
ReCore Review - Pause Resume

Will a budget price mean a budget game? Alexandra investigates the Xbox One and PC exclusive ReCore.

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gangsta_red2800d ago

Heard the technical issues were patched, so maybe one day I'll give this game a shot from Gamefly.

maybelovehate2800d ago

I couldn't get into it. The first two boss battles especially just weren't very fun. Instead of making great AI they seemed to just take away any environmental cover or strategy that would make it fun . I might give it another go when the releases slow down.

conanlifts2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

If you didn't like the first few bosses it is probably not the game for you. The last 5 levels require a lot if pointless searching for orbs in all the locations you have already been over. You need 45 in total. Plus the last 5 levels are pretty much the same. I really enjoyed the game but the end was annoying and monotonous.

2800d ago Replies(1)
game4funz2799d ago

Finally a review on the game that isnt completely biased based on todays standards.
The game has issues but its been unfairly bombarded with negative reviews.

Youre pretty much getting a 3D version of a 2D megaman o metroid game. Not as clean and polished but just as much fun. I have no problem with backtracking since it helps me find parts and get cores to continue to craft the schematics for the bots. Not to mention if you simply explore and head back when you realize you have the bot you need then there really isnt a need to backtrack at the end of the game.

I currently have over 32 cores and havent gotten all my bots yet and definitely dont feel like I backtracked much at all.


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gold_drake8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

at this point, its just so odd.

yes, this showcase was one of the better ones, but how in the hell do you close it out with the 600 money console and 2 others lol who signed off of this.

like the amount of bs coming from phil and the other one is just .. i cant.

also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them.

that being said, why are there always interviews after their shows haha. and the ign livestream was even sponsored by ps5 haha cant make this shit up.

truthBombs7h ago

"also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them."

By making them available at full price on other platforms like PS5 and PC (those who refuse to use anything else other than Steam)

gold_drake6h ago

isnt gamepass on pc too tho?

and some.of the games havent been confirmed for ps5 either xD the exclusive ones i mean.

blackblades46m ago

I've noticed they investing in games to be on gamepass making no money still trying gain new members and its not working. While ps investing in games from asia countries to bring to us.

gold_drake41m ago

yeh its quite odd. cause im sure people would have bought games like cod and indiana jones.

oh well.

StoneTitan10m ago

I mean its clear what they are doing. Right now Xbox still has quite some hardcore fans that you can actually sell an overpriced console to. That won't be possible in a few years, so that's what they will be doing for now.


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