
The 'X'-Factor That Microsoft Has Over Sony – Phil Spencer

Saleswise Sony has been doing great since the PS4 launched back in 2013 but there are things that Sony can learn from Microsoft - Enter Phil Spencer.

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Cindy-rella3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

Quotes from article

"Don’t get me wrong I’m a vivid PlayStation gamer and a huge fan of Sony but each time I’m amazed by the amount of support and feedback Spencer are digesting. Where Sony supplies their console with the occasional update (the 2.50 update was an amazing update, thanks), Spencer’s Xbox team keeps implementing user feedbackthrough monthly updates for their console. The implementation of highly requested features for the console shows that Spencer and Microsoft are really listening to their fans".

"With Twitter becoming more and more important for gaming news, Spencer and Xbox’s head of marketing Aaron Greenberg fire up their twitter accounts almost daily to answer questionsfrom fans and do the occasional teasing. This kind of interaction appeals the fans and while Sony does speak out on Twitter now and then, Sony’s key figures Andrew House, Jim Ryan and Shawn Layden don’t appeal to their fans as much as Spencer does".
***************************** *****

Lol. Its a video game console and the writer is giving credit to microsoft for releasing updates for the xbox one to fix its UI and its PR team being more active on social networks. While Sony has been the only one releasing AAA exclusives this year and will continue to release more exclusive titles in first half of 2015, the competition has nothing lined up as exclusive until 3rd quarter of 2015. I guess the writer as well as some other fanatics prefers to get firmware updates and talk to the xbox pr team online instead of getting games to play for Xbox one.

VER1ON3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

Might as well explain why you find this funny, instead of merely trolling

Cindy-rella3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

People throw around the trolling term liberally these days. It seems like when a point differs from someone elses people throw out the trolling term as a way to discredit someone because they havent an argument. Most of what i said are facts but i guess you cant counter it so you say im trolling. Instead of countering what i said by telling me the AAA games Microsoft has been releasing in 2015 or how firmware updates are better than games on a console you say im trolling

VER1ON3338d ago


Funny how you just edited your post ((Edited 12m ago) and state that I couldn't counter your facts? Facts that weren't even there when I posted my reply (17m ago).

vishmarx3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

i dont consider f/w updates the x-factor in gaming especially when the list of features on either is near identical.
that would be games for me, but to each his own i guess.i personally would never put dlna over games when purchasing a gaming console

and by that pr, i hope to god he isnt giving points for having aaron greenberg and yusuf mehdi.coz id really rather not have those 2 xfactors associated to any brand at all

Cindy-rella3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

"Funny how you just edited your post ((Edited 12m ago) and state that I couldn't counter your facts? Facts that weren't even there when I posted my reply (17m ago)."
- Verizon.

I didnt edit anything i said and thats why i responded to you in another post because i couldnt respond to you in my first post. You still havent countered what i said and accused me of trolling. Who's trolling now?

People keep talking about features on xbox one and it getting a lot of firmware updates but it hasnt any features like ps now or shareplay on the ps4. Shareplay is one of the best feature on a gaming system now.

Cupid_Viper_33337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

I guess what the article really wanted to say is this:
"The X-factor that Microsoft has over Sony-- PS4"

Microsoft came out with an original for the XBox One, and in the end they basically turned it into a poor man's PS4 by reversing almost every single policy they had in place. And yes, Phil Spencer PLAYED an integral role in those original policies as well. Surely it's more than ok for him to get credit for also being part of the solution. But when you're selling 30,000 XBox One in April-May 2014, it doesn't exactly take a genius to realize that you must drastically depart from such policies.

Now people are praising monthly updates for the XBox One while it has yet to see an update that is as remotely paramount as the SharePlay Update that the PS4 received not too long ago.

This is partly why you guys on the XBox camp almost got shafted with Mandatory Online Checks and Mandatory Kinect. From the minute Project Natal was announced, people called Microsoft out on the BS, but you boys went all out in defending them. Since then, nearly 5-6 years and over 1 Billion dollars has been wasted on Kinect and Kinect 2. http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Most tech companies comes up with a bunch of ideas of how to try to be innovative and present something different to their consumers. This is where you're supposed to do yourself a favor as a consumer and provide honest feedback for said companies. Kinect SHOULD HAVE NEVER left the prototype stage, and a lot of you guys, and the media are to blame for that.

Microsoft makes the Xbox 360, one of the most defective piece of electronics ever mass marketed and sold, and you guys defended that. They introduced Kinect with a bunch of obvious smoke and mirrors, and even had actors and Cirque Du Soleil people to distract from the actual product, and you guys bashed anyone who dared point out the obvious flaws and deceits. They also raised the priced of XBox Live for P2P servers, and put Netflix, youtube and their web browser behind the pay wall, and again you guys defended them.

At that point, a respectable CEO would be a fool to not try and come out with a system that required mandatory kinect, and mandatory online checks every 24 hours, and all the other draconian policies.... Sheeeeeiiit.... I know would try for sure to see how much I can get away with.

Now you guys are already knee deep into praising Microsoft for giving you guys nothing but "updates" for nearly the first 7-8 months of the year and then overcrowding the last 3-4 months of the year with in-house games.

So far between Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, there has only been just 3, ONLY 3 significant updates in the past 4-5 years as far as "gamers" are concerned:

#1 Remote Play
#2 SharePlay
#3 Live broadcasting on consoles.

Everything else off of this list is nothing but unnecessary extras that either your smartphone, or smart TV can already do with ease.

Anyone trying to pass off these "extras" as killer features or X-factors are either being paid to do so, or simply delusional.

punctualdork3337d ago

This is a really juvenile discussion.

johndoe112113337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )


Not only that, whenever people like me say that there is a conspiracy against sony and the playstation brand many people on this site call us paranoid and conspiracy theorists and totally ignore any shred of logic to anything we say, yet here we are with this topic. Last gen both xbox supporters AND the media alike absolutely crucified sony for having regular f/w updates. It was the worst thing ever and it showed that the ps3 was a mess that was behind the 360 in features and quality (their opinions, not mine).

Fast forward to this gen, now that things have been completely reversed, having f/w updates every week is a great thing. It shows that microsoft is listening to its user base and that they are actively trying to make the system better. We also get articles from the media like this showing that it's actually a strength to have over the competitor.

I do not give a rat's behind what anyone else says or thinks, or how much disagrees I get, I will say it until my voice goes, the western media is biased towards the xbox brand. And you know what? When you hear stories of microsoft giving an independent gaming website $750,000 to start their business and then that website turns into a microsoft pr company, you know exactly where the bias is coming from. One can only imagine what other under the table deals have been made with other "journalists".

Gazondaily3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )


"Anyone trying to pass off these "extras" as killer features or X-factors are either being paid to do so, or simply delusional."

Here's an idea; people are simply praising the updates because they are making the console as a whole become better?

* External HDD support is to be scoffed at?
* Comprehensive Twitch support is to be scoffed at?(should have been day one I know)
* Achievement snapping should be scoffed at?
* Extensive media support should be scoffed at?

Seriously, there are so many improvements that there are too many to list:


"Now you guys are already knee deep into praising Microsoft for giving you guys nothing but "updates""

Yeah and you guys need to stop making sweeping statements. Who is praising NOTHING but updates? What about the games that Xbox fans have been playing such as Titanfall, Horizon 2, Ori, Sunset OD, Killer Instinct, etc? No? No one is praising these? Of course they are. You 'guys' are in there quick to tell us why those don't matter so surely you know about them right?

"So far between Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, there has only been just 3, ONLY 3 significant updates in the past 4-5 years as far as "gamers" are concerned:

#1 Remote Play
#2 SharePlay
#3 Live broadcasting on consoles. "

Your opinion and you're entitled to it.


"Anyone trying to pass off these "extras" as killer features or X-factors are either being paid to do so, or simply delusional."

Anyone jumping at the opportunity to downplay these updates is either a delusional fanboy or someone who simply has no clue about how the Xbox One works and has evolved over the months.

"Not only that, whenever people like me say that there is a conspiracy against sony and the playstation brand many people on this site call us paranoid and conspiracy theorists"

And rightly so.

"Last gen both xbox supporters AND the media alike absolutely crucified sony for having regular f/w updates."

And rightly so.

Did you even own a PS3 I'm starting to wonder. Because what I remember was painfully long updates that didn't install in the background over night, that didn't add the features the community were asking for all the time, and took away Linux. But no, your revisionists want to go back and play the victim act and forget the reality of the situation.

The media is biased against Sony? I read this a lot when the Order came out. Then when the most consistently glowing reviews came out for Bloodborne, everyone was remarkably silent. Reviews now matter. I read people saying "lol waiting for Polygon/ign review lololol" and then high reviews come out...its all bliss.

Its you. You lot are paranoid and your behaviours are toxic. You are the problem.

Godmars2903337d ago


"Here's an idea; people are simply praising the updates because they are making the console as a whole become better?"

Except that they aren't. By the title alone, by what changes MS have made are being held by the author if not fans as advantages over Sony. That's utter delusion.

"Yeah and you guys need to stop making sweeping statements. Who is praising NOTHING but updates? What about the games that Xbox fans have been playing such as Titanfall, Horizon 2, Ori, Sunset OD, Killer Instinct, etc? No? No one is praising these? Of course they are. You 'guys' are in there quick to tell us why those don't matter so surely you know about them right?"

This is a shared fault on both sides: praising titles that "aren't all that". Games that are either on PC, didn't really review and/or sell that well, or are only exclusives because of legal/contractual rather than technical reasons. Just like Titianfall had developmental issues which caused it to be sub or mid par of what it was promised to be and Ori for all you want to talk about it could be on PSN as it is on XBL, Killzone Shadowfall was a "standard" FPS that sort of looked pretty and No Man's Sky is something to talk about that just showing up on PS4 first.

johndoe112113337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )


"Because what I remember was painfully long updates that didn't install in the background over night, that didn't add the features the community were asking for all the time, and took away Linux."

Updates downloaded automatically but had to be installed manually. I can see why that was a problem for some impatient people but it wasn't for me. What features did they not add? Did you expect them to add every single feature in one update? Has the xbox one done this? Are you criticizing microsoft for only now adding features people were asking for since release? Or are you too much of a hypocrite to notice? As far as I am concerned removing Linux was a pro and a con. It was a great feature to have that I wish they kept it but at he end of the day there are many legitimate reasons for its removal: http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

No, we are not paranoid and we aren't the problem. It's you and your kind. The corrupt journalists who try to fix and manipulate a fanbase and a medium to your own selfish ends. You cover each others back and when anyone brings even a shred of evidence to show said manipulation you turn and paint us as the crazy ones.

Everyone and their mother who is not an xbox fanatic knows that the media is biased towards the xbox brand. Only hypocritical and agenda pushing lackeys like you argue otherwise. HMCC received 8's, 9's and 10's from your kind. A rehashed and completely broken game who's multiplayer was practically unplayable for the first couple months of it's release but some how DC got 4's 5's and 6's for the same exact issues. No, no freaking bias there.

Gaming websites screamed from the top of their lungs about the minor differences in graphics last gen, they used it to show why the xbox was better and some sites even went so far as using that to recommend NOT getting a ps3 and buying a 360 instead. This gen however now that microsoft is behind, it's ridiculous to look at graphics. Now, most sites are saying how stupid it is to compare graphics and anyone who does is a stupid fanboy.

I couldn't care less what the hell you think of me, As long as certain individuals are stuffing their pockets with that microsoft money I know exactly what to expect from your kind.

badz1493337d ago

LOL seriously, who wrote this article? Spencer's personal assistance? He's a nice guy and all but the X-Faxtor over Sony? Correcting mistakes made earlier and reversing unpopular policies are considered as X-factors now? Last time I check, the gap in sales is still widening and the Xbone is still pretty much like the 360 - year end exclusives console with barely anything worth mentioning for the rest of the year! Seriously now, what is this X-Factor thing that is so significant that some people thought we need a whole article just to talk about it?

AngelicIceDiamond3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

@Verion Cindy isn't trolling shes being extremely hypocritical and doesn't even know it. So MS has a dry AAA quarter and NOW you complain but totally forget about the indies line up.

I'm currently playing NeverWinter and I've lost track of time on that game countless times, Child Of Light is free this month might download that. And State Of Decay releases this month as well. SMITE should be out of Beta hopefully soon. Gigantic a new Ip cross PC cross Xbox MOBA releases this year and Elite Dangerous this summer and Space Engineers plus more. http://powerupgaming.co.uk/...

Loads of Indies releasing through out the year so far.

Oh wait a minute lets change it up AGAIN make it about AAA's and not indies now correct?

So what are you talking about? For the last time I agree I would like MS to spread their games out that's true. I get it I understand it. But MS has been consitent in its indie games so far.

But that doesn't matter until Sony has a AAA dryspell then you can re-write what games are NOW important to support your ever changing hypocritical argument.

But that's the only argument you got and your clearly running with it. To you that MS biggest and greatest next big downfall MS has going right now, which is when these games release. That's terrible that's your only comeback because its weak, sad and kinda funny and huge dose of the usual annoying hypocrisy that goes around here...

@Mars "Really not getting what you're trying to say, given that MS's current thing with indies is in direct response and a total reversal of unfriendly indy policies which only helped Sony."

Ok well, Not sure what your trying to say but MS is snagging allot more indies than what they had before. Doesn't matter what MS had to do or did to get the games coming but, they're coming and my point still stands.

Godmars2903337d ago

Really not getting what you're trying to say, given that MS's current thing with indies is in direct response and a total reversal of unfriendly indy policies which only helped Sony.

Nevermind all of the damage they did to the concept of console personality through the games on them by insisting that exclusives didn't matter last gen. That when they were expecting - buying - 3rd party suppose at the cost of failing to deliver their own in-house resources. Has left the online gaming community in state where non-gaming features are argued over deciding a system's identity and remasters are somehow a thing.

Rachel_Alucard3337d ago

I see some people spouting nonstop that Xbox has indie games galore coming and they use Ori and the blind forest as evidence to support it. Out of the 2 dozen indie games that have released on the Xbox there has only been one decent game released and it's not even anything to set the system apart from the competition.

I believe indie games on the Xbox are like the Boomerang of television. It's a channel that's only there so they can say they have this many stations available on your satellite provider. Sony doesn't actively go out and seek indie devs like MS does, they all just come right to them.

If you want to see the difference this makes just scroll down to digital releases and you can see for yourself those "amazing" indie games released on the Xbox.


+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
daBUSHwhaka3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

"Sony has been the only ones releasing AAA games".WTF you smoking.I'm not even going to humour you by wasting time listing the excellent list of games that have been released for the X1.So far the PS exclusives are nothing to shout about.Can't speak for bloodbourne because I haven't played it and don't plan to.As for the updates the consoles have been getting, Sony fans laughed when Microsoft announced screen shots.." we've had this from day one and that's the Xbox getting it a year later "...the fanboys shouted..... how long did it take the PlayStation to get YouTube,External HDD support,Resume play ......enough said.Back to kingdom to find ure glass slippers Cinderella

ThanatosDMC3337d ago

Wow, talk about salty comment early in the morning.

Everything was working day 1 with the PS4 from all the stuff you mentioned except External HDD. Youtube was accessible via the web browser as well as pornhub and Resume play was there immediately after you open a different app. If you mean, the ability to pause the status of game and continue from where you left off just like the PSPgo, then no.

Gazondaily3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )


"Youtube was accessible via the web browser "

No it didn't work.

"Resume play was there immediately after you open a different app"

That's not what he was talking about.

"If you mean, the ability to pause the status of game and continue from where you left off just like the PSPgo, then no."

Lol yes, he means like the PSPgo. That was obvious no?

Both of you need to simmer it down. @daBUSHwaka- Cindy Rella's comment histroy almost exclusively consists of ripping into the X1 so I wouldn't take anything posted by him seriously.

ger23963337d ago

If you read her comment, she stated exclusives released this year.

RocketScienceLvlStuf3337d ago

This article is rubbish. It was shuhei yoshida who started this twitter thing. At the time it was rare for the president of a company to be interacting with the public on Twitter.

It's yet another page Microsoft have taken from the Sony book.

I actually think that Phil Spencer wants to work for Sony with the amount of things that he has ripped from them.

Games with gold a perfect example. The list goes on and on.

Justjoined1233337d ago

You are just making a fool of yourself, Sony did not invent marketing through twitter, nor did Yoshida.

BG115793337d ago

@Justjoined123, neither did Spencer... So why is Spencer is treated in an article about being an xfactor based on that? If he's doing what ever has been done by other prior before him in other companies.
It doesn't matter if it's an article about Spencer, Yoshida or another guy. They may be nice guys. But writing article based in this trait and make it has it's something exceptional and unique, is quite delusional.

Sonital3337d ago

Games with Gold was a reaction to PS Plus which was a reaction to being hacked. Amazing how everyone forgets this..

Gazondaily3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

"Lol. Its a video game console and the writer is giving credit to microsoft for releasing updates for the xbox one to fix its UI"

You don't think the UI of a console is important? Streamlining services that are integral to your gaming experience? Right...

"Sony has been the only one releasing AAA exclusives this year "

Only one of which is actually good.

"I guess the writer as well as some other fanatics prefers to get firmware updates and talk to the xbox pr team online instead of getting games to play for Xbox one."

I'm sorry but with your comment history, you cannot use the term 'fanatic' and not be called out. The X1 has a slew of great games in its library. Only a fool would deny that unless they have an aversion to the titles released for the console- but even then, objectively you cannot rinse the X1 for having a bad lineup. Only AAA titles matter to you so maybe, you preferred the X1 last year?


Yes BB is excellent. I can't think of the other 'good' game but your taste may differ. But whatever the title is, I'm sure its nothing to shout out about.

OrangePowerz3337d ago

I counted so far for this year one good and one excellent PS4 exclusive.

kneon3337d ago

I spend 15 seconds in the UI and then 2 hours playing a game, so for me the UI is irrelevant as long as I can get into my game in seconds.

Spotie3337d ago

"I'm sure its nothing to shout out about."

Dat stealth trolling, doe.

There are actually three AAA exclusives out for PS4 already this year, and I'm sure you know what all three of them are. How much YOU liked any of them is utterly irrelevant. The point of the comment you quoted is that they are there on PS4, and no answering titles exist on XB1.

A "fanatic" who's talking about games hasn't stooped to the level of one who praises updates instead. It's also not like you've got room to call anybody out on using that term.

As for last year, that's irrelevant for two reasons. First: Both of the consoles in question had plenty of AAA exclusives last year, so you can't really compare it to now, when one has those games and the other doesn't. Second: Even if you DID count last year, the difference in the number was small at the final count, wasn't it?

"objectively you cannot rinse the X1 for having a bad lineup."

Says the guy using subjective arguments to diminish the PS4's games.

Gazondaily3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

@ Spotie

You're like a tail, constantly following me lol (hi there). I returned the favour below no worries ;)

"Dat stealth trolling, doe"

The Order. There you go. The Order is rubbish.

What's the the third AAA title?

"It's also not like you've got room to call anybody out on using that term."

Lmao, please don't start when you were sat on one bubble because of your fanboyism.

Updates shouldn't be praised? Updates have changed the X1 dramatically. These are big updates changing the way the console works, how well it works and the features it has. Simply deriding them as "lol updates" its ridiculous.

Shareplay is a big feature no? Didn't it come via an update? You're so concerned with my so-called stealth trolling, what about Cindy-rella and his blatant attempt (which you no doubt agreed with at the speed of light lmao).

3337d ago
The_Sage3337d ago

Hello, Septic,

I am actually replying about your previous text where you stated that YouTube didn't work in the browser on the PS4. I can tell you that it did here in the US. I was running YouTube from the browser with no problems at all right after launch.

I just wanted to set the record straight.

CaptainObvious8783337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Yeah, you're one to talk, Septic.

You talk about other people history, yet every time I see you open your mouth you almost always blindly defending MS, regardless of how valid the criticism is.

Your doing it in this very article.

Maybe instead of just getting defensive and putting down Sony games you could actually address the points that have been made.

Spotie3337d ago

The Show, The Order, and Bloodboorne.

No matter what you felt about The Order- and we know it's unabashed, hardly coherent hatred- it's still an exclusive with a AAA budget. And despite your desire to have it be portrayed as garbage, it's widely regarded as above average.

Please learn to read. I mentioned updates being praised in lieu of games. I literally said "praises updates instead."

Cindy- a female, if you'd bothered to pay attention- has a point. Updates to the UI, while appreciated, are nowhere near potent enough to become an "X factor," as the article indicates. Nor is conversing with fans over facebook and twitter, particularly when that is something Sony has been doing for quite some time now.

Far more salient points than your "sly" digs at The Order.

Gazondaily3337d ago


"you could actually address the points that have been made."

Errr what do you think I have been doing? I've been quoting people on every issue and replying to them. Its not rocket science.

"yet every time I see you open your mouth you almost always blindly defending MS,"

Blindly defend MS? What was the blind element? I defend them against haters such as yourself who seem to have a lot of interest for a console they have no interest in.


"And despite your desire to have it be portrayed as garbage, it's widely regarded as above average. "

Lmfao! Give it a few years and you'll say it was regarded as an excellent game. By your logic, Ryse is an above average game too sitting on a mere 3 points lower than metacritic.

"Cindy- a female, if you'd bothered to pay attention- has a point"

Bothered to pay attention to what? The gender? How was I supposed to ascertain that? From the username? Masterfox is actually a fox? :O

But explain 'her' comment here:

" guess the writer as well as some other fanatics prefers to get firmware updates and talk to the xbox pr team online instead of getting games to play for Xbox one."

Does the article only talk about games coming out at the first half of 2015? Its just talking about the regular updates the X1 benefits from (something that the PS4 doesn't as much) which the author described as the x-factor. That's the point but whatever little praise the X1 gets is so intolerable to you and your ilk.

"The Show, The Order, and Bloodboorne. "

Forgive me for not taking into account a baseball game. Right...

"Far more salient points than your "sly" digs at The Order."

"The Order. There you go. The Order is rubbish. "

Still sly for you?

Let me spell it out for you seeing as you have trouble understanding things that I say.

The Order is not a good game in the eyes of many so when you lump it as one of your almighty AAA exclusives, then prepare for people not to take it seriously (and for good reason...because its rubbish...yes imo...its rubbish. Get it? Not stealthy now is it?).

The Show is a baseball game and outside the US, its not going to set anything on fire. I only recently found out what it was because of people's tenacity to throw lists at others. Again, the big budget doesnt change the fact that....and this might shock you, outside the US..


Bloodborne is indeed amazing. An excellent game and YES, THIS GAME is the strongest point in favour of the PS4. I am not denying that and I never have. I love the game and I sincerely wish it all the success it deserves.

But that's it. One AAA title this year that is relevant. And I'm only talking AAA titles because of Cindy. There it is. ONE game.

Halo 5
Fable Legends
Forza Motorsport 6

Three titles, same old franchises maybe but strong ones at that. You think MLB and The Order are gonna stand up against any of those (different genres I know)?

So yeah, to sum up, updates are good, hence why we have external HDD support, media support (the no.1 most requested feature on Sony forums iirc) and several other improvements.

The X1 has a deficit in the early half of 2015 but not by a massive margin WHATSOEVER like how people on here paint and its not that big an issue (its just a new argument devised by fanboys).

Chevalier3337d ago

Funny thing is I have customers coming into my store to buy PS4 to play Bloodborne and MLB pretty regularly, still no one coming into my store saying I need to buy an Xbox One to play Screamride or tell me they need it because the Xbone update is must have. Weird right?

Same tired games you guys always complain about then you parade out Forza, Halo and Fable.

magiciandude3337d ago


"And despite your desire to have it be portrayed as garbage, it's widely regarded as above average."

Uh, a 63 based on 92 reviews is above average? Scoring systems using letter grades would usually render that as a D, and since when was D is considered above average?

Spotie3337d ago

And since when is the scale using a scoring system rendering letter grades?

gangsta_red3337d ago


"And since when is the scale using a scoring system rendering letter grades?"

Since High School.

3ndulg33337d ago

septic is right,Aleast xbox one updates are actually worthty updates.And something i might as well add, xbox is better then the ps4 we all know it and so do your sony camp.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
OrangePowerz3337d ago

I remember last gen when a lot of people said that it's rubbish to have the frequent FW updates on PS3 and that it's much better to only have them quarterly like on the 360.

Gazondaily3337d ago

"I remember last gen when a lot of people said that it's rubbish to have the frequent FW updates on PS3"

Please don't recycle this complete utter BS point.

The PS3 had cack firmware updates that barely added anything meaningful like the X1 has. The UI has changed drastically already, features adeded like HDD support, Twitch upgrades, etc etc.

What did the PS3 updates do apart from being firmware updates that made no real changes (and remove things like Linux)?

DeadManMMX3337d ago

Are you serious with this comment? The ps3 had constant pain in the arse updates that added no features or much of anything of value. This us completely different and I've never even seen my console update it just does it.

kneon3337d ago

Just because you can't see what an update has added doesn't mean it wasn't important. There are new features being added all the time that you don't know about, but the developers do, and they need them for their next release.

And I don't understand why people complain about updates, most take under 5 minutes to complete.

DeadManMMX3337d ago

@kneon I was talking about my X1 and how it automatically updates as a plus for the console. On ps4 just like on ps3 I gave to go through the same old process. Thankfully much less on ps4 then on ps3.

Joe9133337d ago

Septic I usually agree with you but this comment is BS how can you say PS3 firmware updates did not do anything. Just like the PS4 when the PS3 came out it didn't do much but firmware updates brought stuff like 3d and stuff they brought everything that gamers asked for except party chat yeah in the later years it only became security updates which is what is going to happen with the xbox one at this rate. I am in no way sticking up for Cindy-rella crazy ass just never heard you sound so fanboyish I guess.

Gazondaily3337d ago


"updates brought stuff like 3d and stuff "

Mate you have to do better than 3D and stuff. The PS3 updates were an absolute headache. THey were so frequent, the updates were annoyingly slow and most of them barely changed anything.

Gilgamesh153337d ago

"I remember last gen when a lot of people said that it's rubbish to have the frequent FW updates on PS3 and that it's much better to only have them quarterly like on the 360."

That was because the PS3 took a very long time to update, and it was an inconvenience. The X1 just does it in the background.

magiciandude3337d ago

The only time I had to go through an update process on the Xbox One was during the setup procedure in November. Ever since, the console just sits there doing the work and all I have to do is to turn it on and have the updated UI right in front of me. Couldn't say the same for the PS3.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
Lev19033337d ago

But the update were the ideas of the community of the xbox brand. So listening to the community is not important to you?

And your only defense is that sony came with bloodborne and the order in the last 4 months while XBOX didnt bring out any games? Do you even know which game outs on xbox? And what about 2014? Which brand came with more quality games?
And a top of that you get all defensive when somebody tells you that you are a troll?

Btw which great games has sony line up for the rest of the year? Indies not counted;)

Gazondaily3337d ago

Well said. He made a big point about AAA games so I'm genuinely wondering about that too.

Incidentally, my most anticipated game of this year is actually on PS4 (and PC) but, to play devil's advocate, I'll only consider AAA titles.

ifistbrowni3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

"Until Dawn" in just a few months.

guyman3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

O which games has sony lined up? They have a pretty stellar line-up in my opinion. Let's look at AAA strictly since indies apparently dont count.

Already released:
The order 1886

Coming up:
Ratchet and clank
Persona 5
Until dawn

Halo 5
(Rise of the tomb raider is not a true exclusive)

Both line ups look decent. Ps4 is on top this year with one of the best games of the generation, bloodborne. Halo will be massive when it comes. But the games im looking forward to most are coming on xbox one such as scale bound, crackdown, quantum break and gears 4. 2016 will be massive for microsoft but 2015 looks like it will be taken by sony in terms of games.

Lev19033337d ago

Rise of the Tomb Raider DOES count seeing its a excsusive for 2015!

3ndulg33337d ago

Agreed,agreed,agreed.Im so sick and tired of sony fans, you get disagree on this suite for defending microsoft.When they get proven wrong you hear crickets from the sony camp.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
OB1Biker3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

'don’t appeal to their fans as much as Spencer does'
Sorry but Yoshida appeals not only to fans but to most gamers and not just for his chatting up on twitter and such.
Well not sure if 'appeal' is a proper word since reasonable people are mainly interested in their gaming passion and not in people from these companies

Kiwi663337d ago

Why does it bother you that much that the head of the xbox division responds and is actively involved with the xbox community and working to make the xbox one the console that its fans like plus if you don't like firmware updates then you must hate it when sony releases them for the ps4

corroios3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Dude, there something they got more exclusives firmwares, lol. Games, who need exclusive games... It much better pr talk, and Dx12, and cloud and then by christmas you get games.

My advice, rent and xbox one for christmas, lol.

You gonna lose your bubbles... some dont like the truth and like marketing tricks.

I would like to see if the PS4 sold 250 units in a big country like Japan, what would people say. If the PS4 sell 20.000 consoles in europe what would people say, if the PS4 had half or less then Xbox One would be told? How many Doomed articles would we get each day?

If the PS4 struggle from day one to get 1080 at 500 what would people say? if you could get the console at 230 or less one year after what would people say?

I really think spencer is good in marketing and nothing else. But i know wait until E3 and then wait until 2016 and then wait until the Xbox TWO.

Wont reply to no one, no bubles.

JeffGUNZ3337d ago

I know you can't reply but I have to say that was the most incomprehensible rubbish I have ever read on this site. I don't even understand your point due to the fact you can't formulate a proper sentence. I am hoping English is not your native language.

OB1Biker3337d ago

Im sure you could put it in ways that dont hurt any feeling but I must admit theres quite some truth in what you said.
Nevertheless gamers want to play on any consoles they feel good to play with and/or for different games of their choice and thats fine

The_Sage3337d ago

I read your post twice, and still have no idea what exactly it is that you are getting at. I know you can't respond, I couldn't if you could, I just wanted to let you know you may want to edit.

LexHazard793337d ago

Its sorta the same thing I say about fanboys on your side of the fence. You spend more time on Xbox forums hating everything. I'm wondering w why, when you have soo many games to play on PS4.

StrayaKNT3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

games worth playing in 2015

XBOX one
Halo 5
Tomb raider
Forza 6
State of decay

Lmaooooooooo wow you are the definition of a delusional fanboy. Please open your eyes and see that sony has nothing else this year it is completely dead compared to the Xbox line up.

And please who the hell uses shareplay I have never in my life used it neither have any of my friends it is the most useless feature on next gen consoles. Snap Is the biggest feature on next gen consoles and I can tell you that more people love and use kinect more than shareplay lol at how you people go around saying it's the best feature when it is so useless

Spotie3337d ago

"Lmaooooooooo wow you are the definition of a delusional fanboy."


Gazondaily3337d ago




"sony has nothing else this year it is completely dead compared to the Xbox line up. "

Well it has Bloodborne, the highest rated game of this gen so far. I dont see anything taking that down.

"And please who the hell uses shareplay I have never in my life used it neither have any of my friends it is the most useless feature on next gen consoles. "

Shareplay is the most useless feature? It lets people try most games out for free and is one of the biggest features of the PS4.

BLow3337d ago

If I could hit disagree more times I would. Wow, REALLY? 1 GAME!!!!! Why did I just waste my time typing this? Now indie games count yet you listed none for PS4?!? 0_o If you gonna be a fanboy at least be a good one and do your research for both consoles. Nothing wrong with having a preference but REALLY 1 F@CKING GAME!!!!! Again, I have wasted too much time on you.....

R3ddSaiyan3337d ago

How do you have so many damn bubbles with such a blatant ignorant comment. Good lord.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3337d ago
Magicite3337d ago

This happens when You are behind. X360 was lead platform for a while and MS didnt try much, but now they are losing big time and must try hard or fail harder.

MONOLITHICIDE3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

I just want in on this fiery war thats breaking out right now. Finally its been to long. Xbone sucks. Theres my two cents. Peace

ManOfTheYear13337d ago

Sony only had AAA games at the beginning of this year (2 games where 1 is a 3rd party and the other is a disaster) is because they were delayed from last year and so rolled over into this year.

Sony has NOTHING AAA wise coming for the rest of the year while MS will have a slew of AAA coming in the 2nd half of the year.

Lets not forget, as you easily have, that late last year we had titles like Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive that carried over into the 1st quarter of 2015.

MS is in a better position to provide a lot more AAA titles by the end of 2015 then Sony is. You shouldn't act like the 1st half of the year means the year is done.

KiwiViper853337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Also 4 amazing Halo campaigns at the end of last year.

I only just started Halo1 yesterday.

BallsEye3337d ago Show
gangsta_red3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Funny that MS came out the gate with a more impressive and diverse line up of games for it's Xbox One launch. Proceeded for the rest of the year with even more diverse games like Titanfall, Forza Horizon and Sunset Overdrive while Sony delayed and pushed two of their 2014 projects The Order and Bloodborne to the beginning of this year.

All through the holidays Sony provided nothing that was hotly anticipated but the broken release of Driveclub.

But all seems to be forgiven and forgotten when Sony just now decides to release The Order to a resounding and critical thud and the next month sweeps that game under the rug and praises the much superior Bloodborne. So much so, that every Sony exec is seen and reported playing that game more than they ever even commented for The Order. Another great Sony PR move to move people's attention away from The Order...in case no one noticed this stunt.

Now all of a sudden some people here like Cindy-rella who lean heavy on the Sony side want to preach that MS has nothing for the first half of the year and Sony is continuing to release triple A exclusives every single month. It's an overblown and way out of touch arguments like these that makes most here shake their heads and it's especially worrisome how many agrees this person's comment is getting.

After Bloodborne what does SONY have lined up for PS4? When is Until Dawn releasing? Is that even anticipated or hyped as a killer excluisve as The Order, Uncharted and Bloodborne is/was?

"the writer is giving credit to microsoft for releasing updates for the xbox one to fix its UI and its PR team being more active on social networks."

Yes, the writer is giving credit to MS for listening and giving the Xbox One UI exactly what their users wanted and praising Phil and others in high exec positions for actually taking the time and talking to their users unlike other companies who stay quiet and answer nothing.

I guess MS could have delayed Sunset and Horizon 2 and pushed them to this year like Sony did their two titles and then Xbox fans could also say that MS is steadily releasing triple A games throughout the year, even though in reality they would have been coming off just as long of a drought as the Sony users did last year.

Christopher3337d ago

Your post would have some weight if it wasn't true that Sony has released and has more exclusives in the pipeline than MS. You seem to focus on just a few items when there are a ton of exclusives to factor into this whole equation that you're ignoring.

gangsta_red3337d ago

The same way Cindy-rella ignored a ton of other factors in his post? Or picked and choose arguments which to expand on?

MS doesn't have any exclusives in pipeline either? MS released a very steady stream of exclusive triple A games last year and have more exclusives plus triple A games for this year. Ori was just released, plus Neverwinter (exclusive for consoles).

It seems a lot of people here in this article are ignoring a lot of factors when commenting.

Automatic793337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )


You nailed it with your comment. What's sad is the agenda some push here stating that MS has no games when they have already published

Ori and the blind forest
State of decay soon to be released

I say that is an awesome first half. Heck even more diversity then the competition.

I wonder what they going to say next year when Xbox completes a fantastic holiday and start the New Year by unleashing Quantum break and Crackdown.

Automatic793337d ago


You nailed it with your comment. What's sad is the agenda some push here stating that MS has no games when they have already published

Oro and the blind forest
State of decay soon to be released

I say that is an awesome first half. Heck even more diversity then the competition.

I wonder what they going to say next year when MS just came off a fantastic holiday and start the New Year by unleashing Quantum break and Crackdown.

Automatic793337d ago


You nailed it with your comment. What's sad is the agenda some push here stating that MS has no games when they have already published

Ori and the blind forest
State of decay soon to be released

I say that is an awesome first half. Heck even more diversity then the competition.

I wonder what they going to say next year when MS just came off a fantastic holiday and start the New Year by unleashing Quantum break and Crackdown.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
Trekster_Gamer3337d ago

I would say you are trolling when you spew lies such as "release updates to fix the UI" as if it was broken. The updates add functionality and enhance.

So your statement is trolling!

nosferatuzodd3337d ago

You got this is why I say xbox one eyed fans are the worst in gaming
When the ps3 was dropping updstes after updates with blue ray more media frendly than the 360 could ever be everyone of these clowns were downplayong that every chance they get now its a good thing when kaz and jack was on Twitter everyday talking to people because they are the first one's that started that it was nothing now microsoft doing it its an xfacter lol really boy the xbone defence force really runing out of ideas these day's

KiwiViper853337d ago

A well said? Are you guys crazy...

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
Malice-Flare3337d ago

Sony is a Japanese company, they go to rank 'S'. in this case, their 'S' factors are Shuhei Yoshida and Adam Boyes...

_LarZen_3337d ago

What I like and have always liked with Microsoft and their Xbox division is that they listen to their costumers and they let's everyone know that they do.

ThanatosDMC3337d ago

Pretty sure it's the pre-orders and lack of market share.

Gazondaily3337d ago

True to an extent yes. The same applies to all companies. They are driven by profitability and we have seen rather severe examples by almost all companies of them making missteps that prove the above case.

Leaguer3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

ofcourse they "listened" to their customers..i bet the reason they did a 180 degrees on their policies was because the xbone carebears got sad and needed a group hug during the succeeding days after e3, right?....

lol. once in a while you just cant help but wonder are these carebears really that gullible enough, then you read posts like this and just literally make you smile....

speaking of x-factor, yup ms got that thing going for them. they were the only ones stupid enough to attempt to implement those silly policies that got them to their "legendary" status now..

OrangePowerz3337d ago

I haven't seen them listen to the costumers in the last 3-4 years of the 360 before the X1 was announced unless the costumers where demanding to have more crap Kinect games and more NFL and ESPN video streaming and less games.

As Thanatos says so far every change they made to make the X1 better wasn't because of costumer complaints. It was because they are miles behind their competition. If they would have really listened to their costumers they wpuld have axed DRM before E3 and released a non Kinect version at launch.

JeffGUNZ3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Oh stop.

I am so tired of people crying over DRM. How else do you expect companies to protect copy right violations? What would stop one person from buying a game and then distributing it to everyone else all over the internet for free? We didn't need it back in the day with disc based only consoles because if you didn't have the game disc, you couldn't play the game. Same lies here but digitally. I don't know any grown up who is working that really has any issue with it. Maybe pirates and bootleggers, but F them.

"Oh, but they check it via online and you need an internet connection blah blah blah". So what? Gaming isn't a right, it's a HOBBY, a LEISURE activity people do. If one can't afford internet, they have more important things to worry about then DRM with a console. Yeah, I get it stinks for people without internet access, but who cares about them? Like I said, it's a HOBBY, not some right everyone has here. It's not like everyone is entitled food, water, shelter, and a next gen console.

DRM is the future and Digital Downloading is as well. When I hear people complain about going all digital and that will be when they stop gaming I just laugh. It's like trying to get my grandpa to use an iphone.

Also, you ever use Xbox one, I doubt it. Kinect is AWESOME. I don't use it for games, but to control the entire console by my voice is great. That feature alone makes the X1 feel more futuristic then anything else out in the console field.

Why o why3337d ago

Jeff mate...you forgot about the inability to borrow or sell physical copies....drm on check ins on physical games.

Try not to forget the whole backlash wasnt just about drm. If it was the x1 wouldn't be approximately 10 million units behind

Your whole rant just sound like them myopic apologists that defended the direction ms were heading before they wised up. You act like you still think the backlash was from those you probably feel had no intention of owning an xbox in the first place. Wake up...it was $ h/te and ms would have been even further behind had they listened to guys like you imo.

DeadManMMX3337d ago

They are listening to consumers just like Sony was forced to last gen. What's happening with MS and Xbox is no different. The townspeople came out with their pitchforks after e3 2013 and changes were made. I'm just glad things changed so fast as they did and it didn't take say half a console generation. I'm glad everyone complained because it made the xb1 that much better in the end. I don't care if PS4 sells 100 million more the xb1 as long as it keeps selling well in its main territories and I keep getting games and services because of it. Just curious what the next gen will look like should they make consoles after learning from the mistakes of this gen.

OrangePowerz3337d ago


Are you seriously comparing copyright protection DRM with not being able to trade your game in, lending it to a friend or selling it on eBay without having to be allowed to do so by MS?


Fast? The online check in was critized before the E3 and it was even critized before the console was revealed. There had been rumours way before the console was announced that it would have online DRM for disc games and it was always critized already at that point. It was already clear at the end of 2012 when those rumours where flying around that the people would not be happy with such a form of DRM.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3337d ago
TKCMuzzer3337d ago

Really? remember when they first showed the Xbox One and everybody told them they had better not do DRM and online activation, used games etc? They failed to listen in the weeks before E3 and it cost them dearly.

Spencer is a good guy and is doing good but to be honest he has been made to look better by the clowns that preceded him. After the farcical Xbox One announcement he only had one way to go once he took over and that was up.

He is only doing what Microsoft should have been doing in the first place, unfortunately it may be just a little to late.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3337d ago
Fro_xoxo3337d ago

someone said, sony's been the only one releasing AAA titles this year?


One decent game so far, bloodborne after a long drought. That does not permit you to go full retard.


thanhgee3337d ago

AAA refers to budget, reviews have nothing to do with "AAA" status. The order 1886 & Bloodborne are AAA, MLB 15 is too (I think).

"That does not permit you to go full retard."

JeffGUNZ3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

What? No it doesn't. Stop spinning things to fit your agenda. AAA games are games that are blockbuster games like Halo, Gears, Uncharted, GTA, God of War, ETC. I can hype up and market Viva Pinata, does that make it a AAA game? Get going. Bloodborne looks great, but outside of that, nothing really impressive. That goes for both consoles. The best game I have played in a while is Ori and the blind forest. Outside that, Titanfall and Destiny have been the best games I have played this Gen. and Titanfall was on X360 and PC and Destiny is Multiplat.

3337d ago
Ron_Danger3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

@ Jeff

First line from that link: "In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion."

You were saying...

You are clearly a product of misinformation and confident ignorance. Just look at your comments down below where you start bringing metacritic scores into AAA talk.

Your argument is basically like saying: Disney World is a bad amusement park because it's concessions stands don't serve great food.

You're using different parts from different arguments and acting like they all come together as a valid point.

Further down on this page you wrote: "Outside of Bloodborne, which looks awesome, I don't classify those as AAA, do you?"

It doesn't matter that you "don't classify those as AAA" since you don't actually understand what AAA actually means.

thanhgee3337d ago


"AAA games are games that are blockbuster games like Halo, Gears, Uncharted, GTA, God of War, ETC"

You just made my point. Thanks! What do all of those games have in common? They have a high development budget, created by large studios & heavily marketed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3337d ago
CBaoth3337d ago

MLB the Show doesn't count? Guess you'd rather play RBI Baseball then?

And what, 3rd party software doesn't count? Ironic you bring up the "drought" card since MS has been validating the annual business model of releasing 3-4 retail exclusives and relying on multi-plats for better part of the last decade. Sony already accomplished that in the 1st quarter. The Order 1886 may not have turned out like they hoped but you got to give them credit for trying.

Anywho I like what Phil has done. He's been a breath of fresh air for MS. I expect both companies to give console fantards many more internet squabbles over the next 3 years.

funkybudda3337d ago


agree with 100%. When an exclusive thats on Sony's conole that many reviewers have said it's the best game in its genre (baseball), Septic can just conveniently excluded from the discussion.

He criticize other people for their personal opinions on this debate yet he's opinion should be considered accepted by the mass.

Now that's gone full retard.

ifistbrowni3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Long drought?

Little Big Planet 3 and Driveclub in October/November-ish on to The Order in February, Bloodborne in March and Until Dawn in June...

I honestly don't see how any one can consider that a "drought" in the exclusive "AAA" department.

I'm going off memory, so correct me if I'm wrong. Please help me fill in the Blank: Sunset Overdrive (september ?), Forza Horizon 2 (October ?), Halo MCC (November) and "Blank" November 11th, 2014 - Q4 2015. Am I right?

EDIT: I thought I had the ps4 news down and would only need corrected on the Xbox side of things... Turns out I'm wrong. I missed a game release for Sony. MLB: The Show as someone above me has already mentioned it.

I own both XB1 and PS4, I just wanted to jump in and point out how asinine your "drought" comment was.

JeffGUNZ3337d ago

What? Come on. How are people so blind here. How do you even list "AAA" in your comment with the games you listed...

Little Big Planet: 79 on Metacritic.

Drive Club: 71 on Metacritic

The Order: 63 on Metacritic

Bloodborne: 93 on Metacritic

Outside of Bloodborne, which looks awesome, I don't classify those as AAA, do you?

I am not arguing games haven't been released, but I do agree the AAA drought was accurate. Bloodborne is really the first game on PS4 that has looked AWESOME.

ifistbrowni3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Now list the AAA retail games Microsoft has released during those months and I'll accept your argument.

At least I have an option on my Playstation. I haven't even thought about buying an exclusive for my XB1 since MCC. Wanna know why? Because I have no choice.

I've had the opportunity over the past 6 months to weigh the pros and cons of trying games like The Order, DriveClub, Little Big Planet 3 and Bloodborne. With Microsoft there is nothing there to even measure.

If you wanna complain about droughts, you're singling out the wrong system. That's the only point I'm trying to make. You can twist it whichever way you want, but it's the honest truth that Sony at least takes the risk and tries to get new IPs out there. Even if the game only appeals to a "niche" group, at least that "niche" group has something to play (thanks to Sony taking the risk).

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't XB1 only seen 2 new exclusive IPs so far? I'd say 3, but you can't count Titanfall with the news that it's likely going multiplatform. The 2 new IPs that we've seen released on XB1 are "Ryse" and "Sunset Overdrive." Sony has matched that in the past 2 months.

As an XB1 owner, I would love to see Microsoft take more risks when it comes to IPs. In 10 years I fear people will be talking about MIcrosoft the same way people talk of Nintendo now "still milking the same old franchises from 20 years ago."

According to some people's opinions Knack, DriveClub, The Order, and even Bloodborne have all sucked. Even if that's true, at least it has a base to build upon. You'd be so wrong if you don't think Ready At Dawn cannot improve upon "The Order" for a sequel (if it ever sees one). It already has the awesome premise, now it needs the game-play mechanics that the majority "want" and you have yourself a class A "AAA" game.

Just like Ryse can be improved upon if Microsoft chooses to take the risk and publish a new one. If Microsoft doesn't start taking risks with new IPs, we'll have to continue to play Halo and then Gears on the "off-years." Halo and Gears are both excellent games, but I can't help but to believe that Sony is doing "more" for the gamers.

You may want to label it as "being blind." I label it as being an unbiased opinion.

Why o why3337d ago


well said

Im wondering how jeff survived during the last 3 years of the 360's life.......sloppy wrists judging by his comments

MasterCornholio3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

So a game with a metacritic of 93 is decent?

Calling Bloodborne a decent game is insulting to the developers.

Why o why3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

Blinkers....take em off and read up on what aaa means noob. Triple a was never linked to scores...

In regards to phil...ok... i liken him to being something he's supposed to be, like a good parent. Credit is due for his ways and what he seems to have changed but nobody would be so euphoric about him if he wasn't preceded by a klutz. I like phill but ive not fully exonerated his involement in the initial debacle. Definitely the best guy for the job from where I'm standing.

Saying he makes the differences 'over' sony is premature and wishful at best

I mean how will you gauge it.....sales,....public opinion,....what

Chevalier3337d ago

Drought?! Like Screamride being the only exclusive on Xbone since November?! Maybe you should look at just how little Xbone is releasing of note then compare games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3337d ago
MonkeyOne3337d ago

80 billion in cash and very large revenue streams from their core businesses = X-Factor

Why o why3337d ago

Same reserves they had last gen or don't the last 3 to 4 years with minimal 1st and 2nd party support count.. .

lol, that cash reserves game was good....thats what I hear anyway

MonkeyOne3337d ago

The large companies that have massive cash hordes like Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Apple, HP and others can dabble in unprofitable ventures and still be fine because they have huge revenue streams from their core businesses and the overall business isn't really affected by losing ventures like Xbox.

Sony isn't in the same situation because their core businesses and cash reserves aren't as healthy as MS.

Why o why3337d ago (Edited 3337d ago )

'Sony isn't in the same situation because their core businesses and cash reserves aren't as healthy as MS.'

....yet 'broke' sony produced and commissioned a lot more games THROUGHOUT the whole gen.... I mean its a win for ms fans if they changed their controllers into calculators but I thought our main thing was gaming not accountancy

http://www.forbes.com/.... try there

Show all comments (152)

Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel17d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop16d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin16d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit16d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel16d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark17d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor17d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto17d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot17d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2317d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H917d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon17d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage17d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing15d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k417d ago (Edited 17d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.


Meet The Guy Who Just Nuked Xbox Boss Phil Spencer In Fallout 76

He said he treated the Xbox executive like the RPG's final boss

Jingsing18d ago

Somewhat fitting, Considering buying Bethesda was a complete selfish purchasing decision by himself just because he is a big Fallout fan he wanted to own the toy. Well quite frankly Microsoft should look at that and say you put your personal tastes in front of the business and it has backfired.

anast18d ago

Todd Howard out hustled Phil. Howard is definitely in the top 3 all time hustlers in video game history.

OtterX18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Phil's game character properly looks like a villain too.


Miacosa18d ago

Would be funny is P3 nuked his account temporality as a joke.