
Batman: Arkham Origins Review | VideoGamer

VideoGamer: "Ultimately, this is like a cover song done by a band you're quite fond of. It may never be better than the original, but it's a great addition."

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Ezz20133883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

so far it's 9+/10 game for me

1.story is much deeper and stronger than both batman main games by far

2.the gameplay is also improved with new moves and gadgets

4.the music is too damn epic remind me of the Dark knight music

5.batman is very badass in this game and who made this game is indeed a real batman fan
he only miss KC voice but who's doing batman voice is doing very great job

6.side mission are much much better it's not even funny

7.this game respect batman enemies
and give you boss fights that are above and beyond batman main games

8.Crime in progress is much better than the lame crime missions in batman AC
you get to fight gangs and dirty cops and drug dealers etc

9.you get better puzzles in this game and other awesome surprises

10. the setting is much better and city feel dark and hopeless

i could go on but i will spoil the game by doing that
like i said

-Foxtrot3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

I'd rather give it a 6/7 to be honest, after playing it from this morning I just see that without Rocksteady it's lost it's touch. Not to mention it seems like the same old stuff we saw in Arkham City with a few new improvements here and there.

There's no big leap like Rocksteady did with Arkham Asylum to Arkham City and it's noticeable.

My advice if anyone is on the fence with buying it or not, just hold off and wait to see if the GOTY version will be on next gen versions. Thats what I might do, sell my copy now and put the money away untill it comes out.

Ezz20133883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

i disagree with all respect
i find this game to be much better than both batman main games in about every thing from story to gameplay to boss fights to music
and unlike both main titles
this game show batman enemies it their true form
the fight with deathstroke alone beat any thing io played in those two games
i can't see my self going back to them after this to be honest

we have very different opinions here my friend :)

-Foxtrot3883d ago

Better then the past two games? Yeah really going to have to disagree with that. Considering this seems just like Arkham City with most stuff obviously reskinned. I can see familar streets and locations from the second game before it was turned into Arkham City.

Quite obvious that it's just been done to get as much out of people using the Batman franchise before next gen ends since Rocksteady is busy with their next game

Ezz20133883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

again i disagree

this game offer 2 maps and just one of them is from arkham city plus the batcave
and of course that part from the city is reskined
did you forgot that it was part of Gotham city before it become Arkham city ?!
and they did a good job making it look very different to me
and i like how it look now and how dark the city feel much better than the "blue" arkham city

just like i said
we just have very different opinions here :)

Pintheshadows3883d ago

Foxtrot, I'm not accusing you of anything, but I get the strong impression you haven't actually played it so you are in no real position to criticise it.

For example you state 'this seems just like Arkham City with most stuff obviously reskinned'. It seems that way? If you had played it surely you would know for sure. And you would also realise that it isn't at all. The map is vast. It is at least twice the size of Arkham City and it feels a lot more dense and packed with things to do as well.

-Foxtrot3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )


You say your not accusing me, then you do accuse me...thats like those people who say something racist and then go onto say "I'm not a racist but...."

I have played it, I got it early since I ordered it online. Sorry but it's just my own opinion of the game, it doesn't live up to what Rocksteady gave us in the past two games and they should of left the series alone. Either that or make a spin off using Arkhams gameplay elements. What about a Gotham by Gaslight game for example

Please don't be one of those users who despite not knowing anything of the user say they haven't played the game when they have.

guitarded773883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

This is fun to read... keep going guys. I get more from debating than any interview.

Personally, I'm waiting. I have a feeling this will end up on PS4/XBOX One eventually. Maybe a next-gen version with all the DLC... like Injustice.

Pintheshadows3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

Then why use language like 'seems' Foxtrot?

You are aware how that comes across are you not. And you are being incredibly vague in giving any solid details about the game. Why has it lost its touch? What areas do you think are weak in comparison to Rocksteady's Arkham games? Look at Ezz's comments. He is picking out specific areas of the game and commenting on them from an informed standpoint yet your counter argument is weak. I understand that it is your opinion and I respect that but at least form an argument that isn't devoid of any real critique.

You seem to be making broad sweeping comments on the game without offering much detail as to why you don't like it. The use of 'seems' is a huge red flag when it comes to criticising a game. There is no seems. There is only is.

And I reserve my right to call people out who seem to be suspiciously vague about a game they have supposedly played. I don't think you becoming defensive about it is really helping your cause very much. It is a discussion. I called you out and you answered. If you have played it I apologise, but from my point of view it doesn't seem like you have.

Anzil3883d ago

Injustice isnt next gen its a ps4 exclusive

MadMax3883d ago

Yea, keep up the debates here. Im really on the fence here but after hearing what you were saying i might just hold off. I dont know, if it is just more of the same, then i think i will wait.

I loved both previous batman games, but i dont want to feel like im just playing some added dlc. Lego marvel seems like maybe the better choice for now. What do you think? Haha

king_george3883d ago

gotta agree with pintheshadows and Ezz2013. from the little bit of the game that I played, i could tell they made some really cool improvements on mechanics among other things. dont really see how u can call it a "6/10" unless you havent played it Foxtrot... it just "seems" that way lol

Yi-Long3883d ago

The game looks like fun. Maybe it's not as good as Asylum or City, but I'msure I'll enjoy it.

That said, the moment they (once again) announced all the DLC-milking and exclusive content and all that, it automatically means I'll wait for a GOTY/complete release.

Hayabusa 1173883d ago

This is interesting. I'm also on the fence with this game. Arkham City was an improvement on Arkham Asylum in almost every way, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that I was essentially playing an add on to Arkham Asylum. It just felt too familiar and samey.

Ezz's comments give me hope for Arkham Origins. Foxtrot's confirms my fears.

Ultimately I might take Foxtrots advice and wait for a game of the year edition, simply because there tends to be loads of DLC and stuff for the Batman games that I keep missing out on, so it might be better to wait and get a "fuller" Arkham origins experience. I just hope it get's ported onto PS4, or Sony get their online streaming service running soon :P

I liked Ezz's bullet point review as well, I'll be honest, I'm a bit tired of having to read reviews where I have to wade through the reviewer's pointless flowery word padding in order to get the actual impression of the game.

antz11043882d ago

I think waiting for a GOTY depends on what you like from your Arkham games.

Personally Im not waiting because I dont care about challenge maps or skins. I'd rather play it now and pick up a story DLC when it comes out.

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Chris5583883d ago

thank you based Joel i preordered this and blacklist for vita too hope it doesn't dissapoint AA and arkham city are two favorite games this gen for me

thricetold3883d ago

Been on this site for a while but it wasn't until now that I felt compelled to join up and comment. I love how you gave DETAILED examples of what you thought was changed/improved about the game.

I know we are all different and thus have different opinions, but I'm blown away at the nay sayers on this site, not just with this game, but with all things games.

Downing games without playing them and then trying to give the impression that they played it to give validation to their worthless opinion.

WHY? Why do this? it's cool to dislike a game AFTER you play it, but some of you people's post can easily be seen through. Do you all think everyone here is a child? It's insulting.

Here's a tip for all, your comments would be taken much more seriously if you give/gave examples of what you disliked instead of the general vague BS that indicates that you're just being hateful. And we ALL want our comments to be considered otherwise why bother even waste YOUR time?

If you are to comment, dammit at least back up your opinion with SOMETHING tangible.

optimus3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

well to be fair most of the people on n4g are indeed "kids"... you can tell by the way they write.

as for Foxtrot, so what if he said "it seems like the same old stuff..."... he is not wrong to say that if he hasn't finished the game... i can sit here and say "the latest tomb raider seems like the last one" if i have not played it all the way through. I can't very well say that it IS when i'm only speaking for myself...

...Furthermore, why should he give details of what he didn't like? next thing you know he might say too much and spoil it for others that plan to buy it, and you'll have people come in and complain that he should have written "spoiler alert".

as for the game, if it is similar (see what i did there?) what's wrong with that if the last 2 were great? I know those 2 made me spend countless nights going to bed at 3-4am... not many games can make me do that so if this game is remotely close to the others than i consider that a good thing...

What people here need to understand that not everyone will like what the majority of the people like (hence all the disagrees when people favor anything xbox in here)... I hated Fallout 3 and Bioshock yet people were quick to call them game of the year and based on that i bought them and thought to myself "people are crazy for liking this crap."

By contrast one of the best game(s) i've played in the last few years and continue to play is pinballFX2 and some may think i'm crazy but it has tremendous replay value and usually that's more important to me than the constant running,jumping,shooting, and blowing stuff up (wash,rinse,repeat) that people go crazy for....

i will be buying batman origins eventually but i'm still busy trying to finish grand theft auto 5.

warczar3883d ago


did you just say Pinball FX is better than Fallout 2 and Bioshock? Thank you, I haven't read something that hilarious in a long time.

The thing all the people trying to bash Foxtrot are missing is that the reviewer is the one who said that the game felt like dejavu. Foxtrot was just reiterating the sentiment expressed in the review and I'm willing to bet that there is a bit of the "I've played this before" feeling when you play the game. There is such a thing as franchise fatigue.

Morpheuzpr3883d ago

Yet COD get great reviews on a yearly basis. Just saying.

optimus3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

@warczar... Did you even read what foxtrot was saying and the review?? The review said it was great just not as great as the others and foxtrot expressed his dislike for it because he PLAYED it early...
The feeling of "i played this before" is irrelevant here because pretty much EVERY game that has a sequel/prequel will give you that feeling because it's SUPPOSED TO that's why they made another game because the public liked it the first time around why would you as a developer change the game to the point of NOT making you feel like you played it before???... What is it with you people that complain when they change something and complain when they don't??...

If Foxtrot didn't like it that much why can't people accept that?? Just like you can't accept that i didn't like bioshock and Fallout...

and for the record i didn't actually say it was better, i said it had tremendous replay value which to ME was more important than typical stuff people go for these days...it's better to ME in the sense that it keeps me entertained for hours and hours unlike the aforementioned games that people tend to praise...
that is MY taste. I'm a casual player, I'm an old school player, i get a feeling of excitement trying to beat my previous score or my friend's score on a pinball table then training, talking, fighting, my way from point a to b on one of those games...
not saying they are not fun getting there, just that once i do get from a to b, I no longer want to go from a to b again and the game collects dust on my shelf...another prime example would be the previous batman games...had fun playing them but once it was over i have no desire to play them again and instead i go back to playing pinballFX and it feels new to me each time...

i don't know, maybe it's the unpredictability of the ball or having spent an hour getting your highest score and waking up the next day to see your friend beat you by 2000 points raises my competitiveness and pushes me to have another go at it...i don't remember getting that feeling or urge with any other game in the last few years...but that's just me.

thricetold3882d ago


"Furthermore, why should he give details of what he didn't like? next thing you know he might say too much and spoil it for others that plan to buy it, and you'll have people come in and complain that he should have written "spoiler alert". "

You are to tell me a person can't give ONE detailed example about something without spoiling something? If you say so.

"as for Foxtrot, so what if he said "it seems like the same old stuff..."... he is not wrong to say that if he hasn't finished the game"

I stated NOTHING about having to finish a game to have an opinion about it. I said you had to play it. And no, I don't believe he has. Period.

"What people here need to understand that not everyone will like what the majority of the people like"

And what you need to understand is that my post has NOTHING to do with a difference of opinions or what the majority of "others" like, it's about integrity.

Again it's cool to dislike/hate something that someone else likes as we're all different and every game/thing is not going to appeal to all, hell even the same game can be liked/hated for different reasons by the same fans, but one must possess first hand knowledge to have a valid opinion on something. Otherwise it's just rehashed dribble.

No one wants to read/hear rehashed dribble.

optimus3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )


Well for starters i was simply arguing the use of the word "seems" since that is what several people were using as a way to determine whether foxtrot played it or not...
They said he should have used "is" instead if he really played the game and that is NOT right because saying "the game is" would be like speaking for everyone, which he was not...his original review of the game said "...after playing it from this morning..." which would imply that foxtrot played it for a short time so his use of the word "seems" is appropriate in that context as it pertains to the english vocabulary.
I just mentioned it in reply to you as a compilation of everyone else's complaint against foxtrot since you SEEM to jump on that band wagon as well.

The theme of the complaint against him is whether or not he played it and i ask "why"? Like it would be impossible for foxtrot to get the game early...i could have gotten the game 2 days ago if i wanted from my local mom/pop store that usually releases games early (sometimes a week ahead) but decided to wait for reviews to come out and because i'm not done playing other games i have...

Bottom line is that you and a few others are convinced that foxtrot has not played the game because he expressed similar dislikes of what the review said which isn't fair and to some degree hypocritical as most if not all reviews end up being similar for ANY game...

When ign says the story,sound,graphics were amazing on whatever game that just came out and give it their score then chances are all other reviews (industry) will have something similar to say with the score not being that different, give or take it being 1 number higher or lower. Wouldn't you call THAT "rehashed dribble" as you put it?
Foxtrot's opinion is no different...
I think he played it, and i believe he didn't like it as much...that is all.

thricetold3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

"Bottom line is that you and a few others are convinced that foxtrot has not played the game because he expressed similar dislikes of what the review said"

You're one of those people that see what they want I see. I'll state it again as it seems the simplest issue here escapes your grasp, the problem is his generic responses with ZERO details of an example of what he disliked.

"The theme of the complaint against him is whether or not he played it and i ask "why"?"

I think it's been stated several times why no one believes he played it and it has NOTHING to do whether he got the game early or not.

"Like it would be impossible for foxtrot to get the game early...i could have gotten the game 2 days ago if i wanted from my local mom/pop store that usually releases games early."

Which has NOTHING to do with the subject.

As this is my last bubble please don't respond to me anymore as it's obvious your line of thought and comprehension lacks any real logical backing.

One last thing, I don't jump on bandwagons, I lead, address my comments and my comments alone when responding please.

optimus3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Man you sure are dense, again, so what if he didn't give any details, he DOESN'T HAVE TO... he could just say "i played it, i found it repetitive, i didn't like it." that would be enough but apparently not for you...if that is all he wants to say then that is all he needs to say.

How high is the horse you are riding that you demand more proof?? ... the bandwagon has left; hurry up and catch it.

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yeahokchief3882d ago

Yep pretty much what I expected.

Decent game but not much different or better than the last one by some nobody group of developers isntead of rocksteady.

If I check it out, it won't be until it goes on sale super cheap. They make these too often for me to be buying them every year.

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vikingland13883d ago

For me more of the same is fine. There were so many years without any good Batman games. Now in the last few years we have 3 good Batman games.

Avengingkinght923883d ago

Awesome! can't wait for my collectors edition.

young7yang3883d ago

I must be the only one who thinks this game sucks.. Just because it has the name batman and features much in the same as arkum city I personally have not been impressed with this game..

CrimsonDragon903883d ago

No one cares if you don't like Arkham Origins.

antz11043883d ago

Chances are you haven't played it, and are just turned off by the generic complaint that Rocksteady isnt producing it.

Deadpoolio3883d ago

OR that it's a prequel....That is the other generic complaint that nitwits are crying about. Not that they have actually played it

antz11043883d ago

I mean, come on. You spelled Arkham wrong.......its in the freakin title....

Pintheshadows3883d ago

I think it is fantastic.

It refines so many areas of the game and the boss fights are simply fantastic. The best the series has seen. I swear people are looking for flaws in it because it isn't Rocksteady which is an insult to WB Game Studios who have done an excellent job.

Everything feels just as naturally implemented as it did in Rocksteady's games and I actually think that Gotham in Origins has a lot more to do than in City. And all of it feels more fleshed out. Side activities don't feel throw away and there is a lot more resistance for Batman to encounter than before. There is rarely a place where he is truly safe. It does feel like he is being hunted.

It also has a really good story behind it that makes it fit into the series. If you are going to do a prequel this is how it should be done. It is more of the same but how is that a bad thing when many aspects of the same have seen subtle improvements.

Ezz20133883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

like always
agreed on everything

CrimsonDragon903883d ago

I agreed with everything you said. Especially the part about people looking for flaws because Rocksteady is not developing it. It's not fair to judge this game and not give WB Montreal a chance. Anyways enjoy Origins.

rocky0475863883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

My biggest thing? I love how people are acting like Rocksteady are known for their great games when they have only released 2 games this gen, in fact they have only released 3 games since they started making games, Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City and Urban Chaos!

Lol. Give WB Montreal a break guys! It's their second time working on a Batman game as well, you know? They did the excellently ported Wii U version of the game as well to get a better understanding on how to handle the engine and assets.

webeblazing3883d ago

im downloading my copy now I couldn't really get into batman AC like everyone else did. im not sure why maybe it was the villains, or that I had too many games. so if what people are saying is true about improvements I should be good.

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The best Batman Arkham game still isn’t on PS5, and that’s a problem

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is almost here, but I can't revisit the best Arkhamverse game on PS5 without sacrificing quality.

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ZeekQuattro149d ago

Not a fan of Orgins. Blame it on the absence of Conroy & Hamill. Blame it on the lack of atmosphere compared to Asylm. Hell blame it the devs thst dicked over Wii U owners like me that purchased the game only for support be dropped as a thank you to me. It's better than Knight but that's not saying much. I don't care for that entry either.

Rebel_Scum148d ago

tbh buying a game like that for WiiU should’ve been an obvious non-purchase when it existed on better hardware.

Cacabunga148d ago

Origins is amazing..
my favorite Batman is Batman and Robin on mega drive.. an HD REMASTER of that would still look glorious

ZeekQuattro148d ago

I got it launch. Kinda hard to go back. I'm supposed to know they were going to drop support months after the fact. 🤣

Exvalos148d ago

You sound like a salty fanboy, that it didn't come to your precious plastic of choice. It's not the developers fault Nintendo continues making underpowered hardware. It's our fault because we keep buying it. Yes I say (we) I'm part of the problem as well.

ZeekQuattro148d ago

I have a PS3 and a Wii U. How was I a salty fanboy? I bought the game on the system I wanted it for.

Rebel_Scum148d ago

Nah my comment has nothing to do with whether you’d know or not that they’d drop support.

Buying any AAA game of that era for a WiiU you should’ve known you’d be sacrificing graphics and load times.

LucasRuinedChildhood149d ago

It's solid but Origins is definitely not the best Arkham game.

LoveSpuds148d ago

Smacks of hyperbole to me, talk about clutching at straws to create some drama around PS5!!

generic-user-name148d ago

Titles like these are designed to get you to come in, go to their comment section and tell them how they're so wrong so they can boost their numbers.

Phoenix76148d ago

Even though its not the best arkham game in the series, its still an enjoyable game in its own right. What it do really well at though, was the crime investigations scenes. Which imo, were the best of the franchise.

goldwyncq148d ago

I don’t know about best game but it definitely has the best story and boss fights.

boing1148d ago

Never played it and recently I've finally tried it via cloud on psn. It's not the best for sure, but it ain't bad either.

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Batman: Arkham Origins - Open World Busy Work that Doesn't Hold Up 10 Years Later

Batman: Arkham Origins launched 10 years ago today, and sadly doesn't stand the test of time as well as its predecessors.

Petebloodyonion229d ago

I fail to grasp why this title is worse compared to Arkham City (according to the article) as the author didn't provide any argument to explain why aside from that it felt the bigger map compared to Arkham Asylum made the experience less tight.
More importantly, the author seems like he never played Arkham City since he described the game as linear (alongside Asylum).


The Unjustly Forgotten Batman: Arkham Origins Deserves A Resurgence

Despite certain flaws, Batman: Arkham Origins is a splendid entry in the legendary Arkham series and deserves better than being forsaken.

lellkay342d ago (Edited 342d ago )

It's the worst of the three in my opinion, but still really enjoyable. Definitely underated and gets far more crap that it deserves.

Should be included with the other Arkham games in the bundle.

Demetrius342d ago

I'm honestly enjoying it alot, my first time playing since I just decided to get a Xbox 360 slim for 65$, I cop some other gems too tho, I went into Arkham origins not expecting better than Arkham city but it does deliver plus the guy who voices batman did a good job aiming for the young Bruce impression