
Top 10 Overrated Video Game Franchises

We love these games, but it's time to face the facts as we count down the Top 10 Overrated Video Game franchises. Just a warning: We actually acknowledge that most, if not all these games, are actually really good. But screw being nice, it's time to hurt some feelings.

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HammadTheBeast4133d ago

If #2 is Call of Duty, then yes.

gintoki7774133d ago

watch mojo .com is overrated....

NastyLeftHook04134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

borderlands and bioshock and halo and gears of war. just my honest opinion.

Captain Qwark 94134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

i love borderlands and halo but i can def see where their short cummings are. id give them 8's but still recommend them to everyone. gears is hit or miss for me, i didnt like the sp in any but #2 and i think the mp is lame other than horde mode. i didnt give bioshock enough of a fair chance to properly judge it.

im also going to get ripped a new one for this but id throw in uncharted and god of war as well. once again, very good games that i buy, i play, and i recommend to anyone but they are not the 10s everyone claims. 8s as well

and before everyone thinks im a hater, these are my high marks

dragon age origins 10
dark souls 9 - needs a better story
demon souls 9 - needs a better story
armored core 5 9 - needs a better story, stronger community
mass effect 1 9 - other planets were vacant
mass effect 3 9 - too linear, ending could have been better, little more depth
ninja gaiden 2 9 - needs a better story, camera
oblivion 9 - needs better story
the witcher 2 - 10

Donnieboi4134d ago

I LOVE A GREAT STORY, but who cares about a story in Dark Souls? It's a game about hell, seclusion, and despair. The illusion would be killed if you could strike up conversations with hundreds of other people/npc's. The story is fine for what it is.

Captain Qwark 94134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

i disagree. i think a better story would be just fine, obviously it didnt take much away from it for me as i still rated it a 9 but it certainly couldnt hurt it

also it doesnt need hundreds of nps, hell it didnt need any more than it had. it just needs a few more cut scenes to illustrate what your doing there and what your trying to accomplish.

Kurt Russell4133d ago

Halo is a bit overated now. But it was great in its day.

Gears 3 is one of my favourite MP's, a lot more competitive with a harder learning curve than most, giving a larger skill gap between new players and experienced (which is how I like it).

Bioshock is hands down my favourite experience this gen. It makes most game seem shallow and souless it's so good.

And borderlands, I didn't like the 1st... But the 2nd I really enjoyed.

Long story short... I disagree.

plaZeHD4134d ago

Bioshock? The rest I can understand, but c'mon Bioshock?

Norrison4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Borderlands and Bioshock seem overrated to you?
COD, GTA IV, Halo, God of War 3, Gears, Minecraft, Assasins creed (2 and brotherhood are an exception)

Cam9774134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )




TC was terrible and a mockery to what COJ was.

NastyLeftHook04134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

call of juarez bound in blood was fantastic. the cartel sucked.

yeah black tar, the cartel was poorly made and everything looked like they made it in 6 months.

BlackTar1874134d ago

bound in blood was a fun game good call. Cartel was so bad but i enjoyed the west and thought it was a good brother take.

Series_IIa4134d ago

Halo and Uncharted.

First Uncharted was alright, second was awesome best in the series, 3rd just tried to hard to have the feel of the 2nd and failed and MP was boring compared to Uncharted 2's until they nerf patched everything that is.

I just find Halo boring, but enjoyed Halo Reach on co-op... That's about it.

pain777pas4134d ago

Uncharted is the most entertaining series of games I have played in a long time. I AM OVERALL ENTERTAINED with Uncharted all the time. There are only like 5 games I can say that about and it is hard to list. But, I know Uncharted is one of the best series ever devised and made FOR SURE.

stage884133d ago

Uncharted is definitely not overrated but I agree Halo is completely overrated. Gets boring and too repetitive very easily.

4134d ago Replies(3)
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