
M.O.J.O. - Mad Catz console Trailer

Mad Catz revealed a trailer for their new console.

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Snookies123862d ago

Another console...? You'd think with the Ouya and Gamestick that this shouldn't really exist...

zeal0us3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Well neither of those platform support Google Play. Mojo is the only device of the three that support google play and nvidia gamestream(or w/e its called). Though I doubt it will make huge difference. People aren't going run out and buy this device either. I doubt kids this christmas will be asking their parents for Ouyas, gamesticks or mojos.

These devices will be overshadowed by the PS4&X1.
These devices would've great 2yrs ago+ but now they are not really needed. Your smartphones has most the apps provided by these devices. Your consoles support the most popular services these devices has. Indie support since the beginning of this generation has gotten better and their games will garner more attention on the PS4,X1 and PC compared to the way they would on Ouya,Gamestick or M.O.J.O.

Not to mention given Nvidia plan to release Tegra 6 next year times ,according to certain reports, this thing will be obsolete since its only using Tegra 4.

zeal0us3862d ago

PS4 Killer right here folks /sarc

Axonometri3862d ago

This is actually looking good as an android Google Play device.


Mad Catz Reveals B.A.T. 6+

Looks like some great stuff here. Mad Catz Global Limited, the leading innovators in gaming hardware, are excited to announce a new gaming mouse, the B.A.T. 6+. Combining the elements of fast and powerful design, the truly ambidextrous gaming mouse offers the ultimate customizability and comfort, allowing every gamer to swap the side skirts as well.


Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E 4 Keyboard Review

The Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E 4 is a comfortable and responsive mechanical keyboard

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