
New info next Zelda game unveiled?

Shigeru Miyamoto has unveiled some new information about Zelda II in an interview, and confirmed that the game will be coming to the Wii. We can probably expect a load of Wii - DS functionalities and maybe even a FPS-mode...

Vertius5799d ago


Zelda II was released 20 years ago!

GodsHand5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

Don't forget re-released on the Gamecube.

I don't own a Wii, but maybe someday.

linkmaster955799d ago

Zelda II is what they called Zelda: tp before calling it tp.

Mystery_Person5798d ago

I don't own a Wii but I like zelda. Hope you guys have fun with it.

Reibooi5799d ago

If another Zelda is indeed coming to the Wii that's great news. Too bad they didn't have much mention about it in the press conference which seemed to be a big screw you to the hardcore crowd. It's sad that we still haven't seen or heard about alot of the good games. Star Fox could be interesting with Wii, Pikmin 3 is something that really needs to come out, Another F-Zero would be awesome as well yet we have heard nothing.

jtucker785799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

For me a new Zelda coming to the Wii wouldn't not be good news.

I'm a Nintendo fan that has jumped to Sony for the time being.

I say create a decent Zelda for the next Nintendo. Hopefully one with middle to decent hardware and I'll jump back to Nintendo again.

I don't think the Wii has the graphical horsepower to create a Zelda for this generation.

Any Zelda that comes out on the Wii will just look laughable compared to other RPGs of this generation i.e. Oblivion, Final Fantasy and Fallout.

I'm sure it will be good. All Zeldas are, but it won't be as good as it could be.

Save it for the Wii2

linkmaster955799d ago

Twilight Princess graphics were great, and it was released alongside the Wii, before Nintendo even had a chance to push the Wii's graphical power. The one flaw in Twilight Princess was the controls. This new Zelda will probably have similar graphics to Twilight Princess, but it will have 1:1 swordplay.

I'm personally hoping for a direct sequel to TP. What about the Twilight realm?

ChickeyCantor5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )


TP did not justify a Zelda game for the Wii, it was a GCN port with a Wii-mote scheme.

I'm glad they are making one and i hope they use the Motion plus.

edit:"I'm sure it will be good. All Zeldas are, but it won't be as good as it could be"

dude you logic fails HARD, this zelda game wont be the last.
Why wont here be a nother Zelda game after this one?


you got it all wrong, Nintendo developed TP for the GCN. Because the Wii was about to come out to the public, they decided to work on it for another year.So they can make the control scheme optimized for the Wii. They didn't build TP with the Wii in mind it was originally meant for the GCN.

linkmaster955798d ago

that was exactly my point. If anything, the seccond Zelda on the Wii will be better than TP was. Especially with Wii Motin Plus! I was, however, quite dissapointed when Nintendo lacked mention of Zelda @ the press conference.

bigjclassic5798d ago

Miyamoto basicaly confirmed Mario galaxy2, Zelda Wii, and Pikmin 3 last night. goto: IGNWii.com

They should've announced this durig the conference though. tbh

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5798d ago
Voiceofreason5799d ago

Wii isnt powerful enough for a Zelda? And they let that kind of Fanboy statements stay on the front page. Please.. That kid wouldnt know a quality title if it bit him in the ass. You jumped to Sony 3 gens ago, not this one.

Nevers5799d ago

Cuz I felt Nintendo wasn't catering to my needs as a hardcore gamer... but I feel I must add as a long time Zelda/Nintendo fan,that this new Zelda should proly have some voice acting in it if I'm gonna consider it to be "next gen". I was very disappointed to have to read text still this far in the current console generation.

ChickeyCantor5799d ago

" that this new Zelda should proly have some voice acting in it if I'm gonna consider it to be "next gen". "

No thanks...=/ that would kill Zelda franchise for sure.

darkdoom30005798d ago

Well, final fantasy did it.
i mean, i cant remember any other game that still uses text speech.

voices would be cool.

it would be funny(yet lame) if link got a taking sword. and the sword talked through the wiimotes speakers. would be interesting...

wonder if they are going to use that motion plus thingy..

Nevers5798d ago

has not spoke yet. If the devs do it right I'm sure they could still make him the silent hero. I think that is the way Link should be but not everyone else in the game. IMHO games should move past txt based speech. Yes, this can lead to some really horrible voice-acting moments (ie-2Worlds) But I'm tired of hitting the button constantly to make the txt scroll. Or having to get up and walk to the screen to get a closer view of some critical info that was chosen to be put into a tiny font in an absurdly weird color.

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16 Underrated NES Games

There are tons of great games that have been overlooked in the mass of more popular titles. And I don’t just mean underrated games, either. We’re talking about grossly underrated and underappreciated titles in otherwise well-regarded franchises.

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deleted876d ago (Edited 876d ago )

FINALLY someone who acknowledges the greatness of Gremlins 2 NES!! One of my favorite movie tie-in games of all times. I have fond memories of both the game and the movie from when I was a kid. I was playing it again just a couple of months ago, and it still holds up very, very well!

I rarely see people mention Gremlins 2 when discussing great NES games and I love you for that!

*edit - Sunsoft really was a fantastic studio. Another favorite, underrated late NES game from them was Batman Return of the Joker. It was so much better than the SNES version too. Something about it died in the effort towards upgrading the graphics and music. The NES version felt darker, moodier.

Longie_long876d ago

Thanks for reading. Always nice to encounter another Sunsoft enthusiast!

deleted876d ago

Np, great read! I also owned and enjoyed the heck out of Super C back in the day.

I'd also add Metalstorm to my list of underappreciated titles. :)

thorstein876d ago

Nice job. After reading about Xexyx (or however it is spelled) I was reminded of Astyanax and Faxanadu. The names were just otherworldly. But they were tragically underrated as well.

Maybe you should consider a Part 2?

jznrpg876d ago (Edited 876d ago )

@thorstein Faxanadu is one of my favorite games of all time . I played it so much as a kid I still play from time to time

ZeekQuattro876d ago

Kabuki Quantum Fighters was a Nick Arcade classic. Never played it but the name has stuck with me to this day because of that show.

Longie_long876d ago

Nick Arcade was legit! I never saw that though.

ZeekQuattro876d ago

Not surprised. They usually kept playing the same popular games of the day in different rotations. Every now and then you got a random title like that one. I found the name so odd that it just stuck with me.

P_Bomb876d ago

With Sunsoft you knew you were getting good graphics and music,

Personal honorable mentions to Faxanadu and Crystalis.

racer22876d ago

I dont know if its been underrated, but kung fu master was such a awesome game on the nes. Even if it couldnt compare with the arcade version in graphics, the gameplay was so amasing. Awesome sound effects too. Played it for countless hours....

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franwex968d ago

Sounded pretty defensive there with Zelda 2…

Jiub968d ago

Ahhh Contra. My first Shoot 'em up. Good times


Five more Nintendo games that should get the Link’s Awakening remake treatment

GameCrate: "Our first look at Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl reminded a lot of folks of another game: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening on Switch from 2019. What other titles should Nintendo revive with this specific graphical update?"

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DarkZane1179d ago

Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages not being on that list is criminal. If they remade Link Awakening, they should definitely remake those, since they were using the same visuals on GBC (but with the later two being a little prettier). Plus imo, those 2 games are better than Link Awakening (and they take longer to beat).

Neonridr1179d ago

all 3 should definitely get the treatment. Those style of games would fit perfectly with these aesthetics.