
PlayStation Neo: A Marketing Disaster

Despite PlayStation having a phenomenal show at E3 last week, one thing was blatantly missing: the PlayStation Neo console.

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KwietStorm_BLM2901d ago

Yea pretty much. Anything for a story.

thekhurg2901d ago

Shit websites wanting clicks. Nothing new for the internet anymore.

Cindy-rella2901d ago

Marketing for the ps4 neo must be in the matrix world because i havent seen anything about it. This writer must have chosen the red pill

NewMonday2901d ago

proves there is a segment of people out their who just love to fantasize more than discus real facts.

Gazondaily2901d ago

"proves there is a segment of people out their who just love to fantasize more than discus real facts."

Yup. Countless articles and comments on here discussing the Scorpio have been doing the same. All hyperbole.

ShadowKnight2900d ago

The red pill lol 😅😅

XisThatKid2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

how is something that hasn't been released yet for that matter JUST been announced it even existed in some case badly marketed?
I'm sorry I'm only responding to the title I'm not giving them the click.

morganfell2900d ago

Just stop with the comparison Septic. Sony didn't mention Neo whereas MS made it the centerpiece of their conference to include an official word as regards some specs and a video. That video? It's called marketing.

KwietStorm_BLM2900d ago


The comparisons between the "specs" thus far have been as pointless as this article, but Scorpio was hardly the centerpiece of Microsoft's conference..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2900d ago
2901d ago Replies(1)
Aceman182901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

To this title


Muzikguy2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

Lame journalists these days. The reasons Neo wasn't there are obvious. It wasn't blatantly missing. Why don't we talk about what the Scorpio can do or see some games for it? Oh wait....

These people act like they run the show and it's pathetic. Sony WILL market the system. Keep your panties on

Errorist762900d ago

Psychotherapists call it projection, lol.

sAVAge_bEaST2900d ago

Looks like the Checks cleared from M$ yesterday, with these new headlines from small cites.

ThyMasterDebater2900d ago

It hasn't even hit the market yet.. How did it already become a disaster, We don't even know the specs or games or details or really anything except for it's in developers hands and it exists.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2900d ago
2901d ago Replies(2)
Naji4Me2901d ago

So maybe it was ur day off when andrew talk about Neo.

Hoffmann2901d ago

Why are submissions like that approved on N4G even.

Double_O_Revan2901d ago

Because garbage websites have created enough N4G accounts to both submit and approve its own crap. Shame really.

starchild2901d ago

I'm sure you also had a problem with all the negative Scorpio articles too, right?

Either way, I don't think any of these negative articles about the mid-gen upgraded consoles (Neo or Scorpio) really make much sense. All Sony and Microsoft have done is let us know that Neo and Scorpio are coming and give us a general outline of what they're for.

It's not hard to understand. Instead of the traditional console generation where we have the same consoles for 6 years or whatever now the platform holders are going to release mid-gen upgraded consoles for those who want a higher quality experience.

These more advanced consoles use the same architecture and play the same games as the base PS4 and XB1. You could say they are really just more powerful versions of those consoles.

More of the nitty gritty details will obviously be coming along in due time.

Eidolon2901d ago

I have not seen one negative Scorpio article approved.

Gazondaily2901d ago

@ Eidolon

Ahahahah! Wait....youre being serious?!

jb2272900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

Nah, first off, only MS have fully officially unveiled their console, Sony has only confirmed that they are working on something. The rumors are exactly that, regardless of whether or not people feel like Sony are too far along to change rumored specs.

Secondly, MS have been working to claim that the performance gains won't equate solely to res & fps boosts, but tech breakdowns & those same rumors have said the CPUs won't see much of a boost to actually change much beyond the Res & FPS.

MS still hasn't clearly explained the gains. Not because they haven't released nebulous statements, but because they haven't given us a frame of gameplay.

They are marketing these consoles to console gamers. The entire point is that we aren't hardware nerds, so you need to show us what is capable with your platforms, just don't give us statements like "Most Powerful Console Ever" when nearly every single console ever released has been exactly that for some period of time

I'd be all for these new consoles & the promise behind them if I had actually seen with my own two eyes what they are capable of & didn't have to just take Phil Spencer's word for it, all the while he & the rest of the MS team have been blatantly contradicting themselves & falling over each other in terms of messaging

You cannot blame console gamers for being confused about a confusing message. The onus is on MS & Sony to make clear exactly why we need these consoles. The proof is in the actual games, not the flashy commercials & buzz words they can come up with.

If nothing else, the Neo may very well end up very underpowered compared to the Scorpio, but Sony has been set up yet again to one up MS in terms of clear messaging. If Sony comes out with a full rollout containing full detailed specs, form factor, solid release date, retail price & actual games running on their system, they've already won in my eyes. Don't try to sell me on an idea that isn't set in stone yet, that's just amateur desperation, and I for one won't fall for that.

Death2900d ago

The only thing that was clear was Sony doesn't want to risk PS4 sales by talking about the Neo which is supposed to launch within the next 5 months. How does Neo impact PSVR and will PSVR work properly on the less powerful PS4? There has to be a reason for Neo to exist and the fact it's launching in the same window as PSVR suggest the 40 million PS4 owners eagerly waiting for PSVR might not be able to run it properly. Sony has a lot of unanswered question and still need time to market both very soon if they want to launch successfully this year. I find the lack of information at e3 as something to have concern over. I'm not sure why so many can question everything Microsoft does yet follow Sony so blindly.

starchild2900d ago

"Nah, first off, only MS have fully officially unveiled their console, Sony has only confirmed that they are working on something. The rumors are exactly that, regardless of whether or not people feel like Sony are too far along to change rumored specs."

Well, Microsoft might have done it in more dramatic fashion, but both platform holders have fundamentally done the same thing. They've told us that they are working on new consoles that are different than we've ever seen before. They are mid-gen upgrades that play the same games as the current PS4 and XB1, only with better visuals and/or performance.

Microsoft did give out a few general specs and a rough release window for the Scorpio, but it still hasn't been fully revealed. More of a tease than anything else. Sony just did their tease with a little less information and in a quieter fashion. They seem to not want the news to make too much noise and therefor lose out on PS4 sales as people wait to get the upgraded Neo version.

I agree with you, though, that people shouldn't treat the rumors as written in stone. Until they are confirmed they are still rumors, no matter how likely they may be. And I do think they are fairly likely, given the accuracy of so many other aspects of the rumors.

"tech breakdowns & those same rumors have said the CPUs won't see much of a boost to actually change much beyond the Res & FPS"

I haven't seen those particular tech breakdowns. But that doesn't make much sense to me. There are lots of ways you can improve a game's visuals that have little to do with the CPU. If anything, the CPU tends to be more of a bottleneck on framerate. If it's true the CPUs won't see much of an upgrade I would be more skeptical of the possibility of 60fps than anything else.

As for the rest of your comment, well, I don't find any of this confusing at all. Rod Fergusson misspoke and I was a little surprised by what he was saying, but that was quickly clarified and everything I've read since then has been pretty consistent and easy to understand.

I don't know why you expect them to show games running on a console that is still over a year away. They are in the beginning phases of working with developers and figuring out what they can do with the new hardware.

And if the Neo really is coming out in four or five months as the rumors suggested shouldn't Sony, by your standards, be showing us demos and giving us info well before Microsoft? If they wait until a month or two before the Neo releases to give us any solid demos or specs I wonder if people like you will have a problem with it. I know that if Microsoft had waited until after the middle of next year to tell us Scorpio would be coming a few months later they would have been criticized to no end for 'misleading' gamers just to get more Xbox One S sales. Personally, I don't have any real issue with either of their approaches. I know we will be getting more info about both consoles in due time.

Hoffmann2900d ago

w-wait..there were...negative articles about the scorpio too?..t-this is terrible!

Jokes aside, this article here was not even about the Neo directly, it was about bad marketing for it and that is why this article made no sense as many mentioned already. Complaining about bad marketing if something was not even announced or marketed, that's the problem with this article and why I wondered that it was approved.

trooper_2900d ago

Oh knock it off. I've seen more positive Scorpio articles than negative. Or did you miss the article that specifically asked if Scorpio will kill Sony's momentum?

Gee, I guess not!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2900d ago
DragonDDark2901d ago

Just report them. I don't see people reporting articles these days.

ITPython2900d ago

Well with the 3 hardcore XB1 supporters on this site with 20 accounts each, they can approve just about anything.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2900d ago
freshslicepizza2901d ago

sony already has their biggest fans on the forums trying to discredit sorpio so they have that going for them already.

the thing is sony didn't really have to do anything, they could have just sat on the ps4 and let it play out for another 3 years or so but sony in too heavily invested in the ultra bluray format. that to me is the only reason why and are using the extra resources to enhance ps4 games.

microsoft is trailing so i can see why they need to kickstart things but sony may create more of a mess now. what will be really troubling is if they have any issues at all on launch day and some games don't work well.

Aenea2901d ago

I was kinda wondering why there weren't any negative Neo articles yet, but that's over now apparently!

Anyhoo, good thing you're here to help defend MS's honour though, am sure they are apreciating it!

Dark_Knightmare22901d ago

Why would they have issues on launch day Sony products are pretty damn solid so there is no worries there when the neo does launch. Regardless if Sony is invested in ultra HD that's just dumb to think that's the only reason the neo exist especially when Scorpio is going to be able to play ultra HD movies too. Fact is Sony is comfortably ahead and the neo will just widen the lead and nothing Xbox does will change that especially since all their exclusives are now able to played on pc making the owners of an Xbox like me feel redundant

freshslicepizza2901d ago

if its not because of ultra bluray why would sony even bother when they have had a flawless launch?

Goldby2900d ago


They are releasing their 4k Vue this year and the neo will help drive sales. Also its an upgrade because parts will be cheaper for it

Aloy-Boyfriend2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

We don't have to discredit anything. Scorpio and even the future of xbox are confusing enough for MS to blow in their faces. Then again, they have never been that good marketing and explaining hardware. All the fanboys are paying attention to is the mighty 6 teraflops only. MS should be pretty careful with the price of Scorpio, but the desperation of fixing the Xbox One fk ups seems to be getting the best of them

Lenrulesdaworld2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

There is nothing confusing about the consoles, the media are confusing people because they are idiots. As media myself and being there at E3 the message was clear. They have 3 tiers of consoles, the scorpio is a premium product. Pick you device, PC, SCORPIO, XBOX ONE S OR XBOX ONE. PC is independent from MS but the others are devices you can choose from in the windows device family to play games in the xbox ecosystem. Xbox fans know exactly what was said and what is being offered, anyone confused on it doesn't want to listen or doesn't care to. So they blame it on the message being confusing. SMH

Goldby2900d ago


The scorpio isnt this gen.

This gen was about 1080p reaolutionand games on both consoles arent hitting that. Xbox one s and Neo are being made to actually stand by their claims of 1080p resolution.

Scorio is 4k native resolution. Aint no way in hell thats the same generation as the xbox one. How will they be able to distinguish for net gen if scorpio is this gen. 8k resolution?.

4k cards are now being produced (gtx1080) that signifies the next generation for console gaming. Scorpio is net gen just like ps5 will be.

One s and neo are mid gen upgrades used to push 4k media and more stable resolution and frame rate.

Media is confusion everyone. But the fact is ms jumped the gun again with trying to get next gen started

BlackTar1872901d ago


Maybe some day MS will wake up to what makes a gaming company successful.............THE GAMES

johndoe112112901d ago

Sometimes you make comments that literally make my eyes bleed.

freshslicepizza2901d ago (Edited 2901d ago )

"Sometimes you make comments that literally make my eyes bleed."

that's only from the pressure of your head from being so far up sony's you know what. i still think ps4 neo will be very successful but sony is very very worried about the messaging because their loyal fans are so sensitive to everything. microsoft just stole their thunder because what is sony going to price this thing now that microsoft just offered a ultra bluray player for $300 and in one big swoop also announced a 6 teraflop console next year?

so now what, it's all about the games? fine, then current ps4 owners will be like what the hell, why bother coming out with neo? they are the ones that are very skeptical because they don't want an inferior ps4 sitting there in front of them knowing johnny down the street has a nice new ps4 neo. this is why sony is taking their time trying to think of how they can make good on why neo is needed and why current ps4 owners should not feel upset.

JackBNimble2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

lol ... MS stole sonys thunder , with what ? They don't even have a diagram of their dream machine , just a bunch of numbers on paper.
They might have to boost scorpio to 8tflops or even 10 tflops just to deliver what they promised. After all isn't it all about fps , or are you xbox guys going to be happy with 4k and if your lucky 30fps ?

iceman062901d ago

Perhaps Sony, like MS, realized that this generation of consoles was just not gonna last long enough without the extra nudge of another console? These mid-gen upgrades are meant as hold overs because the originals, while more powerful than the predecessors, weren't really as future proof.
In the end, the "worries" that you have with Sony should extend to MS as well. What need did MS really have? According to many Xbox fans, "it's selling as well as the 360, that's successful...or "Xbox is not competing for console sales..." Yet, they are releasing 2 new skus to compete. Sony has dealt with multiple consoles in a gneration in multiple generations for a LONG time. MS just started that this gen. (aside from slim models). So, shouldn't there be some concern there? MS will have 3 tiers of experiences to Sony's 2. Shouldn't that put more concern (if there's going to be any) on MS side? As far as launch day, games that don't "work well" would be an issue for BOTH because they are basically doing the same thing with these mid-gen machines (even though the Scorpio is more powerful than the rumored specs of the Neo)
You seem to be either concern trolling or turning a bit of a blind eye to the fact that Sony and MS have the same idea with the mid-gen upgrades. They want to extend the generation and the tech that was put in the launch systems wasn't gonna cut it. It's risky for both companies and there are still many questions about the future for both.

leoms2901d ago

And here I thought this article was missing something a bit more negative... then you show up

Muzikguy2900d ago

I'd be more worried about the internal power brick of the slim X1 causing overheating problems than the Neo running games

jb2272900d ago

Ok, if Sony has issues on launch day that would be very bad for sure...why is that a Sony centric problem though? Do you think that MS isn't just as likely to have their own issues at launch?

What you are describing is not a Sony centric potential problem, it's something any new console could fall victim to.

Difference is, Sony will only have to worry about creating solid experiences across PS4 & Neo, MS will have to deal with creating solid experiences across XBO, XBO S, PC & Scorpio. Considering we've already seen the results of the simultaneous launch of Win10 & XBO for Q B w/ it's huge issues on PC, it's more likely than not that MS will have those issues at launch.

JackBNimble2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

Funny you should say that about the UHD 4k blu-ray format because I believe that is exactly why Sony developed Neo , and it is the only thing that actually makes any sense. The cpu /gpu boost obviously will benefit gamers , but the gamers were never the reason for Neo . This is all about sales and pushing UHD blu-ray format, and if xbox s wasn't coming out with the UHD blu-ray as well , then I think they would have been at a serious disadvantage .

I will get the PS4Neo if my PS4 shits the bed.

Just because moldy is an xbox fan doesn't make him wrong . Not eveything Sony does is for the gamer, uhd blu-ray will help sell consoles to people who don't normally own or play games. Just look at all Sony's old formats from cd-rom ,dvd, blu-ray . It's all about pushing tech in Sony's favor .

iceman062900d ago

While it's not the ONLY reason, or only one that makes sense, I also believe that it's part of the overall picture. I think Sony probably wanted to release a system like this day one. But, the "backlash" from the PS3 pricing AND the need to turn immediate profits forced them to lower their aims for the hardware. Now, they see the opportunity to release something closer to what they wanted, with the caveat of the Trojan Horse Ultra Blu Ray as an added bonus for them. It's what they do. They use their formats in their popular machines in hopes to make it catch on.

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YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake17h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Relientk7712h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai4h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing694h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford153h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B


For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens522h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan1h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

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PlayStation Store "Days of Play" Sale Kicks Off, Here Are the Discounted Items

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