publisher to ok a sale to get that price.

I can get that price any damn day of the year used physically.

The problem with digital is GTAV is still full priced as a normal price.......

So imagine they don't have physical versions....consider they don't even need to have any sale considering they are no longer even needed to compete with the used market.

If something like GTAV or even worst COD Black Ops 2 can be full price still years later, who knows what they would do if we had only 1 method of distribution. Sorry but I like options bud, I see ZERO benefit to the consumer having 1 option to buy games.

You wait for that price, you need to get permission by the publisher to get that price, I can get that price from any person that owns the game physically right now.

FunkyGoron2710d ago

You must be very angry. COD Black Ops 2 was just like $10 on Steam during the Winter Sale. I don't care if you choose not to shop smartly and wait/look for deals and feel the need to impulse buy at your brick and mortar store.

I hope they get rid of physical versions of games, get rid of the middle-men retailers, and charge what they deem the game is worth. We would start having more $10, $20 up to $70, $80 games because without retailers the price point for any given game would change drastically. The Witcher 3 might just be worth $100 based off the amount of content and impact. Games like NMS probably should top out at $30.

It was nice to see Recore @ $40, same with R&C... I want publishers to feel free to move the price of games around as the market demands. Retailers add an unnecessary barrier to this.

As people have said, look at the car industry... I can buy a car online completely cutting out the salesmen and the lot owners and the "PHIL PRICE CHEVY" dealers. I am sure that helps drive the price of cars down over-time. I want this for games as well.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

@funk-"I hope they get rid of physical versions of games, get rid of the middle-men retailers"


Yes, less methods to purchase games and the better /s

"COD Black Ops 2 was just like $10 on Steam during the Winter Sale"

Lol let's see winter sale vs everyday used..Hmmmmm

So only buy games 1 time a year? Sounds pretty dumb.

I'll take buying it for cheaper today, used, for a physical version that I could play for life.

ShaunCameron2710d ago

Those games are still in high demand, hence the near-full retail price to this day.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2710d ago
rocketpanda2710d ago

It will happen...eventually. I still remember walking into game shops and being able to buy physical PC games. Now I can't, and even if you can in some places, in the box is no disc just some code to download the game from steam or origins.

Once publishers decided not to put up stupid prices on psn and xbl then the shift will be easier and quicker. £64 for some new AAA titles, bloody hell!

Saying that I still prefer having physical copies of my games on console.

_-EDMIX-_2710d ago

? Nope.

You can still actually buy boxed PC games at Gamestop, I actually did just this week. Bought Far Cry Primal on PC....on disk....at Gamestop....soooooooo yea. I don't know what your talking about lol

You very much can buy many, many PC games on disk. Like....lots. I'd say most of the PC games I buy are still on disk, if I care for the series anyway. I mean, I'm likely getting TES VI on disk.

CorndogBurglar2710d ago

You don't game on PC's do you?

You can buy physical copies of PC games anywhere. Gamestop, Target, Wal-Mart....they all sell physical PC games. And no, they don't just have download codes inside. They still sell the disc. You can buy a card with a digital code on it for the same price at most places also. But they most definitely sell physical disc copies of PC games.

christian hour2709d ago

@corndog @_-EDMIX-_

Must be a UK & Ireland thing. Or just a stupid "you live in a heavy populated city" thing. Or just a "varies from store to store based on consumer habits" thing, who knows. Point being, Rocketpandas not entirely wrong with his experiences, he's just noticing a trend. And its not a doom and gloom trend so hold on to your bum fluff.

Now, I don't frequent gaming stores all that often cos I've worked in them and I refuse to support the awful eejits that run those places (I go in to CEX the odd time cos they're nice folk and they do has physical PC games gouiys!) but anytime I'm in gamestop (GAME has once again closed all its stores in Ireland and fled, it's just Gamestop now, again.) it's about 70% merchandise, 20% used games, 10% new console games and absolute 0% boxed PC games. Plenty of steam/psn/xbl cards, but no pc game section in sight.

There used to be boxes with codes to download the game on shelf, but I guess that fell out of practice when people realised it made more sense to buy a steam card or, just never leave their house at all and use their own plastic moneys card on steam.

I can see why you might still find boxed PC games in the states, broadband coverage in UK & Ireland is pretty much widespread, very little blank spots if any and theres very little greedy bickering between competing providers. From what I understand, a chunk of the U.S.A still doesnt have local access to broadband and this might be the only place they can buy their pc games.

Of course this is all bollox based on years old observations that may be outdated so take that last theory with a grain of nano salt. And my experience with gamestop is based off of he gamestops in Dublin. The ones in rural areas may actually have physical copies of pc games. I know my friend who lives in some weird twilight zone between Dublin and Kildare can't even broadcast his gameplay on ps4 his connection is that bad. Rain stops play. (cricket joke from a man who's never seen, heard or played cricket)

Personally I've been 100% digital this generation. I gameshare with a buddy. Anything he buys, I can play whenever I want. Anything I buy, he can play whenever he wants. The catch being we can't play the games we bought for ourselves if the internet goes down, we can just play eachothers games... The funny thing being he plays a lot of FPS multiplayer games which, I can't stomach. But the odd time our tastes align :)

I'm still waiting for that "game sharing" on ps4 is RUINING THE INDUSTRY! article.

FunkyGoron2710d ago

Very harsh over-reaction and I doubt there'll be a way for physical media to go away.

If you have the internet speed and enjoy owning the games as opposed to buying and trading in (which is a glorified rental service at a certain point), there is nothing better than digital media. My disc drive doesn't even get used so no worries if it breaks (problem with some PS3's).

rainslacker2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Recently I sold off a significant part of my collection and raked in over $10K. So if all those games had been digital, what exactly would I have gotten for it? Maybe $40 for a used hard drive?

I kept these games for years, so it's not like it was some glorified rental service. I brought something, consumed it, kept it for a collection, then sold it because it was a product that had value. Not just a bunch of 1's and 0's that only belonged to me for as long as the publishers decided I was entitled to own it.

Things might be different when you can sell your digital games, which honestly, was the only good thing about MS X1 DRM, but until that becomes commonplace, and there are protections in place to ensure that publishers can't strip away my content because of some perceived TOS breach, or the service provider simply going defunct, then it's still not something that I think is the best.

I don't want to see digital go away. I'm all for choice. You'll have to explain to me why physical is so evil that you want it to go away, because this idea that one has to die seems to be purely coming from the digital proponents, and even then, only those who are pretty narrow minded to think that digital is the only thing that is worth considering for 100% of the market.

Gh05t2710d ago

That is like saying that the music industry is dead, and the movie industry is dead, Digital has not killed these markets, it has just shifted the money around to others. It also took a huge barrier of entry away for people to breakthrough, Indie games, movies, and music has hit a new rise and overall it is better. It has also made these mediums way more accessible to way more people than ever before.

2710d ago
2710d ago
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Kokyu2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

Gamestop and used game sales is not the cause of the industry's problems, its the same problems that pleagued gaming in the 80's corporate greed, poor quality, rushed broken games and dishonest practices. The crash was good for gaming, it got all the garbage and mega corps out of the industry and it came back better and stronger. The crash is coming and the industry needs it.

FunkyGoron2710d ago

I don't think Gamestop is doing anything wrong other providing goods and services people are willing to pay for. I hope they make money and I hope the customers get what they want.

Off topic - I don't understand the vitriol for digital gaming, as in, it's the reason people would quit gaming or is ruining gaming. How are options bad? Choice is needed for diversity which is needed for higher quality of product. I always buy digital games on my XB1 and PS4. I preload if I want, play ASAP. I technically can download the games and own them forever, or, I can even buy a game on PS4 and possibly when PS5 comes out the games become cross-play like so many titles did for PS3/4.

Digital gaming should be cheaper IMO. New AAA games $50 bucks, $60 physical. More of my money goes to the publisher/dev who IMO are the ones responsible for my hobby and the ones I would rather reward. Digital games require less overhead to make and take up 0% of floor space. Absurd I have to pay the same price as someone who had to buy a physical version that costs real dollars to make.

But if you're a smart shopper, you can find amazing deals on games digitally. I recently got Hitman for $30, Talos Principle for $7, Unravel for $4, Rise of TR + all DLC for $30, and Abzu for $8... all within the last week or so with some holiday money. You'll never beat those prices at retail.

DragonKnight2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

The reason for the vitriol is the concept of ownership. When you pay for a thing you expect to own it, but digital turns games from objects to services and you pay for limited access, and pay too much at that. With physical copies you own them for as long as you want and can use them as many times as you want. With digital you can only own it for as long as the license lasts or servers are up. If either expires, tough luck for you. And then there's the added fact that with digital came new DRM such that you can be locked out from playing a game you paid money for if you don't meet certain conditions such as being online.

If I had, for example, an original NES, I could pop in Super Mario Bros and, assuming no hardware issues, play a game that's nearly 40 years old. However the same can't be said of digital games today. P.T. is the best reason to be against digital, and it isn't even a full game.

FunkyGoron2710d ago

PT is a poor choice as you are right, it's not a full game... hence why it was much easier to pull/block from download. I own 200+ games digitally between two platforms and not one of them have I ever had an issue playing. Maybe some small small titles may have issues with servers and most MP games, if the servers go down, it affects both physical and digital owners alike.

I don't mind licensing, if I play 40+ new games in one year I don't need 40 boxes on my shelf taking up useful space. To each their own, the ease of use with digital far outweighs any practical issue of ownership (which doesn't come up often, if ever) for myself.

NotoriousWhiz2710d ago

You do own your digital games forever. You do not however have the capability to re-download them forever, so you'll have to have the storage space to keep the game forever. So the trade off is really physical space vs hard drive space.

DragonKnight2710d ago

@Funky: That you haven't had a problem does not preclude there being a problem, and that physical games now can't be played is the point. Digital is anti-consumer in every way but convenience, and it has seeped into the physical realm.

@Notorious: But you don't retain the ability to play them forever, unlike the aforementioned example of the classic NES, that's the problem. Digital is not good for anyone. It isn't cheaper on consoles, it isn't faster to download and play on consoles, it's hampered by the necessity of hard drives, and the worst part is that it's bound by licensing rules. You do not own anything but the license, which means you can't even resell it if you wanted to. As I said, there is only one benefit to digital. 2 if you live in the right countries. Convenience is the first, and not being taxed is the second. In Canada games are stupidly expensive, moreso with our ridiculous tax rates. Brand new physical copies are $80 + 13% HST in my province. That equals $90.40 Canadian for a brand new game that is probably broken, rushed, unfinished, and low quality. But if I bought it digitally then it's a flat $80 because Canada doesn't tax digital goods as they are not a physical product that would require any kind of packaging or shipment with their own costs to incur and regulate. So even though I dislike digital, I have little choice if I want to have any money left.

JonathanCraneTFM2710d ago (Edited 2710d ago )

@Notorious. Incorrect, entirely. You don't own a single digital copy of any game you buy; you're in possession of a license which can be disconnected/rescinded at any time by the licensor (publisher).

For example, people that bought FarCry 4 technically purchased a license, which was then removed/rescinded under the claim that those keys were "stolen" or otherwise ill-gotten. If Steam went away tomorrow, your games go with it, unless publishers made an effort to decouple their games from the service.

Meanwhile, if you have a physical copy of a game, it's going to run. Updates or no. In newer cases, though, no update means no play.

indysurfn2710d ago

At NotoriousWhiz 8 most people dont know of hard drive failures because they buy pcs every 3 years.


Remember when your thinking about the 80% of drives that survived in a server farm for 4 years. THESE ARE TOP OF THE LINE DRIVES AND COST MORE THAN YOUR CONSOLE! I'm a software guy but I've helped shop for these drives and bought them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2710d ago
rainslacker2709d ago

Is it vitriol? Or is it just people getting tired of being told that digital is the only way?

Seriously, I have never seen a physical proponent state that digital had to die. I see many digital proponents say that physical needs to die.

Don't mistake indifference as vitriol.

There are people who don't want digital or digital paradigms say in the case of X1's original policies, but that isn't the same as hating on it so much that they think that it shouldn't exist. people can make their case for which is better for them, or for objective discussion, but that isn't really vitriol.

If you want a better example than PT though, my digital copy of R-Type that I brought early on on the PS3 was removed from the PS Store, and I can no longer download it. Was only $5, but still, it was stripped from me. There are a lot of other examples on the Apple and Google store for mobile as well. And it's likely that other companies are going to go defunct, and people could lose a lot of games if measures aren't taken to make sure those people have access to their content.....say like with MS closing GFWL....eventually, official channels to download those games should one lose them won't exist, and not everyone is into downloading torrents.

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YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake17h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Relientk7712h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai4h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing695h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford154h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B


For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens523h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan2h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

The Epic Games Store has yet another free game, and it's a pretty damn good one.

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PlayStation Store "Days of Play" Sale Kicks Off, Here Are the Discounted Items

Sony has kicked off the PlayStation Store "Days of Play" sale today, and this includes quite a number of AAA titles. Here's the full list.