
IGN:Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge Review

Much has changed since you may have read some unkind things about Ninja Gaiden 3 earlier this year. In fact, it’s not even fair to call the refurbished Razor’s Edge a “director’s cut.” Rather, it’s more like a film that’s been screen-tested, made changes based on lots of negative feedback, and then released in a significantly different form than it was originally shown. Of course, that makes Xbox and PS3 owners akin to screen-testers who paid $60 for the privilege, but that’s another matter. Regardless of whether you’re coming to Razor’s Edge as a Ninja Gaiden neophyte or a series veteran looking for this franchise to redeem itself, you’ve come to the right place.

4228d ago Replies(6)
shackdaddy4228d ago

Went from a 3 to a 7.6. That's pretty damn good...

smashcrashbash4228d ago

@ linkfan8800. Come on now. IGN has been giving crap scores to VITA games several times now. If it where a Sony owned site don't you think they should be handing out high scores at least equal to what other sites gave them? Are you sure you are not the one mad because they gave a Wii U game a bad score. Would you have been as outraged if it was COD VITA getting a low score from IGN and other sites weren't? Would it have been a crap site if they gave it the highest score possible?

LOGICWINS4228d ago

"IGN has been giving crap scores to VITA games several times now."

Ummm..no. The problem is that people like you think that anything below a 9 is a "crap score". What needs to change is YOUR skewed mentality.

4228d ago
Neonridr4228d ago

I think 7.6 is pretty good actually. Like shackdaddy said above, it went from a 3 to a 7.6 so it more than doubled its score.

SpiralTear4228d ago

It's pretty damn impressive that the game got such a solid retooling in time for the Wii U launch. As someone who really didn't like Ninja Gaiden 3's first release, I must say that I'm curious to see how Razor's Edge plays.

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10 Years of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

It's been 10 years since the launch of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on Wii U - it's about time we received another sequel.

291d ago

The History of Ninja Gaiden: The Resurrection

In the conclusion to a three part series, CV takes a look at the most recent Ninja Gaiden games, for better and for worse.

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spicelicka1632d ago

They need to make a true sequel to Ninja Gaiden 2, that was the most satisfying combat I've experienced in a hack n slash game.

micdagoat191632d ago

been playing 1&2 on and off since they were released. I usually will play until I get frustrated then take another year off lol. Nver tried 3 or the 4th one even though they are in my backlog.

Domestupidname1632d ago

I tried to go back to Sigma but good god those controls are just insufferable. Couldn't do it.


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Neil writes: "Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for October 2019 worth bothering about?"

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darthv721715d ago

NG:RE is good (2 was better though) and I havent played the others. My kids will likely get a kick out of bolt and tembo while I will give the F:13th the old college try.

gangsta_red1715d ago

The games with gold selection is trash. Besides Friday the 13th. Ninja Gaiden 3 is the worse in the whole series. Bolt and Tango...laughable

1715d ago Replies(1)
babadivad1715d ago

Facts!! NG3 was absolute dog shit.

1715d ago
Z5011715d ago (Edited 1715d ago )

NG:RE is better then 1 or Black. Waaaaay more options. Better graphically. More playable characters. More costumes. More weapons. More ninjitsu. More enemy variety. In comparison. The first game is basic af.

babadivad1715d ago

Is this bizarro world?? People actually think NG3 was better than 1 and 2??

Abcdefeg1715d ago

Sometimes less is more, black has the best pacing and gameplay in the series

1715d ago
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