
The Japan Preview: 8/10 Edition (360 tops PS3, DS~PSP, ToV ~113k, FE 152k)

VGChartz writes: Four games topped 100,000 units this week. One of those titles, Fire Emblem pushed DS hw & PSP hw to near identical numbers, while Tales of Vesperia pushed Xbox 360 hw above PS3 hw this week.

Four games sold over 100,000 units. Two of them were on DS while PSP and Xbox 360 had the others. The relative resurgence of console software last week, which saw PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii games take nine of the top 20 in the preliminary data, has receded in the wake of a big week for the portables.

Key Points:

-Tales of Vesperia pushed Xbox 360 sales past PS3 sales in Japan this week. The game itself sold over 110,000 units.
- Wii, PS3, and PS2 had very quiet weeks, with no software topping 30,000 units.
-Fire Emblem DS continued the drive in Japan to push DS back to parity with PSP.

Hardware Predicted Totals:

DSL: 60,000 to 70,000 unit range
PSP: 58,000 to 68,000 unit range
Wii: 35,000 to 45,000 unit range
360: 12,000 to 20,000 unit range
PS3: 8,000 to 12,000 unit range
PS2: 6,000 to 10,000 unit range

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avacadosnorkel5773d ago

the 360 beat the PS3 in Japan a couple other weeks in the past also

MURKERR5773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

a jrpg managed to only push 12-20000 360s (and when the real numbers come out i suspect maybe 11-12000 were sold)if an exclusive rpg cant push 360 consoles that shows 360 is dead in japan hell mgs4 pushed over 80000 and thats a STEALTH game!

Kleptic5773d ago

to be fair, MGS as a series has always been big in Japan also...

and Siligon...you didn't really 'tell' anyone that has followed this stuff this generation...this is the 3rd time its happened...AC6 and Blue Dragon both bumped the 360 into the ~15,000 range for a week or two...and then quickly snuggled back into its safety realm of 1.5k or so...

there is no debate as to whether the 360 has any hope in Japan whatsoever...but it still is funny to watch it try...goes very well with the definition of insanity...try the same thing over and over, but expect a different result...

mikeslemonade5773d ago

Then next week the 360 sales will be lower again. No suprise. This doesn't take away that the PS3 is gaining in North America, has the lead in europe, and will still outsell 360 this month in Japan.

jaysquared5773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

"hell mgs4 pushed over 80000 and thats a STEALTH game!"

Is that it? With the Sony fans hyping that game up saying it will sell more than Halo3? With its great reviews and that's all it was able to get? Phathetic if you ask me...

Even though the 360 is doing crappy in Japan its doing a lot better than the original Xbox did unlike the PS3 which is selling a lot less compared to the PS2.. I dont expect any American made game console to outsell Japanese consoles in Japan but you gotta give M$ props for not giving up on Japan. M$ has really focused in trying to win the Japanese market unlike Sony who is pretty much shunning the Japanese market with its lack of QUALITY JRPGS in the market.. Seems like Sony is more focused in western/shooter market..

badz1495773d ago

"Even though the 360 is doing crappy in Japan its doing a lot better than the original Xbox did unlike the PS3 which is selling a lot less compared to the PS2"

that sentence just proved how ignorant (or stupid) you are! 360 had sold more than the 1st xbox since last year and I tell you, it's not that hard considering the very low number of that thing sold over there during its whole life! FYI, PS2 is still more or less alive and it's the best selling console ever made with the best library up to date! are you expecting PS3 to outsell PS2 in only its 2nd year? out of the 3 console manufacturers, Nintendo is the oldest in the industry but even Ninty had never had PS2 sold numbers their whole history for a single console or handheld!

the PS3 is doing just fine! we've seen 360 outsold it couple of times before but everybody knows that it will not stay the same for long! personally, I'll give it 2 weeks for it to top the PS3 and after that everything will be back to normal! right now, I'm wondering how well will the game sell if it's PS3 exclusive? but it's really a no brainer it will sell better!

theKiller5773d ago

bravo MS but its only temporary, i suspect this will happen!!

sony is doing a lot for the western gamers and regions but when it comes to japan they have done much almost like neglect them, if by this year they dont do anything their then expect the 360 will be competing very hard with ps3 or even pass it when infinite discovery star ocean 4 comes out!

sony needs to stop taking things for granted and start to take japan as serious as america and europe! ps3 is selling like ps2 all year thats it self an embarrassment

foodbox5773d ago


"there is no debate as to whether the 360 has any hope in Japan whatsoever...but it still is funny to watch it try...goes very well with the definition of insanity...try the same thing over and over, but expect a different result... "

You've got this very white vs. black view of the marketplace.

The Xbox 360 simply needs to grow in Japan, this is success. Will it outsell the Nintendo or Sony boxes? No.. It doenst seem so. But it *will* get more than it had before, and it *will* help MS continue its solid lead over the PS3 Worldwide.

That alone is success.

The fear and FUD in this forum, by people like yourself, "oh, its dead in JPN har har har" is just pathetic.

The fact is that the sales are up 4 weeks straight (certainly in anticipation of the Tales of Vesperia release...but, no matter...) and this week, it outsold PS3. Next week it may as well.

All that adds up, it all sends a signal to developers, that Japan *is* warming up to the Xbox 360.

And, worldwide, the Xbox 360 is clearly the leader in the Current-Gen. high-end consoles.

Japan is a smaller market than EU or NA. Remember that.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5773d ago
power of Green 5773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

Longer than I guessed. If the Japanese get their own version of the *new Xbox experiance* that will also help turn the sales spike into a trend ontop of all these JRPG's and Racers coming.

These up comming game events should spark even more appeal to the Xbox brand.

I have a gut feeling that even the Wii will have trouble with the Xbox price cut, if MSFT has been implementing that 3rd party Motion controller tech in their upcoming software Wii is in trouble.

5773d ago
5773d ago
Kleptic5773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

if you guys really think this points to a trend in japan of the 360 outselling the PS3 consistantly...then I have a bridge for sale at a great price that you are probably interested in...

your comment was funny enough before you even brought up the Wii possibly being in trouble...laugh...out...loud.. . extremely...large...amounts

gambare5773d ago

VGchartz is reliable for you POG whenever you see good numbers for the 360, but if the numbers are mediocre for your tastes then you start screaming about banning VGchartz from N4G. personally I don't care about the site but it's just flamewars material

Light Yagami5773d ago

The 360 outsold the PS3 one time in Japan. It was thanks to Ace Combat 6, but then 360 sales droppped. But this time another JRPG is coming out soon. The 360 sales can stay steady for a while.

tordavis5772d ago


I'm actually looking to buy a bridge. What kind of prices are we talking?

TheDude2dot05772d ago

@Power of green

"I have a gut feeling that even the Wii will have trouble with the Xbox price cut"

You just lost the last shred of credibility you have with that statement.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5772d ago
DooRentZs5773d ago

Oh here we go again..the neverending consoles & fanboys war.

SEVERN5772d ago

It doesn't need to be genre breaking to sell well. It just needs to be the best of its genre, or close enough. Don't go bashing other games when they don't re-invent the genre.

PS. You didn't mention the PS3's most anticipated game LBP, I wonder why.

GOTY 20075773d ago

"Tales of Vesperia pushed Xbox 360 sales past PS3 sales in Japan this week. The game itself sold over 110,000 units."

This one's gonna break a million, lifetime.

LeonSKennedy4Life5773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

It will...


Because games like Okami and Rogue Galaxy that actually bring something to gaming don't sell.

I'm proud that you guys are selling your systems in Japan now. That's great and all, but shouldn't a different game be doing this? I mean, we're living in a world where a game that took 5 minutes to make on photoshop (Wii Sports) can outsell a masterpiece that took years of work and creativity. (Bioshock, Shadow of the Colossus, MGS4, etc.)

GOTY 20075773d ago (Edited 5773d ago )

Why sadly? It's a great game, seriously. Not my favorite JRPG series, but defiantely one of the better ones.

foodbox5773d ago

@4.1 Leon

" Yeah. It will....sadly."

Right. Because MGS4, Resistance and Motorstorm were genre-breaking innovations.

*rolls eyes*.

Tales of Vesperia is a much anticipated title, and the sales in Japan were excellent for both the Xbox 360 and the title. Deal with it.

Snukadaman5773d ago

I will be picking this up as well.

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DarXyde1d 4h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy0120h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.