
Xbox Contest Hints at Next-Generation EA, Forza Titles

Digitalspy writes:

Microsoft's next-generation Xbox could come with launch titles from EA and Forza developer Turn 10 Studios, the company has hinted.

The platform holder is encouraging its Twitter followers to tweet @EA, @Xbox, @PlayXBLA and @Turn10 in order to win entrance to its briefing at E3 this year.

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GalacticEmpire4049d ago

Wait there's going to be EA games and a new Forza?!?



hazardman4049d ago

I think he was being sarcastic..

TrevorPhillips4049d ago

I've noticed the /s it was a failed sarcasm though...

abzdine4049d ago

we have a short glimpse of how next gen games look on PS4, now i HOPE for Microsoft that they will be showing some live demos of next gen titles to see how that shows on screen.

GalacticEmpire4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

"failed sarcasm"

Wha? You're either being sarcastic or you're not, there's no fail lol.

I guess you meant it failed to be humorous, which is highly subjective, why not let others decide that for themselves. It was a harmless joke anyway, don't know why you're on my back about it.

hazardman4049d ago

I guess your right. If your gonna be sarcastic on the subject might aswell make it good!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4049d ago
hazardman4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

A megaton would be if EA came out and said that BF4, Madden or the new Star Wars games would be Xbox exclusive. Man as long as I'm playing good games i can careless what developers is doing what..

Jek_Porkins4049d ago

It wouldn't need to be all of that, a megaton would be having Respawn Entertainment at the Microsoft E3 event and announce the new game is a Microsoft exclusive.

The creators of Call Of Duty finally coming out with a new franchise and it being an Xbox exclusive would have huge implications.

majiebeast4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )


Its creator Jason West is gone and hasnt even worked on "Titan". So a unproven franchise is now a megaton? I really doubt it and if its anything like cod they can keep it i rather have massive fps like Planetside 2.

Jek_Porkins4049d ago

You realize Respawn Entertainment was formed by West and Zampella right? and Zampella is still there, also I'd point out that most of the developers at Respawn are former Infinity Ward members, so yea, megaton in my opinion.

I know a ton of people who were looking forward to their next game.

DeadlyFire4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Those franchises are to big to do that. People would burn EA down if they did that.

As far as Respawn's game goes. If its published by EA or Activision. I wouldn't expect it to stay exclusive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4048d ago
Knight_Crawler4049d ago

@Galptic - Who ever said it was suppose to be MEAGTON news? the writer of the article just simple noticed something and decided to share it...it not like MS tweeted MEGATON news incoming.

You trolls are not even trying anymore :(

StraightPath4049d ago

next gen Forza will make drive club and Gran Turismo redundan.

Highest rated racer on the market whole franchise just is very high quality that no one even has touched even this generation. Even the spin of forza horizon made other racers look like a joke.

Forza Horizon 85% metacritic

Gran turismo 5 84% metacritic got its ass handed to it by a spin off. Not on forza level yet.

galactic empire failed and not funny


another killzone rehash!
another infamous rehash!

woo hooo

majiebeast4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Forza? You mean that franchise that only sold 15 million with 6 games that Forza? That will kill Gran turismo a franchise that sold 68Million. Keep dreaming all the pro's use Gran Turismo for a reason its miles better then Forza. Forza 4 sold a million less then 3 and Horizon isnt even hitting the 2 million mark i say its on life support Gran Turismo and Driveclub will kill it off for good.

fei-hung4049d ago

Agree! Rehashes like:

1) Forza
2) Halo
3) Gears

No new IPs to go alongside them like:

1) drive club
2) Knack
3) the witness

as for Forza, and review comparisons, they are nothing short of a joke. GT wasn't even reviewed as a simulator by many reviewers, hence the lower score. Reviewers complaining it isn't arcade enough (no shit Sherlock).

Forza, as great as it is, falls short of being a real driving simulator. Might be subjective to some, but to the almost 10 million petrol heads who choose GT over Forza, it is a fact.

DeadlyFire4048d ago

Doesn't EA publish RYSE?

I think we found the Exclusive EA title that will show up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
BattleReach4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Forza 5, Battlefield 4, Fifa 14 and Dragon Age III for the Next Xbox.

DeadlyFire4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Just erase Froza and scribble Drive Club and you have the PS4 line-up as well.

GalacticEmpire4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

"Auto Club"

Think you mean 'Drive Club'

Quick edit! :D

Well done :P

minimur124049d ago

I'm thinking that they'll reveal a bit of gameplay from GTA V....... it's possible.

MasterCornholio4049d ago

The next Xbox reveal might also reveal additional games for the PS4.

Motorola RAZR i

grassyknoll4049d ago

There's no way EA is making exclusive titles for MS, they sell more on PS3 than any other console. I do suspect Microsoft has paid a lot for exclusive DLC though(instead of exclusive games/studios, sigh)

DeadlyFire4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

EA is not making exclusive titles. They could publish a title to the platform that is say Kinect exclusive. I am thinking its RYSE.

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