
PlayStation VR Worlds Review – Less A World Than A Small, Shitty House - The Jimquisition

PlayStation VR Worlds is a demo disc masquerading as a full title. Available for purchase as a standalone game – and even more expensive than the superior Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, this collection houses a slight selection of “experiences” that struggle to even qualify as minigames.

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DigitalRaptor2790d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

LMAO, Jim!!!

It's funny, I love the way Moldybread is running with this, and actually trying to provide "honest" details of his apprehension when we all know that he doesn't care to point out the same details when it's a Microsoft product or a Microsoft decision. The same fella that continually defended folks like Rookie_Monster and magiciandude (just like Gangsta_red did) especially during their PSVR and general Sony concern troll sessions, and would rather focus on Sony problems and double down on its fanboys, meanwhile defending Xbox fanboys and trolls because they're untouchable and not worth pursuing.

Even funnier now, is how Moldybread thinks that any of us even expected Sony to fund VR games as strongly as a line of home consoles with a proven track record of selling well. PSVR can still be a long-term success without as expensive initial support as PS4 was getting on day one, and most sensible human beings are aware of that. PSVR has more support than any of the previous peripherals got on day one, combined. RIGS is an even bigger first-party project than any Playstation peripheral ever received, but apparently this is just "history repeating itself". Even funnier than that, is how a completely new medium of this level is expected to get vast AAA experiences from day one or "history is repeating itself". LULZ.

Even more so, this is the same guy who complained (and lied) that Sony is downsizing its first-party studios.

Meanwhile not a peep about this: https://twitter.com/vg_dave... -

freshslicepizza2790d ago


he doesnt think much of vr at the moment, not just psvr

gamerswin242790d ago Show
MrDead2790d ago Show
Lilrizky2790d ago

If you actually watched Jim's psvr review he actually enjoyed PSVR the most and thinks it has the best games of the lot

morganfell2790d ago

It depends if you followed the tutorial. I suggest the one from Trevor from GTA V.

Warning NSFW:


bluefox7552790d ago

He gave PSVR a positive review. Good try though.

rainslacker2790d ago

He actually liked the PSVR. About the only complaint was that it's software was still in the early stages, although he gushed about Until Dawn:ROB.

His only concern was how well it would be supported going forward, but of the three available options for the hardcore, he found PSVR to be well ahead of the others to show what potential there was with VR because the games were more than the others had to offer.

Maybe you should go watch his actual PSVR review if you're that invested in his opinion on the subject. May give you a better understanding of why PSVR may actually be successful, and not make you look like someone who only uses the things which support your arguments.

freshslicepizza2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )


did you watch this video? he said psvr was the most comfortable but doesn't like the gear around his head. its a strain on the eyes and its disorienting. he also said history repeats itself with all these games that all start as gimmicky tech demos, and interactions that are needlessly complex than just pushing a button all for the sake of 'immersion'.

however the real story is the game support. do you see sony supporting psvr just as much as the ps4 even though psvr costs more than a ps4? no you dont. what i see is history repeating itself with less funded games that cannot compete with the likes of horizon and other aaa games, or vr injected in existing games just to add some sort of immersion. sure there will be some cool stuff like driveclub (even though concessions had to be made to get it to run at higher frame rates) or until dawn, but like all peripherals it will get mainly smaller games and gimmicky tech demos as jim noted.

Errorist762790d ago Show
UltraNova2790d ago Show
InTheZoneAC2790d ago

and? I'm sure he enjoys games, not sure why he must love VR instantly if games are going to be terrible on it (I'm not saying all will be, but there has to be something done right for one to enjoy VR)

yeahright22790d ago

regardless, he's right on this point. this should have been the demo disc.

DragonKnight2790d ago

Did none of you watch the Jimquisition yesterday? He doesn't like VR in general. While there are levels he discusses, such as PSVR being a more consumer friendly option than Vive for example, overall he thinks VR will go the way of motion controls. Watch the video.

sackboyhappy2790d ago

Good video tho, he makes some good points

OC_MurphysLaw2789d ago

Jim Sterling while a bit cynical is more often than not... spot on.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2789d ago
DeeBeers2790d ago ShowReplies(1)
BossBattle2790d ago ShowReplies(8)
Skankinruby2790d ago ShowReplies(13)
Gazondaily2790d ago

Not suprising from some launch titles. But there is much potential for PSVR. I am looking forward to the real standout titles.

MasterCornholio2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

Yep you can't expect every single launch game to be good. Just like with all system launches.

Pretty sure there will be some titles worth picking up.


I've seen plenty of launch titles launch in broken states because the developers are not familiar with the new hardware.

Luckily VR Worlds isn't the only one available at launch. Jim Sterling highly recommends the Until Dawn VR game.

candystop2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

Wrong post

bouzebbal2790d ago

imo launch titles need more polish and have better quality overall because that is what you will test the device with.

Lumberg1872790d ago Show
gangsta_red2790d ago

"But there is much potential for PSVR."

Once you get past the initial gimmick of VR there won't be too much potential. I'm sure there will be some good games though. I mean every system had at least a couple must have titles.

Gazondaily2790d ago

I don't think VR will be a gimmick. If executed well it could be brilliant.

It would breath new life to a load of games such as Ace Combat, Elite Dangerous and racers

candystop2790d ago

But that's just it. VR isn't a gimmick and never has been. Gaming on tv is a gimmick if you ask me. VR brings you inside the world and engages you as if you are part of its universe. I personally want to see it progess and hope it's around always from here out.

gangsta_red2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )


"VR brings you inside the world and engages you as if you are part of its universe."

Not sure how it engages you any different as it does on TV. The only difference is now instead of using the right stick to control the camera and look all around, you now use your own head.

Outside_ofthe_Box2790d ago

* * * * * "Not sure how it engages you any different as it does on TV. The only difference is now instead of using the right stick to control the camera and look all around, you now use your own head." * * * * *

Over simplification. Have you actually tried it though? If not then you should and you'll see that it's more than just a right stick replacement.

You actually feel like you're in the game from a visual and hearing standpoint.

TWB2790d ago

Games in VR render the screen from two slightly different viewpoints for your eyes, which then naturally gets your brain to form a 3D vision of the game world.

Basicly, its much more advanced 3D with more immersion (integrated headphones, you can only see the game screen) and motion sensing.

You can have your oppinions about it being a gimmick, but it will be much more immersive experience than your TV.

The thing that I fear, is that they will fall into the trap of essentially making PS Move games with motion sensing and such, but just now with VR. It will make the games more immersive, but they will still be just as shtty as they used to be.

Errorist762790d ago Show
Angeljuice2790d ago


It's called immersion. Instead of watching a screen several feet away which is surrounded by the real world (which constantly sits in your peripheral vision, reminding you of the fact that you are playing a game), you are actually immersed completely into the game world).

If you can't see an advantage in that, you are lying to yourself.

x_BlackRose2789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

There is nothing gimmicky about VR, not in this day and age. Looking back on the Virtual Boy of '95, I could see how that was a gimmick, VR was nowhere near ready for the masses. But today, there is no way it's a gimmick. Just because a technology is in its early stages or hasn't been executed well does not make it a gimmick. Calling something a "gimmick" is just easy

Perjoss2789d ago

Like I said before Septic, its got nothing to do with following you around, if you pop up often enough behaving the same way people just notice and remember you for your actions.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2789d ago
DigitalRaptor2790d ago ShowReplies(2)
gangsta_red2790d ago ShowReplies(5)
riverstars862790d ago

Not sure why you're getting down voted, what you are saying is correct.

Perjoss2790d ago Show
Gazondaily2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

It's becase of kids like the one above who can't handle any criticism of Sony. They wouldn't know objectivity if it slapped them in the face. Petty people really

Errorist762790d ago Show
rainslacker2790d ago (Edited 2790d ago )

I pretty much consider this more a collection of tech demo than a serious deep collection of games to really invest one's time in. I'd only ever get it in a bundle personally, or download specific titles if they're free.

Even with a collection of tech demos, you can sometimes find gems that you can spend hours on having fun. NintendoLand had that hide and seek game which utilized the touch pad really well, and we spent quite a lot of time playing that at my launch day party. Things like the PlayRoom was just a tech demo, but it was a lot of good fun, and they even expanded on it to make it into something more....although I don't see a lot of that happening here for the future.

Danger Ball actually kind of gives me that Breakout Vibe, so I can see myself playing that a while if it has enough levels and challenge.

EverydayGuy2790d ago

I think the next step for VR is rotating cockpits. If we had rotating cockpits with VR and feel the rocking back and forth and side to side as if though we inside those vehicles, that would be a whole new immersion. Like this https://www.youtube.com/wat...

DigitalRaptor2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

@ G_red

Nothing of substance in your reply, as I would have guessed. It would help if any of those reasons and complaints about PSVR held water considering they were mostly stupidly thought-out, hypocritical, vastly delusional and based on what console you don't own. I like to call it out as downplaying with a touch of baseless concern.

If that wasn't enough, might I remind you that you ACTUALLY think that VR is not immersive?

Your opinion is not valid because it's both baseless and hilariously out of touch.

Having said that...
Why don't you want to allegedly "repeat yourself" when you continually ask the same of others? 🤔
Maybe you just don't want to give people reason to dwell on how stupid it would make you look.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2786d ago
2790d ago Replies(7)
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Garethvk71d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta71d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts71d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos71d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts71d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa71d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.