
Metro Redux Review – This Just In… Russians Invade With The Best Shooter on Next-Gen | COG

Thanks to the lack of backwards compatibility on consoles, re-releases are very common place right now. Is Metro Redux worth your time then? Well… the title kind of gives it away.

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DevilishSix3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

Score seems low for two games that scored high last gen with great narrative and atmosphere that have been completely reworked right down to the textures and include all DLC. Deserves at least a 9. An 8.5 sets the bar to low be compared to other games and or remasters.

MysticStrummer3573d ago

Nah there's nothing wrong with an 85, and anyway number scores don't mean much. Last gen I played too many 9s that I thought were 7s or 8s, and too many 7s or 8s that I thought were 9s, to pay much attention to review scores.

700p3573d ago

Yeah thats usually what happens to me.

GarrusVakarian3573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

Since when is an 8.5 even remotely considered "low"? That 1.5 away from a perfect score.....


So true.

incendy353573d ago

If you read the review, they explain it pretty well. Pretty well written actually.

Eldyraen3573d ago

I loved the games as they were released but can see why some wouldn't find it as great as I do so 8.5 seems fine to me. I would probably give it higher but all reviews are opinion pieces anyways even if they try to be objective--granted I won't know for sure till I play it again but 2033 with better gunplay alone will fix my biggest complaints with it (it really was rather clunky).

Plus an 8.5 is still better than most games on the new consoles. From a singleplayer perspective this and Wolfenstein (IMO) are only great shooters on them to date. Every other shooter is only decent/good or more multiplayer focused. Most had moments of greatness but Wolfenstein/Metro are two of the best (singleplayer) shooters in years.

dcj05243573d ago

I'd add Killzone to that list.

dcj05243573d ago

LOL 8.5 is low. Yes and 9 is average.

brads43573d ago

You just described a scale from 8 to 10.

Why even bother with lower numbers? Just give it a 0, 1, or 2. Problem solved.

jimjam34423573d ago

its so stupid when people are like, "oh this game should have aat least got a 9"
really? so are you thinking the writer wrote this article particularly to appeal to your taste in games? i never like number ratings to begin with, or any rating, but clearly after playimg both metro games the number he felt wasnt too high or too low was 85 out of 100. this system only works if you follow a reviewer who has similiar tastes in games.

its like when people give a game a 10 just to even out the scores because of some inner fanboy rage at seeing to low a number attached to their fav game. metro 2033 is one of my fav games of all time, no number can describe the unique, engrossing atmosphere, i dont care i metro 2033 gets 1 out of 10 on every review, im going to enjoy the S?!& out of theis game. and when you "even out the ratings" by giving false 10's, your misleading the consumer, this is why gaming doesnt yet deserve the respect of orher mediums of entertainment's industries, the gaming community as a whole (bar a few) are very immature

Dynasty20213573d ago (Edited 3573d ago )

If you're reading the score before reading the review, you're doing it wrong.

Score is just the icing. You should read the text and develop an informed opinion.

Something consoles gamers fail to do at times.

Having played both on PC, Metro is an awesome series full of horror moments that genuinely scare.

A true diamond in the rough overlooked by many and cherished by the few that did play them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3573d ago
CorndogBurglar3573d ago

I could never get in to the first one. I tried 3 separate times. I don't know what it was. It was a well made game and all, but I just couldn't bring myself to keep playing it more that a few hours in.

incendy353573d ago

It was pretty amateurish, that is the reason they remade it using the Last Light code base. The review delves into some of the changes they made. Worth a read.

windblowsagain3573d ago

I'd give metro and last light a 7-8 score.

Gunplay was quite decent. Voices just droned on and on.

But they are worth playing.

Daniel_Potter3573d ago

Well, learn russian and use the russian dub.

edqe3573d ago

Like all consoles games, Metro series is very linear story base shooters with strong hand holding. Nevertheless they are top in this FPS sub-genre.

mochachino3573d ago

Wasn't the game originally made for PC first...

jcnba283573d ago

This game or should I say games is a day one for me.

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monkey602572d ago

A lot of my favourites are on this list so I whole heartedly approve.
Everything except The Observer. It started out really interesting but quickly unraveled into a train wreck. Including frustratingly dull dives into mind sequences, They neutered the monster with boring on rail stealth sequences and a laughably obvious and cringeworthy ending. Mix in bugs and some wonky controls to boot.
I had really strong impressions with it to start but ended up absolutely hating it.

isarai571d ago

I got 2-3hrs in and couldn't take it anymore, the constant need to switch between the 3 visions just became so annoying and honestly just unnecessary.

monkey602571d ago

I actually agree. At first I thought it was a great idea because the game wasn't holding your hand with the Detective work but it was so unintuitive too. It became a sequence of staring at everything for long enough in 3 different vision modes just to see what stuck.

Yui_Suzumiya571d ago

Soma would be more existential horror than anything but I'll be damned if it didn't have one of the best stories in game that I've experienced. Blew my mind.


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