
Are Ubisoft Leaving The Division To Rot?

After leaving Rainbow Six: Siege to wilt in the corner, it seems Ubisoft are slowly doing the same with The Division. Boring updates and a lack of bug fixes are slowly killing the game. The lack of direction in how to deal with hackers (not to mention the IP{ leaks when using voice chat) in the Dark Zone is also a issue.

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Miguelitons2971d ago

Would be a shame if Ubisoft would leave it to rot, hopefully not!

ThePope2971d ago

Massive, the developer is top notch I don't think they are leaving anything to rot. The issue lies in the fact that you can burn through the content so fast if you try hard enough. That and the lack of true PvP to distract you from the main game. They should really attempt to release content faster or introduce PvP as a stand alone free update ASAP.

jb2272971d ago

I'm predominantly an so gamer so forgive my ignorance on this, but does a game like this live & die off of repetition & any "replayability" garnered through it, or are there any similar games that offered enough of a memorable & impactful experience that gamers would feel like they got their money's worth out of a single cycle of playtime?

As an sp gamer, the games I love are the ones that left a mark on me when I had my first playthrough, and the ones that push me to playthrough again from time to time to recapture that spark. Any game like that & $60 is almost a steal for me. I don't need to get hundreds of hours of play time, I just need to have the hours I sink into it mean something to me. Does The Division offer that or is that rare in the mp space? I know I made memories I'll never forget in Goldeneye & Ive heard of countless memories made in the Halo series, but most of the others seem more like flavor of the week kinda things that just make your console useful for a few weeks, then it's on to the next one. Just a strange gaming experience for me comin from the sp side of things.

2971d ago
joab7772971d ago

This is the problem with mmo's. It's VERY difficult to keep up with the content....almost impossible. It's money first, and they aren't gonna keep a huge team working on a game for years and years unless it's extremely lucrative. It's better to make another game.

2971d ago Replies(2)
Garethvk2971d ago

I just spoke to the rep yesterday. He said it is a big game and it will take many time to complete so not to worry there is plenty to come.

rdgneoz32971d ago

If you did "talk to the rep", then "it is a big game and it will take many time to complete so not to worry there is plenty to come" could mean it's a big game with a lot to do (which after 30 isn't really true - 4 challenging missions and 1 horde mode [hard is OK, challenging is impossible trying it legit - lvl 34 yellow shot gunners...]), there is more to come. Or it will take a while to work out the bugs, don't worry, we figured you'd beta test it for us. I'm going with the later, seeing as they seriously don't know how to fix their own game and their community developer streams an incursion run with a group of known glitchers and defends them...

Garethvk2971d ago

I have not had any issues with it. I just wrote him to say that due to travel and being stuck in an area of the game I have not completed it as of yet but so far I am enjoying it and I know there is DLC and more content to come as well as fixes. They see this game as a franchise with multiple titles so I would be shocked if they do not listen to the fans and work to address concerns.

MagicBeanz2971d ago

"it will take many time to complete" LOL.

Lonnie182971d ago

Sure seems like it, why just yesterday I was trying to have a little fun in the DZ and rouges, rouges, over powered rouges in groups of 4 everywhere! Can't even beat the Incursion even with gear level of 174 and a team of 4, what a shame, I really liked The Division even got the plat, but now I think I will not be getting the dlc...

mrmonk2971d ago

I hope not I'm enjoying the game i do hope they fix it soon...I was the same couldn't clear the incursion with 3 friends all between gr 175 & 189 I'm 189.I joined a random squad today via matchmaking they where between gr190 & 200 we stayed in the middle underground & cleared it in half an hour.

N311V2971d ago

Looks to me like they need to lower the difficulty a little. I believe gear will drop from the boss at GS191 which isn't much use if you're already GS190-200. Although most enemies in the hard mode Incursion are purple Veterans, they feel like they have more armor than normal, perhaps that could be lowered.

PixelGateUk2971d ago

The Dark Zone was always going to require fine tuning and moderating, just a shame they couldn't keep up with the pace

Kyizen2971d ago

Nah the issue is the exploit in the new incursions lets people get all the really good gear fast. So then you people these people in the DZ and get owned. It's just not fair to those who don't cheat.

Elda2971d ago

The rouges just makes it annoying when you're trying to farm loot & earn exp.I wish they just had an area for rouges & they could just kill each other all day & night if they choose.

2971d ago
letsgopal2971d ago (Edited 2971d ago )

No, They aren't. Stop spreading panic.

PixelGateUk2971d ago

Could say the same to you, if i used your logic of 'i disagree, thus i am correct and they are wrong'

BEASELY2971d ago

Sorry, but you're overblowing these small problems. It's a giant product still in its infancy. Hackers? You mean level 90+ in groups of 4? That's not hacking, just mathematics. If there are any "hackers," it's strictly a PC problem, as with all PC games.

Askanison42971d ago

Whaaaat? Stop spreading panic? BUT TEH VIEWS!

How many articles have popped up to the top on here in the last few days all with the same rhetoric? It's all about dem views, people!

Starcommand2970d ago

Askanison4 - cool x-men Reference bro .......regardless of the rhetoric do you not admit that some people could be abusing the system and getting such a high gore skier that when we all hit up the DZ they will just overpower everyone else ?

2970d ago
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Kaii1d 10h ago

Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

DefenderOfDoom214h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Final Spape campaign getting very positive reviews. I am enjoying the Final Spape campaign myself. Definitely worth the delay.


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VincentVanBro1d 19h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast1d 18h ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv1d 17h ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.