
Mercenaries 2 on PS2: How Bad Is It?

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is probably the biggest game of this summer, and while it's irksomely glitchy, it's a lot of fun - on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, anyway. Of course the PS2 version, made for a console that's been obsolete for three years, isn't going to be as good as its current-gen cousins. That doesn't mean it can't be a good game on its own, though; after all, it's a fully destructible sandbox war game made using the same game engine as the first Mercenaries, which was fantastic.

So GamesRadar loaded up their PS2 copy of the game to find out - and almost immediately, they were bitterly disappointed by what they saw.

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Killjoy30005747d ago

Most of the experience is arguably the amount of attention put in to the visuals, so the PS2 version feels like a step back in what Pandemic was trying to accomplish. Lets face it, the game play isn't crystal clear, especially on-foot, with lackluster sooting mechanics and such.

SaiyanFury5747d ago

Well what do people expect? The game was obviously made for the current consoles and the PS2 has hardware limitations that the current ones don't have. CPU, memory, GPU, none of the PS2's hardware is up to the processing challenge that the current games have so of course they had to scale it back. It's a simple matter of numbers. And these guys are complaining? What did they expect? I'm sorry, but from a logical standpoint of course the PS2 version is inferior. An HD game down-converted to SD will not compare to it's HD counterparts.

Killjoy30005747d ago

But you're also forgetting that they could've used the Mercs 1 engine if they wanted to. But then again, I'm not quite sure if that engine runs sprawling, open environments well. Oh well. The bottom line is that on a technical standpoint, the game shows its weaknesses on all platfroms and that weakness is, of course, polish. It seems like for all consoles they released the game in a pre-beta stage. What gives?

xaphanze5747d ago

Good point killjoy.

Why do you have 4 bubbles? Here have one.

mfwahwah5747d ago

Well, Dead Rising is coming out on the Wii. It's weaker hardware, but they tailored the game for the Wii. Mercs 2 should have been *better* than Mercs 1 on PS2, yet it's not. That's pretty surprising to me.

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Jock5747d ago

Apparently really bad....The PS2 is so easy and cheap top develop for ..I dont see how they could have made the sequel be worse than the 1st game when they were just using a 4 year old game engine and everything was already in place from the game 1st...all they had to do was literally copy and paste...lol

Killjoy30005747d ago

No matter ow much I (and many others for that matter) want it to be that simple, it simply can't. They don't care if it's a quality IP or not. All they see in the Playstation 2 is a cash cow. Do you think they honestly care about satisfying their PS2 consumers ? No. When there is over 125 million PS2s out there, there's almost no hesitation anymore in making a quality port for any PS2 gamers out there.

I'm not questioning your knowledge, more-so reminding you of common sense you are probably already aware of.

KobeT245747d ago

Ports just dont go well. Especially next gen port to last gen consoles.

juuken5747d ago

They just haaaaaad to mention the PS2, lol.

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higgins783454d ago

I cant agree with a lot of games on this list. Far, far more deserving entries - which I wont go into now. All I will say is Blast Corps U...I can dream, cant I?

I_am_Batman3454d ago

The Darkness games are among my favorite games of last gen. Both were very unique in their own ways. I'd love to see a third iteration though I doubt it'll happen.

Folklore 2 would be nice as well.

idlet3453d ago

Folklore was great! Great mechanics and atmosphere. Shame it never got too much notice

I_am_Batman3453d ago

Yeah. If I hadn't played the demo I would've probably missed out on it as well.

Helloween133454d ago

Well apart from Jak and Daxter the rest are total crap and I for 1 are glad there was no more of that crap, now if you want to talk about Heavenly sword and Medievil now thats 2 that should have another go at this gen

TomLovesXBOX3454d ago

Legend of Dragoon. That is all that needs to be said.

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