
Project Phoenix’s Protagonist Gets First Model Reference Artwork

A lot has been said about Project Phoenix, but not a lot has been shown yet. At last today fans get a treat from Creative Intelligence Arts in the form of the first reference artwork for the in-game model of the protagonist of the game Marcus Stern.

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sinncross3950d ago

really interested to see this game in motion. cant wait!

miyamoto3950d ago

The character design is fantastique!

Godmars2903950d ago

I hope we don't see every phase of this game's development.

Abriael3950d ago

Why not? you don't like seeing stuff?

Guess you can lock yourself in a closet and bandage your eyes :D

fsfsxii3950d ago

I guess he means that publishers nowadays show every bit of a game in order to convince you to buy their game. You'll most likely buy the game knowing everything that will happen

Godmars2903950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

Just look at the trap FF13 fell into. Its devs saw the promotion of its character as being more important than the development of their history and world. Had the nerve to break it up into three games besides.

Really, I just don't want to find out who the main bad guy is before they're actually introduced. And though usually I know when to get off the hype train before major plot leaks, that's harder to do in this day and age. More so when when preliminary sketches and notes are flying about.

raiden-493950d ago

Just because he has a sword and shield doesn't mean he looks like Link =/

WickedLester3949d ago

And blonde hair, AND he's small in stature. Look, he's not a carbon copy of Link but the similarities are there. Personally I don't care. It doesn't bother me, I was just making an observation.

raiden-493949d ago

Have you seen any outer concept art of him here is the no Chibi version http://cdn2.dualshockers.co...

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Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Is Still In Project Phoenix's Shadow

“I do want to finish the game. I do want to, I even want to, I never said this in an interview before, but I even want to refund their money because we didn’t keep the timeline.” Yura explains.

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Japanese Game Developers Kickstarter Struggles

Kickstarter backers can be a negative bunch, but it seems they reserve most of their piss and vinegar for Japanese developers. Why is that?


Breaking Down Project Phoenix's Million Dollar Budget Blunder

Joanna Mueller writes: "In the end, CIA's increased scope only served to drive backers further away. Players were not impressed when the team finally released a vertical cut of the new 3D gameworld. CIA was reluctant to start over after investing so much money into their 3D models."

garyanderson2604d ago

I feel bad for anyone that backed this project. What a mess