
Man Stabbed in the Chest After World of Warcraft Argument

Ottawasun: Jordan Osborne alleges he was stabbed when he went to his neighbour's apartment on Wednesday after hearing an argument.

“I was telling him, there is no need for you to be freaking out about World of Warcraft. It’s just a game,” Osborne said, while his neighbour fought with a friend who was visiting and some other players over his headset. “He said, ‘It’s not just a game, it’s my life.’”

That’s when the man grabbed his throat, punched him in the face and stabbed him in the chest, Osborne said.

SavageKuma4341d ago

The hell is wrong with people? Hey dude ate those stab wounds I give him props to survive.

Majin-vegeta4341d ago

I agree jesus christ some people take this sh*t far it's suppose to be for giggle's and fun not reality -_-.

Pushagree4340d ago

I could name a few fanboys here who probably would have reacted in the same way.

GuyThatPlaysGames4340d ago

Maybe he can heal with a potion lol

MiamiACR214340d ago

Now all he has to do is lift his shirt to get all the ladies.

SavageKuma4340d ago

Yup all he needs to say is...WOW is a contact sport...see these wounds, raid while fighting Worgen baby!

MiamiACR214340d ago

"See baby? I ain't no Alliance bitch!"

Scenarist4340d ago

somebody fuck with your account you been playing for yours and invested countless hours and money into..... but i didnt read the article so i dont know how deep it is

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4340d ago
Snookies124341d ago (Edited 4341d ago )

People that say ANY game is their "life"... Probably need to be put away. It's the same as a drug at that point, there needs to be an institution like they have for rehab. I love WoW, I was just playing it before reading this article, but people who take it too seriously are freaking idiots. I've sunk probably about 40+ days in-game time into it, but can't help laughing at people who act like there's nothing else but WoW.

Bereaver4341d ago

Ehhh, who are you to say how someone should use their own life? People prefer doing different things all the time than what you're accustomed to. I do agree that it is a game but I also disagree that it's JUST a game. You pay to do everything with your time, in the eyes of time everything is the same.

I mean, some people go out with friends and get drunk and party the night away and only remember half of what happened. Some others run raids and stay up late gaming the night away.

Whatever they wish to do is fine with me, the only thing this person did was hurting someone else because of a silly argument.

This is when you say "probably needs to be put away".

kikizoo4340d ago

the argument was not "silly", it's just a game.

Rowland4341d ago

good job they weren't playing Demon Souls.

Jadedz4341d ago

Hardcore gaming, at its finest.

Lovable4341d ago

Wow..can't believe people will actually say video game is their life...I mean playing...

The_Kills4341d ago

Oh so its only bad if someone admits it? There are lots of people throwing away important things in life for games. Be appalled more people dont admit it.

Lovable4340d ago

Where the hell did I said that? Also, stop saying the obvious...<_<

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