
Star Fox Zero Review – Slippy Turd - The Jimquisition

Star Fox Zero is a dumpster game for people who want to have a garbage time, and it belongs in the toilet.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2957d ago

Jim's infamous negativity strikes again.XD
I think I'll take The Completionist's word over Jim's on this one, though.
He went through the whole game, did everything, and covered the controls debate succinctly and fairly.
Jim, apparently, has not.XD
Still a funny read, though.

deafdani2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Hell, I actually like Jim Sterling's articles and reviews a lot, and I often agree with him... but not on this one. He's way off the mark here.

It's clear by his blatant hate against Star Fox Zero and Kid Icarus Uprising (he gave it 5/10 back when he was in Destructoid) that Jim Sterling just can't wrap his head around unconventional control schemes in action games. I disliked Kid Icarus' controls because they were uncomfortable as all hell, but the game itself was amazing (however, I must concede that control scheme was way faster and more precise than any analog input could be).

On the other hand, Star Fox Zero isn't as good as Kid Icarus Uprising, not even close... but its controls are on another league entirely, it's not even comparable. So both games sort of even out in my eyes. :P

...now I want a Kid Icarus game for Wii U with gamepad aiming like Splatoon, but without Star Fox Zero's two-screen focus. That would be amazing.

Lonnie182957d ago

I agree, it;s rubbish and so is Nintendo and their wanna give a release date and not show off NX at E3 lame selfs! I mean who does that?

wonderfulmonkeyman2956d ago

Taking your hatred of their recent decisions concerning E3, and allowing that to bleed over into your opinion of a game you likely have no extensive experience with, does not make your opinion an informed one, much less reliable.

superchiller2956d ago

Hard to believe that Nintendo and Platinum Games put out such a poor game, especially considering that they postponed the release to "polish" the game further. What a disaster for both companies.

wonderfulmonkeyman2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Just, no.
You don't own the game.
You don't own the system.
I doubt you've owned a single thing from Nintendo since the SNES, if that, though you'll lie through your teeth about it given half the chance.
You have no right to speak about Star Fox or anything else Nintendo has put out in recent years, because you speak entirely from the podium reserved specifically for a trumped-up uninformed Nintendo hater.
One who has failed to acknowledge that the game is doing well critically and has a lot to offer for gamers that don't suck at adapting to new challenges.

Sit. Down.

superchiller2956d ago

For your information, I used to be a huge Nintendo fan. I still own my original NES, SNES, N64, and GBA SP, and hundreds of games for those systems (including many rare and collectible copies). I even still own 2 brand new translucent colored N64 consoles, never opened.

Since the N64, Nintendo has lost its way. They've released poor hardware crippled by bad gimmicks. This is not the Nintendo I knew and loved as I was growing up.

Instead of constantly making excuses for their bungled products and games, you really should be demanding that they completely overhaul their misguided corporate approach, and pay attention to what gamers really want. By defending every bad product and game they release, you are just encouraging them on their slide into oblivion.

The game is not "doing well critically", in fact it sits on Metacritic with an overall score of 70, "mixed or average reviews". The game was clearly a disaster for both Nintendo and Platinum Games, and a new low point for a company that is clearly out of touch with reality.

Sirk7x2956d ago

I bought it, and I'm actually playing the game right now. It's pretty awesome. The controls took a bit to click, as they did with The Wonderful 101, but I find it like second nature now. This game is just as good, if not better than Star Fox 64. Either you like the series or you don't. It's an on-rails, short arcade shooter. Not for everyone.


Star Fox Zero, Was it Really That Bad?

Has time been kind to Star Fox Zero? Does the game have any redeeming qualities that are worthy of revisiting? Should it be considered for a port to the Switch? Was it really that bad?

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Snookies12944d ago

Haven't played it since it came out, but I really enjoyed it. Can't tell if that's just nostalgia-tinted glasses, or if I actually consider it a good game though lol.

Vits944d ago

It's a mediocre game that reuses ideas, scenarios, characters and moments from previous ones. Paired with one of the worst control methods that I had the displeasure of using.

CptDville943d ago

Those controls. Boring and frustrating at the same time. Only with co-op they were bearable, but co-op was restricted to finished levels.

SeTTriP943d ago

Yes couldn't finish it it was so boring.

MissAubrey943d ago

controls made me stop playing also what good is a 65inch tv when you have to look at a tiny Wiiu tablet.. same with kirby & the rainbow curse..

Einhander1971943d ago

No it was great, just the control scheme spoilt things really. The wii u screen was not needed for it really

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Platinum wants to bring Star Fox Zero to Switch

But any potential design changes would be up to Nintendo if it happens.

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FallenAngel1984993d ago

I’d rather Star Fox Assault be brought to Switch with online multiplayer instead

Teflon02993d ago

Finally, someone who knows about Assault. Best Star Fox Multi-player imo.

Neonridr993d ago

or a Star Fox 64 remaster instead.

deadfrag993d ago

Platinum Games wants to many things but sadly it does not show nothing new for years!They try to jump on all offers but end finishing none!

whitbyfox993d ago

1: Get rid of the motion controls.

2: Bring us Okami 3.

Good-Smurf993d ago (Edited 993d ago )

I rather have them show more of Bayonetta 3 first before they talking about any new project.
This reeks Inafune's funding for Red Ash and Mighty No.9 animated series, both never materialized.


Starfox Games, Ranked

WGTC: "Nintendo hasn’t always given Starfox the most love among its tentpole franchises, but the series has still cultivated a loyal cult fanbase over its almost 30-year history. Here are all of the games in the mainline series ranked from worst to best."

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DarkZane1039d ago

Well, they listed Star Fox Zero as the worst one, so that list is at least believable.

septemberindecember1037d ago

I feel like if you're judging the original Star Fox by it's era then I feel you should do the same with Star Fox 2 IMO. Since they are both effectively SNEA games

Sgt_Slaughter1037d ago

It's hard to top the N64 version (well maybe the 3DS version, but that should have used uncompressed audio. Without that it's a step down from what it could have been IMO)