
Battlefield 4: Xbox One/PS4 Graphics Comparison

The visuals of Battlefield 4 on PS4 and Xbox One compared by IGN.

MultiConsoleGamer3877d ago

Looks impressive on both consoles but one clearly looks better than the other.

4Sh0w3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Seriously I know theres suppose to be a difference but at least here dont see it.

Edit disagrees? This was not a fanboy comment I#m sure ps4 version is techically better with the higher res what I'm saying is I just really dont see a difference. I welcome those with better eyes to point out the difference either way I already admitted ps4 version was better. Actually Im very impressed as the game looks sweet on both with BF4 running at 60fps the gameplay looks smooth. Now Im thinking I might just pick it up when I get my X1, I wish the sp wasn't so short but hey this is really about mp.

LOGICWINS3877d ago

They both look fine. The PS4 version looks a tad smoother and has less overdone lighting, but both versions are mind-blowingly close to the PC version..something that I didn't expect at launch.

allformats3877d ago

Come on guys look at this on Xbox One: http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

We should compare this to PS3 instead.

P0werVR3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )


I don't see how you can tell which is smoother? They both look solid frame rates and in game brightness seems more done for PS4 than Xbox One that is about it.



More like a matter of what the mind wants to see. What I see are no significant difference. Just turn down brightness level on Xbox One and they look EXACTLY the same.

LOGICWINS3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

@allformats - Unless your planning on playing both versions side by side on identical televisions, it really shouldn't matter. They both look good.

@PowerVR - I suppose its a matter of opinion. Not everyone sees things the same way. For me, I like the slightly more subtle lighting of the PS4 version.

EDIT: Your right. The differences aren't significant (you know how obsessive people here get), but they are noticeable in my opinion.

Remember way back in 2007 how COD4 looked a little more washed out and jagged on the PS3, well..this is sort of the same situation but in reverse. The PS4 version's subtle lighting gives it a cinematic/realistic effect that I don't see in the XB1 version.

But of course, someone with different tastes may prefer the overdone lighting on the XB1 version.

GribbleGrunger3877d ago

The differences are huge and the X1 seems to be using a higher contrast:



black0o3877d ago

let me help u
PS4 900P
xbOne 720p

4Sh0w3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Hmmm so it wasnt just me. If this is the difference between X1 and ps4 neither fans need worry. Well I'll just speak for myself which is I think I can live with X1 versions of multiplats until I get a ps4. Fellas no matter which one you're picking dont let the negativity get to you I've been gaming for a long time and this is the best variety and quality launch games I can remember seeing ever. The constant internet rumors is the only bad part I hate about this gen.

static52453877d ago

When everything is close to the screen the graphics start to to be similar. But as you start looking further in the distance you can see the differences.. X1 definitely starts getting more jagged edges and PS4 doesn't

nukeitall3877d ago

Frankly I'm disappointed in both of them. I was expecting to see less pixelation and defects, but instead what I got served isn't impressive.

I hope the game is a lot better than the previous rendition. BF3 had terrible campaign.

NewMonday3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )


it's funny how only XB1 fans can't see the difference, must be dem tainted glasses.

exactly! and BF MP is primly played on open maps and long distance shooting, this will actually effect game play, playing on the XB1 we can hardly make out anything with the low resolution and jaggies

mistertwoturbo3877d ago


Guess which one is which?

If you said Xbox 360 on the right, you are close.

NewMonday3877d ago Show
morganfell3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

The same? Someone needs to visit the optometrist. The PS4 is pushing twice the pixels with a far far superior framerate. The X1 damage control is amusing. I hope people have plenty of powerade because it is going to be a long generation and the gap between the two will widen rather than narrow. Anyone that believes cloud powah is going to make up the difference is foregetting two things. The cloud doesn't work in that manner and where it does compliment MS aren't the only ones with the tech.

Someone should also ask Penello to explain the 1080p demo at the MS E3 conference.

asmith23063876d ago

I agree, you really need incredible vision to notice any real difference. Unless the difference is glaringly obvious I couldn't care less.

ABizzel13876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Both versions look good, that being said the XBO seems to have a higher saturation of color which is why people claim it looks better (high saturation makes colors POP). That being said the XBO version suffers from significant AA issues that the PS4 version doesn't have (although the PS4 version has this sketchy shadow on the ground during in-game scutscenes). Also frame analysis have been done by Eurogamer (don't quote me on the source) and the PS4 version seems to run an average of 50fps for singleplayer, while the XBO version is around 40 fps.

Overall, better native resolution, better AA, better framerate, means the PS4 is the WINNER (as far as consoles go). But the XBO version is still is a great runner-up as this game was meant to be played on next-gen.

Best comparison video

That being said, this is only a multiplatform title, what happens when exclusives start dropping. Like I said in my blog you're basically comparing an HD 7970m w. a 10% downgrade to the GPU (PS4) with an HD 7790 with a 20% downgrade to the GPU (XBO).

The 7970m (PS4) is more powerful to begin with, and then you downgrade the 7790 (XBO) by another 10% more than the 7970m (PS4), so of course the PS4 is going to produce better graphics along with it's better setup of RAM.

Read my blog, great one by the way detailing all the pros and cons of XBO

Caleb_H3876d ago

Is your monitor 1080p? If it's 720p you shouldn't be able to tell the difference.

dantesparda3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

To any fanboy asking where the extra 50% power is on the PS4. Well, its right there in a 64% resolution increase. 1600x900(= 1,440,000) is 64% higher resolution than 720p (1280x720=921,600). Plus the X1 version definitely has more aliasing, so that's another technological plus for the PS4.

That being said, i dont the blurrier look of the PS4, and prefer the sharper look of the X1 version

Bigpappy3876d ago

There is really very little difference there. If we were visiting each others house and had different systems I doubt you would be able to tell the differences. I am looking at both and can't see much of a difference honestly.

Any way. They are more reasons to get the X1 than graphics, which obviously look great.

amiga-man3876d ago

I have to say looking at that video trying to notice the difference while it's all moving is not as obvious as some of the stills going around, the PS4 has the better graphics but as a game neither look bad.

SilentNegotiator3876d ago

This video is REALLY poorly compressed. Everything is really washed out. This video is ALMOST worthless for comparison, however...

1) PS4 clearly has either better AA or a higher resolution, as the belt buckle shows more aliasing on the Xbox One version.

2) 0:35 - More evidence of higher AA/res on PS4. Those lines on the bridge are half disappearing a lot more than on the PS4 version, as slightly tilting thin lines will do on lower resolutions.

3) More flicker on building than PS4, another sign of lower res/AA.

I could go on, but I would just be bringing up the same kind of stuff over and over.

darthv723876d ago

to me, i see one that is washed out and brighter than the other.

I can assume that if the brightness/contrast were adjusted to make them appear the same, i wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

but that's me.

XboxFun3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Hilarious the difference is minimal and I find it even funnier that some fans are using terms like "pushing twice the pixels" or they can actually see the 900p difference. And it's only because they were told this earlier.

Now everyone is a pixel counter and the grains of dirt suddenly matter.

Did I call it, or did I call it:

True to form, I suspect we'll see more fans saying how they can see the difference in water running out a pipe or how the dust flutters faster when driving off road.

Ok, ok, after watching the whole thing I did see a difference...the Xbox One player played like crap...seriously, not only was he not in the mix but getting shot!

andrewsqual3876d ago

@4Sh0w Thank god the the internet is the way it is today. Do you think Microsoft would be able to deny any hardware problems with the Xbox One for 1 year and 8 months like they did with the 360 after launch? It would NEVER happen today.

UnholyLight3876d ago

If the Xbox One version makes use of the impulse/rumble triggers thats the version I would buy, they look almost identical, with the PS4 taking a slightly more subtle approach to lighting.

Not to mention the Xbox One version has voice commands, that's really gonna help online because I found the wheel of commands hard to utilize at times in the beta, where I'd accidentally ask for ammo instead of medic for example.

ProjectVulcan3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Xbox one: 1280 x 720
PS4: 1600 x 900

56 percent more resolution to PS4.

I remember when people used to make a fuss about just 10 percent comparing 360 to PS3!!! 56 percent is a huge difference.

Framerate: PS4 leads by 2-4 FPS more of the time in the campaign. The multiplayer shows an even larger visual difference IMO- you can see it even in these compressed videos which usually hide a lot.

DICE look like they had to cut back the multiplayer visuals far more on Xbox one than they did on PS4, just look how ugly the Xbox one version is from 2:45 especially inside, the flat and dull floors, walls and furniture.

What Microsoft have done like they did with 360 is to artificially 'sharpen' and digitally enhance the image on Xbox one's output, bumping colour saturation and contrast as much as they could.

This is because to the untrained eye, you think wow, this game stands out and looks better.

In fact it doesn't look better from a technical standpoint, it crushes blacks and hides detail (or lack thereof)

It is very much like how TV adverts suddenly seem louder than the programme you were watching (they are), or the way the past 20 years audio masters of studio albums have gotten louder and harsher across all the tracks to try and make the album stand out.

All this actually does is destroy the finer details and dynamic range of any music.

Microsoft do the exact same thing with 360 and Xbox one adjusting the output artificially. If you want the Xbox digital sharpness, colour and contrast look on PS3/4, you just need to adjust your TV to match. But you shouldn't, because its just the wrong way to calibrate a display.

LordDhampire3876d ago

I also didn't see much of a difference, just a little more jaggies on stuff in the distance of xbox one, nothing really popping out

Gazondaily3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

I just spent over an hour playing Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One and to be honest, it just looked plain mediocre. The visuals were nothing close to what I would even begin claiming to be next gen. I welcome any performance advantages and with the superior resolution, the PS4 version is the obvious choice.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3876d ago

Now Im thinking I might just pick it up when I get my X1, I wish the sp wasn't so short but hey this is really about mp.

Thats why you got disagrees troll.

XisThatKid3876d ago

It's not that it's a "fanboy" statement I have not disagree but If I do INDEED see the dif in the comparison I would be inclined to "disagree" no need to have to plea to the unlead masses we all know what you really mean those that don't let em not know

pixelsword3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Different, but not game-breakingly so; the PS4 version looks better, not a huge difference, but enough to notice.

starchild3876d ago

Not much difference as far as I can see in these videos. I think both could use some better anti-aliasing, but they look pretty similar. I'm getting it on PC in any case, but it seems like those on PS4 or XB1 will enjoy a nice game as well.

CrusRuss3876d ago

Dude are you blind? Change the format to 1080p and skip halfway through to the multi-player segment.

The XB1 is not using AA (anti aliasing, to reduce jaggies) whereas the PS4 is. Also the PS4 looks higher res. If you look at the MP gameplay you can see the XB1 environment is full of jaggies and looks like a PS3 game.

This is the 50% more power GPu at work. It is OBVIOUS to me that they had to reduce the quality to make the XB1 framerate workable. LOL!

N7KIRK3876d ago

Yeah, but, but, he knows which system is better. So automatically his eyes are enhanced to enable him to tell which one "clearly" looks better than the other.

Seriously, I don't see it either. I just love how he's so smug about it. One "clearly" looks better than the other. Serious?

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
Irishguy953877d ago

Nice title haha, how the **** did you get approved?

moparful993876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Honestly they both look incredible, far better than internet hyperbole would have us believe.. I am going to enjoy this on PS4 and after watching this I have no doubts my xbox one counterparts will have no less fun.. Let the 8th generation begin!

Irishguy953876d ago

Lol. the author changed the title.

The original "IGN has the best BF4 comparison vid ever"

AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

After watching that this. this article seems almost irrelevant.


The funny thing is even if there is a difference. The average gamer won't even notice it.

Xbox seemingly being slower than PS4. 50% faster than X1 in all that ultimately went no where with these comparisons.

Because the average gamer can't tell the difference and casual lol forget about it.

I honestly don't see neither console one upping the other here or in the other vids I've seen.

But hey if fanboys are forcing themselves to see a difference to justify there console of choice then have fun. Because you guys are dead desperate at this point.

But look this is only 1 official game we gotta wait and see what the others look like.

LOGICWINS3877d ago

^^I don't think you understand what AngelicIceDiamond is saying. The comparisons are pointless because 99% of the people who buy BF4 will never see the PS4/XB1 versions running side by side in order to compare them. They will buy ONE version and be happy with that version without worrying about whether or not "the grass is greener" on the other side.

AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

@Logic thanks

Listen like I said, you guys can force yourselves into thinking one's better than the other all day. When they're clearly identical looking.

Just recently:


This past summer:


Early last summer:


The Watch Dogs producer is the most interesting one out of the 3. Considering this was before the X1 upclocks and it was earlier in the summer.

"We asked Guay how the Xbox One version of Watch_Dogs would be different compared to the PC and PS4 versions of the game, to which he replied that, “The Xbox One is a powerful platform, as of now we do not foresee a major difference in on screen result between the PS4 and the Xbox One."

So 3 known devs say they're generally equal. VS unknown devs that clearly say its 50& faster but I don't see 50& faster here or anywhere. Hey maybe I will later who knows.

But anyway have fun in November and enjoy your console(s) of choice everyone

Flutterby3877d ago

They obviously aren't equal in power if the ps4 is doing what the xbone is doing plus more at double the rez along with a better fps rate overall, thinking otherwise is just plain lying, you cant say they are the same power or on par if the ps4 is playing it at a better frame rate at 900p than the xbone at 720p.

PawnSacrifice3876d ago

Meh. I actually prefer the X1.
The PS4 has ALOT of missing textures, hiding jaggies with a blur effect = no no

MysticStrummer3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

"The comparisons are pointless because 99% of the people who buy BF4 will never see the PS4/XB1 versions running side by side in order to compare them."

The same could have been said about all PS3/360 comparisons, but much was made of those differences.

The point, to me, is that once again the tables seem to have turned. Going by the limited evidence we have so far, multi plats will look a little better on PS4. It's not just fanboys seeing and saying this, if you watch the other BF4 comparison video that's hot right now. The guys in that video talk about how the differences are less noticeable in the video because of the capture method and YouTube limitations, and they even quote a long time XBox fan who is "sad" that PS4's version looks better.

Anyway, you can't really look at a multi plat comparison and judge the difference in power, same as with PS3/360. That rumored 50% power difference wouldn't be apparent with a multi plat, so it's not possible to look at this and say it doesn't exist. We won't really know about that for a year or two at least.

The bottom line is that both look fine and, rumored 4 hour campaign aside, gamers on both consoles will have a great time.

@Pawn - If blur effect is a no no, then surely upscaling must be... right?

robotgargoyle3876d ago

I do believe the PS4 version looks slightly better, but not 50% better than xb1 version. At this point, your're just splitting hairs.

And the Sony fanboys can say what they want about multiplatform parity, but I think Battlefield 4 on xb1 stacks to PS4's Killzone:SF.
Killzone looks a little better from what I've seen, but it isn't thea"FLAWLESS" victory scenario they believe.

Next year will be crucial. Order 1886, Infamous will be on display for PS4. MS may have a Halo game by next years end, Quantum Break somewhere around the corner. If the exclusives show the "tale of the tape", we'll see.

BlackTar1873876d ago

Gotta love the flip flops now that Xbox isn't winnign this stupid pissing contest the xbox crowd created last gen.

Hats off to you guys

deecee333876d ago

Maybe it's just me but I'm just glad to see that we're actually getting shooters that draw at true HD resolutions with legit 60FPS stable performance. That was promised to us last gen. The console versions look really true to the PC.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
COBRA93PR3877d ago


TheDev3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

The insane graphics lover that I am, 20 years of console and PC gaming and tweaking each and every .ini file/config file possible to get that extra special effect/more details/better resolution for the best framerate possible for each game that allowed it and then some(breathes in...) ...has an opinion if you guys are interested.

Being a game dev myself and digital artist/programmer with an eye for these little details, based on what is available online right now to compare both versions including this video...

*For this particular game* the PS4 version is slightly more advanced tech-wise. It is also slightly better looking, in the details. For most people tough, they'll look pretty much the same. Video/image compression don't help, but it's the key "advanced" graphics enhancements that tell all. There are other subtleties that mess things up a bit but here it goes:

- Better anti-aliasing on PS4. Pretty obvious.

- SSAO (shadows created at the junction of nearby objects) not as strong even sometimes not even present on some objects on XBOne when it appears to be present on PS4 all the time. (look at the tables in the lab)

- The XBOne image has more contrast, so it looks like it has more detail. You see more of the little light reflection bumps on the textures, for instance, the colors are also more saturated, but when you look at the overall texture res and quality, both versions seem pretty identical.

- The PS4 seems to have more sensitive motion blur so it makes everything a bit blurry during even subtle camera movements. More AA doesn't help in that regard either. In the video above, they paused during camera movement and it renders some comparison shots irrelevant.

Both versions will look globally identical to most people and for the most important aspects which are gameplay features, framerate, shadow/texture res. and high enough screen resolution with decent AA so you don't get distracted by too much jagginess.

Can't wait to get more info about loading times for both versions.

See you on the battlefield, soldiers.

come_bom3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

I find all these multiplayer games comparisons funny and pointless, that only fanboys care about. If one version looks a bit better then the other, it's irrelevant... nobody cares beside fanboys! If you really want the best looking version then go for the PC version or wait for the Steam Box.
What's going to set both consoles apart are the QUALITY EXCLUSIVES. Yes, quality, not quantity.

BTW, my version looks better then your version :-)

BX813876d ago

I agree both look amazing. In another article some people were trying to make the xo look like crap. Lol. Sony is going to benefit from having the stronger console but unlike last gen. It's stronger and easier to develop for. I'm glad to see both console footage. I'm picking up the xo first because that's what me and my friends prefer to play mp on next gen but I'm stoked for Sony exclusives.

Mystogan3876d ago

It...looks .. EXACTLY The same. Just as expected. Only slightly higher resolution,barely noticeable due to up scaling.and slightly better textures on PS4. If it wasn't side by side. You couldn't even tell the difference. Its so small. Xbox 360 vs PS3 had a much bigger gap

Strikepackage Bravo3876d ago

WTF they look identical, and some stuff Ive seen the XBO actually looks BETTER! Mind blowing how bad people on N4G and gaf want XBO to be inferior, but its just not in any meaningful way, deal with it and move on.

CrusRuss3876d ago

LOL only the intro single player looks almost identical. Fast forward to the multiplayer and you can see a huge difference. The xb1 looks cheap and nasty with no AA.

bryam19823876d ago

they both.looks.like.current.gen so that means they both looks like shiiiittt but again.I'm not.a.fps.fan not.to.offend nobody.but this.looks like.battlefield 3.5 to me is ea gonna.copy.the.shitty call of.duty.formula of.making every.game.the.same.just.some. new maps and guns????

FITgamer3876d ago

Yeah they both look good, but you can really see the difference in the MP section. Holy jaggies Xbox One.

Blaze9293876d ago

what happened to 900p being absolutely unacceptable? Oh..only for Ryse

Ps4Console3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

Can't wait to play this game because dice has done a great job on both .

corvusmd3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

True, both look great, but it's actually the XB1 version that looks SLIGHTLY better, just a little more detail and smoothness...the funny thing is I was expecting the PS4 version to look a little better...so I assumed the vid on the left was the PS4 version, and I was comparing the other version to that. Nice to see that XB1 was able to pull that off. Not any major differences at all, but I do prefer the XB1 take on it...PS4 seems to be darker overall.

Look at all the Sony Fanboy rage on this haha ...down votes. Neither version looks A LOT better, but look how mad PS fanboys are that they look almost identical, they were banking on PS4 looking tons better but again it doesn't..."Na ah they can't both look the same (or XB1 version even slightly better)...I must downvote everyone that doesn't say PS4 is way better!!! I'll just keep lying to myself and hope people without eyes will believe me"

deecee333875d ago

We need to see the X1 with ambient occlusion ON. That said, the resolution differences will still be apparent in scenes with lots of fine detail that can cause jaggies.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3875d ago
allformats3877d ago

Whoa, look at the big difference in multiplayer.

first1NFANTRY3877d ago

PS4 simply looks better. No need to deny it. Just be happy with your preferred choice.

Looks like the fanboys won't have any reason to shed points of ps4 games next gen.

Tegrogg3877d ago

How can you watch the ign comparison and give edge to Ps4 ? The xb1 version looks like glass cleaner was used to wipe away the foggy Ps4 lens

MRMagoo1233877d ago

then they somehow blotted all the xbone detail out with black ink to hide the badness?

Nick_5153877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )


I believe the differences will be increased in the future. I mean, look at AC4. It looks almost the same between PS3 and PS4. These are all cross-generation ports and will look almost the same on all platforms.

0neShot3877d ago

I agree, objectively the x1 looks a bit better or bit more detail than ps4. I am on the wait list, i want to see the actual results from the wild before deciding what next gen to choose.

VoodooRob3877d ago

Bro I'm buying the ps4 version however your a dork. Both look amazing but I'll give the slight edge to xb1. I don't care what your fanboy mind wants to believe. That shit looks better with richer colors. I'm sorta mad I fall for all this 50% more powerful talk on this biased Sony site.

MysticStrummer3876d ago

As I said above, that 50% power difference, if it exists, wouldn't show on a multi plat. We won't really see that kind of difference for at least a year or two.

RealGamerspeaks3877d ago

X1 reins Supreme...... but looks good on both... multiplayer looks awesome on ps4 though

majiebeast3877d ago

Lol this reigns supreme?


I hate to be the bringer of bad news but you need glasses.

MasterCornholio3877d ago


That has to be the 360 version.

Nexus 7 2013

Ashes2Ashes3877d ago

Yea nice filter on that picture.

tudors3877d ago

We don't need your stupid captures we have the video.

PawnSacrifice3876d ago

that's from ign's side by side (notice you didn't show the PS4 frame)
FYI for anyone who watches it, pay close attention to Sony's side @ 2:02 - 2:04 POPUP BABY!
[The potted plant on left suddenly gets twice as many leaves as the player gets close]

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
CGI-Quality3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

How exactly does it "reign supreme" when it's running in a lower resolution, with lower performance, and missing features (SSAO, for example)?

Golden_Mud3876d ago

SSAO is coming on launch , Dice just confirmed that huge improvements are being done to the Xbox One version , they also confirmed that it was the last version ported and given to that , they need time to port it for more , for now they have like 22 days so from now to then , I expect them making the Xbox One version better

VoodooRob3877d ago

I'm buying bf4 on ps4 however I'll agree that the xb1 version does indeed look better

monkeyfox3877d ago

no it doesn't voodooRob.. no it doesn't...

Elit3Nick3876d ago

thanks for the gifs, while the PS4 version easily has less aliasing, the X1 verson has sharper lighting and textures

FrigidDARKNESS3876d ago

The x1 is better in this video. Ps4 version has popup and blurry textures.

DoesUs3876d ago

40% less pixels, lower average framerate, Shambolic multiplayer gfx, $100 more expensive! Ouch.

You sir are completely off your rocker.

Next up, Ass Creed 4. See you then.

FrigidDARKNESS3876d ago

@Doesus if that true i would be embarass to say ps4 looks better. It should be blowing the x1 version away but its not. oUCH!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
4logpc3877d ago

Holy crap when that comparison switched to multi, both versions became really ugly, really fast.

Show all comments (258)

Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot804d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250803d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface802d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop803d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno803d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel804d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps803d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33803d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888803d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH803d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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MadLad818d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


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