
Xbox One will Double Performance with DirectX12

Video from Red Dragon talking about DX12 and how it will double performance on XB1 also has quotes from AMD ,Intel and Nvidia about the gains it will provide.

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FrigidDARKNESS3709d ago

Wow amazing stuff. The x1 is truly the next gen must have console.

Allsystemgamer3708d ago

Lol yea ok. All this talk and no demonstration

Sethry1013708d ago

I don't understand people who trust on blind faith. Either you know tech and can deduct for yourself, which I doubt many people do. Or you need proof which so far there has been none of. I don't know tech well enough so I need proof first.

Irishguy953708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Well, it's nice that Amd, Nvidia and intel all agree. I don't really trust MS...but the other 3??


It's common information, theres a reason GPU's use GDDR5 and DDR3 is used for system memory. They have their ups and downs over one another.

NatureOfLogic_3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

With the power of the cloud and dx12, Xbox One will become more powerful than the PS4./s

ThunderSpark3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

The same people getting hyped about every little thing MS mentions are the same Xbox fans that were going to allow Microsoft to implement the DRM policy and the same ones that let MS walk all over them during the RROD fiasco. Please everyone disregard their opinions. True gamers know the truth. Anything implemented software wise can be done for both consoles. Only thing that can't change is the hardware, which the PS4 wins easily.

redwin3708d ago

Don't care much about power but I care a lot about games, good fluid multiplat and exclusives. I'll tell you when the division comes out, who's who. I have both machines right now and so far I like the box ( I can feel the hate brewing) but so far it's my opinion . Have you played them both ?

gaffyh3708d ago

I sometimes wonder if anyone actually believes this shit, other than the usual trolls obviously, because it's obviously complete BS.

Sarcasm3708d ago

Yup with the power of the cloud, secret sauce, dx12, Unicorn Tears, and Tinkerbell's fairy dust it will become twice as powerful as a GTX Titan Black too.

Trekster_Gamer3708d ago

Another blind fanboy statement.
When developers such as the one he listed say things like that it Means something!
These companies know what the hell they are talking about...
Just as all system gamer you sound like a biased troll...

papashango3708d ago

up to 25% performance in some games is the most I'll give "some" games.

Chris_GTR13708d ago

whats wrong with these people ,its fact ps4s gpu is much stronger than x1s. it doesnt matter what "magical firmware update" they do wont change that fact.

DoubleM703708d ago

From a Dev look him up on Twitter also. Brad Wardell


UltimateMaster3708d ago

It's impossible to double the strength of the Xbox One and make it superior to the PS4.
Hardware can't be changed, and since both uses the same type of CPU and GPU, the PS4 can optimize as well.
Hopefully the consoles can become better overtime.

webeblazing3708d ago

You can only have blind faith with Sony products. No matter what is not shown.

TheGreatAndPowerful3708d ago

If you look at RD site and the rest of the vidoes on his channel you'll see he's a big Xbox fanboy. I really don't know what's happening to N4G lately but it seems like they're allowing just about anything to be posted here including personal blogs posts and amateur created vids like this.


Boody-Bandit3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Click your ruby covered heels together Dorthy and repeat after me, "there is no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home.?"

I mean seriously, this again?

On topic:
Some ask when is all the resolution gate going to stop and than yet those same people are here believing this nonsense. 2x more performance? SERIOUSLY!?

The bottom line. No matter what improvements can be made through dev tool kits, cloud, driver or software updates or familiarity with devs over time with said hardware. You can't make hardware less capable on the same level as hardware that is more capable with software. Especially when you have to realize the more capable hardware will not be hiding in a corner sitting still. It to will have updates and refinements that will improve it's overall performance as well.

I really wish these secret sauce articles would be fewer and further between and the continual we have learned from our mistakes and are now more focused on games. Seriously just stop.

Show us. Don't talk about it.
All I care about is the games.
E3 is right around the corner. All will be known then.

u got owned3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

All i see in this thread is a bunch of ps4 fans trying to discredit this news. Are you guys that insecure... If it makes you feel better ps4 will stay the most powerful but with dx12 xbox one could close the gap and that is a win for all gamers. Please leave your insecurities at the door, PS4 will be fine.

Eonjay3708d ago

What if it does improve performance and still lags behind the PS4 as physics and mathematics assures us will be the case. What then, DirectX 13? Let this go. Its a lost cause... if you buy an Xbox One do so because its the package you want, not because of hidden secret sauce.

kreate3708d ago

@u got owned

"Closing the gap"

And 'doubling' the performance

Is not the same though.

Gotcha53708d ago

Was all demo at Microsoft Build,check it out on Channel 9 website...

Ritsujun3708d ago

I bet Xkeletons' fav genre is fantasy.

italkgame3708d ago

but ..but... the dragon is white

u got owned3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )


Even doubling the performance that would put the xbox on par (which I doubt) of the ps4, not in front . In any case good for gamers. Like i said all i see here is a bunch of insecure people trying to discredit something they dont even understand how it works. I will wait and see maybe they are telling the truth and im willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

GameNameFame3708d ago

First of all, PS4 has 8 cores too and have identical CPU as Xbox One.

Distributing work across all 8 cores is same as Xbox One and PS4, meaning PS4 will do this soon or later too.

Hardware architecture is same. If X1 gets software optimization, PS4 gets it too.

THey both have SAME CPU and GPU. PS4 literally just have more of it.

Balcrist3708d ago

Seeing a lot of people here talking about how any software changes made to the xbox one can be made to the ps4, which will still be on top because you can't change hardware... Unfortunately for you, you're wrong because of the reason you think you're right... Ps4 is a raw power machine with its more advanced ram, however the hardware of the xbox one is different, the esram is split into 8 cores, Microsoft did this because they knew that they were going to put dx12 in it and are convinced that tiled resources are the future of gaming. Essentially, Xbox One was built for dx 12 (for goodness sake, the X in xbox comes from DirectX), thinking that the ps4 will be able to benefit from dx12 as much as the xbox one will is wishful thinking.
Someone said that Xbox would still be behind due to inferior physics and computation, but if Microsoft can pull off Cloud Compute anywhere near to the ability that it's advertising, then PS4 will be the one to fall behind in that department...The demonstration from build shows that it's in the works...
I'm not really sure why people are so interested in putting these down... people should be hopefull for Microsoft... The closer the two are in performance the better games and gaming will be in general, and the competition will make both companies strive to due even better. Microsoft knows its getting it's butt handed to it right now, and that's why they're trying so hard to do better.

Flutterby3708d ago

Should be called "Amd, nvidia and Intel say dx12 will increase performance on pc , xbone fans now wrongly believe 2 times more performance on xbone"

So now the xbone will be what ? 20 times more powerful ? The cloud making it 10 times more powerful then dx12 doubling it lmao , you guys and your false hope.

Don't even bother making pcs anymore companies you would need 8 titans in sli and a 48 core Cpu to keep up with the xbone <-----if you think that statements silly and unbelievable then you would also realise the article is stupid too.

whatiswrongwithyou133708d ago


You really have no clue what you are talking about. From the words of Bill Gates himself:

"Software can always be optimized, hardware is permanent."

You cannot out optimize the hardware, the PS4 will always be able to be more powerful. It is physically impossible to say otherwise. But if you care so much about hardware, get a PC.


Saigon3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )


If I am not mistaken the PS4 already does that, meaning they already have the software optimization. What DX12 does is it brings close to the metal development which is already present in OpenGL and has been for years. In reality, MS was behind the curveball with this announcement. Now that both have similar optimization you are going to see improvements with the XBO games. The only problem is that everyone leaves out the GPU and RAM used in these equations. People forget that they play a huge role in these developmental infrastructure.

BG115793708d ago

When all of these theories about the bone being more powerful than the PS4 flunk, will fans stop believing in MS. Cause you know it's being like this since E3.
There was the Cloud, the balance, the stacked CPU or GPU and now DX12...
Until today every theory has been revoked and proven false. Yet, people still believe in MS.
Isn't time for the MS'fans to start believing after seeing real and day to day proofs of what MS says? Cause this is getting really tiring.

Plus, how the hell did so of the comments here got an "Well said" bubble when they have so many disagrees?

mrmarx3708d ago

they using all of Edward Bernay's tactics.

Pro Racer3708d ago

If that's what they predict for X1, just imagine PC performance with DX12... With that said, I'll believe it when I see it.

XisThatKid3708d ago

I think it will improve def but 2X is a bit much imo

cheetah3708d ago

This is classic PR 101. Find your weak point and tell everyone it is going to be your strong point.

MS knows they are behind the 8 ball badly with Xone and need to lie to keep it in the game. The sad part is that all the sheep believe the BS time and time again.

Raider693708d ago

Its strange that this articles get approved,the moderation sucks!Even Microsoft said during GDC that from dx12 for the Xboxone they are expecting a 20% increase in efficiency!And its obvious for any gamer that the same can be expected for the PS4 with update tools on the PS4 library.

Unspoken3708d ago

^ Shhh, no need for logic as you might break the state of n4g. Remember, the article is for hits to rile all the PS4 fans up, and it does so spectacularly.

Dubaman3708d ago

Isn't that just like the Cell processor?

Foxhound9223708d ago

I know, it's hilarious isn't it? First there's all this talk about the cloud, then the hidden components(secret sauce), and now it's dx12. All smoke and mirrors to entice developers and gamers. It's quite funny, ms starts spouting unconfirmed or nonsense about power, and now suddenly, graphics and power matter to the Xbox fanboys. It's priceless.

Saigon3708d ago


No, completely no. Two separate resources.The Cell itself is hardware, where the potential still has not been reached but at the same time very difficult to tap it. This (DX12) is in regards to software improving hardware, which is possible but within the limit of the hardware. The PS4 already has this technology with the use of OpenGL and MS is just reaching this style of programming with DX12.

Dubaman3708d ago

Im aware of the differences between hardware and resources used on those hardware's. I didn't mean it to be so literal it, it was a reply to "Lol yea ok. All this talk and no demonstration"
Which is akin to the Cell Processor. It was praised as a powerhouse and capable of doing so much more. Yet most multi plats were inferior on PS3 when compared to the X360 versions.
Basically, some people are quick to dismiss this news as there's no proof or "demonstration". Yet the Cell had a good few years before people admitted it was a bust, i.e. not as great as stated.

kreate3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

@u got owned

"Like i said all i see here is a bunch of insecure people trying to discredit something they dont even understand how it works"

while i'll give u the benefit of the doubt and say there are some insecure ppl trying to discredit something they dont understand.

u urself also seems like a insecure person trying to give credit to something u dont even understand urself though.

IcarusOne3708d ago

Soooo...is thereddragon the new hiphopgamer?

u got owned3708d ago


insecure me? nah... Im not the one taking trash and where in my post did i gave credit to anything.

If its true that DX12 can increase the performance of the bone great if not well I also own a PS4 so no big deal.

Most of the guys here talking trash will probably never own a Xbox, yet they go into every Xbox news to bash it, that to me shows a lot of insecurity, hopefully you are not one of them ;)

MehmetAlperTR3708d ago

So we will see Double 720P games :P

Balcrist3708d ago

You're bonkers if you think hardware can't be optimized. Sure it's set once its in the console, but the optimization comes before that when choosing what parts to put in. PS4 was optimized for high power at a low monetary cost to make it competitive, where as Xbox one was optimized to make the best use of dx12. No one is saying that dx12 will make the hardware better or any different, but the structure of the xbox one is better suited to dx12, its called synergy.

Saigon3708d ago


Wrong again, sorry dude. But the problem with your statement, which has some truth to it, is that that issues between the PS3 and 360 were early on due to the difficulty of the Cell. As we moved forward that gab decrease. The best example is to look at GTA5. Pretty much identical on both platforms. In time things improve and I see why you are making this statement regarding the XBO. The problem is that they are not equal in comparison. The main reason why your comment truly holds no value is because both systems (XBO and PS4) used the same hardware; the only difference is that one is a little more stronger than the other and one specifically uses DX11 (soon to be DX12) and the other uses OpenGL. From the technical standpoint it is impossible to make low end hardware more capable than high end hardware regardless the software used for development. As I stated before, OpenGL already does what DX12 is trying to do. So really there are no advantages at the moment for DX12.

marlinfan103708d ago



theres a game dev that actually works with the tech saying the results are spectacular

skept3k3708d ago

This claim is so fucking unbelievable unrealistic retarded. Microsoft is so fucking dumb that they can easily double the performance with a simple system update, why would it not have already been integrated before launch?

skept3k3708d ago

Hahaha also they comment a 25% boost, I thought this would "Double" performance, on only "some" games. If this is a system upgrade why would only some games and not all games...

SilentNegotiator3707d ago

The original API would have had to have been the most inefficient API on the planet for this to be true.

kreate3707d ago

@u got owned

What's ur psn and Xbox live id?
I'll add u. Or u can add me.

This is to see if u or me are "one" of them.

+ Show (46) more repliesLast reply 3707d ago
CryofSilence3708d ago

Hmm. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A two fold performance gain seems highly unlikely.

Dewitt3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

If you don't understand what the APUs responsibility is, don't respond. Multi-threading alone will take all the strain off the CPU and split it, if you have ever used your PC at 10% load vs 90% load you will see a huge performance drop on the throughput. By splitting the load across 8 cores, you can essentially double your frames. It's all math, no need for a demo.

Edit: The disagrees are hilarious from people that don't even understand the technology.

pompombrum3708d ago

This tbh.. as much as I'd love for it to be true, it just sounds too good. I'll believe it when I see it.

BadlyPackedKeebab3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )


you are being a little disingenuous there. You will only double your frames if your game loop was CPU limited in the first place. There are two things to take into consideration with frame performance CPU time (object movement, AI etc) then GPU time (Render the scene, light it, make it look pretty with AA etc). Different games have different demands. Some need a ton of CPU time per frame, for others its almost irrelevant as its all about GPU time. Different games schedule stuff in different ways. Low impact games (indies) will literally do a "Do CPU stuff -> Do GPU Stuff -> Show Frame -> Repeat" Where as bigger more complex games might take the approach of having the CPU and GPU operating for the entire frame time but the CPU doing the work for the following frame, i.e. the CPU is a frame ahead of the GPU.

In short I would suggest a better ability to shift load across more CPU cores will have more of an impact on AI etc and while there will be some FPS benefit for sure as it will indeed bring down CPU limitations, its not going to double them.

Think of it this way. If you had a game now that you were maxing the CPU side out at 30 fps (so 33.3 ms of CPU time per frame) you are also potentially spending 33.3 ms of GPU time making the scene look pretty. If you half your CPU frame time to 16.15 ms you will also have to half your GPU time.

Do you think that you can half the GPU time and not seriously downgrade graphical prettiness?

So yes... you could use it to remove CPU FPS limitations but... you also need to downgrade the graphics all the time.

No story here.

You cannot double the fps with the same graphical bang just with CPU performance.

kneon3708d ago

Typically when you see such a performance gain in software it means the first version was complete crap, and I doubt that dx11 on the xb1 is complete crap.

ProjectVulcan3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

"it effectively gives every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one."

I cannot believe people would actually think this was true.

Every week there is this new thing that will make Xbox One this enormous powerhouse, with absolutely no evidence of it happening, and the claims get more and more farfetched.

It's so damn easy to throw rhetoric like this around when it wouldn't be called out for 18 months.

File this under the ones were Penello and Major Nelson said there would be no real difference between PS4 and Xbox One performance.

CryofSilence3708d ago

Let's not make assumptions, Dewitt. It has a tendency of making people look like fools. Badlypackedkeebab explained the skepticism quite well.

Dewitt3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

I completely understand what you are saying but since it operates at a shared load it takes strain off of the APU as a whole because it is technically a SoC, which means if you lower the load that CPU handle it parities the idle time with GPU which would not require a graphical downgrade. This was explained in the conference which is why the skepticism was so low. DX12 was built for lower level APUs but scalable, it was also built for ARM compatible devices so they took into account the added strain on GPU by using tile rendering down to the faster RAM of the XB1.

destroyer116873708d ago

I literally have no idea what all that technical information that you speak of means but I just wanted to say thank you for adding intelligence to this otherwise obvious grab at attention from lovers and haters of X1. I own a PS4, but if any of what they are saying is true when it comes to this whole "cloud" and "DX12" stuff, I say, bravo to MS for figuring out a way to make your fans happier. After all, that's all I want from Sony too...for them to attempt to make me as a fan and a gamer happier today than I was yesterday. If MS can actually make true on what they're claiming, that would be pretty cool for all gamers as it would most likely spurn Sony to respond in some way, making for a better gaming experience for all. If it turns out to not be true, well, then MS may have to adopt the old saying "actions speak louder than words" and shut up for a while.

blackmanone3708d ago

Dewitt, your second response sounds like textbook PR drivel. All conjecture and zero substance. Id ask if you work for MS but from such a juvenile response i think it's clear you don't.

ProjectVulcan3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Let me put it this way then to anyone that believes the doubling power comment, if it is THAT significant, and it is THAT important, why on earth are they not rushing it onto the machine as fast as possible instead of taking 18 months to do it?

It's just absolute madness. I am quite sure that DirectX 12 will be an improvement over the current API on the machine, but it'll never be anything like as dramatic as that. To suggest the machine will suddenly be so much faster overnight would also suggest that DirectX 11.2 that already runs on it is incredibly poor, and basically not worth anyone's time. That those 'world class coders' totally messed up with DX11.2 so badly and that the next iteration will be so much better.

That when asked about Mantle, AMD said it isn't necessary for the consoles because the existing APIs are already low level and pretty good.

I always say, that the API of these consoles and the tools evolve, they always evolve. But where do you ever remember a console suddenly becoming twice as powerful overnight? When have you ever seen anything other than continual, but gradual improvement so games looked a bit better every year incrementally.

That is actually what is going to happen. Don't give the time of day to this sort of wild claims.

Eonjay3708d ago


Are you implying that the Xbox One games are currently only using one core?

I understand what this means for PC but I doubt that Xbox One is really that unoptomized.

If so you are correct that framerates should be increased. Remember when Microsoft said that Direct X had been 100% optimized? It just never ends.

I took a look at Matio Kart 8 this week and it looks really good without sauce. Its all about optimizing what you have.

frostypants3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

@Dewitt, you are talking out of your butt.

Dewitt3708d ago

Sorry but anyone questioning my knowledge on dx12 please go watch the conference, just because it is good news for MS doesn't mean it is not true or PR drivel. Currently all APUs use very low optimization because a real option for multi treading has never existed due to the difference in idle time. If your idle isn't equal then the GPU or CPU is waiting for the other to catch up. When this happens you lose frame and that's when you get skips or framedrop. With DX12 they can keep the load low while keeping the idle very minimal.

Unspoken3708d ago


"You cannot double the fps with the same graphical bang just with CPU performance."

You may want to reword this because you can do just this.


Ju3708d ago

This has nothing to do with an APU. All it really means is, that even though some of the games are CPU bound they starve the GPU simply because the API cannot push enough data to the GPU (draw calls, mainly) because up till now, DX ran through a single pipe. DX12 tries to address this and (transparently?) feeds the GPU using multiple cores. Wow, finally! We might as well see an advantage for Indie games because it is in the API (OS/Driver) not the application level.

But what makes you think the "other" console can't do that (already)? That is and was a limitation of DirectX. The "other" one doesn't run DirectX to begin with, Sony's graphics libraries have lower overhead all together. Multi threading was never an issue there - even though the low level API isn't as big as DirectX. Also, it won't compensate for the GPU deficits this One machine already has. 50% lower GPU throughput remains.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
mark3214uk3708d ago Show
lifeisgamesok3708d ago

I agree 100%

Multicore scalability will be huge for improving games for the Xbox One

The PS4's gddr5 latency is actually a problem it is losing draw calls (stalls) while Directx 12 will multiply draw calls by splitting the heavy lifting between the CPU cores

Gddr5 is good for graphics but not for CPU instructions due to higher latency (even Sucker Punch said so) the X1's ddr3 has tighter timings

imt5583708d ago


What a damage control. Google InFamous Ss and read how Sucker Punch use RAM for game. Especially my eye catch one information: Render Target use over 200+ MB of GDDR5. Xbone will have huge problem with 32 MB ESRAM

gamertk4213708d ago Show
SnakeforPresident3708d ago

True, but games are a lot more labor intensive for the GPU than the CPU mainly because they are now used for a lot more than actual graphics these days. Im pretty sure devs will take the delays in CPU execution vs the increase in GPU speed. It all depends on the instructions/programmer. I would need to do research on how the x1 is running now but i dont see a doubling as being possible unless its currently absurdly inefficient and the xbox engineers are terrible at their jobs which i doubt.

DefenderOfDoom23708d ago

to lifeisgamesoc,,--- you sound like you know what you are talking about . So if you buy XBOX1or PS4 because of the power of the machine, i respect that. But i am buying a PS4 because they will have more games than the XBOX1. heck XBOX1 does not even have a baseball game coming soon! I bought PLAYSTATION 1,2,and 3 because i believe SONY is really dedicated to making gamers happy!

Sarcasm3708d ago

You literally have zero idea on what you're talking about.

Prime1573708d ago

You forget the specs of the ps4's gpu in relation to it's competitors, and that they are pushing gpu compute...

Farmassy3708d ago


haha. I am laughing so hard right now. You want the PS4 and not the X1 because "XBOX1 does not even have a baseball game coming soon!"

There are lots of reasons to want a PS4 but this reason is a dumb one. hahaha. its still funnny

Christopher3708d ago

Did you forget that DDR3 is bad for GPU processing and that is were the majority of the load will be as far as processing load?

Both consoles have their pros and cons, but you can't discount GDDR5 w/o discounting DDR3.

jessupj3708d ago

So when actual cold hard facts are laid out for you, you won't believe that PS4 is significantly more powerful than the xbone, but you'll believe this PR drivel?

Why am I not surprised.

Eonjay3708d ago

Sucker Punch said that delay was caused by attempting to sync the CPU with GPU compute and offered guidance on dealing with this. They also refered to issues with streaming data off the HDD. They never referred to GDDR5 latency.

They do not agree with you and no one would recommend a graphics system with DDR3 memory.

Ben Dover3708d ago


Maybe it's because he.. you know... likes baseball games? Do I really have to explain that for you?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
imt5583708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

MisterX is soooo happy about this.

3+ TFLOPS incoming.

Well, another PR from MS as usual.

kayoss3708d ago

I have only one question for all xbox fans.
If DX12 can double the power of a console or PC, Why in hell am I always upgrading my PC hardware??
Let say this is true, any low end PC can use DX12 and turn their PC into a mid level to high end PC. There would be no need to spend extra money to upgrade your PC's hardware right? This is the reason why i am skeptical of this PR BS.

hakis863708d ago

Well this statement (OP) is gonna backfire... ha! popcorn.gif

Letthewookiewin3708d ago

I haven't seen anything that even makes that statement remotely true.

popup3708d ago ShowReplies(1)
andrewsqual3708d ago

Would have been great to announce something groundbreaking like this to devs with the biggest gathering of them a month ago. Its a wonder Mister Legendary Spencer isn't shouting this from the rooftops, weird.

LackTrue4K3708d ago

lol....."The x1 is truly the next gen must have console"

yep, mabe next year wheeeeeeeeeeen DirectX12 gets release next year. And until then....we can only see and wait if all this fancy talk is true.

Prime1573708d ago

Isn't it a holiday 2015 release? So almost two years?

blackmanone3708d ago

Prime, just far enough away to sell a few xboxs before people it's all bull.

showtimefolks3708d ago

time to talk less and show more MS. Have you noticed how sony doesn't talk yet 3rd party developers are the ones talking about the power different between ps4 and xbox one?

show up talk is cheap, and that's coming from a gamer who is interested in xbox one

beebap3708d ago

Double the article you linked only actually states that directx12 will enable game to be 1080 and states this is a gamer changer for developers...the rest of it talks about gains for video cards not xbox one.

Mr-Dude3708d ago

Man you xbox fans are so weird. You hold onto anything these days. Everyday you find something else. And when this secret sauce number 500 doesn't claim to do what you believe in, you find something else and point the finger at Sony or the fans for some weird conspiracy

Silly gameAr3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Yeah, it is weird and it's getting kind of ridiculous.

VegasDawg3708d ago

The only conspiracy here is the doubters, this is MS, AMD, Intel and Nividia on saying these things.

MRMagoo1233708d ago


None of them said the xbone would be 2 times more powerful because of DX12 , they wherent even talking about the xbone but PCs, the Xbone has the weaker hardware and it will be forever weaker hardware, there is nothing that can be done about that fact.

Clown_Syndr0me3708d ago

I love my X1 but I am by no means a fanboy. i beleive shit only when I see it and right now all I am seeing is talk.
That being said I'm perfectly happy with my X1 the way it is, and if anything changes or goes wrong I have my PS4 to fall back on.
Its depressing that all this generation talks about is specs, where's the excitement for. What matters - the games!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3708d ago
Magicite3708d ago

keep tellin that to yourself

Zool 083708d ago

Yes with the B$12 and fairy cloud the XBone will be more powerful than the PS4 by a million times, wartz and all.

fr0sty3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Wow, the BS machine has been running overdrive at MS headquarters lately. I guess Phil Spencer's motto is "Lie, lie, lie, keep a perpetual promise of improvement coming right around the corner to keep them interested.".

Your machine will improve with time, but you're not getting 2x the performance unless Microsoft are the worst programmers in the world and developed terrible software toolkits for developers to use to make their games, which would go against MS' reputation. Software is where their strengths lie, so in order for this to unlock 100% more power, their original software would have had to have had some MASSIVE bottlenecks.

Watch, in a few weeks they'll be pressured to explain what this meant, or... god forbid... actually prove it... and they'll start backtracking. "It will deliver double the power. We'll eventually release an update through the cloud to enable it."

VegasDawg3708d ago

So.......How did he get Intel, Nividia, AMD to lie for him? I love people like you that don't even get the jist of the article then come on here and make a fool of yourself, thank you for the entertainment.

fr0sty3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Easy, none of them were talking about Xbox One with their comments. Especially Nvidia and Intel, which have nothing to do with XB1, XB1 is actually competition to them. They are referring to DX12's effect on the PC space, where DX11 and earlier APIs were very restrictive. DX12 will be a massive performance boost in that area.

Also, this guy's comments are suspect to begin with. He tries to make DX12 out as if it'll give XB1 a "new GPU". Then when pressed to explain how, he starts talking about the CPU and how up until now it wasn't utilizing all 8 cores.

So, if the enhanced CPU ability is supposed to be the "new GPU", it would still be FAR behind XB1's GPU in power, so nowhere close to being a 100% increase in performance (even if Xbox One magically got 100% more performance out of those CPU cores, all 8 of them still would be nowhere near as good at rendering graphics as the GPU. That's why we have GPUs.). It would only help in cases where the games were CPU bound, but Xbox One's games tend to be bottlenecked by the ESRAM before they are by the CPU when it comes to visuals.

With the increased CPU performance, the chip should come closer to performing like PS4's CPU (both are basically identical, though PS4's is said to feature AMD's turbocore tech that enables it to use fewer cores but at a higher clock speed, to aid with tasks that require faster performance per individual thread), so you may see better physics, lighting simulation, etc.. tasks the CPU can aid the GPU with. Possibly higher frame rates as well as the CPU is able to help the GPU with those certain tasks.

What you won't see is every game magically running at 1080p 60fps. You're still going to see XB1 games running at lower resolutions than other ports, because the ESRAM is still a bottleneck, and even more so, the DDR3 where the vast majority of the game's most frequently accessed data has to live (all but 32mb of it).

DX12 is an improvement for XB1, but it is nowhere near what this guy is trying to hype it up to be.

VegasDawg3705d ago (Edited 3705d ago )

Wow dude dx12 is not out yet, well tools have been sent out but I digress my point is YOU HAVE NO IDEAL WTF you are talking about,you don't know how much or how little it will improve you are talking out of your ass, I feel dumber reading your B.S.lol

3708d ago Replies(2)
Belasco3708d ago

Were you going for a disagree record?

Eddie201013708d ago

All this talk but no one has shown anything that substantiates any of the comments on Xbox One, nothing.

AMD, Intel, and Nvidia were referring to PC"s, and I think they made no mention of Xbox One.

ITPython3708d ago

So DX12 will double the XB1 performance? That means Mantle will double the PS4 performance as well. Which leaves the XB1 back to where it started, being 50% less powerful than the PS4.

XB1 users will believe anything, won't they? What's next, DX12 making the 360 twice as powerful as the PS3? I guess MS is relying on the "Tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth" concept. And it's really sad how many are falling for their deceptive ways.

Proof is in the pudding though, and it is 100% guaranteed that the XB1 will always be significantly behind the PS4 in terms of performance simply because of the hardware differences.

Kavorklestein3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Mantle is not on the PS4, and it would do little to improve anything since it already has a extremely low level API.

This is completely different. I see it like this. If the cores in the X1 really ARE stacked, and the full 8 cores aren't truly being utilized like this article is saying, then this WILL be a significant boost in CPU efficiency.

I don't know how much of a boost, but if the info on this article as well as other articles is any indication, it's benefit will be real, and it WILL be helpful. HOW helpful remains to be seen of course.

As far as cloud computing goes, I think that people are not thinking outside the box enough.
It is totally possible to find a way to boost gaming using the cloud. But we need to change our understanding of what the cloud is.

Here's one of my ideas.

What if people who have a pc in their household could use their gaming pc to help process/draw/offload/buffer/or render high res images through the Xbox 1? What if "the cloud" could simply be a way of saying "your pc on your own local network" can help your xbox 1 render/draw the images/frames/textures/shadows /post-processing/anti-aliasing / anisotropic filtering/or other types of additional effects to enhance the graphical appearance etc. that your games require, to run at higher resolutions or at higher frame rates with more fidelity/enhancements???
It has already been shown two separate forces can be used to produce or enhance an image, IE: in the same way that two GPU's can be enabled to work in SLi of Crossfire configurations on a gaming PC.

Nobody has really seemed to have thought of this, and it could be entirely possible, whether they explicitly used the local area network to do this, or a combination of the local area network COMBINED with the HDMI pass-through on the xb1 to sync both GPUs and CPUs to work together to render the games we play???

It's not only possible, but if all else fails in getting the cloud WE KNOW IT AS to benefit the Xbox 1, this is yet another poker card that Microsoft could play to innovate the way we play games.
This kind of "dreaming" and thinking outside of the box is why the Xbox brand and Microsoft as a whole entices/excites me as a gamer FAR MORE than Playstation and Sony ever has.

I'm not saying that Sony doesn't have tricks up their sleeves either, or that they aren't capable of executing advanced changes to their console either.Of course they are. And of COURSE we could be surprised by the future that ANY technology focused corporations bring.
BUT! as far as implementing these things from a financial standpoint/expensive R&D, to having the actual know how, ambition, and/or ingenuity to even bring these game changing things to the future of technology, I firmly believe:

That Microsoft indefinitely has the MOST/Biggest statistical probability of REALLY bringing us, and the world, the future of gaming tech AND technology as a whole, better than any company in the history of existence.

The thing that saddens ME, is that so many people are only thinking about what's inside their consoles. Like the ram and the gpu etc. But they aren't thinking OUTSIDE the box.
And the folk that SOME folks call fools, may actually be in the right camp all along.

After all, didn't Microsoft lead the pack in making our online gaming services on consoles be as big as it is today? Yes they certainly did.
Not saying games with gold is better than PS plus I actually am jealous how awesome PS plus is.

Both companies have their strong suits, but I digress.

So, since gaming as a whole is why we're here, let's remain hopeful, for Sony, AND Microsoft, AND Nintendo. Happy Gaming!!!!

Gamer19823708d ago

OMG sick of these BS articles by people clearly obsessed with trying to prove something already. The fact of the matter is The PS4 has better hardware and Direct X wont change that. In fact Sony has it in its favour that it doesn't have to use an API like Direct X look at mantle for example which goes around Direct X on PC and gets a performance boost. This is because you still have to run everything through the API on Xbox and PC games that use Direct X. As for double the performance?? Where do they get this from?? And why are they even talking about Xbox one and Nvidia in the same article? Nvidia has NOTHING to do with that console. They were obviously talking about the performance gains on there card thanks to mantle giving the gains on AMD.

See this is where confusion lies I think and why people think DX12 will be a gamechanger and are confused. DX12 will bring nVidia to a level near mantle has brought AMD this is because the API will be a lot lighter on resources as its mostly made for tablets etc.. So you would in theory get Mantle performance on an nVidia card. So nVidia come out and say its gonna boost performance over DX11 a lot and thats true ON NVIDIA CARDS! The xbox runs on AMD! As does PS4. So it would make a minor differnce.

If MS really want to bring Xbox back upto PS4 level they need give you an option to turn off all your TV stuff etc.. As that hogs resources that could be used for gaming. Then game devs could include a 1080p option for when you turn it off and a 720p option for those who want the TV etc.. options. That stuff takes a lot of memory and cpu power.

xboxnation20133708d ago

damn dude you almost got 300 dislikes lol the hate is real. i personally perfer xbox over the other consoles aswell not saying its the must have choice tho just my opinion. im no tech geek but this sounds like good news if its true

pyramidshead3708d ago

lol frigy aww you got a pity bubble :p

I think I'll wait until 2017 when the xbone has finished its beta testing. Seems like all this console power it's got is still a long ways off being unlocked. No point in buying one right now. PS4 can pretty much do what the Xbone will do in the future right off the bat now it seems, no wonder people are snapping it up like hot cakes :D.

solar3708d ago

oh boy. this is not going to go over well for the Sony Extremists.

medman3708d ago

And the dumb get dumber. These poor chuckled#cks will believe anything, mostly because they are so desperate to believe in something to make dat bone more worthy. Magic cloouuddzzz and now this garbage. Microsoft is laughing at you all and you're the sheep being led to the slaughter, only to find blood and death inside those doors. Poor, poor, sheep.

cozomel3708d ago

So let me get this straight, this guy has almost 3x more disagrees than agrees (287 disagrees vs 103 agrees). Yet he gets a "Well said" instead of trolling?! when this guys is just saying some silly fanboyish marketing sounding nonsense. And the XO is truly next gen? really? is that why BF4, COD, KI, DR3, MGS, TF and more are all 720p on the X1 but 1080p (except for BF4/900p) on the PS4? Yeah, truly next gen. Sign me up for some of that stuff, NOT! You fanboys and your constant wanting to believe in the secret sauce

LoveOfTheGame3708d ago

By all of those games, what you mean is COD and MGS. BF4 is 900p, as you stated, and the others do not exist on PS4.

So, Xbone is next gen, because it has those games that PS4 does not. You know this little thing called exclusives, aka what people used to buy consoles for.

cozomel3707d ago

So i take it logic aint your strong point, cuz what you said makes no sense what so ever. Really guy, your argument to me is what makes a consoles next gen is exclusives? Man, the arguments just keep getting dumber and dumber. And yes BF$ is 900p vs X1's 720p and a worst framerate, so thats a over 44% increase in performance

christrules00413708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

I bought a evga superclocked 4gb gtx 760. But I don't expect it to outperform a titan going from directx11 to directx12 (2 gtx 760s in sli gets 40% more performance then a titan).

3708d ago
bennissimo3708d ago

lol at the SDF diehards saying that improved software can't improve performance.

tee_bag2423708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

I'll believe this when I see it. I call BS. MS are flailing.
Even if true, I'd rather enjoy the benefits of DX12 on my gaming PC before I buy a X1.

HammerKong3708d ago

hey why so many dissagres,this guy didn't say anything wrong about ps4 ,this tell the insecureness about all ps4 fanboys,are these fanboys out of their mind,how anyboy can have so much hate in their heads.

rocketpanda3708d ago

....because "the cloud" was supposed to next-gen. Now DX12 will magically double the performance, what's next?

I would rather see evidence of this...until then I will take this as PR BS!

beerzombie3708d ago

You now have been voted and are the president "X1 Hated" of N4G

RAGE913708d ago

Did you forget to pu the "/s"

3708d ago
Dubaman3707d ago

Dude, you're over analysing it. My point is, the Cell was championed as the big difference in 'power' when compared to everything else that has ever been before. It did not show this potential. As you said, GTAV is near identical on both systems, even with the time devs had to work past the difficulties of the Cell. DX12 hasn't even been released or shown off yet but its already considered a load of balls.
I don't really care about DX12 this, OpenGL that. I was just pointing out that when one system has something unique that hasn't shown anything it promised; 'its difficult, give it time'. Yet, another system that has something unique, which hasn't even had the chance to show any of its promises yet, its "All talk".

MetaReapre3707d ago

Yea this is exciting news not only for xb1 owners but pc gamers as well. I'm very excited for this!

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3705d ago
ArbitorChief3709d ago

Wow, if true could be a complete game changer, but I'll believe it when I see it.

FrigidDARKNESS3709d ago

Statements from AMD, Nvidia, and Intel are good enough for me to be a believer.

3709d ago
incendy353708d ago

Exactly, NVIDIA even stopped development of their Parallel solutions after DX12 was announced. DX12 is a complete game changer as far as CPU bound operation in graphics.

Baka-akaB3708d ago

er , they are praising Direct X 12 itself and its obvious effects on the pc world . I expect the xb1 to get a boost from it too . But i certainly dont expect the same leap than on pc , at least not at face value and as some kind of wet dream , like you seem to do .

fr0sty3708d ago

Except they're talking about its effects on the PC world, not Xbox One. Even on PC, it won't be a 100% increase, but removing the overhead of previous direct x versions will definitely increase performance.

On console, devs already had an APU that let them code much closer "to the metal" than the PC directx api did. DX12 will bring a few improvements, but the difference on console won't be anywhere near as dramatic as on PC.

PC is getting the boost because, until now, DX prevented devs from ever fully utilizing the hardware. EVen now they still won't be able to on PC, because their games still have to be made to run on a wide range of hardware configs. DX12 will help though.

X1 and PS4 are closed systems, so their APIs are geared more towards taking full advantage of their hardware. X1 will benefit because there are likely upgrades in DX12 that will make BETTER use of its hardware, but there isn't 100% worth of hidden power waiting to be unlocked.

Gamer19823708d ago

Exactly DX12 will make a differnce on nvidia cards compared to mantle. Not on Xbox compared to PS4. People are either confused to this fact or just plain ignorant to it.

0neShot3708d ago

"the difference on console won't be anywhere near as dramatic as on PC"

You didn't know that console architecture is the same as the PC? Even so of dedicated software and hardware design of the consoles? Geesh. Your argument is plain wrong.

fr0sty3708d ago

Consoles aren't running resource hogging operating systems and extremely limiting APIs for graphics like PCs do. That is why Mantle and DX12 exist... to bridge that gap. PC games also have to be made to scale across a bunch of hardware configurations, and have to be programmed to run smoothly on their minimum system spec, which is usually what most would call a mid-range PC.

pyramidshead3708d ago

You believed MisterX on all sorts of garbage frigy, you were so certain on a lot of things. This statement of yours doesn't hold much weight at all.

HammerKong3708d ago

yeah budy thats enough to belive it,thing is that now all sony fanboys are very worriend about their super powerul machine.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3709d ago

Hmmmmmm this is like getting a brand new console of the future with the latest and greatest GPIu technology totally awesome.

DoesUs3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Words fail me.....Still think there's something in there huh?....tut tut.

@below. Yes.

player0023709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

AMD,Intel and Nvidia all confirm this you calling them liars and you think you know better then them with your armchair dev degree?XB1 will get more powerful and DX12 early access is this year expect to see lots more @ E3 @ above you think those companies are lying about the gains smh

Ben Dover3708d ago

But what about the cloud?! Oh I see we shifted our focus to DX12 as the messiah that will magically make inferior hardware supreme. There's already a large gap with the PS4, what makes you think the PS4 won't improve on graphics / performance either with every new game that gets released?

@Player002, did it occur to you that those companies invested in the console and contains hardware created by them? You expect them to downplay their own investment? :|

fr0sty3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

MS has mastered the art of keeping their fanbase in denial.

"Just wait!!! Super powers are right around the corner!"

They've successfully played on the lack of knowledge of how hardware and software work among their fanbase and have captivated their imaginations by throwing around technical sounding buzzwords with the promise of improvement.

MRMagoo1233708d ago


Those companies didnt confirm anything about the xbone being 2 times as powerful, all they did was talk about PC, people like you and frigid are the ones that believe crap like misterx thats why you always end up looking silly in the end.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3708d ago
andrewsqual3708d ago

1.3 teraflop GPU now outputs at 2.6, awesome ^_^
The 3 operating systems ADORED by the hardcore gamers that purchased the console i.e everybody here, have been halved to 1.5 also ^_^

rainslacker3708d ago

Jesus. Are you trying to see how long it takes you to get banned? Of the first four comments, you are taking 3, and you have to bring this fan boy nonsense that adds absolutely nothing to the topic and only goes to bait the idiots who can't recognize you as a troll and completely derailing any intelligent discussion whatsoever.

Kayant3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

So we should also be expecting mass GPU heating issues then.

"As a result, that GPU will be getting pushed twice as hard as it previously was which means more heat on cards that might have only barely been cool enough when they were only being commanded by a single CPU core. We expect to see many marginal video cards setup to experience over heating issues as DirectX 12 suddenly pushes these cards beyond what the IHV had anticipated."

Also am guessing repi (Johan Andersson) was talking out of ass when he said BF4 code was running in *parallel*. Also both consoles only have 6 cores for games not 8.


But yh this will be fun to watch going forward.

Well if we don't have parity in Witcher 3, The division etc then you will know what's up.

Also go look at the benchmarks for mantle like this one --> http://www.techspot.com/rev... with relation to the parts of the XB1 and see how much difference it makes.

player0023709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

yes makes sense now doesn't it why the Xbox One is so big with a huge heatsink and huge fan with half the system having a open vent hmmm the company that makes DX12 makes their console prepared for it guess thats a stretch huh? looks like they built the system around DX12 knew it would get hotter and built the sytem accordingly its called R&D people and soon you will witness it I can't wait

Kayant3709d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Or maybe they didn't want a repeat of what happened with the X360. Also they wanted their console to be slient as possible. A bigger fan has a larger surface area and wouldn't have to run/work as fast as a smaller one meaning you get less noise.

Do I need to go quote Albert Panello and his direct x/performance comments before launch and how it all turned out to be mostly side-tracking/damage control.

Am sure you also know that XB1 is a console and doesn't use the same D3D as PC. There is also the Mono driver that was added a while back -->


Edit -

So what about PC gamers are they expecting people to go out and start buying more fans/ new cases if needed because of DX12 because you know this update is also coming to the PC.

ger23963708d ago

So why not say this during their reveal? If they built it around dx12, and it indeed doubles its performance. You figure they would be touting this at every chance they get. If true it would make the price a non issue.

2v13708d ago

but but we have clear skys now , no more cloud

alexkoepp3708d ago

What would they say?

"uh, we've built our console for tech that is still not in use yet, so out of the gate you are going to see games performing better on our competitors console. But don't worry it'll be twice as good in the future, we just have to rush to market now so Sony doesn't get too big of a jump on us in initial install base"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3708d ago
nicksetzer13708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Yes, using neogaf as a source is much more reliable that every single GPU/cpu manufacturer as well as someone who is actually currently using the software, and used the old .... not to mention xbox one was made to be extremely cool, so much so it doesn't even have to use a fan to stay cooler than the ps4 (however, it has a huge fan, why? Most likely foresight)

Kayant3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Am not using neogaf as a source. Am using what repi said on youtube video. The only reason neogaf is linked is because what he said was written out. If it makes you so happy I can direct link to the video --> https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Neogaf is a news aggregator much so like n4g so I don't know why you're trying to disregard the source when it's not neogaf itself( as in a random from a member) but youtube. It would be in the same light as it being silly for me to disregard the news you posted earlier about unannounced MS studios just because you posted.

"not to mention xbox one was made to be extremely cool, so much so it doesn't even have to use a fan to stay cooler than the ps4" - Again you also forgetting this update is coming to *PCs and mobile phones* - So what appears to does devices now? Do phones suddenly start blowing up because of the increased heat from this update?

The point is MS had a hard time with failure rates with the X360, they also wanted a very quiet system meaning a big fan makes sense because of what I said below. They are also not a hardware manufacturer first so their hardware expertises is not the same as Sony's.


So you're saying MS don't care about their PC or mobile customers/partners since they wouldn't be taking into consideration that those devices weren't created with DX12 in mind and are willing to let those devices have increased GPU temps affecting the device's lifespan....

Also it's funny how performance matters now to some people.

incendy353708d ago

This won't be an issue with X1 as much as it will on PC's. On X1 developers know exactly what each machine will do performance wise. Kind of the beauty of consoles.

Bigpappy3708d ago

Obviously, they will have to let people know which cards are compatible with Dx12. Just like with other Dx upgrades, the software could check for required cards before installing.

I am willing to wait on results before singing Dx12 high praises. But as others have pointed out, all of the graphics chip makers are singing it high praises, so I have a lot of confidence that Dx12 will make a huge difference to PC and X1 performance. Attempts to downplay such a hugely backed development is just as ill advises as singing it high praises.

tee_bag2423708d ago

It doesn't mean it will be working twice as hard perce'. Improvements are likely from efficiently - driver efficiency . Still x2.. not a chance

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
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