
Another six Banjo-Kazooie 3 screenshot

Earlier today, two screenshots of Banjo-Kazooie 3 appeared. Now, a third image has surfaced, showing Banjo and Kazooie a bit closer and in a lot more detail.

Update: Make that four new screenshots.

Update 2: It seems like the forums are filling up with Banjo screenshots now. Two more added.

5864d ago Replies(5)
BIoodmask5864d ago (Edited 5864d ago )

I loved the Banjo games on N64, so this game should be a lot of fun. The art direction looks fantastic. Rare has some really talented artists.

Hopefully at MS gamers day some footage will be released so we can see it in motion.

Special thanks to Fablex for finding these pics bc there is very little news on Sunday.:)

gambare5864d ago

I hope this one bring the spirit back of the N64 title.

IQUITN4G5864d ago

Kameo too uses blurring on the distant 3d mountains.Didn't notice any bitmaps actually in Kameo

gaffyh5863d ago

Yeah looks good, but it seems like the models for everything are a little too squared, they either did that because it is easier or because they wanted a different art style. Either way it still looks good, and I can't wait to play it.

Feihc Retsam5863d ago

These screenshots are disappointing... WIth a game that has cartoonish graphics like this, I expect much more. All of the large scale shots feature terrible backgrounds. The textures look very flat on all of the ground/floor surfaces, and they used the cop-out fog effect for the background environments.
I am not trying to bash the game unjustly, I really do hope that they can ramp up the visuals, but so far it is very underwhelming. The very first shot I came across was the one with him walking on the rope, and the rope is nothing more than a cylinder that is painted like a rope, no real texture to it at all... :-(

MADGameR5863d ago

But if you think for ONE second that it rivals Mario Galaxy and Little Big Planet? lol! you're SADLY mistaken!

LuigiLogik5863d ago

Banjo looks like a freaking Lego Character... I hope they fixed that for the final version.. otherwise i'm looking foward to having a game i can play with my 1 yr old, he's getting sick of GTA.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5863d ago
SUP3R5864d ago (Edited 5864d ago )

Now these screenshots I like. I can see the whole world in these and have to admit it looks good, but has Banjo always looked so square??
Just need to see it in motion now, looks like fun.

Bladestar5864d ago ShowReplies(4)
wow4u5864d ago

The odd-ness and variety in the vehicles looks very weird. Their has to be some non-standard-platformer gameplay purpose for that.

Otherwise, it looks very very good, I'm really looking forward to hearing / seeing it on Tuesday.

A return of Rare's stellar hit Banjo is epic. Bring it on.

Fallen_Angel5864d ago

I agree personally not to sure what to think of the art in the game its different then what I thought it be but it still looks fun

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5 Neglected Rare Franchises That Also Deserve a Comeback

Jared writes: "With the Battletoads having made a triumphant return, let's look at the rest of Rare's back catalog for which series deserves a return to form next."

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GaboonViper1375d ago

I want a new Perfect Dark, Banjo and Jet Force Gemini.

Bathyj1374d ago

I actually don't want them. I'm not a big fan of Microsoft rehashing IPs they had nothing to do with creating just because they happen to own them.

Before you call me fanboy tell me a game they did that to that actually lives up the the original?

Just leave our beloved memories alone. You want to bring something back, redo crimson Skies or Brute Force. At least they were your games and they need updates.

gamer78041374d ago

I'm all for The Initiative rebooting perfect dark as a third person though, sounds like its trying something new and not just rehashing with a new coat of paint with this idea. Hope we see a tease of it in the next showcase.

gamer78041374d ago

Rumor is The Initiative is working on rebooting Perfect Dark in third person, normally I wasn't a fan of taking existing IPs but if its something new like this I'm up for it.

jznrpg1374d ago (Edited 1374d ago )

Don’t give them the Battletoads treatment .

TravsVoid1374d ago (Edited 1374d ago )

Donkey Kong Country is probably my favorite game of all time but I've not connected with much else Rareware has made since other than maybe Killer Instinct. Sea of Thieves has got to be close to my worst $60 purchase I've ever made.

sagapo1374d ago

Viva pinata was kinda fun imo.


Top 10 Game Sequels (That Ruined Everything)

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rhdugjcjrnddu1772d ago

Don't bother. 10 pages to click through and all of them written very poorly

Relientk771772d ago

Ugh Musashi: Samurai Legend is so meh. Don't understand how you can go from Brave Fencer Musashi to that. I really want a Brave Fencer Musashi HD Remake or a true sequel. It's one of the best games I've ever played.


Banjo-Kazooie Composer Grant Kirkhope Says Nuts & Bolts Should Have Been a Different IP

Grant Kirkhope, the composer of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, explains what he thinks the issue was with the often-criticized Xbox 360 title.

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gangsta_red1789d ago

I actually liked it for what it was. But then again I'm not a Banjo fan. I actually hated a lot of the N64 style games that all followed the same Mario 64 style. Except for Conker.

IRetrouk1789d ago

I really enjoyed this game, the building was fun, I thought it was a well made platformer.

Vits1789d ago (Edited 1789d ago )

I kind of agree. The game had many new ideas that would have worked better in a new IP as people wouldn't be so upset that Nuts & Bolts played so differently from the older titles.

PhoenixUp1789d ago

I seriously hate how angular the redesigns are for so many of the characters in the game

The X06 trailer built people’s hopes only for the final release to ruin those dreams

-Foxtrot1788d ago

Damn right it should have

Can we just get Banjo Threeie and write this game off as Kazooies bad dream or something. An in game joke.

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