
Voice Actress Tara Strong Rocks The Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Cosplay At SDCC

Tara Strong, the popular voice actress known for playing Harley Quinn in the later Arkham games, Injustice: Gods Among Us and Lego Dimensions as well as playing Batgirl in Batman: The Animated Series and Batman: The Killing Joke, decided to hit the convention yesterday cosplaying as Harley from Arkham Knight.

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-Foxtrot2863d ago

This is amazing

Much better then the one in the upcoming film...THIS is Harley Quinn, she could have provided the voice and she actually looks the part.

Why didn't they use that kind of design in the film instead of the Las Vegas pole dancer look.

OldGuyStillGaming2863d ago

Absolutely nothing wrong with vegas pole dancers look

Nitrowolf22863d ago

Only there's really nothing wrong with the one in suicide squad.

-Foxtrot2863d ago

There kind it is

It's now how "hot" she looks over anything else and that's not what Harley as a character is about. She has sex appeal but it was never full on in your face, it was her actions and what she was like as a psychotic character

She looks like a new Vegas stripper/pole dancer and the Joker looks like a Marilyn Manson pimp.

Nitrowolf22863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )


And this costume doesn't do the same? You know the whole "sexy nurse look" cause that's how the costume originated to a degree. She even wore a nurse hat that had to plus replaced with an H.

It's funny you say it was never full in your face, yet this costume is arguably the one that put more sexualization on her. It was always light with the jester costume, though that's very debatable to (pudding scene in the animated series, and all her rubbing against batman)

Its funny you say that this costume is the harley quinn when the majority of people grew up with the classic jester one.

Joker looks fine to, very close to his End game joker

BlackTar1872863d ago

Yea I'm not sure your point fox this Harley is highly sexualized

overrated442862d ago

Nitro has gone and made a good point...so we'll never hear from Fox in this discussion again.

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Lighter92863d ago

Idk why they never got Mark Hamill to play the Joker in a movie.

Nitrowolf22863d ago

Same, I always thought he could pull it off, but I'm glad he played trap master in the 1st generation of flash, and then played him in the new one, which was extremely joker like

Scatpants2863d ago

Because he has the voice, but the wrong look.

TheCommentator2863d ago


I heard the same thing both when Jack Nicholson and Heath Leddger were cast, so I'm not sure about that.

gangsta_red2863d ago

Because Mark Hamill is a terrible actor.

Deadpooled2863d ago


No, just no. A lead role in one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time, the trilogy with so much influence among the movie industry and changed the science fiction genre forever.

gangsta_red2863d ago


And you truly believe Mark Hamill had anything to do with that?

If that were true then what iconic movies and great acting jobs has he had or been in since?

rainslacker2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Because he didn't have the star power to really get people to go see him. He's famous, but not in the same league in terms of box office draw as Nicholson. Ledger had his own draw, and not as much as Nicholson, but still more than Hammil has really gotten in a long time.

Unfortunately, people just see him as Luke Skywalker. He's a good actor, and a phenomenal voice actor, and the part of the Joker isn't really about the looks, rather the personality. Nicholson, Ledger, and even Ceasar Romero back in the old series, all had different looks, but brought different aspects to the forefront. There is no reason that Hammil couldn't pull it off IMO, but he may be getting a bit too old now to play a younger character like that.

OTOH, given that comic book fans also tend to be Star Wars fans, it's likely they wouldn't mind him playing the part, since I've never heard anyone criticize his voice performance in the part.


I believe Lucas is terrible at directing good actors. Hammil is a good actor. Not the greatest, although arguably he is one of the better voice actors out there, but one would be hard pressed to see his acting ability in anything that Lucas directed. I mean, Lucas had some of the best actors in Hollywood give some of their most wooden and worst performances in their careers in the prequels...if that puts things in perspective. Even Harrison Ford and Carrie Fischer had weak performances in the original series compared to their other work, despite Ford being the best part of the original films.

For the time Star Wars originally released though, Hammil's performance was in no way bad, and was not uncommon form for the day.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2862d ago

@gangsta red

He had an award winning role in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back as Cockknocker. Lol

He also does the voice of skips on the Regular Show. (I had no clue of this). Outstanding voice actor but fill in his film role with anyone else and you get the same performance.

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Bobafret2863d ago

I am so thankful you and your ilk aren't in charge of casting movies.

jcnba282863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Are you for real? This cos player has half her chest out yet you're saying the Suicide Squad version is the one that looks like a stripper? Right...

senorfartcushion2863d ago

Wouldn't bother, she is aimed at teenage boys. Yes, she is overlysexualised in the new film but in terms of how she is as a female character in general: Harley has always been awful; she is a rape victim who has falled for her captor.

Teenage biys are downvoting you and telling you that you are wrong and there are far too many for you to deal with, ignore it.

InTheLab2863d ago

Umm... she's not THE voice. Arlene Sorkin will always be Harley.

Now Tara does look amazing. Especially considering she's in her she's 43. But Margo is a different Harley and that's fine. One has her boobs out and the other is wearing tiny shorts....whatever... it all works

PaleMoonDeath2863d ago

She looks great in Suicide Squad, you're not one of "those" people are you? :/

NovusTerminus2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )


All they really changed was they removed the thigh high boots. Truthfully while she shows her legs more, she has less of her chest exposed in the movie.

ApolloTheBoss2863d ago

Am I the only one who thought the girl who played Harley in the first Arkham sounded waaayy better?

FalconR2892862d ago

That's because the voice actress from the first Arkham was the Original Harley Quinn's voice.

KiwiViper852862d ago

What kind of strip clubs do you hang around?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2862d ago
quent2863d ago ShowReplies(1)
quent2863d ago

Looking good, equally talented and beautiful voice actor

quent2863d ago

Looking good, equally talented and beautiful voice actress

quent2863d ago

Sorry for the multiposting, phones sh!t.

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Relientk771d 12h ago

So they're adding Skull and Bones to their service? That doesn't seem exciting at all lol.


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The Games Industry Needs A Stronger Games Media

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lodossrage2d ago

What we need is a more honest games media. I'm sorry but if you're an outlet in bed with a publisher or getting goodies to attend preview/ review events then you can't be trusted to be objective. Very similar to the need for getting money out of politics.

ApocalypseShadow2d ago

Basically this. We've seen how the game media turned for the worse after the acceptance of advertising dollars during the 360 era from one particular company. How many websites were willing to sell out for Mountain Dew and Doritos. Accepting $800 Halo Swag bags and expensive Windows laptops to do blogging.

Video sites like game trailers that was willing to lie about PS3 graphics and sometimes, still had the wrong controller image at the bottom on the video. And, turned off comments it deleted them to keep the truth from being told.

That same company twisted certain gamers to a new level of fanboyism. This website was full of them when I arrived. Lying through their noses again and again. Then, that very company started lying or withholding information that showed the truth. That their competitors were selling more worldwide and had better graphics overall. But the damage to the media and a certain group of gamers was done. And, continues to this day. Even after hearing the truth that that company they serve is very destructive to the industry, developers and gamers.

lodossrage1d 23h ago

Yeah, and one of that company's former executives OPENLY admitted that. And before anyone says I'm lying:


Also, yeah plenty of people that are here now don't remember when this place was a haven for xbox. You have people like "The Mart at Xbox Kings" push all sorts of propoganda on a daily. But people seem to want to forget stuff like that...

Skuletor2d ago

The whole Gamespot/Kane & Lynch thing is one of the best examples and that was 16 years ago.

lodossrage1d 22h ago

Yeah, but with people and their short memories, I'm sure a good portion here forgot all about that

anast2d ago

Most game journalists are pariahs and low level marketing drones. They got too greedy and cannibalized their respect and trust. Something they learned not to do in their journalism schools. This is why we might as well watch gameplay critics on You Tube. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but for every genuine article there is a thousand game journalist trying to gloss over monetization schemes so they can sell the game to gamers in order to get free games to do their jobs. It gets old. Even this piece doesn't address the problem.

UltimateOwnage2d ago

We need better media in all aspects of society, period. Everything from the gaming press, to MSM is all fueled by clickbait headlines, half truths and buzzword topics that don't give much meat or meaning for the reader to benefit from.

lodossrage1d 18h ago


I can't even add anything to that .