
Why Nintendo Will Outsell the PS4 and Xbox One This Fall(Pressurecast One-Hundred-Thirty-Nine)

New Xbox Consoles Are Leaked, PewDiePie Defends Himself From FTC Allegations, and a Hentai Games Swindles Eleven Thousand Patreon Backers!

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Eonjay2886d ago

We, its only $60 and has incredible appeal. Think I will get one for the office.

darthv722886d ago

I see it selling to parents for their kids as an inexpensive nostalgia filled novelty. It will also sell to the enthusiasts who will want to dissect it to see if it can be modded to run other games or even other emulators. The price is fair and selection of games is good. It was actually surprising to see so many konami and capcom games on it instead of mostly Nintendo properties.

On a side note, i understand wisdom tree (Pico interactive) is looking to release an NES controller looking plug and play full of their games for $30. Maybe that will inspire others to make similar units...?

uptownsoul2885d ago (Edited 2885d ago )

Nintendo will NOT outsell PS4 or Xbox One this fall.

Why? Not for lack of demand...but lack of supply.

Because Nintendo will do a horrible job of keeping up with demand for the NES Mini...THe NES Mini will sell out and have large gaps of time were the device will not be available. However, there will be no such supply constraints for the base model PS4 or Xbox One this fall causing i to sell more than the NES Mini.

MachuchalBrotha3162885d ago (Edited 2885d ago )

What? I'm a parent and im getting this for myself. My kid can use tho...lol

@uptown, you're probably right but Nintendo Mini well sell like as much a good AAA title...hopefully. Im routing for it to succeed. I want all Nintendo mini consoles.

UltimateMaster2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

I don't get how you can compare a PS4 to the NES.
It's not like the NES have potential for new games.

OC_MurphysLaw2886d ago

I don't think this will be considered hardware. this is a closed game collection...the NES Classic Edition will not connect to the internet, and it won’t support any additional games. So basically as a game collection it will do great in NPD's but this doesn't mean Nintendo suddenly takes the crown for Holiday hardware or software if this sells well. I still suspect games like COD will sell better and this will not move the needle for Nintendo hardware... its a novelty retro gift that wont have legs because its limited to the 30 games pre-installed.

Kokyu2885d ago

Its like saying those retro atari consoles were going to out sell ps4.

zsquaresoff2885d ago

People who will buy it will buy it for the Nostalgia. Everyone else will either save for neo, Psvr, scorpio or Pc Parts.

nevin12885d ago

But its the price of a new game.

MachuchalBrotha3162885d ago

Which is why its gonna sell like hotcakes.

Dixiedevil2885d ago

Behold my powers to peer into the future:
Only people that are lucky enough to pre order will get one and for months it will only be available on eBay for $200+.

PizzaSteve2885d ago

Could you just play these same games on a emulator?

DrKarateChop2885d ago (Edited 2885d ago )

You absolutely 100% could. You could have 20 years ago. For many of the people on this site, there's no reason to buy this.

BUT that's not the market they're going after. This is for the people who stopped playing games because a controller with three or four buttons was too complicated for them. This is for people who dont know what "emulation" means. This is for the walmart, sears, dollar general crowd. And that's a huge market.

Darkwatchman2885d ago

I know what emulation is, but I don't like emulating hardware on a PC. I'd rather play on the original console or a system that does official backwards comparability like 3ds with full ds compatibility.

Case in point, years ago, I could have emulated Atari 2600 games and Snes games and genesis games, but you know what I did? I went online and bought all those actual systems with physical cartridge game. I own the original genesis sonic games all in their original boxes with the manuals and sonic and knuckles even comes with an advert for sonic and knuckles themed merchandise with a number to call...obviously that number doesn't work anymore for ordering that stuff. It's now a phone sex hotline, but you get the point.

I want physical. I don't want emulation so even though I'm not too crazy about the whole 30 games pre-loaded onto it with no ability to put in any other cartridges for it to work, just the fact that it's a physical console with an actual NES controller might be enough for me for the novelty.

kbozz712885d ago

Yeah, could easily emulate these games, but this is more about nostalgia. And yes, the market will be huge.

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Microsoft clearly still cares about Game Pass. Exclusives? Not so much

Regarding Microsoft’s position in the broader game industry, it seems we have our answer: It’s now a publisher first, a subscription platform second, and a console hardware platform a distant third.

20h ago
darthv7220h ago(Edited 20h ago)

when i hear people use the word "exclusive"... all I can think of is the princess bride: https://youtu.be/dTRKCXC0JF...

18h ago
XiNatsuDragnel17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

I swear xbox is a service now imo

16h ago
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Xbox Needs to Embrace PlayStation and Nintendo for Sustainability

Ybarra, who spent two decades at Microsoft, acknowledged concerns about the future of Xbox hardware by fans once more first-party games go multiplatform.

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ThinkThink2h ago

As an xbox guy, If porting some exclusives to sony and nintendo allows MS to continue offering gamepass day one, I'm all for it. Port them all if you need to.

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Your way of thinking is why Microsoft is where they are. All they had to do was hold the line of the 360 circa 2010. Had the continued with thay strategy they would not have had to introduce gamepass which has spectacularly kneecapped them.

ThinkThink1h ago

@hof, but then they would still be in the same position as sony, fighting for those same 150 million customers. As a publicly traded company, they still need to show growth. Once sony is day and date on PC, they will also need to find new customers, likely by embracing 3rd party. What you consider "kneecapping" I consider an incredible customer value in gamepass.

Ironmike1h ago

Kneecapping the xbox and pc owners are loving it I do t think u telise how popular gamepass is

MrBaskerville36m ago

They were faltering in the last year or two of the 360 era. Don't forget that they doubled down on Kinect, which might be part of the reason why they didn't have much to show going into Xbox One.

KevtheDuff1h ago

As a consumer, I really get that point of view.

As an ex dev seeing what's happened to the industry I have no doubt that GP is harming the industry I love by devaluing games, so my thoughts are little less positive about it.

I can agree with the sentiment that most of their games should be multi platform. Until they swallowed up these devs, most of the titles we are wating for would have been multi platform anyway.

Obscure_Observer43m ago


"As an xbox guy, If porting some exclusives to sony and nintendo allows MS to continue offering gamepass day one, I'm all for it. Port them all if you need to."

I won´t say all, but definitely some games I wouldn´t care either as long excellence continues to be delivered to us.

Lexreborn21h ago

I still find it funny that Microsoft is spinning its obligations that it has to releasing on other systems as if it is some noble decision. Before they bought the companies they did these games were all in development easily the last 3-5 years and had some type of standing agreement they absorbed.

People are acting like this is a dependency when in reality it’s them just trying to avoid major lawsuits. I am willing to bet any game that’s started development in the last year that would release in the next 5 will eventually be Xbox only unless in the next 5 years Xbox just fails hard.

And with the new skus they released I REALLY don’t foresee them having a huge jump. When now the disc version is a HUGE luxury at 600 with them not even having a physical presence anymore it’s them killing their physical market.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

They just need super strong games and consistency. This showcase was the first time since the 360 era where I actually was excited for what Xbox has. I already own a paper weight Xbox Series X, but now it’s looking like it’s time to blow the 3 inch layer of dust off it and give it some loving.

What Xbox needs to do now is be consistent with the releases. Don’t let this be a one time thing and then back the the poultry exclusives and typical Forza, Halo, and whatever else they just release. If they can do that I honestly believe they can rebuild the brand and possibly get it back to how it was when the 360 was alive.

Ironmike1h ago

I agree with article and I believe sony will follow suit budgets to big development times to long none can sustain this forever and sony won't be able to either

ThinkThink59m ago

I also think in 20 years we are going to look back and say "Remember when we used to have to buy a game publishers box to put under your TV in order to play their games?"


Former PlayStation Boss Responds to Phil Spencer's 'Slimy' Comment

The former boss of PlayStation has responded to some recent comments made by Xbox head Phil Spencer in a recent interview. The wide-ranging interview covered a variety of topics, with the conversation at one point leading Spencer to mention that he doesn't want to do "slimy platform things" to force gamers to play games a certain way, which has now prompted a response by PlayStation's former leader.

Jin_Sakai12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

“Phillip W. Spencer III:"Xbox’s aim with Call of Duty is to give players choice, not "do slimy platform things" that make one option more appealing."

Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else.

CrashMania7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Yep, some of their fans also parrot this hypocritical line, MS started and popularised that trend, then spent 80 billion.

Pot kettle black.

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Every word out of MS can be flipped on its head to reveal the truth.

ravens522h ago

Don't you get the beta early if you have gamepass, that's what I heard.

Reaper22_1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

"Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else."

That's not actually true. Sony paid to keep games off of Nintendo and sega back in day. Plus they payed blocking rights to keep certain games off of gamepass which is probably what Phil may be referring to. Imo that makes them slimey too if we're being honest. At the end of the day it's just business. There is no doubt in my mind that if sony could make huge purchases like Microsoft, they would. You probably won't see sony respond with an official statement because they know they are just as guilty.

Einhander19721h ago

"Sony paid to keep games off of Nintendo and sega back in day."

That's not actually true.

Nintendo (and Sega) had licensing of games exclusive to their system way before PlayStation even existed, and both used 3'rd party developers to make licensed games exclusively for their hardware.

You and Microsoft are literally trying to rewrite history.

fr0sty58m ago

To be fair here, Einhander, Phil didn't mention Sony by name with his comment, it was just implied.
That said, the practice goes all the way back to the "Nintendo Seal of Quality" that not only limited developers to publishing on NES, but also limited the number of games they could make per year to 5.

blackblades37m ago

Nintendo did it, sega did it was business at the end of the day. Y'all people gotta stop rolling on the Sony did it back in the day nonsense. Always blaming someone and back in the day was back in the day stop going that far back in time.

DarkKaine1h ago

The first instance of this crap I remember is Soul Calibur II. GameCube got Link, Xbox had Yoda and PS2 had Darth Vader.

darthv721h ago

you are thinking Soul Calibur 4 for the SW characters. Soul Calibur 2 had Link (GC), Spawn (XB) and Heihachi (PS2). Then Soul Calibur 3 was exclusive to the PS2 while Soul Calibur 4 was on 360/PS3... no Nintendo version until Soul Calibur Legends for Wii.

Skuletor49m ago

Adding on to what darth said, Soulcalibur II HD came out later on PS3 (maybe Xbox 360 too?) and it included the PS2 exclusive character Heihachi and the Xbox exclusive fighter Spawn but unsurprisingly, Link wasn't included

Soul Calibur IV on Xbox had Yoda (hate fighting that short bastard) and PS3 had Darth Vader but each platform had the other fighter as paid DLC.

darthv721h ago

True... and yet the kind of 'exclusivity' MS paid for was usually timed. The same things would still come to the PS but when Sony does it they make it so what they pay for stays exclusive.

I get paying to get something sooner, but paying to keep others from ever getting it too... that shit is slimy AF.

romulus2312m ago

"but paying to keep others from ever getting it too... that shit is slimy AF "

So than you agree the Act/Blizz and Zenimax deals are slimy AF becasue there are definitely former multi-plat games PlayStation gamers lost becasue of the aqusitions.

Christopher26m ago

Phil says things but it's the actions of the company he runs that just nullifies all of his statements. You can't call a company slimy for using money to buy exclusives when you do the exact same thing by buying out studios and making their new games exclusives. At least up until the point you realize you're not selling enough and need to put them on that other platform to make the game studios stick around and exist.

TheProfessional5m ago(Edited 0m ago)

You're a joke Jin. Only commenting on articles like this but no comments on any of the successful Xbox showcase articles....

Jim Ryan is corporate trash who greenlit bad projects, games as a service is trash, PS blew their lead and there are no decent upcoming games. They have no respect for any of their franchises that are pre-ps4 and only do greedy remasters of last generation games for $60 Where is syphon? Twisted metal? Getaway? All abandoned.

You're always so triggered on these posts. What a joke to be so loyal to a corporation. both consoles have merit. Stop being so cheap.

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Terry_B12h ago

Phil was and is the right man for the company he is working for. Slimy..through and through. The Persons as well as the company itself.

italiangamer11h ago

POS boss for a POS brand with POS fans, that's what xbox is.
So good to see them begging for Sony and Nintendo money and making all their games multiplatform, they are the ultimate losers and got what they deserve.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

Microsoft are the definition of slimy imo

I_am_Batman5h ago

Phil Spencer surely must have the world record in the amount of times a CEO can put his foot in his mouth throughout his career. I honestly wonder why Microsoft even lets him do interviews at all at this point.

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