
Watch Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One Streamed to Windows 10: "An Amazing Unlock for Xbox One Customers"

During the Windows 10 keynote just held by Microsoft, Xbox Division head honcho Phil Spencer introduced the ability to stream your existing library of Xbox One games to the newly announced Xbox app for Windows 10.

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SaveFerris3427d ago

Okay. So you still need an Xbox One but you can take the game on the road with you (tablet and controller)?

DarkOcelet3427d ago

It seems to be that way. Its a great idea to finally implement it.

Gazondaily3427d ago

Yeah it's the natural way forward. My wifi is gonna get rinsed at work!

4Sh0w3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

This should be awesome, especially since my entire X1 game library is all digital (aside from Forza5 which was gifted to me). I can't wait to try this out as soon as its available. Also the Windows10/X1 cross platform gaming and apps in the same ecosystem is a very smart direction going forward. Xbox One just keeps getting more interesting.

crazychris41243427d ago

If you have wifi I dont see why you shouldnt be able to stream X1 games to your tablet or laptop while on the go.

Fireseed3427d ago

From what I understand its essentially like Nvidias streaming where you need to still be on the same network.

MasterCornholio3427d ago

If it works like remote play and you have an internet connection then yes.


I'm really happy that Microsoft is doing this. Hopefully this will convince Sony to support non Sony tablets\phones with Remote play.

Competition! So good.

No_Limit3427d ago

As of right now, it is only through local network in the same home.

Automatic793426d ago

Actually, @ No limit Phil mentioned he was streaming from home so you do not have to be home. Unless he lives in the same auditorium they held the conference. Lol

oSHINSAo3427d ago

This is something i didn't get at all, am i be able to play away from my home network or just inside, lets hope for more information soon.

OrangePowerz3427d ago

In the presentation today they said when you are on the same network like Steam and nVidia. So far they didn't detail if it would work outside of the network.

holysmokesbatman3427d ago

It's home network only, listen carefully to his very last sentence.
It's fine by me though, I can't wait to try it out.

3-4-53427d ago

* Microsoft making logical & reasonable decisions....hmmmmm I like this new Microsoft.

* This seems like a good forward thinking idea to implement now, so that it can be fine tuned for the next gen consoles 5 years from now.

* Giving everyone free upgrade gets everyone on the same page. It's like giving everyone an XB1, for free.....

mcstorm3427d ago

With this in mind you can now also see why MS wanted DRM at the start of the gen. If this works outside of the home as well as in the home I can see my self using this quite a lot. Its also a good reason to go digital too.

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ScorpiusX3427d ago

All I got to say is hell yeah.

bleedsoe9mm3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

its cool but i'd rather the other way , let me stream my windows 10 games to my xb1 in my living room

TheRedButterfly3427d ago

I'm with ya, but I'll take what I can get! My Windows Phone just got a lot more awesome! :D

KentBlake3427d ago

That's what I was gonna say. Why would I want to stream an X1 game to my small monitor and play it on an office chair? I'd rather play Starcraft or any other PC exclusive on my couch and big TV.

Bodge3427d ago

You can play Starcraft 2 with kb/m on your couch right now.

3427d ago
Iceball20003427d ago

Micro$ofts version of Sony's Remote Play, what's so hard to understand?

TheRedButterfly3427d ago

Why you're trying to down-play this. /That/ is pretty hard to understand...

Iceball20003427d ago

Not down playing anything, that's what it is. Your "remote playing" your Xbox one to your PC/Surface. Cool concept, I like it.

playstation4epic3427d ago

lol no. with the vita and z3 u can stream from miles away. for this you have to be inside

3427d ago
hello123427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

I really like the x box 1 app on PC it has build in DVR function to record steam based games. Its free its an awesome extra feature for PC gamers who would like to upload content not sure how long it records for though only problem?

Cross play opens endless possibilities for x box gamers and PC gamers.

Playstation fans might not like to hear this. But the fact x box 1 and PC are more unified than ever with Windows 10 and directx12. Devs will likely shaft the PS4 for PC and x box 1. Your basically making the same game with directx12 and windows 10- the PS4 version will be extra development and therefore in my mind x box 1 will be the lead platform along with PC

CernaML3427d ago

Thats like saying Developers were shafting the PS2 because it was the least powerful and hardest to develop for.

With double the install base, it aint happening.

djplonker3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

"Devs will likely shaft the PS4 for PC and x box 1. Your basically making the same game with directx12 and windows 10- the PS4 version will be extra development and therefore in my mind x box 1 will be the lead platform along with PC "

And we will tell when Devs do that since the ps4 exclusives will always look the best they can be on ps4 and with plenty of exclusives coming no one should be worried that the ps4 versions of multiplats will be gimped somehow... especially considering the ps4 had almost double the install base of the xbox one.

jukins3427d ago

That's funny. Even with dx12 development will not be 1 to 1. There will still be the need for specialized xb1 and ps4 development teams. Not to mention why would any developer "shaft" a user base of 18million and growing.

As for cross play opening endless possibilities, pc and console cross play has been going on for years decades even. In fact it's usually microsoft who is to blame at the lack if cross platform play. I'm not trying to sound like sony's defense force but let's be honest you're hyping features and situations that ,respectively, have been done before and won't happen.

Lenrulesdaworld3427d ago

thats only if games aren't built with dx12 in mind, if it is pc/xbox will go hand in hand. you could port a whole pc title to xbox one in a month and use the rest of the time for optimization.

playstation4epic3427d ago

development cycle for ps4 is already a month so...

Brazz3427d ago

"... in my mind x box 1 will be the lead platform..."

sure, but keep this dream in your mind, because this isn't happening, Ps4 is already the lead on consoles.

OrangePowerz3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

With the exception of the Xbox PC app X1 and Win8 are similarily unified. Both run DX11 and a Windows 8 OS. Besides of MS wanting people to change to Win10 most of the things shouldn't even be Windows 10 exclusive. Xbox app could be done on other Windows versions and the same goes for the streaming, but it all appears to be locked down to Win10 only for no real reason.

Your understanding of game development is incorrecr if you think that it would mean they would basically make one game for both systems. A lot more goes into game development than what OS and DX is used. For developers of resource low apps that's an advantage, but anything like a game can't just be moved over because they use the same OS and DX (as is the case now between X1 and Windows 8). The X1 has a completely difderent memory pool setup and an APU that isn't used in PCs. There are too many differences in hardware that you would just port as easy as you think. Besides you get much better performance out of consoles with low level coding (coding to the metal) instead of relying on DX and other APIs or libraries.

PC is and will remain the lead platform for multiplatform games with little change how the other platforms will be tackled.

Lenrulesdaworld3427d ago

did you guys forget how fast turn 10 ported forza to pc, its the same thing which was the point they were trying to convey. with dx12 you'll spend less time making games built on pc for xbox one cause dx12 has tools that makes porting easier than if it were ps4. then you could spend most of your optimizing on xbox one, thats only if dev's adopt the dx12 api like phil was saying. so far unreal and unity have...

OrangePowerz3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

First of with the Forza 5 demo that was timeline given by devs who work for the company that wanted to promote DX12. That`s as much reliable as Cerny saying it takes only X amount of weeks or months to get the game running on the PS4. You promote your product and try to sell it, in both cases to developers.

Secondly it was one track with a few cars that got ported. Models and animations aren`t problematic in itself to port especially not from console to PC they are created on the PC in the first place and it was a presentation and not a kiosk where people could go there and play it so that means we don`t know how much of the game fully worked. Was all the code for the physics, damage system and so on ported over fully and worked completely?

Thirdly how optimized was the ported part? The machine they used for the demo was running with a GTX Titan black, at the time of the demo the card cost as much as 2 X1 consoles with Kinect.

It`s one thing to port something and get the code to run and another to get it to run properly. The notion that people just have to run some tools and it`s ported easily and then spend time with optimization is unrealistic. You are ignoring everything that has to go into the development to get the best results out of the hardware and adapt the game to the hardware. If there is an easy way to port developers will already have their own tools that are specifically made for their needs. Not to mention that we are talking here about multiplatform developers and many of them have PC games that badly optimized for the lead platform (PC), no tool makes magically out of an unoptimized mess on a more powerful machine a well working port to a machine with less power and a lot more constraints on the memory pool. Also DX12 won`t be the first shared DX version between any Xbox console and PC. The Xbox always used the DirectX API, hence the X in the name, and shared the same API on X360 between PC and already does on the X1 with DX11.

I`m too tired to write down a full explanation of why it won`t work the way some people here think it will, but those loft expectations are unrealistic. I do find it amusing when randomly people try to explain to me how porting works or will work while not having anything really to do with those things.

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Phil Spencer Confirms More Xbox Games Will Come To Other Platforms

Phil Spencer confirms that more Xbox games will be available on new platforms during a new interview after Xbox Showcase.

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shadowT5h ago

Starfield, Hellblade 2 and Halo...

Cacabunga3h ago

Perfect Dark and Gears and the game with the girl and the huge croc

Eonjay2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

That last article where everyone is having a baby over a showcase is ridiculous because the Xbox showcase was really a multiplat showcase...

MrBaskerville57m ago(Edited 53m ago)


I think people are just happy that they gave us something to be excited about. It being multiplatform stuff makes it even easier to rejoice as everyone gets to enjoy it. This show was really what Summerfest should have been, just with less of an xbox focus obviously.

These shows are fun to watch because we get to be excited about new games.

With that said, I imagine Perfect Dark, South of Midnight and perhaps state of decay 1-3 would be possible candidates for ps5. Doom might also be a given. They didn't really try to hammer home its exclusivity.

Eonjay48m ago


Totally agree. I did enjoy SGF though unlike the majority. My personal taste is more eclectic than most. I found stuff at each show to enjoy.

MajorLazer1h ago

Elder Scrolls 6 for PS5, please. Also I'd like the Forza franchise, I owned all four of the OG motorsport titles and FM4 is still one of, if not my favourite racing game ever.

RaiderNation53m ago

The two Ori games as well. I have a feeling those will get announced too.

italiangamer5h ago

Satya Nadella wants that PlayStation's money, Phil Spinster now is as relevant as MySpace

purple1014h ago

Phil Spencer (February 15th 2024):

"Looking forward so 4 games no promise beyond that, so if you're on those other platforms and you see these four games coming please don't take it as some signal that everything is coming, it's not."

Phill Spencer (June 9th 2024)

'Our commitment to our Xbox customers is you're going to get the opportunity to buy or subscribe to the game, we're going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms and we just see that as benefit that the franchises we're building and we see that from players and the players love to be able to play'

Jingsing4h ago

I won't be buying any Xbox games anyway, Not going to subsidize their vision of changing gaming industry into streaming everything via a netflix subscription and they are the only choice. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It's us or no one" You can't complain after they have taken over either.

Shane Kim3h ago

Especially when they "give" it to Xbox users and expect playstation users to pay full price for it. Like second class citizens.

Ironmike16m ago(Edited 15m ago)

U won't be missed

neomahi2h ago

So, the benefit of having an Xbox is the option of a subscription service that's more like a buffet and not a deluxe plate. By staying loyal to Xbox means day 1 "free" games of your choice. Xbox is a service.

If rumors are true Xbox is going the 3DO route, Xbox is basically a PC. I mean, since PlayStation caved and started using off the shelf parts to "make it easier on developers", which is a croc as were how far into this console generation and the only devs to really support PS5, kind of, is Insomniac, San Diego, and Santa Monica and we've seen nothing from other devs. PS4 was supposed to be easier so PS5 would be even easier, right? But what've we really seen from Sony first party when it comes to PS5 games? Nothing, they're all still possible on PS4. Xbox? Same thing. Hi-Fi Rush was possible on at least Xbox One X (another lie from Xbox with No one gets left behind). Wow

MrBaskerville50m ago

The original comment still stands, as long as they withold one or two series of games on xbox. Most could come but that still wouldn't mean that you could expect every game to arrive.

I suspect they want people to speculate, because then you don't know whether you should wait for a ps5 port or buy an xbox. Every game is Schroedingers exclusive.

Eonjay8m ago

The interpretation of his first comment is not to expect more than these 4 games. The interpretation of the second comment is not to expect any game to be exclusive to Xbox.

His communication is all over the place. The fact that we can't decipher what he means is what people are complaing about. He should simply say, games are coming to PlayStation but we don't have a set policy that applies to all titles. Sometimes less is more.

Crows905m ago

Well seeing as most Xbox games aren't worth it then it's probably fine

-Foxtrot4h ago

There’s this small part of me which wants to think that the reason for Sony being so calm lately, especially after Microsoft’s showcase, is because they know this themselves, and they could know more than what’s being said publicly.

neomahi2h ago

But, Lego Horizon is on the Switch. Why is Nintendo the only comfortable one here. They're not even on PC

Extermin8or3_2h ago

Stupid take. The Lego game has been made by a Lego studio with advice on the IP from guerilla games. So part of the negotiations/requirements to make it happen will clearly have been done kind of multiplatform release.

Extermin8or3_2h ago

They definitely know more than is being said.

italiangamer1h ago

Sony gives them the PS5's development kit so they know exactly which studios are making games for their consoles, or at least they can make an estimate based on the number of kits requested.

People just loves to talk but in a couple of days this showcase will be already forgotten, and by the way 90% of the stuff shown is multiplatform.

truthBombs3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

It seems the idea is to have other platforms(PS and PC) offset the cost of game pass.

Xbox users get the games on game pass while others pay full price.

Gamepass seems to be Xbox's idea of "exclusive".

These guys are so inconsistent with their messaging. It's difficult to know exactly what they want to do with their games. I've stopped caring. I just focus on the games.

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Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel29d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop28d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin28d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit28d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel28d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark29d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor29d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto29d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot29d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2329d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H929d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon29d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage29d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing27d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k429d ago (Edited 29d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.