
FIFA 14 gets day one patch, freezing issues being investigated

El33tonline writes:

"EA Sports has responded to fan feedback following the release of FIFA 14′s demo with the release of a day one patch for the full game, which is now available in North America and will launch later this week everywhere else."

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2pacalypsenow3902d ago

carrer mode GUI is slow as hell

caseh3902d ago

Thats a new one on me, FIFA getting a US release before anywhere else? Surely their biggest market is Europe?

pompombrum3902d ago

It's been like that for as long as I can remember. You'd have thought a game as big as fifa would warrant a simultaneous worldwide release though.

Activemessiah3902d ago

Is it just me or is it now normal for games to come out with all sorts of issues that need patching... It's only Nintendo games that doesn't really seem to do this and I don't even own their stuff.

caseh3902d ago

It's the price we pay these days. People say games were never like this before, that much it true but with so many games aiming to hit a key release date most companies can no longer afford to delay the release like they used to. Get it to market on the release day and patch it is how things are now done.


Not all outdated football games are worthless

Games Asylum: "Outdated football games are a common sight when scouring jumble sales, car boots and charity shops for bargain price video games. Entire shelves filled with decade-old FIFA and PES games spread across a dozen formats. Often they end up in bargain bins, sitting alongside unwanted celebrity fitness DVDs and seemingly random TV show box sets. But here’s the thing. Not all football games gathering dust in the likes of Oxfam are in fact worthless."

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lptmg2206d ago

International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav


What was the best FIFA game ever? Have your say

Vote now for your favourite installment in EA Sports’ decade-spanning football sim series.

PoSTedUP3399d ago

i liked 99' for N64 the most and 07'-08' for Xbox were great.


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