
New Baldur’s Gate game confirmed

The Eccentric Gamer writes: "Beamdog has confirmed that their mysterious project called 'Adventure Y' is in fact a new Baldur’s Gate game. Here is everything we know so far including timeline and engine used."

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Rimeskeem3440d ago (Edited 3440d ago )

I have been waiting so long for another one.

CptEccentric3440d ago

Me too man, me too! Cant believe its finally happening. Sooooo happy right now :)

Rimeskeem3440d ago (Edited 3440d ago )

I literally screamed "FINALLY!" after i saw this

thekhurg3440d ago

I'd be happier if they licensed the Divinity Original Sin engine or something. Visually improve the animations and game world please.

CorndogBurglar3440d ago


CptEccentric3440d ago

Could not have said it better! One day we shall bask in the glory of a truly great RPG again

CptEccentric3440d ago

@sckipt, Im glad I could bring you the good news :) I hope everyone gets to see this that love the franchise as much as i do :)

CptEccentric3440d ago

Indeed it has, such a long time. I actually replayed BG2 + Throne of Baal during the past holidays.

joab7773439d ago

Has anyone played on android? How good is it? I am playing kotor on my S5 and it's amaazing. I've literally never played a game on my phone and never thought I would but I'm hooked.

gangsta_red3440d ago

I loved the first and the expansion game. The voice acting was superb and everything about this game was top notch.

I always wanted this game to come to consoles but sadly all we got where Gauntlet clones with this name slapped on.

Anon19743439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

I did as well, but I have to say I enjoyed the two Baldur's Gate console games. The Champions of Norrath games were better, but for a straight forward, co-op dungeon crawl I rather enjoyed the Baldur's Gate games. There really wasn't that much out there for co-op dungeon crawlers this past gen which I found disappointing. I didn't realize that Diablo 3 had couch co-op until recently so I picked it up on one of the PS4 flash sales, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

I'm excited about a new Baldur's Gate game though in the old style. Just playing through Legend of Grimrock 2 which is a throwback to the old Eye of the Beholder type games. I remember getting Baldur's Gate at a launch party early here in Edmonton where the game was made. Looking forward to diving in again. Just brings back all the old feels. :)

gangsta_red3439d ago

The console Baldur's Gate were good games, and by no means am I knocking them. It's just that I was looking forward and expecting to play the same type of game style I played on the PC.

I remember even telling some friends on what to expect when the game comes to consoles. Yea, I could have used the internet more back then...

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Becuzisaid56d ago

Kinda cool I guess. Seems they just allowed the camera to zoom in right on top of the characters head and then able to control movement like a fps. Makes me wonder what the game would be like if I didn't ever zoom way out and scroll over the environment to check out for enemies nearby almost constantly.