
Enhanced graphics and 4K resolution make the PS4 Pro the best console on the market- PC Advisor

Quote: PC gaming has always been considered the best option for those looking for the best gameplay experience possible, but thanks to the PS4 Pro, that’s no longer true. For the cost of a mid-range gaming PC, users have access to high-quality textures, 4K output and a generally high-end gaming experience.

For us, the PS4 Pro is a winner, and is hands-down the best console that you can get your hands on in 2016 – even without a Blu-Ray UHD player.

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MasterCornholio2763d ago (Edited 2763d ago )

"even without a Blu-Ray UHD player"

Glad they reviewed it as a gaming console first.


What a nice system.

GtR35olution2763d ago (Edited 2763d ago )

I agree that its the best console for a few reasons. Widest genres of games as well as having the most exclusive titles with the most critical acclaimed games. Also its the most powerful console which is a plus

2762d ago
demonddel2762d ago

I love racing games what should I do

S2Killinit2762d ago

Yes, the games is the main reason to own it. If you want the biggest games in their best form, then the Pro it is.

candystop2762d ago

You guys are total hypocrites and on top of that tools. This whole better games (regardless of your online results) talk is strictly subjective and not having a Blu-ray uhd drive is a slap in the face because it should be there. Just typical fanboys defending there console while looking tacky and insecure.

Aenea2762d ago


UHD bluray support being important to someone is also rather subjective, don't you think?
But I get it, you're defending your brand too, huh, fanboy? :p

starchild2762d ago


I think he's saying that it's wrong for them to act like the lack of an UHD Bluray drive doesn't matter just because they want to defend the console at all costs. It does matter to many of us and they can't just sweep that under the rug.

Basically they're saying that the lack of UHD Bluray capabilities doesn't matter because they say so. And that PS4 has the best games because they say so. They need to recognize that many of us wanted UHD Bluray capabilities just as I recognize many people think PS4 has the best games.

darthv722762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

@Arena, I guess i missed the part of candy's comment where he was defending his brand. He may have in other comments but in this one... not so much.

Guess your comprehension is out of whack at the moment.

@S2, I don't really see the same thirst or hunger from sony this gen like the PS3. I see lots of safe bets up to this point but where are all these "biggest games" this gen like they had last? I will give you the "best form" as I also believe the Pro to be the best form for those games and the ones coming out but this gen overall has so far been lackluster.

The same goes for xbox even though they have taken a few more chances with new IP's, some of them just havent payed off. no wonder both companies feel the need to reset the clock.

Army_of_Darkness2762d ago

I agree. Sony really stinged out with the uhd player for the pro... But as a gamer, it's not a deal breaker for me because I know for a fact that I will be using it mainly to game due to its capabilities of improved visuals and performance which is why the lack of a 4k player isn't much of an issue for me.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
DerekFlint0072763d ago

I'm really hopeful, that the lack of an UHD player becomes a non issue for me, if Sony adds 4k movies to the psn store, both for rental and download purposes.

They did at least mention on the PlayStation blog that they were looking into it.

It is, as you say though, first and foremost a gaming console, and as someone lucky enough to have a Pro and 4k hdr tv, i can say with confidence it really excels in this department.

GNCFLYER2762d ago

Yep. That's really been sonys theme since the OG PS4. Its a games console before anything else.

DMZ_P2762d ago

I've just seen ROTR running on a 4K HDR Samsung TV. I was blown away !

gamerswin242762d ago

COD is a site to behold so clean, crisp and no aliasing. My other old games like Dark Souls 3 also look nice even without patches bcus of the upscaling of my TV and pro.

Def a great system.

S2Killinit2762d ago

Its the. Console to have for sure.

snoopgg2762d ago

Just snagged a pro on ebay for $360.00 free shipping. Best deal I seen on ps4pro this year. It was a no brainer.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
reaperofsouls2762d ago

The ps4 pro is the best console on the market, the ps4 is the second best console, the ps3 third best, the wii u is the four best , the 360 is the fifth best and the Xbone is the worst

Yohshida2762d ago

reverse your comment and you get banned for a week on this site

Errorist762762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

"For the cost of a mid-range gaming PC"

I'd like to see that PC. 400 gives you low-range, not more.

UltraNova2762d ago

Maybe thry meant just a gpu and memory upgrade on an existing PC, but yeah 400 bucks for a full PC gets you a pretty low end built.

starchild2762d ago

I could build a PC for between $500 and $600 that would outperform the PS4 Pro. So yeah its a bit more, but it also does more and gives you more performance and flexibility. It will also save you money in the long run due to cheaper games and free online gaming.

And in the case of people that already game on PC it's often just a matter of upgrading one's graphics card. I spent slightly less to upgrade my PC with a GTX 1070 than I did on my PS4 Pro.

Ju2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

No. If you "upgrade" to a Pro, it would probably cost you the same as a new GPU (probably $200 or so). And no new drivers, guarantee all games still run, no hassle. No "unscrewing" that "rig" of yours. No screwdriver needed. Plug in and go.

2762d ago Replies(1)
ONESHOTV22762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

i bought a ps4 pro last night but guess what i didnt buy any games lol i swear i was in game stop for about 1 hr after i got the neo from target and i was looking at the games and the only thing that came to my head was what's up with all of these crap games, most of them were third party and i said it made no sense to buy a third party game on a console when i can get a better experience with my rig but any way i think i will go back today and pick up samurai warrior 4 and another action/strategy game since those were the only games that had caught my eye and they weren't on pc. and no i dont play action games with stealth elements so dont say a word about that genre. btw if any one wants to add me it's... sniperbsr

2762d ago
ONESHOTV22762d ago

I said I bought the pro but I could not find any games to buy with it when I was shopping. And the only games I had interest in was samurai warriors 4 which is on PC as well but I think I will get it on the pro just so I can at least have some thing to play on it btw I got the pro for a few games that coming out in the next month's and into next year

Maxor2761d ago

Wait. You bought the PS4 Pro but the only game you're interested in Samurai Warriors 4?

WHAT?? Nobody is interested in Samurai Warriors 4. If you're going to buy a PS4 Pro, buy it to play Uncharted 4, BF1 or even CoD Infinite Warfare. There's a list of Pro enhanced games at launch. You know, research you should've done before you rush out to buy the latest console.

ONESHOTV22761d ago

Crimson -- not really I still have persona 5 Yakuza zero and Yakuza 6 to look out for so no it's not really waste of money

Maxor---- I have no interest in uncharted or the last of us so why would I buy them. But I'm going to buy BF1 when the converter I order gets to my house but I can wait because I already have it on my rig

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