
Major Nelson: "HD-DVD Lost, Doesn't Mean Blu-Ray Won"

"One important thing to think about is... ok, HD-DVD lost... that doesn't mean Blu-ray won."

Among many headliners in this week's Major Nelson podcast.

This week's show:
We discuss GDC
Interview: Boris Schneider-Johne, Xbox Germany (17:48–51:55)
Interview: Tim Innes, Capcom (Rocketmen : Axis of Evil) (51:57 – 01:05:21)
Interview: Chris Satchell, XNA and GDC (01:05:23–01:34:00)
We say goodbye to our friend HD DVD
Name the game and more...

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pwnsause5945d ago

Nice spin. but it doesnt work in the real world we live in. keep living in fantasy land.

PumPum5945d ago

what a sad attempt major nelson.....pathetic.

ruibing5945d ago

So I guess he thinks that just because the Nazis lost doesn't mean the Allies won. I suppose in a way because they still had to rebuild everything the bad guys destroyed, but they won. The winners write the history books, and its pretty much well established that Blu Ray won. A pretty fitting analogy I believe.

When I go to a BB and look in their entertainment department, the people there never say "well maybe you want to choose between Blu Ray and DLC", it's just Blu Ray.

BrianC62345944d ago

Major Nelson is just another numbskull in the Xbot Army. What a maroon. Does anyone really care what he thinks? I sure don't. He's just mad he's stuck with a piece of crap HD DVD add-on for his Xbox 1.5 and wasted money on HD DVD movies. Maybe he can autograph his discs and sell them all to Xbots.

Ri0tSquad5944d ago

Haha. Major Nelson sounds like a sore loser. He's always biased and when he has something to say about the PS3 its nothing intelligent or worth listening to. I never liked him, even when I didn't have my PS3 and I was a 360 owner.

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venum5945d ago

Does somebody tell him the truth about Santa???

Blu-ray Won.

ruibing5945d ago

I'm sure he'll be singing a completely different tune if the 360 ever gets a Blu Ray add-on. Sour grapes never taste so good.

ddcab5944d ago

Why does Major act like DLC is a console exclusive to Microsoft. Last time I checked the 360 and the PS3 could have download content. Now with blu-ray the victor in the format war, Playstation fans will have the best of both worlds. 2 words = future proof

Danja5945d ago (Edited 5945d ago )

This prick is such a suck up.....Major Nelson heres some words of advice "Red is Dead ,do Blu" I bet Nelson has a Blu Ray player in house.

Blu Ray FTMW..!! so when is Transformers coming to the Blu side...lol..? ohh forgot Blu hasn't won..

crunchie1015945d ago

He did say on the podcast that he has a PS3

gamesblow5945d ago

What a paid Spooner... It must suck waking up every morning knowing your whole life is dependant on the dollar you earn. What a way to live. Blindness only goes so far, even the blind have intuition... this smack is just absurd.

Snukadaman5945d ago

the blind calling the blind...hey he gets paid too be a ms mouthpiece..cant say the same huh....

gamesblow5945d ago

I think your bib's tied on too tight.. Might want you mom to check that out for ya.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5945d ago

You know over there? in that big long line, where the others are waiting for games. You jumped in the wrong line sir, this line is for gamers ready to pick up games. You need to take a ticket and wait your turn, your ticket number is 1,029,885. This line doesn't need tickets because it's the Xbox line, and it keeps moving. Sorry for the inconvenience, please step aside your blocking the Xbox gamers.

bootsielon5944d ago

Jason even had to bother to give a long reply to you. Very telling.

zapass5944d ago

"oh hi, I'm calling to report a severe case of xbot depression that needs an intervention ASAP. The name is Jason and he sometimes even appends 360 to it (told ya, it's SEVERE). Anyway, hurry up cuz the desperation is total and the denial is now pathological."

InYourMom5944d ago

"Jason even had to bother to give a long reply to you. Very telling."

Not more telling than a lonely nerd who has to make an Xbot account to try and be funny. But I guess when you have all that extra time you do stupid things.

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Lightning771d 5h ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 1h ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake1d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor4h ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda5h ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


Why Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) Still Holds Up To Modern Racing Games

Need for Speed: Most Wanted is still iconic mainly due to its corny storyline, its superb gameplay, and the unforgettable BMW M3 GTR.

Chryzz231d 12h ago

Its the best one in my opinion

Abnor_Mal1d 4h ago

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit2 for PS2 is the epitome of iconic.