
Square Enix announces Legacy of Kain inspired Nosgoth with debut trailer

El33tonline writes:

"Square Enix has today officially taken the wraps off of Nosgoth, a new "bloodthirsty, free-to-play, competitive online multiplayer title set in the Legacy of Kain universe.""

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sinncross3913d ago

Could be interesting. Would have just preferred a proper Legacy of Kain title instead tbqh

vishmarx3913d ago

ironically.what a FAIL LEGACY.

ABizzel13913d ago

Looks like a poor man's Left 4 Dead gameplay wise with vampires instead of special infected, and what I would expect of an HD remake of the PS2 verison of Legacy of Kain graphic wise.

Thankfully it's F2P, but they need to put this back in the pot and let it simmer. Some good ideas here, but they need better execution.

Hire an artist to come up with a good smooth looking art style, and come up with something a bit more unique to set it apart from other games, and make it seem deeply tied into The Legacy of Kain, because had they not said it I would have never known it had any tie-in.

Name Last Name3913d ago

Blood Omen and Soul Reaver were too awesome. I don't think fans of the series are too interested in this new type of game.

Anon19743913d ago

Not that this doesn't look cool, but I'd really like to see a new Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver.

vishmarx3913d ago

this was supposedly a multiplayer component to a lok reboot.
geniuses scrapped the sp

Xandet3913d ago

Ugh, what a horribly mediocre way to reintroduce the Legacy of Kain series...as anyone who has played the first few games in the series would know, one of the greatest, most engaging elements of the series is the story and the characters that inhabit it. Why scrap that for a class-based multi-player only game? After successfully rebooting some great franchises like Tomb Raider and Deus Ex, I was sure Squeenix would know better. But unfortunately now Nosgoth will bomb and the LoK franchise will again rest in purgatory. For shame.

T23912d ago

What a great story it was .... Sigh

Pozzle3908d ago

It's sad to think that this Nosgoth game will be many peoples' first introduction into the Legacy of Kain world. Ugh, it's such a shame to see this beautiful franchise reduced to this. :(

sinncross3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

EDIT: double post sorry >.<

Astargatis3913d ago

They cast the series into the Lake of the Dead...

user74029313913d ago

afterall these yesrs, i hope it hite ps4

OliverKO3913d ago

Currently only looks like it's announced for PC, but we can only hope.

user74029313913d ago

im sure hoping, lucky pc guys.

SuperLupe3913d ago

Free to play. Hype dead before it started.

JimmyLmao3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

why? subscription based games are a dying business model, F2P is on the rise and it is here to stay, whether you like it or not.. as long as it is not Pay to Win, it will do just fine. =)

Just look at how the hype for elderscrolls online has died now that it has been announced to be a subscription based game, on top of the initial $60 purchase!!

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Bring it Back | Legacy of Kain

For GotGame's Bring it Back retrospective feature this week, the spotlight shines on the Legacy of Kain franchise.

FlavorLav011121d ago (Edited 1121d ago )

I’d love a current take on either Legacy or Kain Soul Reaver. Personally I have more memories spending time getting through all the pain in the ass puzzles of Soul Reaver, but really enjoyed the game and art style

Scissorman821121d ago

Pushing and pulling and flipping those blocks...:P

MWH1121d ago

The games did not break too many grounds with the gameplay and less so with the later installments, but the story was so good it qualifies as a high quality novel. To me it make up for everything else.

jukins1121d ago

Id want a remake or just a new game in the series. Went back and played this a few years ago , to me at least it didnt really age well

BlackIceJoe1121d ago

I've been wanting this for years, but you need to make sure Amy Hennig is part of the series, because she was a huge part of the series in the past.

TheHan1121d ago

Legacy of Kain is badass. Ahead of its time, then they went in a completely off beat direction, go back to what made the first one so great. Blood Omen Kains legacy is the best one, went down hill after reaver.


How Nosgoth, The Legacy Of Kain Spin-Off, Died

The Legacy of Kain series always did unusual things - but going online only and free-to-play was perhaps the strangest decision yet.

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EddieNX 2102d ago

This series had the most amazing lore. It felt ahead of its time, they need to reboot Soul Reaver or something.

raWfodog2101d ago

Hell's yeah, bring back Kain and Raziel.

Godmars2902101d ago

It was made as a continuation of the series with no awareness of the series.


Nosgoth: One year after the cancellation

It’s officially been one year since the game was taken offline. Today Clare is going to be reflecting on everything that’s happened so far.

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brich2332566d ago

This game should have been brought to consoles. I played it on Pc for a while but then it just got harder to get into matches at night so I quit.