
Unreal engine 3 with perfect 10

The guys at PCGH show some Unreal engine 3 powered screenshots (in fact UT3) which might give you a clue why the Epic engine is so widespread these days.

Jamie Foxx5806d ago

its soo old,you can tell when a game uses it but i guess its better for pc type architecture,doesnt work so well with ps3, but the engines built from the ground up on ps3 are amazing like the mgs4,uncharted and killzone engine bit more work needed granted but the results speak for themselves

pharmd5806d ago

yeah, after looking at them i was not impressed at all.... when UTIII came out on ps3, i definitely liked it but it wasn't breathtaking.... they should have had the UE4 ready by now, they are going to miss out for quite a while until that does come out!

darkequitus5806d ago (Edited 5806d ago )

...don't concern yourself with any game built on it then. Easy! No one is forcing you to digest it. Your are doing it of your own free will.

STREET x KING5806d ago (Edited 5806d ago )

u guys do know MIRROR'S EDGE is using the UnrealEngine right?
and look at how that game looks... nothing like Gears or UT3

decapitator5806d ago

What a silly post. This may actual hold some truth to it but the linked sight offers nothing factual.

NintendoWTF5806d ago

The reason UE3 is so popular with 360 developers is it pretty much only good for putting out those silly marketing shots because of its overuse of normal maps everywhere.

UE3 one trick is basically uses normal maps to simulate geometric detail with texture level effects. You take a very high poly mesh and then massively reduce as much detail as you can down onto the flat texture surfaces. So 360 usually end up using very high detail versions of their characters and world in the fake marketing shots that 360 fans go nuts over.

But when it comes to the real game the actual characters and world are massively downgraded to be able to run on the 360 hardware. So you end up with characters that look kind of similar to the fake marketing shots but they all have that blurry low rez feel to them since all that real geometric detail is gone and is just being faked.

Another problem with overly relying on normal maps like UE3 does is all of your character models end up with the same types of shapes - like the 'bald space marine' complaints people are so sick of seeing in UE3 games. When you are faking geometric detail with normal maps you can't really have geometry sticking to far out from the main surfaces - otherwise the outline of the character would be distorted when the high detail polys are baked into the normal maps. So you end up with the same types of broad uniform curvature surfaces.

UE3 is here to stay for the life of the 360. It is the only engine that allows 360 developers and fans to pretend the 360 is in the same graphical league as the PS3.

NintendoWTF5806d ago

"when UTIII came out on ps3, i definitely liked it but it wasn't breathtaking"

That is the problem Epic has with the UE3 based Gears of War 2. They got away with putting out nothing but the fake bullshots for their game because the gaming press really wanted something to get rid of the Xbox 1.5 label.

Now that everyone has seen just how mediocre UE3 actually is in realtime and not marketing shots Gears of War 2 actually ends up looking like a massive downgrade from the bullshots Epic so carefully made sure where all everyone saw of the first game.



You are right about normal mapping and the marketing screenshots vs the arctual games on UE3. So you are about some of the engine limitations that come to limite character design.

But I think you fail on assume this as the reason, the major cause, to all those look a like character design. This has so much more to do with going the cheap way and making what proven franshise has done and what you know will sell cause you see it everyday on TV, movies, internet and all... An this one is more of a cultural thing and has more to do with stereotypes...

Devs are just aiming to what they think will please the average western adolescent male, even if most times, they don't. And should be pretty obvious by now that this cheap way is ruining games, look at Gears Of War, people liked it, but the guys on UT drink on the same steroids even EARLIER and mostly no one cares.

Afterall this entire familiar characters is fruit of the error of devs thinking that some game will sell on America just for its visual. Just like transforming any idea of game in a FPS is lame, just as thinking the good looking woman can salve crap games... We got all those so many times now.

We have games that uses others engines and just have the oversized male on steroids of gears... So we have many games on UE that don't look like any of the UT universe... Better than that, look at mods, you really have much more freedom with the engine than that.

the_RED_SCARE5805d ago

I've never really been a fan of the Unreal engine even on the PC platform. It's too rigid and cookie cutter for me. It doesn't seem organic enough rather very mechanical.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5805d ago
Premonition5806d ago

I dont really see any maxed out graphics here to tell you the truth, it looks like the same old UT3 graphics to me.

Madgamerze5806d ago

Yeah it's not really anything too special, some of them look really basic and don't even have any AA on =/

StephanieBBB5805d ago

Everyday I thank god that we have SONY's PS3 to keep moving the gaming visuals and technology forward. And with that said im not a fanboy trust me.I just love games and I would do the same with microsoft if they had a better console than the PS3.

eddierivera5806d ago

The characters in the games all look like they are on steroids,and they are just not anatomically correct. The graphics are blocky, and it always seems that you have to put an entire clip in someone to kill them.

mesh15806d ago

oo just like mirrors egde right (using ue3 btw) just like bioshock right wait wait just like mass effect you failed .

BaSeBaLlKiD7215806d ago

they're not always bulky... look at rainbow six vegas...

InMyOpinion5806d ago (Edited 5806d ago )

"With Unreal Tournament 3 (pictured) it's possible to squeeze out the maximum graphics out of the unreal engine 3."

There is no article at all, just a bunch of pictures from Unreal Tournament 3. The title should read "Unreal Tournament 3 for PC running on Max Settings".

Who approves this crap? The title is misleading as h3ll.

Thoas5806d ago

Just face it Unreal engine 3 is maxed out on PC and consoles too. LOL Crysis made UTIII and Gears of war on PC look like a Sega Genesis game.


Shroomy5806d ago

When it comes to gameplay, the developers fail badly at it.

Gears never claimed to have invented the cover system, that is just ignorance on your side moron, Gears pretty much perfected it.

BLUR1115806d ago

Crysis sucks it's just great graphic so shut your fanboys ass up Thoas

InMyOpinion5806d ago (Edited 5806d ago )

Unreal Engine 3 might be, but not Unreal Engine 3.5 that's being used in Gears Of War 2.

@Thoas - I guess you won't be picking up Bioshock for the PS3 then?

pwnsause5806d ago

"Unreal Engine 3 might be, but not Unreal Engine 3.5 that's being used in Gears Of War 2."

yea, too bad it uses the similar assets to Uncharted and KZ2.

TheColbertinator5806d ago

Its more about the CRYengine which is the engine of the future.Crysis was average but the graphics just drip of epicness

TheXgamerLive5805d ago

He's changed the title to sound like it's a has been engine now, when in actuality it's just pictures and one sentence stating extreme detail in the UT3 game.

Sad lil PC boy getting upset and then lieing about a picture. I don't get it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5805d ago
lil Titan5806d ago

the space shots are pretty cool but nothing to write home about

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Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics?

Opinion is divided on this one for sure! Is motion blur good for gaming? Why do developers include it?

TheOptimist2177d ago

I hate any game that has motion blur and the first thing I do is switch off the motion blur in games. It just makes me nauseous.

XentaJones2177d ago

motion blur makes me sick... so its off.

OpenGL2177d ago

I agree with Alex here, many implementations are terrible but when it is done right it improves the experience.

2177d ago
TheSplooge2177d ago

I always turn it off. Along with depth of field.

Mr_Wilson2177d ago

Those plus vignetting, chromatic aberration, and film grain.

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Let’s be Honest, DOOM Looks like the Best First Person Shooter We’ve Seen in Ages

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“In all seriousness though, I feel like DOOM’s success will be measured by how much the game has to offer. Graphically it’s looking spectacular, and I’m sure the latest multiplayer trailer caught all of our attention. Personally, the game is beginning to remind me of those late nights playing Unreal Tournament 3, which is totally a good thing. This, in addition to the promise of user-generated content, is making DOOM look like the best first-person shooter I’ve seen in ages.”

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Shillmeister3008d ago (Edited 3008d ago )

The campaign looks brilliant, like a true nostalgia trip to the original DOOM titles of old! The multiplayer equally looks like a trip down memory lane to fast-paced and frantic arena games a-la Quake, and honestly the MP REALLY makes me want to the get game at launch to capitalise on the hype. Problem is I'm not overly fussed with multiplayer typically in games, they can get weary after a while, and buying a game solely for its MP is risky - especially on console - as it's heavily dependant on the community!

Rock to my left, hard place to my right..

EDIT: On the MP note, does anyone know if it'll have bots available, similar to Unreal Tournament 3? I still give that a quick play time to time with bots (and all the mad mutators).

c00lvilKid693008d ago

I’m exactly the same, usually multiplayer games are of no interest to me. But DOOM has sparked my curiosity, especially as someone who used to enjoy multiplayer first person shooters like Quake/Unreal. Totally understand your concerns about it being heavily dependant on the community, too. Which is just another reason they should include bots, in case the numbers need to be made up. I’m hoping the community will be good, considering the creative freedoms they’re handing over with the SnapMap thing.

3008d ago
esmittystud1013008d ago (Edited 3008d ago )

Its basically a "console" ahead, in terms of graphics, of another shooter called Homefront thats getting ready to release. LOL

wakeNbake3008d ago

Well thats just a low budget turd, no comparison at all.

mezati993008d ago

i am gonna have to agree with this

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Game Music Daily Week 54

Great selections as always and they are...
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
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Crypt of the Necrodancer
Unreal Tournament
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