
The Worst Games Of This Generation - Part 2

Justin from TMSGamer continues his article on this worst games he's played this generation with part two.

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STK0263900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Final Fantasy 13, while not as good as its predecessors, is still a relatively good RPG. Worthy of the Final Fantasy name and legacy? Probably not, but there are dozens of worse RPGs to have seen the day during this generation.

Kane and Lynch Dog Days, for me, was quite enjoyable, as long as I had someone to play with. It's by no mean a great game, but as far as couch co-op games go, it was okay, and, while not for everyone, the story was different and actually had me care about the characters.

As for the 3 other games, I must agree, they were pretty bad and had very little fun to offer. But, just like in the first part of this list, I feel the author is not listing the absolute worst games of the generation, but only those who went somewhat mainstream. Plenty of obscure JGRPs, action games and Call of Duty clones were way worse than anything listed.

Hicken3900d ago

When they start targeting games that haven't even released and calling them the "worst," you know they're just fishing.

I was contemplating a click until I saw that.

chadboban3900d ago

Every single game on this list was released. What are you talking about?

Hicken3900d ago

I see XIII-3 in the tags, otherwise known as Lightning Returns. If that's not true, then that tag needs to be changed.

Wni03900d ago

call of duty is repetitive. it is not a bad game. lowest i would give is a 7/10 MAYBE a 6/10 CoD4 is one of the best games from this generation

STK0263899d ago

I wasn't referring to Call of Duty games, but rather the poor man's Call of Duty games some publishers rushed to the market in order to hop in the CoD bandwagon.

GentlemenRUs3900d ago

Simon cowell knows best!

Also I agree with some of those games.

silkrevolver3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

I think the word they're looking for is "disappointing."

PS3Freak3900d ago


Article is crap from a crap site.

dillhole3900d ago

Duke Nukem Forever was an ugly, glitchy, dated mess of a game. So how come the single player campaign managed to hold my attention much longer than any COD, Battlefield, Gears Of War or Halo campaign this generation? I know it's a terrible game, but through all the flaws, I still had a blast playing it. It felt like a PS2 game in a good way.

Lykon3899d ago

that's interesting ... i wanted to play duke nuken after seeing that you had to put your finger into an anus to open a door, but was put off by reviews. I agree with you though, it can't be as bad as COD. My personal worst game this gen was heavy rain.

dillhole3899d ago

The best way to play it: expect nothing, read the reviews, prepare for it to suck worse than anything you have played before, then play and realise that it's quite fun.

gaelic_laoch3900d ago

Most disappointing for me was Dead Island :(

CanadianTurtle3899d ago

I'm glad that game ended up being crap. Maybe now people will learn not to buying something just because it has zombies in it. Not only that, people should never fall for touchy/depressing trailers.

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Alone in the Dark Developer Has Been Hit With Layoffs

Alone in the Dark developer Pieces Interactive has been hit with layoffs a month after its release, as per the latest information.

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coolbeans49d ago

That genuinely, genuinely sucks. The reboot has clear flaws, but it really felt like a solid first step for this team to receive *greater* investment.

XiNatsuDragnel49d ago

Alone in the dark is a fun game so that's unfortunate

CrimsonWing6948d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the norm after a project is done?

Terry_B48d ago

That's standard. Teams are together for a Project, after its done some..and sometimes most devs are fired until the next Project is in the works and people are needed again. Only the core members stay in the time between the hot phase of the game development.

CrimsonWing6948d ago

What’s annoying is people don’t understand how contractors work, either. All of this is uninformed knee-jerk reactions without any understanding of how employment works in this industry. There are key developers and staff that stay with a studio/publisher, but often times it’s a hire per project and then seeking new employment for a project. That’s how it’s always been…

coolbeans48d ago

That's a fair point too. I would say that in light of its tepid critical/commercial response and ongoing mass layoffs across the industry I think it's understandable for fans to worry about the longer-term implications. We'll see how it plays out in the future.


Alone in the Dark (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "In one sense, it feels strange to even think Pieces Interactive had big shoes to fill with this series' legacy. Given what's come before, did it really? And yet, even when considering the last two flops over a two-decade span, there's still something about Alone in the Dark emblazoned on a title screen that carries a sense of revered history. In that respect, perhaps this reboot's best accomplishment is in honoring that spirit through its inventive world. It's also fair to emphasize knocks against its survival-horror design, some puzzle-solving, and so on; it certainly won't be considered a trendsetter like the 1992 classic. Still, the amount of goodwill wedded to its brighter qualities makes for something that dawdles the line between unfortunately-flawed and impressively-enticing."

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Alone in the Dark review [SideQuesting]

The new Alone in the Dark remake doesn't do anything especially noteworthy, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just... cromulent.

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