
Phil Spencer comments on DX12 Xbox One Resolution Rumor

Phil Spencer comments on the DirectX 12 resolution rumor.

stuna13733d ago

So in otherwords no! The resolution-gate saga will continue.

nicksetzer13733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Exactly what "stay tuned" means ..... your extrapolation of information is excellent. /s

Kingthrash3603733d ago

smh..and it continues....
i just dont want to hear how res dosent matter from xbox loyals anymore...
all i hear is how res didn't matter...now it suddenly does because software is magical.
after reality sets in, and we see that hardware is hardware i don't want to see yall going back to res doesn't matter argument...because right now with this dx hype...it suddenly matters.

ABizzel13733d ago

These single, pointless, uninformative tweets being submitted as full news stories needs to stop.....like 8 weeks ago.

Waffles113733d ago

The ability to make software improvements can only happen on the Xbox one, so differences in hardware are a non factor. Obviously, this will be the turning point.

CYCLEGAMER3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )


I don't think xbox fans really care when it comes to the actual games. I think xbox fans bring it up to shut up the sony fans who continually bring it up when a multiplat comes out and is 1080p on the ps4 and below that on the xb1

TOTALLY AGREE!! He didn't say anything, he basically said wait.

lifeisgamesok3733d ago

Yeah some people will always try to turn any rep from Microsoft's words into something negative

Sounds like we're going to hear about the future of graphics on 3/20

@Kingthrash Resolutions still don't matter as much as you like to think it does. 1080p doesn't equate to the best graphics just look at Battlefield, Ryse

malokevi3733d ago

nobody ever said that resolution doesn't matter. It's just not as important as gameplay. We are happy with good games, regardless of what resolution they come in. High resolution is nice, but not necessary. Not worth fighting over. You Sony fans drone on about different pixel amounts, what we're saying is... we don't care!

I'm interested to see what DX12 does for the X1. I don't see why people are brushing it off. Obviously this has been long in the works. It's not like new APIs are going to hurt any. I think it's reasonable to expect that DX12 will offer improvements over DX11. So sayeth common sense.

nicksetzer13733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

@kingthrash don't think it is that anyone cares about res (at least not as minimal as it currently is) it is that xbox fans hope to hear news showing xb1 to be on par or better than ps4 so all you idiots will shut up and just enjoy games, instead of making everything a war with your only argument being a few pixels. If dx12 does nothing to increase graphical fidelity, I don't think any xb1 fans will be upset. It's just the idea that all this resolution crap can be pushed aside that gets people happy.
I don't remember all this fuss when ps3 was 200$ more expensive with lower quality multiplats ... but now every single pixel matters.

stuna13733d ago

So if he responded why not answer the question!? The fact that some of you all like being strung along is baffling! What's even more baffling is this occurs quite frequently, and let just say the majority of time the results are less than desirable.

4Sh0w3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Kingthrash keep shaking your head, but there's a clear difference between saying res doesn't matter in regards to being the only factor in next gen gaming. How many times do you have to be told other factors like textures, art style, poly count, rendering tech, and game engine are just as important or more than resolution for visuals, then ultimately GAMEPLAY IS KING= Resolution is not ALL that matters, which is why Iam more than happy with my X1 than getting ps4, cause I like to PLAY the games I like more than counting pixels.

All that said of course I am glad X1 is rapidly improving and will continue to improve as far as software, SDK, and dev tools are concerned because micro is a software company it is to be expected. Are you actually trying to say because res isn't the most important thing to xbox fans that we shouldn't be happy for improvements? Why does xbox fans enthusiasm for improvements seem as if it scares you and the ps hive mind? Really other than a very few extreme xbox fans who follow mistermediax, I dont see anyone claiming "DX12 is going to make X1 capable of high end pc graphics".

lol Again like a typical biased ps fan you just sound mad that micro is able to improve their console.

Wizard_King3733d ago

"Waffles11 + 5h ago
The ability to make software improvements can only happen on the Xbox one, so differences in hardware are a non factor. Obviously, this will be the turning point."

So only MS can make software improvements? That's news to me buddy, when did Sony loose the ability to manipulate code? Was it in the ps4's last update?


Gazondaily3732d ago

What I dont get is why stuna has 50 agrees when Spencer just said 'stay tuned'?!!

Whats with the insecurity? Surely having the more powerful console would mean that you wouldn't be too worried right?

I do wonder what GDC will hold. MS relying on DX12 does make a lot of sense and software is their strength after all so it isnt some over the top 'secret sauce' wishful thinking many on here are trying to convince others it is. I just wonder what kind of improvement it will bring to the table.

ZombieDust3732d ago

@kingthrash I love people that make comments like yours. Its not that xbox fans think it suddenly matters and that it didnt before. It is just one of those things that makes it that much better, you know, an added bonus to what actually matters... gameplay.

Im a bit older now so I prefer reason and hate fanboy, childish arguments. I'm just here to try and sort things out here.

SilentNegotiator3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

"nobody ever said that resolution doesn't matter"

Clearly you haven't actually been READING the comment sections of any article that might remind us that an Xbox One game might not be 1080p or otherwise not as high res as a Ps4 version...there's ALWAYS dozens of people claiming EXACTLY that: "resolution doesn't matter" with those exact words.

And of course, it's so often the same people that made a massive deal about Ps3/360 multiplats that were 6XXp/7XXp.


Hey Waffles11! I found the little "/s" tag you missed on your comment, it was in Lost & Found with the humor of people disagreeing with you.

Back on topic... Last gen it was all about resolution or other minor graphic differences (lesser than currently and going both sides every now and then mind you). PS4 comes out kicking and it don't matter anymore. Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer isn't 1080p? It matters again! Reality kicks back in as every multiplat game on XB1 and the big taunted "exclusive" Titanfall are not 1080p it doesn't matter one more time. DX12 comes and here we go... I guess you guys got the picture, those guys swing more than a couple from Hollywood! They don't even care about graphics, they just want bragging rights, so let's stop feeding this vicious circle, can we?

Oh_Yeah3732d ago

It takes HARDWARE to up resolution. No magical software is going to make games run at higher resolution.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3732d ago
Bigpappy3733d ago

GDC only a week away. Stay frosty.

StealthPandemic3733d ago

Stay fatty? I though we doing rhymes.

TheXgamerLive3733d ago ShowReplies(8)
Alan_Shore3733d ago

If your not down with dx then I got two words for ya!

S#!K IT!

Azzanation3733d ago

Sony ponies 360 vs PS3 days it wasn't just about resolution, the 360 did games better even with the same resolution, it did better effects (look at Gears of War 3). You fanboys act as if it was all about resolution last gen it wasn't that. I played DMC on both 360 and PS3 and the PS3 had massive slow downs compared to the 360 versions. You only act as if it was all about resolution is because its all you have this gen.

If you want 1080 and 60 frames go with a PC with a late GPU, if you want games then both XB1 and PS4 are good consoles.

stuna13733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Yeah maybe muliplats, but the PS3 exclusives stomped the Xbox exclusives and muliplats. The difference this gen is the PS4 has the superior exclusives as well as the muliplats since day one.

All you have this gen! Did you read that out of a Microsoft PR Statement Handbook???

SlyFamousthe3rd3733d ago

Ever think of becoming a stand-up comedian? Because that really made me laugh.

CernaML3732d ago

*looks at Gears of War 3*
*notices a clear lack of AA*

DMC? Good example I guess. Heres mine: Tomb Raider DE.
Not only is the PS4 capable of running it up to 60fps a lot of the time, but it never dips below 30fps like the X1 version does.

Prime1573732d ago

I bit, troll. Your comment's ambiguous nature of "all ps4 fanboys have" is your opinion.

If you are talking about graphics between the two consoles, it's not just resolution. Ac4 on the ps4 has a better/newer AA while x1 has an older, less effective AA and a lower resolution.

Battlefield 4: "The PS4 had the higher internal resolution, a considerable performance lead in motion, and the addition of extra effects such as horizon-based ambient occlusion entirely missing on Xbox One."

Read more on battlefield 4: http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Even the multiplat game you tools cling to in your defense is missing ps4 elements like HBAO. Need for speed might be the same resolution, but it is missing several effects that ps4 has.

Tomb raider had more than just a framerate difference.

The list goes on.

I failed and fed the troll

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3732d ago
Cernunnos3732d ago

A new DirectX will mainly reduce CPU overhead, and not suddenly make the GPU perform 50% better. Basically, they will get better CPU performance, but it will not help much in terms of resolution or GPU limited frame-rate.

stuna13732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

SMH!!! Some people you just can't reason with! Weaker Hardware, will always be weaker! What is so hard to understand about that???? A 1 inch thick rope will be stronger than an 1/2 inch thick rope!

Cernunnos that wasn't directed at you, I agree with your comment.

3732d ago Replies(1)
system223732d ago

you got all that from stay tuned? freakin fanboys. you know what i took from that? "i can't talk about anything til gdc, but i felt your comment was important enough to respond to" obviously they are going to talk about it. PS - you wanna be a "stuna"... buy a more expensive car.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3732d ago
bicfitness3733d ago

Direct X12 is the new "secret sauce." Even though Face Off after Face off will continue to show a gulf between the two systems in terms of performance. X1 has a 1.2 TF GPU. Doesn't matter how 'low-level' you go, it can only push so many pixels. Most console APIs are already as close to coding to metal as you can get, and yes they get refined over time. Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 3, for example. But both of those games were 720p, keep in mind. Upping the resolution from 720p to 1080p simply requires a grunt that the X1 GPU will never have. Ever.

My God, the things some desperate fans are clinging to. Its getting absurd, and the Xbox media liaisons are only making the delusions worse with their half-truths and snake oil.

theWB273733d ago

I thought this tweet was about improving the X1 hardware...not putting it on par with the PS4.

You just sound angry.

Immorals3733d ago

My 8800 could push out 1080p 5 years ago.

Then again, I was too busy enjoying the game to count pixels.

zebramocha3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

@immoral then why bring it up if your pc could do 1080p 5 years ago,the first part goes against the second part of the statement.

DoubleM703732d ago


Exactly.. They actually sound angry that Microsoft is trying to improve their system. Nothing wrong with that I will expect sony to do the same to make something better for their customers is a win win.

Saigon3733d ago

Dude you posted old news, holding on to too much hope. This was way before it was determine how capable each of the systems were. At the time each dev stated or made these comments it was in regard to the paper specs for each system. Since then the game has literally shifted. Now that the dev kits and the specs are running on the devs development software; today is what matters. Kojima, made a statement a while ago at how powerful the PS4 is compared to the XBO, without literally stating the difference.


DigitalRaptor3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )


1) First link. Carmack never performed benchmark tests to prove this.

2) Second link. Kojima is releasing a next-gen game this month where the PS4 version is 1080p/60fps, with exclusive effects for this version, and the Xbone version runs at last gen resolution 720p with no special next-gen effects.

3) Third link. Wait until Watch_Dogs actually comes out, and we'll see for ourselves. in the mean time: http://n4g.com/news/1469656...

Axios23733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

No secret sauce when all these are already native 1080p

Halo CA
Dying Light
Kinect Sports Rivals
Murdered Soul Suspect
Child of Light

and for above 720p but not 1080p:

Watch Dogs

@ press start

Learn to read, especially when you copy paste, lol

Kingthrash3603733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

wheres the 1080p 60fps list?....frames are more important than res no? let see how many games on that list are crossed off.
"secret sauce" needed.
again these things dont matter though...just great games...who needs res? right? who needs frames? who needs the magical "secret sauce?"

Legacy2123733d ago

@kingthrash is that all you sony people like touting. 1080p 60 fps ye ye ye look at us. Cuz last I check thief at 900p 30fps won againsy ps4 1080p 30fps in digital foundry comparison. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo yea:) but of course I expect to see u on every article

Kingthrash3603733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

never said sony..i'm thinking pc....you ms fans are sooo butthurt over sony smh. always forgetting pc, so much so some of you still think tf is a exclusive...smh rest my child there is more to gaming than ps4 vs x1.
so, say if i wanted to compare df win loss ratio between x1 and sony who'd win?...see what i mean bout the butthurtness.
i could care less who "wins" i dont care, i dont.
its just yall been contridicting yourselves worse than the people who are selling the consoles....man again keep me out of this "war" please....

BABY-JEDI3733d ago

I do like magical secret sauce with my chips. Nothing better
; )

press-start3733d ago

and for above 720p but not 1080p:

Watch Dogs

let me fix that for you since you seem to have forgot a couple.

call of duty 720p
battlefield 4 720p
Dead Rising 3 720p
killer instinct 720p
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes 720p

and im sure more in the future i like how you purposely left all the above games that i mentioned of that list of yours.

XabiDaChosenOne3733d ago

Your list screams desperation, Rayman? Really?

gameslayer24113733d ago

My only question if DX12 will be implemented into the X1 won't they need to do an overhaul of the system? I'm not sure how that would work...I mean...would they need to send back old consoles or what? I'm not saying anything bad or negative but if you put dx12 in future produced consoles where does that leave the previous owners? and if you had this trump care or some version of dx12 already on my xbox why didn't you show it and utilize it at the very beginning? That just doesn't make sense to me? I mean my One and 4 are sitting happily next to each other with remarkably similar capabilities yet my 4 has slightly better performance? Why would you risk it all and release early if you weren't ready? If you had this ready or had waited you could've one upped your game but you had to stay ahead of the competition? or what? I don't know...i'm just rambling....but can anybody (within reason) give me an honest answer? No fanboy nonsense?

Jumper093732d ago

Forza (looks awful 2d people and lastgen lighting anyone?

Stryder (its a Arcade game lol)

NFS (has missing effects)

UFC (not out yet)

FIFA (Sports game, nothing demanding)

Halo CA (huh? There is no halo out for xbone)

Dying Light (only ps4 version is confirmed to be 1080p)

Kinect Sports Rivals (lol)

NBA (sports game)

TombRaider (drops to 900p, worse performance, less effects)

Rayman (its a 2d game lol, even lastgen consoles can hadle it at 1080p)

Wolfenstein (ID Tech5, nothing mindblowing)

Murdered Soul Suspect (Nt out yet)

Child of Light (kinect garbage)

and for above 720p but not 1080p:

AC (looks worse)
Ryse (look ok)
TitanFall (792p lol)
Thief (ugh)
Watch Dogs (not out)

Angeljuice3732d ago


It depends. Direct X version upgrades only ever used to be a software update (until DX10 IIRC where it became locked to hardware).

Perhaps Microsoft implemented some of the required hardware in the X1 before the code was finalised. Its not likely to be such a big improvement that it was worthy of holding back the system launch.

press-start3725d ago

yes but you still left out the 720p games on purpose and titanfall is not 900p just accept you bought a console that struggles to get last gen ports to run at 1080p,and now DX12 is meant to save the xbone lool you xbots keep dreaming

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3725d ago
Software_Lover3733d ago

They are just toys my friend. Just toys. Its not that serious

candy_mafia3732d ago

I'm with you, I can't believe all these stupid lists people be making lol

It's almost as if some people have forgotten games are meant to be fun??

We have a vast selection of Michael Pachters, developers, hardware engineers, PR heads and shareholders commenting here.

Jus for making my day 'bubz up 4 u' lulz


BX813733d ago

@ bitchfitness you mad bro?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3725d ago
pyramidshead3733d ago

DX12 doesn't solve weak hardware.

Tedakin3733d ago

But it makes weaker hardware work better.

DemonChicken3733d ago

explains for the buff in size of the x1 for heat dissipation

pyramidshead3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Didn't say it wouldn't help, but doesn't solve the source of the problem is my point.

hello123733d ago

Well it can't be if the GPU is using all the new features coming with directx12

jmc88883732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

It did make weaker hardware in a windows environment work better.

But the results were not that great.

Also Xbox One isn't in a full fledged windows environment, so the gains will be far less.

Also if you look at what games running with Mantle actually display you'll notice a visual degradation. In other words, if you use Mantle, the visual quality seems to be like a notch lower.

Now this isn't to say DX12 will degrade the visual quality on Xbox One, but what it should showcase, is that without that visual degradation, the gains Mantle made would be even less.

So take the relatively poor gains of mantle was boosted by the visual degradation AND it's more efficient use of the CPU.

Take the visual degradation out and the gains are less. Take out the full fledged windows environment and it's gains are even less.

Apply what's left into the Xbox One and while of course positive, is nothing groundbreaking.

Then when you realize tiled resources is a crutch, can introduce it's own problems (search youtube for 'RAGE streaming textures bug'), and isn't free (itself sucks up resources) you realize this isn't an ideal situation. Especially that it needs this at the BEGINNING of the generation, not the end.

Raytracing is an expensive feature, while it's nice to add features, it comes at a cost. If developers use this feature, they will need to cut other graphical features to account for it. If developers try to add it all together in a game, then resolution and framerate will be lower then before.

DX 12 is the new version of 11.X. Microsoft just decided they needed some new PR BS. So rather then say it's a new version of 11.X, they called it 12 and sent out the PR releases to hype their sleight of hand.

You don't make a brand new thing up called 11.X, then ditch that and say it's now 12. That's completely dishonest. They made up a new standard and classification, then ditched it when a new update came and called it DirectX 12.

It's all about finding another point to sell the Xbox One on, and Microsoft doesn't care how shady it looks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3732d ago
Fireseed3733d ago

Unless the software redefines what exactly "weak hardware" is. Back in the day it was all about getting the most memory, perhaps with DX12 that pardigm will shift to having the fastest memory with improved resource tiling. No one can say for certain other than wait till GDC.

classic193733d ago

lol well put bro, besides API is where it will be at, hints to amd om that one.

Fireseed3733d ago

You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Direct X IS an API.

Back-to-Back3733d ago

This is the truth. Most console owners have zero technical knowledge on hardware, which is why many of them dont have gaming pcs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3732d ago
Clown_Syndr0me3733d ago

Erm cool....Makes no difference to me I enjoy playing games despite specs/graphics etc.
Hence why I still play PS2 occasionally.

Immorals3733d ago

Don't pay attention to the trolls.

I can't see them enjoying any game without counting pixels with a magnifying glass..

Clown_Syndr0me3733d ago

I'm quite new to this site, but it seems the majority of the users prefer to bitch than play games. They need to stop pulling each others hair and relax!

Immorals3733d ago

Yeah I agree. It's like being in a kids playground 'my dad could beat your dad up'.

zebramocha3733d ago

@clown it's a gaming forum no one could do both at the same time.

christocolus3733d ago

Gdc and E3 will be great this year...

2cents3733d ago

Everything seems to be pointing to that conclusion.

It's going to be really exciting to see both Playstation and Xbox share their visions, games, tech talk and maybe some big accessory reveal (AR, VR, 3D) at E3. I'm buzzing for it.

I hope that both parties focus on themselves now, with their own identities and that gaming journalism takes a break from doom and gloom.
we all know what the PS4 and Xbox One are, we know their differences. It's time to move on and enjoy this new generation.

Show all comments (156)

Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel17d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop16d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin16d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit16d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel16d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark17d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor17d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto17d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot17d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2317d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H917d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon17d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage17d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing15d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k417d ago (Edited 17d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.


Meet The Guy Who Just Nuked Xbox Boss Phil Spencer In Fallout 76

He said he treated the Xbox executive like the RPG's final boss

Jingsing18d ago

Somewhat fitting, Considering buying Bethesda was a complete selfish purchasing decision by himself just because he is a big Fallout fan he wanted to own the toy. Well quite frankly Microsoft should look at that and say you put your personal tastes in front of the business and it has backfired.

anast18d ago

Todd Howard out hustled Phil. Howard is definitely in the top 3 all time hustlers in video game history.

OtterX18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Phil's game character properly looks like a villain too.


Miacosa18d ago

Would be funny is P3 nuked his account temporality as a joke.