
New Fox Engine screens

Hideo Kojima has posted some new FoxEngine screens.

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vork774190d ago

this will be a great game

JKelloggs4190d ago

An engine will be a great game? Okay :-S

Hatsune-Miku4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Looks really good so we know these aren't Wii u screens. I cant wait for next gen consoles the xbox 720 and ps4

Metal gear ground zeros looks amazing at this point in time so I can't imagine what it will look like on 720 and ps4 next year

vallencer4190d ago


So it doesn't matter if it's a nintendo article or not you'll bring up the Wii U anyway?? You really need a better life my friend haha.

On topic though they do look beautiful and i can't wait for a game of his that uses them.

BlackWolf4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Come on, again? As far as I know, the wii u is not mentioned even once here. Why do you bring it up? Please, respect yourself and STFU.

Now on topic, I think it looks really good. Very enjoyable graphics.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4190d ago

This can't be next gen.. But looks good.

b163o14190d ago

I can't believe they made this in just 2hrs!! Amazing!! Can't imagine what a 2nd gen Fox engine game would look like. I'm ready to preorder my NextGen system now.

cannon88004190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

@ JKelloggs

We all knew what he/she actually meant by that.

vork774189d ago

im talking about metal gear solid grounds zeros

4189d ago
WrAiTh Sp3cTr34189d ago

Those screenshots in motion will not be possible on current gen hardware.

crxss4189d ago

when I first saw that bento box, it looked nasty haha. very well made that it doesnt even look like food. probably tasted great but you'd have to get over eating their faces

mafiahajeri4189d ago

He obviously meant ground zeroes.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
MasterCornholio4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Great games will come from this engine.


Hatsune-Miku (Looks really good so we know these aren't Wii u screens)

I wonder if Kojima has even thought about the Wii U yet.

4190d ago
porkChop4189d ago

As of right now he has no interest in the Wii U. He's specifically said that for his current projects, including Rising, he hasn't even thought about doing Wii U versions or ports at all. He's a real pusher for power, so I don't see him supporting the Wii U considering how much slower it really is compared to PS3 and 360.

The tablet controller is nice and all, and brings some interesting possibilities for gameplay, but releasing a console that is supposed to be next-gen, yet is slower than current gen is never a good idea. I really see this backfiring on Nintendo. I mean they will still get some 3rd party support for exclusives, but for multiplats I see it being left behind next-gen. Developers are already complaining about PS3 and 360, and that they have done all they can with current gen and that they need new, more powerful consoles, so I see the majority of them skipping the Wii U.

avengers19784190d ago

Very nice engine, let's hope it's well utilized. A game may be limited by the engine If not properly done

Fil1014190d ago

And the game will be a great story.

Beastforlifenoob4189d ago

The graphics aren't that out of this world or amazing...
These are amazing
Until games don't get this good do not raise the volume.
Graphics in video games are back... And its not because of processsing power for example the highest model Mac Pro has 64GB of Ram, dual graphics Dual 3.2GHZ proccesors. Do not speak until games get this good EVER

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
bunt-custardly4190d ago

Very flat textures, but the lighting is incredible.

Bimkoblerutso4190d ago

It's a very beautiful engine, it's just...why do so many engines these days make everything look like it's covered in cellophane?

The world is not as shiny as many developers think it is...

rezzah4190d ago

Ever considered the material of his suit was shiny?

4190d ago
Bimkoblerutso4190d ago

Right down to the straps apparently, which appear to be made out of shiny rolled duct tape.

Rebo004189d ago

He's just come in from the rain :)

sweetSWAGGER4189d ago (Edited 4189d ago )

He's shiny because he's wet. He's soaked in rain water, if you look close (especially at the third image) you can tell. The model was probably taken from the gameplay trailer of Ground Zeroes. Y'know... the one where it's raining a lot?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
GuyThatPlaysGames4190d ago

True! MGS has always had crappy textures.

porter4704190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

why release so small screenshots?

Nyxus4190d ago

They are now larger, if you click on them.

violents4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

It's snake made by the fox engine standing in thier confrence room like augmented reality style. It looks pretty cool.

Cant wait to see what fox engine can do on my ps3 and hopefully my vita too!

Mac is OK4190d ago

It's a 3D render of the room using the fox engine.

violents4190d ago

Could be, looks pretty good, it fooled me. Still cant wait to see what fox engine can do.

Mac is OK4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

They had shown it before.
Check this link: shogungamer.com/news/13507/koj ima-productions-fox-engine-upda te-shows-how-stealthy-office-ca n-be

TheEnigma3134190d ago

No one is greater than snake; not even old snake. Raiden really?

Eamon4190d ago

Big Boss>Solid Snake>Raiden


paydayp4190d ago

you have it all wrong its

ocelot>bigboss/solid/liqui d/solidus/raiden :)

i just love revolver ocelot:)

DonMingos4190d ago

You've misspelled:

Raiden<Big Boss<Solid Snake

Irishguy954190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Solid snake > Big Boss > Raiden in terms of character and likability.

Now, in terms of gameplay, it is whoever you are playing as wins.

In terms of who'd kill each other in a logical sense, Raiden would easily rape them. Raiden has the skills they have, he stopped using them in 4 and Rising because he doesn't need them

Yes he would easily kill them.

BlackTar1874190d ago

lol raiden really hahahahahha please stop with the jokes Vandamme

Snookies124189d ago (Edited 4189d ago )

Grey Fox should be over them all, he's so badass... Sorry Big Boss, you're REALLY close, and so is Solid.

My personal listing goes as such...

Grey Fox > Big Boss > Solid/Liquid > Ocelot > Sunny > Raiden

(Obviously Sunny being above him was a joke... Hm, then again, maybe... Lol)

Mounce4189d ago (Edited 4189d ago )

I'd say....

Big Boss>Ocelot>Solid Snake>Grey Fox>Solidus>Kaz Miller>Liquid>Otacon> Future Raiden>Olga>SunnyLol> Early Raiden

:DDDDD Don't fuckin' forget Kaz Miller damnit.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
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Death Stranding 2 gets Hideo Kojima's band back together as MGS 5 dev signs on as action director

Yuji Shimomura joins Kojima Productions for another round.

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The3faces128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

Well it has to be better than the first game

F0XH0UND922127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

What? I was replying to The3faces

mkis007128d ago

It won the majority of goty awards in 2019...

mkis007128d ago

I mean you can disagree with the Earth being round...


F0XH0UND922128d ago

You mean the game that won a bunch of awards and has an 83 on opencritic?

EvertonFC128d ago

83 is good, not sure what you are getting at.
You must miss loads of great games.

jimb0j0nes128d ago

Kojima definitely assembling the Metal Gear Solid avengers for Physint

1nsomniac128d ago

Is this really anything to get excited about? MGS5 was an absolute cluster f...

DarXyde128d ago

Gee, I wonder if there were any contemporaneous issues internally while the game was being made?

Nah, couldn't be. Game was released exactly as intended.

Samonuske128d ago

And regardless of its issues, it still had arguably the best gameplay in the series.

mkis007128d ago

The gameplay was amazing, coming from one who didn't play any of them until 4

Yui_Suzumiya128d ago

MGS ended with 4 for me. I want Hideo Kojima to get the Snatcher IP from Konami so there can be a remastered release and a sequel.

mkis007128d ago

Well 4 is technically the last in sequence right?

Chocoburger128d ago


Unless if you want to count Revengeance, which I started a new playthrough of recently, and damn is it still fun.

CDbiggen127d ago (Edited 127d ago )

Yeah it was, he didn't want to keep making MGS and it showed. Even if he was given the time by konami to finish it, what was there was already so weak that it's hard to see what could've salvaged it. The gameplay was quality no doubt. I still cringe at the characters and story though and the jeep scene.


Xbox and Playstation Keep Playing Russian Roulette, Except Kojima Is the Gun

The Nerd Stash: Kojima Productions as a whole is nothing without Hideo Kojima himself and the backing of either Xbox or PlayStation.

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Workshyskiver129d ago

Lets be honest Kojima is a Playstation man through and through and his effort on the MS project will be minimal, experimental and lip service at best. Once DS2 is complete he will focus almost all of his efforts on this new Stealth IP for Playstation, thinking anything else is just denial.

The3faces129d ago

Must be nice to be the official spokesperson for Kojima. Lucky you

VenomUK129d ago

What I noticed was that Kojima’s spiritual Metal Gear new IP having game and movie integration/overlap/continuati on (in some way) sounds very much like the vision he revealed at the Game Awards regarding his partnership with Xbox.

Some chump was recommending he sell his business to PlayStation - why would he do that? He has his own company, it’s making big money, he’s partnered with the biggest names to create his dream projects. Hideo Kojima is winning.

Laxus128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

So you think he's gonna intentionally blemish his reputation with a bad game... Because console wars? That's crazy.

I think O.D is a Spiritual Silent Hill and Physint is a spiritual Metal Gear.

Crows90128d ago

If OD is cloud based...I'm sorry but that's a stretch. The Xbox thing is probably a little project he's had in mind.

Laxus128d ago (Edited 128d ago )


*Involves Jordan Peele and several other big name celebrities*

Random N4G PS fanboy : "just a small little project"

derek128d ago

Yep, Microsofts move to pay Kojima for his canceled Google project was a desperate play for relevancy. Just like them paying Sega for Persona, a genre game xbox fans largely aren't interested in just to say that they have quirky Japanese games on their platform to, same with
square and it's Mana game. Of course Kojima will focus on the project that will get the most attention from from the gaming public and make the most money.

Michiel1989128d ago

so how should they try and have japanese made games on their platform then? Also was sony just desperate then that they threw 3.6 billion at bungie just so they can say they have live service games or does it only work one way?

Xbox never had as many japanese games as Sony/Ninty but they always had a couple of (good) japanese games on their platform, nothing wrong with having a amazing game like Persona 5 on your platform, I don't see how you can even give such a bad take about having persona be available to more players, astonishing.

Lightning77128d ago

MS provides the tech and funds for the OD project and you think he'll just ignore that game? You really think MS would allow that? Every person that thinks straight knows that, that's not how it works. That N4G logic in on another world of nonsensical stupidity.

purple101128d ago

They didn’t actually say stealth
They said espionage.

This is better for me I don’t have the nerves for stealth but a James Bond esque game with a bit of puzzle solving/ detective work and minimal stealth, would be great!

128d ago
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1Victor129d ago

We all know Kojima likes his freedom and we know what console developers get the most freedom🤷🏿 only an orchard full of moldy brains would think otherwise.

neutralgamer1992129d ago


i took that as him saying there will be no difference from gameplay to cutscenes. Equal amount game and movie. Something he wanted to achieve with MGS but with PS6 tech he will have that. I am sure sony will discuss PS6's specs with him so he can provide his feedback and know what he is working with


even he said his partnership with sony goes back 3 decades so yes i am sure he is a playstation guy through and through but i don't think he will short change xbox

phoenixwing128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

Neutral you're not wrong. There is absolutely no reason for Kojima not to do his best with od its got his name associated with it. It's not like Kojima to half a$$ anything.

Workshyskiver128d ago

What I meant is the scope and effort put in to the project. I'll be shocked if OD is as big in scope as DS, DS2 or his new game.

neutralgamer1992128d ago

i agree with you on that. OD is something he is expermenting with IMO

DaniMacYo129d ago

X Box is a dead market. All they got is money talks.

mastershredder128d ago

Hideo is more like a cracked Whiffle ball bat. Roulette? No, he’s more likely to stub a toe in the shallow end of the pool and cry. I love how he’s a superficial champion because people liked and fan for his games, shallow minded as f. You need to seriously crack the curtain open.

Kojima Productions is nothing without its misplaced and very skilled staff (what you think Hideo came up//made/designed all this himself? are you nutz?). Hideo is 100% NOT a business man (As evidenced with his behavior and dealings with Konami’s funds and his own studio (eh…yeah that bridge is sooo krispy and still smoking).

Elitism, drama and ego have no place in gaming and it’s a constant theme with KP. Don’t give a f what their new game is about, and Hideo did that himself. Go suck an 1000 year old egg Hideo. We’ll expect to see your studio did for you on sale few months after release and free within a year. I’d love to see his staff go-western (since he likes to) and grow a pair and leave him flat on his ass).

These days Hideo comes off worse than an annoying influencer desperate for clicks. More news about his studio BS or the ‘innovation and special magic’ they infusing into a game rather than giving news on the actual game, and then we get shi7 like death stranding….

By Nopezima Productions x 1000

phoenixwing128d ago

Just say you're jealous and be done with it shredder

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Kojima’s OD features a “social scream system” for Xbox, patent claims

Kojima Productions and Xbox Game Studios forthcoming game OD files some strange patents, echoing Death Stranding's own strand system on PS5.

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H9179d ago

Time for the memes let's go

Cacabunga178d ago

Crying would be the most used

179d ago
jdoe179d ago

No both the headline and the article are totally false. There is no file for a "patent" just the trademark, which the article hosts hyperlinks to but seems to deliberately misquote.

YourMommySpoils179d ago

That makes sense. Kojima definitely knows what gamers are in Xbox. XD

obidanshinobi178d ago

More pretentious guff from Hideous Kojima.
Can't wait.

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