
Microsoft reacts to Sony's White&Gold controller #TheDress joke; showing White/Gold Xbox One Skin

Earlier this morning Playstation Australia send out a Tweet that reads "introducing the new White and Gold Dualshock 4". The tweet was a joke after someone started the #Thedress hashtag.

In a new Tweet Microsoft reacts to Sony's tweet showing an white/gold image of their own.

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jackanderson19853382d ago

that's quite ugly... also a nice "white/gold" controller by Sony haha

VER1ON3382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

The joke would have been funnier if Sony hadn't included the image with their tweet in the first place :)

Nice prank by Sony following Twitter's eruption about the #TheDress hashtag.

mikeslemonade3382d ago

Skins are lame and that's not even a real X1. Just some graphic depiction..

bouzebbal3382d ago

MS have no humor LOL.. that's as lame as the skin they showed.

Pogmathoin3382d ago

I think the joke is lost on some here, the fact it is a joke....

uptownsoul3382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

what is with this whole "white & gold" Xbox One…The Xbox One in the picture is obviously BLUE & BLACK!!!!

(real talk, my wife has shown me that damn dress 1 MILLION times & I can only see a blue & black dress…And frankly, I'm tired of looking at the damn dress)

Eonjay3382d ago

OMG, I just heard about this damn dress and I am already tired of it lol. So it was a joke based on a joke. Fair enough, but (having seen this dress) it is OBVIOUSLY not blue. lol

subtenko3382d ago Show
AliTheSnake13382d ago

The xbox looks Black and blue to me. You guys are smokin that Gandalf shit.

Bdub20003381d ago

It's fake... Everyone knows Sony can't afford to buy gold right now... And that MS X1 is clearly blue and black.

t-hall7853381d ago

How about all you guys saying Microsoft is "reacting" to Sony and is lame for it, go to xbox's twitter page then go to sony uk's twitter page. make sure you check the time stamps.

I'm gonna just keep on sippin this tea though...because it's damn good lol.

SilentNegotiator3381d ago

This dress thing is pretty much the dumbest viral thing I have ever heard of. It was bad enough reading about it LITERALLY everywhere else, but I finally get onto N4G and this is what I see?

The world has collectively lost an IQ point over a poorly exposed cell phone picture.

suicidalblues3381d ago


Check the timestamps, and enjoy your tea!


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3381d ago
Eonjay3382d ago

Actually it would probably look better as blue.

XanderZane3382d ago

Yeah.. not really a color anyone wants. Not sure what Sony & M$ were thinking, but it was all a joke, so maybe they knew these colors were wrong to begin with.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3382d ago

I thought what SCE Australia did was pretty funny....

RocketScienceLvlStuf3382d ago

Well Microsoft have been reactionary all this gen. Thats why they are in last place.

So this doesn't surprise me.

ShowanW3382d ago

u know it was suppose to be a joke right?..?...

Not funny to me at all... But it suppose to be a tease on that stupid dress that's been trending..

Just relax...

XanderZane3382d ago

Hhmm last I checked, they aren't in last place. The Wii U is. Let's try to keep the topic on the article above. Trolling is not welcomed here.

The whole thing was a joke. A pretty bad one, but a joke nontheless.

PistolsAtDawn3382d ago

I get that while I type this, I'm probably just wasting my time, because you appear to be confused about a great many things, however, I'll help out just a little bit.

Xbox Us twitter posted a picture of a blue and black controller 3 hrs before Playstation AU posted theirs...(I tried to post a link here, but I can't cause I'm a new user so you'll have to look for yourself).

As for the rest of your fanboy statement, you've clearly already made up your mind already on what is "true" and what isn't, so I won't waste my time proving you wrong

...learn to laugh at a joke

3381d ago
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Magicite3382d ago

Colors cant change the fact it looks like VCR.

Muzikguy3381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Sony's tweet was awesome! As for what MS did, it doesn't look to me like they have a sense of humor. Makes it even more hilarious!!! :)

As for the #thedress deal going on, personally I think it's stupid. Stupid in the fact that something so dumb garners all that attention. Reminds me a bit of how everyone was flipping sh!t about Ebola not that long ago and now there's nothing. (I'm not saying Ebola is dumb or shouldn't get attention) I guess people are easily distracted

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StrayaKNT3382d ago

The two companies that fanboys argue over daily seem to get along and joke with eachother more than us gamers do lol. #lovebothconsoles #noconsoleisbetterthantheother

VER1ON3382d ago

In general Xbox headman Phil Spencer is very open about this and actually has credited Sony and it's PS4 on several occasions. Make love not war :)

Kane223382d ago

Giving Phil a little too much credit. They both have been joking around for years.

Mikefizzled3382d ago

Shu is the same. They're mostly nice guys up at the top. Its just the fans who are the problem.

Kizwiz63382d ago

Sooo.. You want us all to make love?

paul-p19883382d ago


Ask Aaron Greenburg if he believes that lol

pixelsword3382d ago

NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and soccer owners get along just fine, too: but their fans don't either. The same goes for fans of particular golf players, boxers, model car/plane builders, cheese fans, beer drinkers, book readers, Star Trek captains, Operation System owners, and fans of designer shoes.

But for some reason, console fans JUST HAVE to get along.

Go figure.

Ravenor3382d ago

It's possible to enjoy all of those things listed and not be a psycho. I like the Toronto Maple Leafs, if someone likes the Canadiens I don't go bug them about it. If they bug me about it, it's just a sign that person isn't worth the air they breath.

Tech tribalism and general fandom to the point of hating, or disgreeing to disagree because it's the "thing" you don't like. Has always, and always will be the stuff of people with major self esteem issues under the surface.

u-bEttA-rUn3381d ago

Thanks for the laugh lol

RosweeSon3382d ago

Love both fine but no console is better than the other?! Don't think so buddy.

StrayaKNT3382d ago

It's all opinion at the end of the day, don't bring your fanboy bs into this thread please dude.

TheLastColossus3382d ago

I agree on loving both consoles but obviously one of them is better

Eddie201013381d ago (Edited 3381d ago )

Is it getting along or Microsoft me tooing all the time?

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GenuineGamer3382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

Ugly as lol

g-nome3382d ago

Now they do not have to do a blue and black one.

Spotie3382d ago

The PS4 has been beating the XB1 black and blue all gen, so I'd have thought that would have been easier to do.

Gazondaily3381d ago

Lol and to think, you call me out for supposedly being a fanboy. Haha


wodan3382d ago (Edited 3382d ago )

Man this look bad and ugly.

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