
Stargate SG-1 : The Alliance : Huge images from the cancelled game

Past to Present Online has begun posting more content from the cancelled Stargate game, including these shots that show off Stargate Command, along with a number of enemies and locations, in 2560x1600 resolution.

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BlackIceJoe4186d ago

It is to bad this game never came out. I so would like to see a Stargate game. Maybe one like X-Com with Obsidian doing the RPG parts.

hduce4186d ago

I was really looking forward to this game being a huge Stargate fan. It sucks that it got cancelled.

xboxlj4186d ago

I agree wiht hduce. Heck I am still disappointed that Stargate Universe got cancelled after 2 seasons.

JJMeH4186d ago

not to mention the SGA movies too.

hduce4185d ago

I really liked Stargate Universe and really would have like to have seen the 5 season arc play out. MGM was having serious financial problems and the Stargate franchise suffered because of it. I hope they revive the franchise in some form or fashion.

Truthandreason4185d ago

Stargate could have did really, REALLY, well as a video game franchise. The premise of the show is perfect for it to offer a lot of variety that completely honors the canon story line.

A stargate can simply take you to any type of planet you want to visit for an on foot adventure and you can have some space combat to boot.

It could have been a great "Mass Effect style" game

DarkBlood4185d ago

were you talking about the original stargate movie or the SG1 first episode?

Truthandreason4185d ago (Edited 4185d ago )

Well it could be either way. The series stayed true to the movie pretty well, it just continued the story. My main point is having a Stargate in your story gives you endless possibilities of environments to explore.

And if you didn't want to include Earth in your story and all the plotholes that it could cause, you could easily turn it into a Stargate Atlantis or Universe situation. Stranded from home, and minimal supplies makes for a classic story setup and gives you a clear mission focus without the need to introduce a "bad guy" right away.

Hicken4185d ago

Man, I had forgotten about this game. I remember being cautiously optimistic about it... and then I forgot all about it.

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Through The Blue Portal - Why Don’t We Have More Stargate Games?

With the exception of the third-person shooter, Stargate: Resistance, and a cancelled MMO by the name of Stargate: Worlds, gamers haven’t had much opportunity to explore the rich Stargate universe within the medium of gaming.

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Barry321711382d ago

Great article. I also love Stargate, and really wish we had more games from this awesome IP. I was in the Alpha for Stargate Worlds. It was really ambitious, had a ton of things they wanted to do, and even with the bugs in the Alpha grouping up was fun and exploring the worlds they had open at the time was great. Lots of bugs, but that’s to be expected of an Alpha. Had fun reporting all of the bugs as well, some hilarious and others game breaking. Then, all of a sudden, we got an email thanking us for our time, but it was over and gone. Bam! Oh well... What could’ve been...

lalalala1377d ago

We need a AAA studio to pick one of these up, because there's lots of opportunity because every world can be different. I mean even if Ubisoft picked it up, they could outsource several of the worlds to their different studios and it would still work.


Are Video Games Based On Stargate Cursed

Allan Muir of ToasterChimp posits the question, are games based on the Stargate franchise cursed?

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Stargate SG-1 : The Alliance : Video Footage from the Cancelled Game

PtoPOnline has another video of the cancelled game based in the SG-1 universe, this time showing a large portion of a mission where the Beta Site is attacked by Jaffa.

stragomccloud4179d ago

I was really looking forward to playing this. As a Stargate fan and after playing it at e3 all those long years ago.

iamnsuperman4179d ago

I was as well but something inside of me thought they would do a bad job. I love Stargate (big shame what happened to Universe. So good but not as good as SG1 but that had to end before it got bad) but I don't know if they would have done a good job

Double_O_Revan4179d ago

I read that massive article from a few months ago and was saddened, first by the fact that I didn't even know about this game, but more by the fact that I'll never get to play it. It seemed like it had a good story and it showed that care was taken to treat it right and not like many slap-out franchise releases. It was cool that all the actors were doing the voices too.