
IGN Reviews Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for XBOX 360

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a valiant effort at rejuvenating the largely underwhelming Star Wars videogame franchise. Some of the technology here is a little too far ahead of its time, though that could prove to be promising for future installments. Uninspired level design and some tedious enemy battles mar an experience that gives you power over the Force like we've never really seen before. While it's far from perfect, Star Wars fans will find that it's worth playing through simply for its story and the ability to use the Force in fairly awesome ways.

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SullyDrake5738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

"7.5 - Graphics

Some of the technical work is great, but it isn't used as well as it could be. The Xbox 360 version has bits of screen tearing and framerate stuttering."

Interesting how quickly things are turning around...

Anton Chigurh5738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

I heard , the ps3 was the lead console

the funny part is , ps3 got a little higher in graphics but the overall score is still the same lol

SullyDrake5738d ago

The PS3 version was rated an 8.0 in Graphics by IGN.

TheIneffableBob5738d ago

The PS3 version got a better graphics score but the overall score is the same between the PS3 and 360 versions.

jkoz5738d ago

I've found that the Xbox 360 version studders and grinds to a hault when you unlock an achievement. It's weird, it's not like a whole lot of CPU power is needed to display that tiny blip. But yeah, the PS3 version won't be having that problem ;)

Masta_fro5738d ago

if it was the other way around though and the ps3 had frame rate issues then ign would have given the ps3 a lower score....but nooooo it doesn't matter when the 360 has frame rate issues..."it doesn't hurt the over-all experience" when the problems are xbox related

oh no, I've gone cross eyed again.

Blademask5738d ago

I'd love to see a PS3 game ever get called a "flawed gem" if it had framerate/loading problems like Mass Effect did. While on one hand its nice to see that things are changing as far as the PS3's performance not trailing behind due to idiotic programmers. On the other the double standards in reviewing are very much prevalent.

I think most PS3 owners remember the circus that was last year when it came to reviews. Its like they would wait to see the ps3 frametear then that itself would be a 900 page article on why the ps3 version is scoring lower due to the Cell not living up to the hype, and wheres 4d?

Recently, and maybe since 08. All multiplats are scored higher/equal on the ps3.

clevernickname5738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

I downloaded both the 360 and the PS3 versions of the demo and there was noticeable screen tearing and frame rate issues with the 360 version, specifically in the hanger section of the demo. The PS3 visuals were silky smooth throughout.

It was a nice change and I am buying the PS3 version.

Masta_fro5737d ago

i know, i mean, i don't mind if the ps3 scores lower because of frame rate issues, in fact, i encourage it... if a game looks and feels better on any console, it should be noted by the reviewer.

That IS why we have reviews right? So we know which version is better...

But no, its a "different color pallet" when it looks worse on xbox, or my favorite "achievements makes the 360 version equal to the PS3 version".

Some other lines you might enjoy:

"A bigger, better xbox live cummunity should make the online portion of the game better than its ps3 counterpart" even though the ps3 has free online and has sold like 13million consoles...

3 months later Cod4 comes out:
"the game is identical on both systems and we had no problems at all getting enough people to play with on the ps3 version." confused?

"Lack of rumble in the ps3 version truly makes it feel shallow, although it has sixaxis support and brings you into the game, its a little gimmicky"

Dont get me wrong, i like the 360, its just that i cant remember anybody saying anything negative about the 360 version of any game up until last year so i cant quote...(i.e. ign, 1up, 7up, pepsi..etc)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5737d ago
OOG5738d ago

so sad I had high hopes for this game...until I played the demo.....:/

Jock5737d ago

I played the demo and it left me wanting more of this game...

using the power of the force seems pretty cool....

digger185738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

Is this game really that bad? I was really looking forward to this.

Who has played the demo? Since I haven't, can anybody tell me what its like.

Edit. Thanks Mitchell, I'll give it a rent first.

SullyDrake5738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

Within the demo you can easily see the games' strengths and weaknesses, and it has more strengths.

A 7.3/10 is good, not bad. To me a 5-6/10 is mediocre, 3-5/10 is bad, and 2 or less/10 is FAIL.

Plus you've gotta try it for yourself. Give it a rent and make your own decision.

4cough5738d ago

FACTIOD for you...........IGN are PlayStation fanboys, The site should be shut down for giving FIXED reviews and downright lying.

digger185738d ago

Please STFU, it would be real nice.

Montrealien5738d ago (Edited 5738d ago )

bieng an anonymous fantart is easy eh 4cough? I bet you suck at halo also, noob.

on topic: I`ll be checking this out tonight on my 360, looks like a great rental. I don`t think I `ll be buying it though.

5738d ago
bokharij5738d ago

I'm not a starwars fan so do u think i'd still enjoy the game? because everywhere they keep saying if your a starwars fan then its good etc.. I enjoyed the demo very much and i look forward to getting it for the PS3.

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After Jedi: Survivor's Triumph, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Deserves A Revival

Following Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's conquest, it's the prime time to resurrect the Force-fueled action of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Tacoboto338d ago

Coming soon on the UE4 Engine, preorder to guarantee access to the Force Stutter ability available exclusively on PC before it gets removed after the launch window.

Rikimaru-00338d ago

this would be so awesome, i still play this game up till today.

Knightofelemia338d ago

I am not a Star Wars fan but I enjoyed the Force Unleashed and the sequel. Shadows of the Empire was another Star Wars game I also enjoyed.

RpgSama338d ago

I had Shadows of the Empire on N64 and I used to finish that game basically weekly. LOVED that game.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed ruined the Star Wars Franchise

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed took the Star Wars setting from a Space Opera to a Shonen anime, and did lasting damage to the franchise as a whole.

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Vengeance1138373d ago

Then came Jedi: Fallen Order to revive it.
Jedi Survivor is truly amazing to experience, nothing better out there when it comes to Star Wars games.

Daeloki373d ago (Edited 373d ago )

That's a bit of a stretch. I loved the game, it was an amazing action filled pack and you could do so much weird shit (admittedly the sequel wasn't as great). However, under no point did I ever have any trouble separating it from Star Wars canon. The game has exagerated force powers because it's fun, everyone knows it's not lore-accurate. It's the same as the final boss of The Matrix game. The game almost ends as the movie, but then we get a message from the Wachowski sisters, explaingin how a the martyr ending works great for a movie... but a game should feel more epic, so instead you get to face a final mega Smith formed from all his clones. My point being, people can separate the epic exagerations of a game from the more grounded rules of canon/lore.

Edit: Just to add, that I aknowledge The Rise of Skywalker was a shitshow, but there were millions of other reasons for that, TFU is hardly to blame there...

Kneetos373d ago

I'm a casual force unleashed, enjoyer
Thought both games were pretty good

senorfartcushion373d ago (Edited 373d ago )

Starkiller - the original Mary Sue (after Luke Skywalker bent a molten blaster bolt around a corner, and through a tiny hole in The Death Star, while flying an X-wing in space. And all despite having next to no training in how to use The Force.)

It did help ruin the franchise, but it was already ruined by silly novels and badly-thought-out comic book adaptations. The EU did enough damage to the universe that the trajectory was bound to hit “JEDI SUPERHERO WHO CAN WRESTLE STAR DESTROYERS OUT OF THE SKY” territory.

It’s part of why The Force Unleashed and The Last Jedi had such a negative backlash. The Force Unleashed copied and pasted the structure of A New Hope, which was enough for some people to buy, but I heard countless musings from people, whining that the characters were not as jumpy or powerful as Starkiller - with Starkiller being the one character mentioned for reference. The Last Jedi, for some people, is their favourite Star Wars film, for others, it wasn’t. What I didn’t like about TLJ’s backlash is how much people were moaning about it being different to the rest of the franchise, when it is about as derivative as The Force Awakens was.

Daeloki373d ago

"after Luke Skywalker bent a molten blaster bolt around a corner, and through a tiny hole in The Death Star, while flying an X-wing in space. And all despite having next to no training in how to use The Force."

Not to mention having next to no experience in piloting a fighter


Exploring the Greatness of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Discover the reasons why Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is such a fantastic game. From its gripping storyline to its smooth gameplay and impressive graphics, this game has it all.

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