
Ninja Gaiden II "a flawed jewel" - EDGE Preview

EDGE writes:

How do you make what is possibly the greatest 3D fighting game engine ever seen, and then get the camera utterly, utterly wrong? Ask Team Ninja. In Ninja Gaiden II it has produced a masterpiece of flowing and vicious combat that is – though not ruined – severely hampered by the most basic of design flaws.

There has never been anything quite like it in the genre. You can obliterate huge numbers of enemies in almost no time at all, cut through defenses with ease, and you will look magnificent while you're doing it. The hybrid aesthetic – high-tech Technicolor Japan mixed with muted feudalist Japan – might sound dissonant but looks sharply coherent. In fact, in the hands of a skilled player NGII looks nothing less than exhilarating, and occasionally surpasses any martial arts movie you might care to name.

And this is why the camera is such a surprisingly big issue. This isn't a problem with it getting caught on a corner occasionally, nor the odd confusing switch of perspective. It is a constant problem: obscuring foes, breaking up combos, losing track of Ryu, and flicking back and forth between positions.

It's worth reiterating that, even at preview stage, the action at the core of NGII stands up to the best in the genre. So if there's any serious development left to go on the project, we have to pray that it's directed towards the camera, because it's currently holding back such immense potential. If not, then Ninja Gaiden II will remain a trial for the dedicated player – and not in the way that Team Ninja wants it to be...

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power of Green 5856d ago

Who fucin cares if the final build is worked on or doesn't change from the preview build. Who cares, the camera always had an issue in NG I just wan't to cut sh*t to pieces.

HI_YA bieeetches

Fishy Fingers5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

I care. As probably do everyone else whos serious about NG.

EDGE know they're s**t and they never attack a game pointlessly, if they say the camera is a problem it's a problem. Make the greatest game you want, if you see it right, or orientate correctly its pointless.

Id like to know when the preview build is taken from as its quite close to release and I just prey they have the time to rectify their mistakes and get the camera up to scratch.

You confuse me, this is a game your obviously interested in yet you except the flaws happily, yet you jump on PS3 titles that get criticism in their early stages.
Means I cant take you seriously, are you excepting the flaws because you want the game so much or simply because of the system its running on?

power of Green 5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

I can't wait for this Mannnnn. Just seen some new gameplay on Comcast on-demand, Adam S. from Xplay interviewed TI and seen some new gameplay footage. Its just fantastic looking so dam smooth and the animations are amazing.

It looks really rewarding to master and play to be blunt.

Really you see me rag on PS3 games deeming serious problems that will put tons of people off?, with something like a flaw the series is known for anways? Hmm.

I didn't say the game was being attacked I'm use to the camera issues in this franchise its not a big deal to me no. Out of all the people that have played it its just one company's concerned so I don't let it bother me.
I think people with the most concerned about it are nit-pickers and people wanting it to have flaws even going as far as posing as an concerned fan.

""""Fishy Fingers"""& quot ; I'm going to report your comment as spam for you attempt to personal attack me in the gamerzone.

I use to miss the BUS 3 times a week playing NG on the NES.

Asking me if I'm intrested in the game or is it the platform its on is just moronic, Sorry had to say it.

5856d ago
GameOn5856d ago

The camera in ninja Gaiden wasn't amazing but i got use to it. I dont think its gonna be worse than last time and its gotta be better than Devil may cry 4.

power of Green 5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )


Also lol @ FishyFingers with his contradicting attack on me, calling me a a NG fan then going on to say its my console fanboyism thats the reason I'm excited about the game.

WoW talk about PS3 fans personal feelings towards 360 fans.

Kleptic5856d ago

haha POG...you would be excited for this if it was on the PS3?...tell me then, what did you think of the camera improvement on Sigma?...if you are such a NG fan, you definitely would have enjoyed the definitive version of the first 3D rendition of the series?...right?...the controls overall?...how did the feel of the game differ from NG and NGB?...if you really played so much NG as a kid on the NES, you would automatically own ever system you could to enjoy where the series has gone...and being that Sigma is currently the best NG game to date...which PS3 do you own?...

so what did you think?...

I don't know why you are even allowed to look at this zone...let alone post in it...

power of Green 5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

Whats with the stupid ass attacks?, If I owned a PS3 I would have purchased it considering I'm a big fan. What you're saying doesn't even make any sense.

WTF are you talking about?, I said I'v been a fan for a long time and mentioned the bus comment because he said I just liked it because it was on 360 sheeeh!.

Obviosly 2d games didn't have a camera system lol. PS3 fanboy attacks are getting more moronic by the day. Hot Dam!!!.

You think Sigma is the better game because one company says the camera's a issue from a preview build?, you think I'd buy a $500 console to play an overhaul of an Xbox game(with some sh*t added).

I don't understand you child-like debate.

How in the fuc did saying basically *I'll live with NG's camera system* end up being a full attack from PS3 trolls questioning me being a fan of the franchise?. WTF is wrong with PS3 fans?.

What do these trolls wan't me to say?, do they wan't me to say that NG2 sucks this and I'm not buying it now?. Good lord.

Kleptic How did you get so many bubbles?, shouldn't be allowed to visit 360 threads let alone post in them. Yet you're almost maxed out whsn the other people with no bubbles basically say the same thing attacking people as you do?, Strange.

Willio5855d ago

To be fair, I dont think NG2 wants to be typecasted as the only company that produces an insane difficult game because that becomes a niche market. It may not affect die hard fans but buisness is about money, if there is a fault, theres no happy ending.

Alexander Roy5855d ago

Actually, bad camera can kill games. It did with Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, for example. That game was almost unplayable because the camera was stiff as wood and alway changed when you were jumping or in the middle of a transition.

Witty Comment5855d ago

the camera in Ninja Gaiden was effing horrible. I'm playing it to sharpen up my ninja skills in preparation for NG2.

g3nkie5855d ago

Well MGS3 was considered to have a bad camera but it came out to be one of the best MGS games to date.

HateBoy5855d ago

I care, as a HUGE fan of the NG series I really hope they work on improving that camera. It's not gonna keep me from buying, its day uno for me, but it might have negative effects on the state of my TV which will probably be punched several times (I actually did that to my old tv when playing NG black on the xbox).

AuburnTiger5855d ago

What about the camera angle on the original NG on the NES, it was terrible. All you got was a side-scrolling view.

Legend5855d ago (Edited 5855d ago )

As long as there is still the "center camera behind Ryu button" I'll be fine. The camera won't be any worse than it was in Black.

And AuburnTiger: LMFAO!

n to the b5855d ago

although I prob believe them on this one that the camera can be annoying. but in general I much prefer the other British gaming mag I've run into: gamesTM. highly recommended.

otherZinc5855d ago

The bottom line: he cant friggin play Ninja Gaiden, period!

Tmac5855d ago (Edited 5855d ago )

As far as Camera angles go, NG is as bad as Genji, if not worse sometimes.

Although I enjoyed Sigma for the most part.

dragunrising5855d ago

Ninja Gaiden as a series is known for its camera issues. Surprisingly enough, I NEVER had an issue with it. Disorienting is a better term for these apparent "issues." The camera in the NG series has progressively gotten better; Ninja Gaiden Black improved upon NG Original. Likewise Sigma has an arguably better camera than Black. Fans of the series shouldn't worry about this game.

samfk5855d ago

i had ninja gaiden sigma on ps3 ! GUESS WAT camera was flawed .for as long as i can remember the cam on this type of game has been an issue!like it or lump it .if this game gets released on ps3 (which i doubt)then wat smooth cam na people .common sense plz

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5855d ago
InMyOpinion5856d ago

I hope that's from an old build, cause this preview is not featured in the latest issue(May) of Edge(MGS on the cover). Let's hope it's sorted in the final build.

ppp5855d ago

hahahah ps3 is the best

Montrealien5855d ago

So much negative opinion for a preview. It is almost bad gaming journalism imho.

I mean, you can address the fact that the camera will need some work in a preview, but to flat out trash it in a preview is wrong and like I said, bad journalism, it should be saved for the review.

Thoas5855d ago

The same problem was in Ninja Gaiden on Xbox 360 and in Ninja Gaiden Sigma. It's going to be the same game as ninja gaiden sigma but with a different story. Not a AAA game

LenHart5855d ago

I expect a 6/10 for NJ2 from EDGE

haha poor Itagaki

5855d ago
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Vojkan5856d ago

Look i know there is group of people that likes NG series a lot, but honestly this looks like NG 1.5. What is new about this game?What is next gen about it? It is so linear (looking at vids and reading previews), graphics are not on same level as gears of war for example. It just looks like little more handsome NG Sigma.
DMC4 looks better and is more fun to play, NG games are always hard and frustrating to play.
And worst of, it seems camera is destroyed. Japanese and their camera angles, just look how westerners do it

bababrooks5856d ago

you believe what you choose to believe, this game will look and play great, that is if your biased!

BeaArthur5855d ago

Vojkan...are you serious? Devil May Cry is a series that should have been updated or died with the last PS2 installment. I mean I like the original as much as any one but it's an incoherent story and repetitive gameplay. I mean I understand the comparison because they are in the same genre but Ninja Gaiden smokes Devil May Cry any day of the week. As far as it being too difficult, I bet you still play your games on easy and don't bother to challenge yourself at all.

On another note I did not have any issues with the camera angles in the original and I have yet to see a gameplay video that demonstrates what this article is talking about. So for me this article changes nothing at all.

sonarus5855d ago


Lol @ NG being linear lol that was pretty funny. Camera angles or not, NG is the best 360 game this yr

Legend5855d ago

Awwwww. Sounds like someone didn't like having to wear the pink Ninja Dog ribbon. Stick to DMC then. It sounds like the automatic combo mode is right up your ally. Leave the real combat to the big boys.

poopface15855d ago

I rented dsc4 and it was fun/funny. Over the top characters and a HORIBLE resident evil 2 camera. The camera in ng1 wasnt good but was also really easy to adjust with the rt trigger. DMC wasnt a challange at all. The enimies just stood there and barley ever attackesd you. NG is one series that is actually still a challange. Especially with similiar looking games like dynasty warriors and DMC.

sounds to me like this game is too challanging for you. I just replayed the original for xbox and the camera isnt great but I have no problems with it. the game make me flip out tho. Climbing up that tower or fighting the hellicopter on very hard isnt fun.

BeaArthur5855d ago

Legend...ahha, exactly my thoughts.

devilhunterx5855d ago


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FCOLitsjustagame5856d ago

I thought the camera was always a problem in NG. Are they saying the problem is WORSE this time? Or has someone finally just gotten over the cool ninja factor and realized "hey this camera is sht"?

power of Green 5856d ago

NG has always had issues, I don't let it bother me because out all the previewers that have played the game not all of them felt the need to mention it?; thats assuming there's more than just Edge MAg that has said anything so far. I think its very truthful with a dash of sales or hit earning flavor.

dogseye_deadhorse5855d ago

ninja gaiden is shiit anyway imo.

no fanboyism. its just shiit

KidMakeshift5856d ago

I don't how the camera could really work for Ninja Gaiden
Even if it was a fixed camera like early Resident Evils I don't think it would work any better

It's practically impossible to play the harder difficulties because the enemies are always coming at you off screen

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 debuted in 2009; ahead of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's launch, it's time to look back at one of Tecmo Koei's best titles.

MIDGETonSTILTS17456d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


The 10 Hardest PlayStation 3 Platinum Trophies

With the release of games now slowing on the PlayStation 3, Twinfinite take a look at the 10 hardest platinum trophies on Sony's older system.

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DarkOcelet3024d ago

I almost got the Lost Planet 2 one, but that get no One in the Leaderboards was effed up.

Many of those trophies are just time consuming, if we are going to talk some seriously hard platinum trophies, put MGS4 in there.

I will never forget the day i got that Big Boss Emblem.

Complete the game in less than 5 hours
Use no continues
Use no health items
Kill no enemies
No alert phases
No special items
Complete the game on The Boss Extreme

One of my proudest trophies :)

skcej3023d ago

yeah the Lost Planet 2 one was pretty ridiculous with the amount of time you had to put in but when I researched the list I found a lot of people saying that the Nom de Guerres were really annoying/ quite tricky to get. I did think about putting MGS 4, maybe it should have got an honorable mention. Impressive trophy to have though dude! :)

kotaku773023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

Yeah! specially when you got to play over and over MGS4, when you could be playing, idk, MGS3 or any other game

FallenAngel19843024d ago

I'm only one Trophy away from getting the Platinum in MGS4, but unfortunately it has to be that damn Songs of the Battlefield one that requires me to get all the emblems. It's such an eyesore to be so close only to be set up against such a daunting task

kotaku773023d ago

Mortal Kombat 9
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Lost Planet 2
Far Cry 2
Wipe Out HD
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Persona 4: arena
Raiden IV
NBA 2K16

Knushwood Butt3023d ago

+1 for Raiden IV

What is your best score in Overkill mode (online ranking rules) ?

kotaku773023d ago

I don't know what you're talking about

Knushwood Butt3023d ago

Raiden IV

Shhoting game

High score?


Are AAA Games Too Easy?

"Perhaps extreme difficulties are still here, just presented in different ways. Multiplayer focused shooting games (for the most part), have average (to-below) difficulty within their campaigns. However, jumping online and playing competitively can produce a welcomed contest." KJ of Play Legit Writes

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itsjustexuma3328d ago

From Software thinks differently

bacrec13328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

Real Talk. Wish more companies would get the memo.

joab7773328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

So do I. Unfortunately, it doesn't sell so it doesn't get made. At least it doesn't sell 5-10 million like Assassin's Creed, And all the others. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played, and it ruins other games b/c it expects better of you. It wants you to play it for awhile, instead of moving on to the next big thing a week later.

It's goal is to consume you, and not just your time, but your patience and your will, and it promises, unlike other games, to reward you for that time w/ actual satisfaction.

breakpad3328d ago

eeh ?? have you heard bloodborne or Souls games ? ..no if the develeopers dont seek wide casual acceptance (aka all kids must play the game) no ... are not easy

bouzebbal3328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

i think western games are getting much easier than ever.
japanese are the only ones who dose difficulty. Games like Ninja Gaiden, Souls, Bloodborne raise the level.

johndoe112113327d ago

Why? That makes no bloody sense. Most games have varying levels of difficulty, if you are someone who likes to be constantly punished and frustrated while playing a game simply start off playing the game on it's hardest difficulty. Why the hell should they make all games with only one level of frustrating difficulty, to pander to a select few who have nothing better to do than spend 10 hours trying to pass one level?

This argument makes no sense and since bloodborne released people act like they've forgotten about difficulty settings. People saying all games should be difficult and punishing are selfish and inconsiderate and don't give a damn about anyone else's time or preferences. if gamers want to spend over a month trying to finish every game then they should not complain when only 5 or 6 games get released every year. It's a senseless foolish expectation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3327d ago
rawrock3328d ago

From Soft makes Souls games hard the wrong way. Slow clunky controls and questionable mechanics and design. Anybody can make a game where you die a lot. It takes more talent to make a game with a good difficulty balance and smooth gameplay. I have not played Bloodborne but at least it looks to be step up in gameplay over the Souls games.

3327d ago
freshslicepizza3327d ago

from software became a aaa developer based on expanding its fanbase who often felt neglected to play games where if you die you suffer for it. the first demons souls game was not marketed as a aaa game, it grew from word of mouth and they managed to fill an area that was being ignored.

lots of aaa games are made easy and that makes sense since they want the barriers of people to play them to be as wide as possible. the more accessible the more will play is what they are thinking because aaa games cost a hell of a lot more money to make now than they did 30 years ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3328d ago

The industry doesn't use the word easy but "accessible" so yes games are easy.

joab7773328d ago

It's because they know that you won't be playing long. Only certain games get played over a period of time longer than 2 weeks. They just want your money, and want you to finish it. And they know that if you get the Souls reputation, you are screwed.

700p3328d ago

it depends on the game really.

BitbyDeath3328d ago

Depends on the difficulty setting.

Perjoss3328d ago

I find the souls games a bit too hard personally but I think Bloodborne has perfectly balanced difficulty.

KryptoniteTail3328d ago

Too hard, actually. Well, not "hard" but complicated, with long boring tutorials, and unbalanced sections and they try your patience with collectathons, bulls*** missions and try to make up for it with half hearted multiplayey and/or bitchy trophies.

I prefer more indies these days. AAA can still be the best around but most are boring rehashes and DLC fests.

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