
Starbound Developers Gauging Interest In A PlayStation Port

Starbound, an indie game being developed by Chucklefish is getting a lot of attention lately. The 2D sidescroller which is most commonly compared to Terraria has been in development for quite some time. Now it appears as though the team is gauging interest in a possible PlayStation port. Whether fans want to see it on the PS3, the PS Vita, or even the PS4 is up to them. They've made a thread on the European PlayStation forum, and simply want to know how many people are interested. If you'd like to see a PlayStation version of Starbound, make sure to leave a comment for them so that you'll be heard.

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dedicatedtogamers3961d ago

I really, really love Terraria. Can't wait for the Vita port! I hope Starbound turns out great, because I'd totally jump on that bandwagon.

ZeroX98763961d ago

this game seems so awesome! I already pre-ordered it on PC a while ago and I would gladly support it on PSVita/PS4 too!

jujubee883960d ago

Yup! Terraria on VITA will be sick! (In a good way!)

This Starbound thing sounds great and since their asking, yeah, I'd love to see it hit PS4 and/or vita. The more the merrier! ^___^

Snookies123961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

@Majiebeast (for the report) - N4G does state that you can use forum/Twitter posts if it's by an industry professional. Meaning a developer I would assume? Since this is by the developer of the game, would it not qualify? (Just asking to be honest, I tend to avoid posting bits of news because I'm often confused as to what is allowed and what isn't.)

If it's not allowed, I'll go ahead and remove it. :]

majiebeast3961d ago

You were right i checked in the guidelines this is seen as a industry post. My bad for the hold up.

Snookies123961d ago

It's okay man, no worries at all!

Snookies123961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Double post, sorry. Quick, everyone disagree with this comment! D:

Gh05t3961d ago

Cool for gauging a crowd but I would hate them decide that PS is what they will do next before the PC version is done and take some people off from finishing the PC version to start porting to PS and delay the release even longer. (Not saying this will happen just would hate it if it did)

The one thing I love about Starbound and the team developing the game is they update people daily on what they have been making and its moving along at a very nice speed right now. They also have a roadmap so people can see what is left to do and what has been completed.

Cant wait for the PC release. I dont own or plan to own PS products but I think games should be made on as many platforms as possible/(profitable) so more people can play them.

porkChop3960d ago

Pretty much every vote in that thread votes for Vita. That makes me very happy :)


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