
PS4 vs Xbox One Games Chart from January to May Shows a Striking Difference

If you want to see exactly what games have been released on each new generation console in the past few months, and which ones will be launched in the nearest future, Deadpixel over at NeoGAF created a very interesting list including every title from January to May.

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-Foxtrot3703d ago

Wonder if this is why Sony hasn't really been hyping E3 like Microsoft.....playing it cool.

LaChance3703d ago ShowReplies(29)
thorstein3703d ago ShowReplies(2)
Charybdis3703d ago

Nice list good overview for confirmed games coming this ye on both platforms.

UltimateMaster3702d ago

One thing is for sure.
The PS4 is getting all the games. (aside from those funded by Microsoft or Nintendo)

ITPython3703d ago ShowReplies(4)
GribbleGrunger3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

To summarise this debate:

'I have more to drink from my half pint glass than you have to drink from your pint glass because I don't like what you're drinking.'

10 is greater than 5, 15 is greater than 10, 25 is greater than 15 and 200 is greater than 100. No matter what your tastes are (your dislikes or likes) the fact still remains that 'No games' cannot be applied to the PS4 or the X1. You can apply 'fewer games' though, and as of this moment, the X1 has 'fewer' games than the PS4. This is the reality.

GrandpaSnake3703d ago

you never cease to amaze me, most of the time i never bother replying to trolls because they are so obviously heavily influenced by their own preferred opinions. facts are facts ,ps4 has a lot more variety that appeal to a wider audience.In my opinion i feel as though the ps4 is just leaps and bounds over the competition in this regard, much more refined ergonomic design overall, more accessible hardware,stronger hardware and a variety of games AAA AA indies and free games.
I LOVE ICE CREAM! its very hard for me to decide flavors because i love ice cream, some more than others. but i dont tell my friend not to eat rocky road because it has too many flavors and i just like vanilla.

johndoe112113703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

I don't think it's possible to say anything else on this matter. You just summed up this entire debate. Anyone who argues against your point is beyond reasoning.


Well said +bubble for you.

Pogmathoin3703d ago ShowReplies(1)
dale_denton3703d ago ShowReplies(1)
uncharted563702d ago

Sony has some really great titles in the pipeline. Just wish they would announce them and show them off throughout the year rather then just unload most of their ammo come E3. Maybe I am just being greedy lol. Cant wait for watch dogs and Order and especially Witcher 3 8D

jessupj3702d ago ShowReplies(1)
Godmars2903702d ago

Sony's regularly had 2+ hour E3 presentations where MS usually had one at best. They've also been of the habit of showing off 3rd party multiplatforms where Sony's shown off new IPs.

RedDevils3702d ago

@LaChance you're one of the biggest xbot on this site ever since the 360 came out, and yet you have the nerve to tell people to take a break on N4G, the truth is you really need to get a life and start appreciate someone other than M$

TitanUp3694d ago

sony has a good list of games going by this they have almost just as many aaa titles as microsoft so im not sure why people gripe about their indie push.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3694d ago
Lawboy23703d ago

There is no striking difference...there is one key difference and it's called indie games....

-Foxtrot3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

and? They are still games, better to have some Indie titles then none at all, something Sony was criticized last gen on

Now that Sony are a big part of Indie developers now it's suddenly not a good thing.

Can't change the goal posts mate

pwnsause_returns3703d ago

well....if you dont like indie games, then why is there an indie program on the x1?

an indie game is a game regardless.. there are some great gems that came out of indie studios.

TheTowelBoy3703d ago

They do all the time. Every fanboy does, doesn't matter which console either. They suit the argument to their needs lol but I don't need to tell you that, you seem to be dealing with them better than I can. :P it's like talking to a brick wall, ya know?

FlunkinMonkey3703d ago ShowReplies(2)
Lightning Mr Bubbles3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Personally, I think XBOX One has had the edge so far in games, but PS4 has had the edge in sales.

And those indie games don't do anything for me really.

EDIT: XBOX One Dead Rising 3 and maybe Titanfall and PS4 nothing really. Killzone and Infamous is about it, I consider those games just something to play, not games I really look forward to playing. I think PS4 will get very good, but honestly I think XBOX One has had better games so far.

kingdom183703d ago

You think, and I think. Its subjective which has better games, unless the AAA releases flop and get horrible scores, which I don't believe either really have. Even though you don't really like indies, neither do I, their okay but, I'm not going to buy a system for them, it does give the PS4 and edge, having more games is always better than less. As is, they both have about the same amount of AAA games.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3703d ago

Good point Kingdom18.

I just write what I think, it's a matter of taste. I not saying it's a fact or anything.

randomass1713703d ago

Exactly. It is all completely subjective. That's why while I've stated repeatedly that I'm getting the PS4 and NOT the Xbox One, I've maintained my stance that the Xbox One is a quality system and that no one should be looked down upon for owning one. There is a difference of game exclusives and some are making their decisions based on that alone.

mkis0073703d ago

Is that not the point? The people are saying by buying 7 million ps4's, that they actually do like indies?

djplonker3703d ago

"Xbox one has dr3 and titanfall and ps4 has nothing"

Ff14 has 1000X the content of any xbone game and it looks better than every xbox game that runs at 60fps...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3703d ago
lelo3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

That's a lot of uninteresting indie games. 90% of those games on the chart hardly anybody will play.

Out of all those games, 6-7 interest me: Titanfall, Infamous, Trials, Child of Light, Transistor and probably another 1 or 2.

People should learn something important. Quantity does not mean Quality.

rainslacker3702d ago

Right. Got it. A game isn't quality unless you're interested in it. We also learned that you can judge a games quality despite not being interested in it, and having never played it.

Thanks for that valuable lesson.

T23702d ago (Edited 3702d ago )

Lol at saying barely any games and then posting obscure games that some won't even sell over a few million like trials and transistor. Perfect example of a terrible argument, thanks for posting lol.
What really matters is that sony has variety and more of it and that equals bigger audience. I have been playing warframe for weeks now and loving it. I don't call it a AAA title but I also don't care, loving the coop.

kingdom183703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

And? For every AAA game Microsoft released, Sony has released one, along with a bucket full of indies. How is having more games to play a bad thing?

@Lawboy2 Knack, Killzone, MLB the Show, inFamous SS, FFXIV ARR, Dynasty Warriors 8.


Dead Rising 3, Kinect Sports Rivals, Titanfall, Ryse Son of Rome, Forza, not sure if KI counts.

If so that one for one AAA.

Lawboy23703d ago

This is not true

Microsoft started with 3 triple a games..also could count zoo tycoon

Sony released 2 triple a

Microsoft has since released 2 triple A

Sony has released 1

OrangePowerz3703d ago


What 2 AAA games did MS release? Titanfall was not released by MS and no Zoo Tycoon can't be counted as a AAA game.

ITPython3703d ago

KI and Kinect Sports Rivals are most definitely not AAA games, those qualify more as indies. Whereas the PS4 list is most definitely 100% AAA titles.

If somebody wants to argue that, then it means a large chunk of the PS4 indie games (and f2p games) would quality as AAA's. Thus giving the PS4 about a 4:1 ratio of AAA games over the XB1.

Lawboy23703d ago

@ below

I don't play indie game on my ps4 and nobody I know plays any of those indie games...so because u love indies I have to love indies as well....sorry but I don't...i have both systems and all I've played is

Killzone (demo)
Tomb raider

Plants v zombies

DigitalRaptor3703d ago

Bloody heck man. Seriously.

Indies are not a freakin' genre. It's a status of developer with a particular level of support/budget. It's not about "loving indies" or "hating AAAs". It's about loving games.

What about Outlast? What about Daylight? Those games are bigger in scope than something like Plants vs. Zombies, yet you like PvZ, but nothing like Towerfall Ascension on the indie side, cause it has "less of teh graphicz"?

Omegasyde3702d ago

I really liked outlast and don't starve. Also resogun was cool.

I did not care for contrast, Mercenary kings, or Dead Nation (game is too dark and I got killed alot of time due to that).

Point is that I did not spend a dime extra besides paying for Playstation+. I play a lot of bf4 too (rank 103) and even warframe.

OrangePowerz3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Todays Indie devs are tomorrows big game devs. Every studio started out making smaller indie games. Just because they don't make huge AAA games right now doesn't mean they or their games should be downplayed. Just look at No Man's Sky, they are a small indie dev and showed off a game that looks amazing. Portal was originally developed by some students.

Some of the indie games offer more fun, play time and enjoyment as AAA games nowadays.

I remember the times when MS lost their advantage of AAA games and Xbox fans and MS went on about all the indie games they had and Sony didn't have and how great and important they are, but now they are just rubbish and unimportant.

rainslacker3702d ago

Wanna know a better example of indie's that people may recognize and realize their argument falls apart.


One of the highest grossing and most played games of the past 10 years is an indie. It's also well respected unlike other indie games that some people seem to like to lump all these games into.

There are a lot of fun indie games out there. Some have simply gorgeous graphics, and some dwarf the scope of the biggest AAA games.

The one thing they don't get is huge marketing budgets to make people think they are worth playing.

Prime1573703d ago

AAA =/= good
Indie =/= bad

The misconception of the above concept is purely ignorance.

The key difference of which you speak has a big key difference: there is no striking difference except one has a key difference of indie games.

candy_mafia3702d ago (Edited 3702d ago )

Here's the problem...

To the ignorant or extremely gullible, all this rhetoric regarding PS4 has no games holds a lot of weight. But, when you read articles like this, you can see how sad some fanboys agenda's really are. I'm happy for articles like this, they show the true picture.

Even after the fanatics admit PS4 has (actually) more games available than it's nearest rival, these envious fanboys dismiss them as 'Indies', as if indie games are not viable entertainment?

Mention any game on PS4 and some idiot will scream 'Ryse' or 'Titanfall'!! All this does is reinforce the notion Xbox One owners have only 2 games they can be proud of. Ironically, one of them has less replay value than Infamous SS.

I play on all (X1,PS4,Wii U) systems, and I'm actually embarrassed for these people. The whole debate screams jealousy, inferiority complex and a dose of 'Head in the Sand' syndrome. It would seem it is every PS4 owners fault that MS made a weak and poorly designed console.

What a sad bunch these people really are!

Sevir3703d ago

Lmao! And Some of these indie games out scored every last one of the Xbox Ones Retail exclusive! Again, indie games are GAMES and currently they're games the Xbox One is lacking... SPIN it some more, I'm surprised you and your cohorts aren't dizzy and violently puking...

shadyiswin3702d ago

xbox one at the end of day will have more indies and on top of that most are time exclusive for a year.

nypifisel3702d ago

Based on what?.. Seriously

beebap3702d ago

Not so long ago articles about stating that in fact sony has the most indies 4x as many.

shadyiswin3697d ago

because xbox has the largest subscriber base and that xbox@id program is full to the point that they cant accept anymore people till further notice,most indies on ps4 will appear on xbox one as well,but it wont be vice versa. Just look at minecaft on xbox one vs the ps3 version,pretty much sums up the xbox live community vs psn's

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3697d ago
TheGreatGamer3703d ago ShowReplies(4)
imt5583703d ago

Update : Added November and December and with F2P games :


Mankey3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )


Mankey3703d ago

I've seen this circulated quite a bit recently. Really shows the strides Sony has been making to being more inclusive in the Indie Community.

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ravens525h ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic4h ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC4h ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN4h ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic18814h ago(Edited 4h ago)

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic4h ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont4h ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

shinoff21831h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Agreed. Way better then what Sony did and has done. Those multiplayer games really fked Sony over for a few years. Xbox showed off some good looking stuff. I'm most interested in state of decay 3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
lelo2play2h ago

Great showcase by Microsoft. So many interesting games...

Lightning775h ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

4h agoReplies(1)
Obscure_Observer4h ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Sonic18812h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I'm glad Microsoft had a great show. Hopefully this show potentially wakes up Sony and Nintendo. Competition is good for the industry. We don't need publishers and developers to get comfortable and get lazy on us. Keep them thinking and on their toes

cthulhucultist2h ago

well said Sonic. Competition is beneficial for us gamers

Master-Tonberry1h ago

Absolutely agree, many of the games shown are also coming to PS5 (despite MS hiding other platforms from the reveals) but the genuine exclusive all look great. Nintendo will obviously continue to carve it's own path and will be very busy with the Switch 2, but Sony and PlayStation really needs to pull it's socks up and start bringing out the big guns or people are going to start losing faith. Hopefully the rumours of a big PlayStation Experience show later this year are true.

The_Hooligan2h ago

This showcase was great. Not just a great Xbox showcase but in general the best one this year so far.

Kurisu4h ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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