
Do Scorpio and PS4 Pro Signify A Future In Which Consoles Start To Rival PC Gaming?

This week, the guys discuss the news from wccftech.com where, in discussions with ARK: Survival Evolved's Lead Designer (and co-founder of Studio Wildcard) Jeremy Stieglitz, he revealed that he equates the power of the PS4 Pro at around the same level as a $900 PC...

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UltraNova2724d ago

I dont want to start a PC vs Console war here but look at Uncharted 4 then look at the best PC has to offer and tell me consoles do not already challenge PC!

2724d ago Replies(3)
freshslicepizza2724d ago (Edited 2724d ago )

does the ps4 pro allow you to play the single player at 60fps? if it was on the pc it most certainly would be an option.

JackBNimble2724d ago

You mean if you have the right hardware it would be an option . Just because you can game on pc doesn't mean shit without the right hardware ,cpu gpu ram psu . I thought you knew this stuff moldy.

freshslicepizza2723d ago

"You mean if you have the right hardware it would be an option"

so you admit the lack of flexibility prevents consoles to truly rival pc's. that was the point.

BizarroUltraman2723d ago

Actually some Pro games do...you either pick better resolution or better framerates.

JackBNimble2723d ago

Like I said Moldy, if you have the hardware.
I also game on pc, that doesn't mean I have the option to run games in 4k at 60 fps.
The term pc gaming is so vague and general you could be talking about anything. Only serious enthusiast with high end custom rigs could make any claims.
I would argue that this generation of consoles do rival most of the generic pc's that can play games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2723d ago
riibhu2724d ago

and if uncharted were on PC you wouldn't say that.
take GTA V as example it was console exlusive at first and later released on PC.Now compare GTA V on consoles and PC you'll see which version is better.

UltraNova2723d ago

Well thats exactly the point, you actually missed, Uncharted is not on PC.

pyroxxx2723d ago

which one is better though? It is also an old game, by the time it released on pc, most people who got it on ps3/360 already forgot about it.

freshslicepizza2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

"which one is better though? It is also an old game, by the time it released on pc, most people who got it on ps3/360 already forgot about it."

so the last pf us on the ps4 sold poorly? i dont think so. and gta 5 sold quite well on the pc.


then sony can keep the stance their games are not possible on any other platform even though if uncharted 4 was on pc it would not be locked like it is on the console. yes the ps4 pro offers better performance but even that has its limits, all consoles will including scorpio. for $400 it offers great value but to me the pc will always be the best platform because of its flexibility but it wont be getting uncharted 4 so there is always a trade off.

riibhu2723d ago


Of course it isn't that's why I wrote IF.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2723d ago
Tech52723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

"Do Scorpio and PS4 Pro Signify A Future In Which Consoles Start To Rival PC Gaming?"

PC is much more than just a gaming machine. it makes games, plays them, mods them and much more on top of this. so no PC still has limitless capabilities which are locked on other platforms.

--bienio--2723d ago

Yeah right!! Haha nice one try again... ps4 /Xbox never gonna challenge Pc impossible. One example.. Star Citizen and Now you can cry B@@tich

KingAlistair2723d ago

At 1080p,30 fps?To rival the pc,give me a 1000-1200$ console with a oc i7,gtx 1080 and 32 gb ram.Uncharted 4 just looks better than the average console game,so worse than hundreds of modern pc games.

porter4702723d ago

A 1080p 30 single player and 900p 60 in multiplayer isn't a good argument tbh, consoles are more like pc's this gen then ever before true, but they seem to only have taken away the bad points from pc gaming and none of the good points. I take it you don't game on pc? as you wouldnt say what you did bc it sounds quiet ridiculous.

agent45322723d ago

No the PS4 Pro and Xbox One failed to run Kerbal Space program at the level of the PC (visually, performance, and gameplay wise). A 2014 game unable to run properly on console much less 4K resolution. On PC Kerbal Space Program runs native at 4K resolution and performs better on PC. Desert Online and Planet Coaster are amazing visual games with more content than any console game out there. Divinity Original sin on consoles lack the thorough, expansive map editor......

rainslacker2722d ago

One thing about the premiere console games, particularly from 1st party, is they're designed to really show off what a system can do. PC just doesn't have as many of these kinds of games which spend as much time to really focus on squeezing out every little bit of power out of a system...which is impossible on a PC due to the variances. When you look at UC4, it's more than just the great graphics, it's the attention to details, like the time spent just making the mud react realistically with the jeep driving in it.

It's not to say there aren't some stunning PC games, but it's much rarer to see these kinds of attentions to the smallest things in PC gaming.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2722d ago
Hoffmann2724d ago

I believe that video game console manufacturers see the PC as a rival platform since Multiplatform games are a thing.

Today more than ever. Not alone because graphcs but also because the cost difference is not as big anymore.

The initial costs for a great gaming PC are maybe as high as 2-3 consoles together, but you save money if you won't upgrade it for a couple of years, just like you don't buy new consoles every year usually.

No additional costs to play online, and usually you can buy almost every game a lot cheaper. That's why I switched to Playstation only to PC + PS4 a while ago.

I play only exclusives and fighting games on PS4 now and try to get the rest on PC. Was surprised to see the relative big graphical differences between Borderlands in the Handsome Collection on PS4 in comparison to the PC version of BL2 on high settings from 2012. I mean damn..even complete effects like the flooded toilets and acid effects are missing in the console versions.

dragonaught0072723d ago

Its a matter where devs concentrate more take for example metro last light on ps4 runs at 1080p 60fps thats very demanding game while on pc version you need a pretty ok gpu to get it that high and gta 5 its more than capable at running at 60fps at very least on ps4 and it doesnt because devs decided to concentrate on foliage and graphical fidelity thats one game that can run almost any pc set up.

corroios2724d ago (Edited 2724d ago )

Sorry, but im not putting the Scorpio and the Pro on the same bag. Nope. The Pro is an upgrade and the Scorpio is a next gen machine of microsoft.

Scorpio is brand new machine in every aspect. There isnt any connection with the Xbox One. Every single component of the machine is new. The Pro is just a upgrade and is easy to see that on the parts of the machine and the price.

Consoles will never have the same raw power of a PC, because of the price diference. Just a monster GPU can cost 3x times the price of the PRO and some have SLI!!!

There is any kind of competition and we dont even know what is like the specs of a average PC....

Nyxus2724d ago

But I believe Microsoft said the Scorpio won't have any exclusives that aren't on Xbox One, so can it really be considered a successor?

corroios2724d ago

There arent exclusives anymore because of Window 10 and not because of the Scorpio.

JackBNimble2724d ago

Are you just playing dumb or did you truely not understand what Nyxus said.

kraenk122723d ago

You really do believe that though?!

Lennoxb632724d ago

"Scorpio is brand new machine in every aspect. There isnt any connection with the Xbox One."

Except that it runs every game that the X1 runs.

What makes you think that MS of all companies can't afford a more powerful console than Sony and still call it an upgrade? They have the money and resources to drop a new console every 2 years if they felt like it.
Phil Spencer even confirmed it in an interview with IGN Australia. He said the Scorpio is an Xbox One and is apart of the Xbox One family.

corroios2724d ago

A new console is always a upgrade. But the Scorpio is 4k native machine and next gen machine of Microsoft that will come out on late 2017, almost 2018.

The next jump is 4k, its the next gen. There is no PR talk that can hide this. This is a new jump on tech.

Microsoft doesnt want to tell that the Scorpio is the Xbox two or another name, because of the sales of Xbox One.

Yes, They can launch another console in next year, after the Scorpio, but that will be a upgrade, because it will be 4k but with higher settings, AA and so on. Not a next gen machine. That Will be a 8k machine.

xbox SD
Xbox 360 HD
Xbox One FHD
Xbox Scorpio 4k
Xbox .... 8k

extermin8or2723d ago

He can say what he wants. If the GPU is new, the ram type and configuration is new, the cpu is new, the hdd is new etc then it's clearly and xbox one in name only. Makes me think of that only fools and horses scene where trigger goes "I've had 7 new broom heads and 6 new shafts since I started Road sweeping" and Boyce replies: "..... Well it's not the same bloody broom then is it??!!" If all the components are new architecture /models then clearly it's not the American thing.

kraenk122723d ago

It will never ever be called XBox One something...it's part of the XBox family, not One..you'll see.

Aenea2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

"... the Scorpio is 4k native machine ...."

Uh huh, it's as much a native 4k machine as the Pro is. It will not run every game, not even new ones, in 4k, it will be able to run games in a slightly higher resolution than the PS4 Pro and it might have a few more that are native 4k (at least MS said their first party titles will) but that's it.

When the real next gen comes out, then most games will be able to target 4k, at least let's hope they can, you never know, hehe :)

Besides, MS themselves said that it will be part of the Xbox One family so they see it as the same thing the Pro is.

Also, people think the Tflops difference is so massive, but forget that in order to push 4k it needs to push 4 times more pixels than on HDTV's, this is why it makes sense to look at the power difference percentage wise, then you can understand how much better one can look over the other, and let's face it, that percentage is about the same difference as now between the X1 and PS4, so visually, the same type of improvements can be expected between the Pro and Scorpio. And I doubt you are willing to say that the standard PS4 creates way better visuals than an X1 ;)

Stapleface2723d ago

Running on the same API..check...runs the same games..check..yup same console, just upgraded hardware.

corroios2723d ago

Same API? are you crazy. Everything is new? Run the same games, check? Sure, the Xbox One is also a upgrade of the 360, because it also plays the same games... Please...

Every new console is upgrade, but the Scorpio is the start of a new gen (4k).

Stapleface2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

It will run using the same systems (OS, API) that the Xb1 uses. The hardware will just change. Not hard to understand. Unless you have info saying otherwise that no one else has seen, it will be an Xb1 with better hardware.

Puertorock772723d ago

You are incorrect in saying Scorpio isn't in any connection with Xbox One. In fact it's tied to Xbox one. You will not be seeing any exclusive games (aside from maybe VR) on Scorpio. You won't even see improved framerates for multiplayer. If the multiplayer on XB1 is 30 frames, then the Scorpio version is 30 frames. One ecosystem from software to peripherals (minus VR).

Pro and Scorpio one current gen refreshed consoles. Nothing more.

corroios2723d ago

Really you believe that a game that runs a 30 frames on the one must run only at 30 frames on the scorpio on the multiplayer. You must be joking.

Lol. Im going to shut up, because this getting crazy.

Puertorock772720d ago

@corroios It's not what I believe it's what Microsoft has already stated. If a games multiplayer is 30 frames on XB1 then it's 30 frames on Scorpio. Scorpio is not a next gen system. it is an XB1 one family of consoles. Nothing more. What plays on XB1 will play on Scorpio and what plays on Scorpio will play on XB1 (minus VR).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2720d ago
Malice-Flare2724d ago

it will. unless Quantum Computing suddenly becomes viable for PC...

Epicor2723d ago

And even still it would imo.

"Do Scorpio and PS4 Pro Signify A Future In Which Consoles Start To Rival PC Gaming?"
WHAT? It's not all about latest tech and graphical fidelity. Consoles have rivaled and even trumped PC gaming forever for MANY PEOPLE. Personally I switched my main focus to console gaming already during NES era and only played PC occasionally after that. If someone thinks consoles are not competing with PCs in gaming then they are delusional. They all have the same broad customer segment: people who game!

FallenAngel19842724d ago

No because PCs will always grow at a faster rate in terms of tech

FlyingFoxy2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Right, and the developers who said it equals a $900 PC were wrong, the PS4 Pro uses an under clocked RX 470. So you can build a more powerful one for that money, with 16GB of physical RAM to boot. Sure PS4 Pro is great value for a console for the level of performance, but if you spend a bit more above $900, like maybe 200-300 or so more, you get a LOT more performance for that extra cash. You need to aim for that sweet spot when buying PC stuff.

My 5820k, 32GB DDR4 & 980Ti are already above Scorpio specs and i built this rig in mid 2015.

Sure it's not exactly cheap but then it can do a ton more than a console, plus the bonus of cheaper games and no subscription costs.

TheBurger292723d ago

Plus with pascal refresh and volta coming out soon, high end rigs will be much cheaper.

extermin8or2723d ago

If the high end rigs get cheaper more powerful consoles get cheaper too....

kraenk122723d ago

They aren't wrong at all...it all comes down to optimisations in the hardware rather than pure power. The PS4s architecture is much more efficient. That's why we have games like Drive Club, The Order 1886 or Uncharted 4 which can't be rivalled by PC atm...or Gears 4 and Forza Horizon 3 don't look much better on PC. You can't directly compare the specs, never could...I'm a PC gamer btw.

rainslacker2722d ago

Doesn't matter so long as the software is made to the lowest common denominator like it has been for decades now. Improvements to the software are nowhere near in line with the hardware.

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Evercade Alpha Reveals Affordable Mini-Arcade

This looks fun and affordable for fans of Retro Cabinet games.
Introducing Evercade Alpha, the first Evercade-compatible arcade machine. This bartop-sized arcade gives you everything you want in a home arcade machine with one big feature - full compatibility with the Evercade cartridge ecosystem.

darthv721d 11h ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk1d 10h ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.


Sony Says The PS5 Is Its “Most Profitable Generation To-Date"

During Sony’s recent business segment meeting and investor presentation regarding its game and network services, the PlayStation company revealed that PlayStation 5 is the company’s “most profitable generation to-date.”

It’s the top slide of the presentation, showing that in its first four years, the PS5 generation has already hit $106 billion in sales, having almost caught up to the PS4’s total $107 billion generated.

Operating income for the PS5 generation has also already surpassed that of the PS4, having now reached $10 billion.

ApocalypseShadow2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I wouldn't doubt it. They released a high quality system. A lot of high quality games from themselves and their support of 3rd party developers and indies. They released many high quality remakes and remasters. They released a high quality GaaS game going against the naysayers thinking Sony would abandon single player games. And they most likely are profiting a lot more than PS1, PS2 PS4 and the loss leading PS3 that drained all their profits.

Now, I'll wait to see what's cooking tomorrow. But can you use some of those profits to better support your high quality VR headset? Because, by supporting it, you can sell more games and more systems and make more profits?

jznrpg2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I want RPGs for PSVR2! Good ones of course

shinoff21831d 23h ago

If it had some rpgs I would buy right fking now. It looks dope and alot of fun, but it's biggest game resident evil 4(maybe) I've got no interest in. I'm not a fan of racing games, even with that metro game coming i was never much into that series. Rpgs would be fantastic.

MrNinosan1d 21h ago

Lemme know if ya wanna play some Zenith 🙌
Bought it at release, but haven't played it more than 1-2 hours but for sure on my "todo list".

Cacabunga1d 20h ago

Normal when they released mostly cross gen games so far. That’s a lot of money saved..
We haven’t seen what PS5 can do yet. 4years in and PS4 games still look great to me. The gen leap isn’t quite there yet.

--Onilink--1d 22h ago

The interesting metric for me is the $106billion in operating income/profit (not sales as mentioned in the article) reaching the same as the PS4 did with only half the consoles sold.

In particular because they all are supposed to be making the most per hardware sold after a few years when manufacturing costs are down.

So even putting inflation aside(and the higher console price), it is interesting that they could reach PS4 $ with just half the consoles sold.

Maybe there is more to the metric thats whats seen at face value, but they have clearly been making a lot more money than before on the software side (with also less games released I suppose, given its only been half the generation so far)

VersusDMC1d 22h ago

The bulk of the money has to be coming from the 30% cut on all games and microtransactions. Especially on all the free to play juggernauts like genshin, apex, fortnight, etc.

--Onilink--1d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )


They are definitely making a lot on that for sure (which the $70 price increase factors into as well), but its not like many of those games werent around for the PS4 too.

They might be counting the gen as a whole and not just PS5 itself (so extra profit from PC sales, whatever that may be)

PS+ price increase and different tiers probably amount to part of that too.

But in general, its still quite a surprising metric. Half the time, half the consoles sold, less first party games released so far and still already making more of a profit than last gen is quite something, and as mentioned, there is probably more to it that we dont know, after all, since we are talking about operating income, all the expenses they have also factor into it, so it is also possible that they have found ways to significantly reduce that + all the means of increased revenue that appear to be factoring into the equation

All in all, just an interesting situation from a business perspective

porkChop1d 18h ago

It's for the whole generation, so it would likely be including PC. They also make much more profit on digital sales vs retail, and digital is far more prominent these days. The generation also started at the height of COVID when everyone was home, spending far more money on gaming/hobbies. It makes a lot of sense for this gen to be more profitable.

Abnor_Mal2d ago

This will surely shut up all the new trolling accounts trying to spread lies and non facts in other articles comment sections before this article is posted.

Hofstaderman1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

Obscurely, those trolls or troll will not show in these articles as the truth is contradictory to his or their orchard-sized daily dose of copium and hopium.

Tacoboto1d 22h ago

Or... They're intentionally trolling you guys specifically. Because they know it upsets you so easily.

Name-dropping Orchard, after this many months? How long has it been and he's still in your thoughts?

Elda1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

I'm quite sure the individual is reading these positive comments downvoting & seething at the same time. Edit: It just downvoted my comment...lol!!

Hofstaderman1d 22h ago

No I'm entertained by this individual. I love unhinged people, they are so interesting lol.

repsahj1d 23h ago

Wow! I am super impressed that in just 4 years, ps5 already caught up to the PS4's. Congratulations.

JackBNimble1d 4h ago

That happens when half of your games are cross platform. I'm still waiting to see what the ps5 is capable of, because they sure haven't pushed any limits.

And where are all these ps5 exclusive games?

sagapo1d 22h ago

Not really surprised as Sony barely has any competition at the moment.

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Zotac To Reveal Their Portable Gaming PC At COMPUTEX 2024

This sounds like a very interesting mobile gaming PC. ZOTAC returns to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase its biggest push yet into brand-new product categories from Handheld Gaming.

smashman982d ago

My last 2 gpus have both been zotac. No issues. I'm interested.

Garethvk2d ago

It will be interesting to see what they have to offer