Tired & Agitated


CRank: 23Score: 365980

User Review : Detroit: Become Human

  • Great production values
  • Connor & Hank dynamic (voice acting, comedy, etc.)
  • Some cool concepts...
  • ...ruined by an obnoxiously-unsubtle script, poor pacing, dumb twists, and more.
  • Lousy character movement and control scheme
  • Gameplay tedium makes certain chapters feel so boring

Does David Cage Dream of Electric Sheep?

[IMPORTANT NOTE: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD for this game as well as for Heavy Rain’s BIG TWIST—which will be clearly marked when I get to it. Once again, DO NOT READ if you want to play those games with fresh eyes.]

Similar to the androids questioning their humanity in Detroit, I’ll have similar apprehension towards any future Quantic Dream (QD) games stamped with "Written and Directed by David Cage.” What started out as this smaller team introducing me to the QTE-heavy, narrative-driven adventure sub-genre (Indigo Prophecy) now rivals TellTale Games as the premiere name for this mold. To those familiar with this team's past work: there's no divergence in design but rather a newer model in visual tech, some mechanical tweaks, and reinvigorated flexibility in shaping the narrative. And while my once-wide-eyed optimism of this innovative setup has waned since Heavy Rain—exacerbated by some issues here, the biggest problem comes from Detroit being one of the most ostentatious, treacly-written narratives of this generation.

The setting is 2038 Detroit. Thanks to the corporation ‘Cyberlife’ androids are commonplace among society. The plot centers around three leads. Kara is an AX 400 housemaid who tends to the care of a comically villainous father and his little daughter in a rundown home; Markus is a RK200 android caretaker for a venerated, disabled artist in a swanky mansion; and Connor is a new RK 800 prototype detective specifically designed for hunting down "deviants," unstable androids that've lashed out against their programming, and discovering the cause behind said phenomenon. As with QD’s previous, these three stories intersect with one another as you progress.

The first, eh, half-positive observation I can make about the game would be the panoply of world-building details to take in. What does it mean to have a new type of 'being' walking amongst us? How is their labor integrated into humans’ everyday lives? Whether it’s the military, sex work, menial chores around the house, dangerous jobs like construction, and more, magazines and ancillary interactive objects are scattered throughout presenting the implications of what this means for the US—and the world—moving forward. There's a palpable sense of anxiety when considering an unemployment rate above thirty percent and the psychological sensations in seeing these additions to the population. There's some really good potential in exploring that; instead, any nuance is scrapped in favor of bludgeoning players with analogues of past socio-political strife against ethnic minorities, all bubbling together in a confusing narrative broth. The ocean of speculative fiction topics here is wide but far too shallow.

Making such connections has received pushback due to David Cage declaring it's "really about androids" in an interview and whatever interpretations unearthed is merely subjective. Even if pretending authorial intent is the end-all for those discussions, Cage himself even fumbled later asserting it being about “civil rights” elsewhere. And if that small quote is miscommunication, it’s still not compelling when such a story has been crafted that so liberally borrows real-world iconography, chants, historical events, and more in order to make a point about androids’ rights.

The first introduction with Markus draws several parallels between his treatment and that of blacks throughout much of America's history. His establishing level to purchase paint brings players face-to-face with a hate-preacher spouting indignant rhetoric, disgruntled ex-employees shouting the simple "he took our jarbs!" line (South Park reference) whilst beating on him for no offense, and being segregated to the back of the bus with other androids returning home. And that's not even the half of it.

Kara's story begins with clear allusions of enslavement by this drug-dealing father. On the run, Kara takes his daughter, Alice, to escape said situation. How do they go about doing this? Well, since laying low around Detroit isn't a viable option, what with androids being discriminated from certain businesses and all, the best solution to their plight is a kind black woman, named Rose, smuggling them into Canada. The motivation for starting this Underground Android Railroad? She just ungracefully exposits the parallels outright. The cherry on top for me is the chapter's name: Midnight Train.

Unsatisfied with only Black America's struggles, Detroit's themes also parallels Jews against the Nazis. This is visually conveyed by all droids having to wear armbands and triangles just as Jews did. The subjection gets worse as the climax centers around, wait for it, android concentration camps—with specialized ovens to boot! I kid you not: I was genuinely curious if the President describing this mass-roundup and imprisonment on TV would've outright said "final solution" at one point. But that would be too on-the-nose, right?

Excluding the obvious hand-wringing, it's frustrating to see just how inconsequential Kara's story is to the rest of the game. Because there is an interesting concept here: what does love look like for a robot mother figure and a human daughter? But even this kind of concept can't be deftly explored because this story utilizes cheap melodrama and a fatuous plot twist. To explain…

[TWIST SPOILERS for both Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human]

You remember how Scott Shelby was revealed as the Origami Killer in Heavy Rain? Recall part of that revelation flashbacked to the antiques shop owner being murdered only this time it showed Scott Shelby doing it. There’s issues I can gloss over in that story—and some really are overblown nitpicks, but I never could stand that one. That same kind of faux-foreshadowing is done in the reveal that Alice is actually an android. In the beginning, Kara picks up a brochure in the rundown house while cleaning. The way the camera’s perspective shifts seemed rather odd at the time. Lo and behold, the cover shows an Alice daughter-bot during the twist’s reveal. And it makes no sense! On the thematic side, it upends the original point about an android-surrogate mother developing a maternal bond with a human daughter; in respect to plot holes, it retroactively destroys the logic of how certain humans and Kara would’ve acted. Couldn’t the abusive father have…returned her to the store or sold her in the second-hand market? Wouldn’t Zlatko recognize a daughter-android model? Wouldn’t Kara remember the very brochure she was looking at days earlier? David Cage has a habit of setting up an evident twist that’ll leave me annoyed to no end.


The story of Markus ascending from servant to messiah figure never really rang as anything more than sententious moralizing either. The dialogue seems like it was as much of a chore for Jesse Williams to get through as Markus’s early-level busywork. The idea of having such a caring master like Carl Manfred (played by Lance Henrikson of Aliens fame) is a fascinating difference of treatment from everyone else. But that’s hurt by this blunt delivery of striving to be who you were meant to be…which eventually leads to Markus spouting a bunch of hackneyed lines about freedom, saving his people from oppression, and being something beyond his programming. In respect to visual storytelling, his chapters try so hard to elicit an emotional reaction from players: constant emotional sweeps in the soundtrack, obsessively recurrent slow-mo camera pans, and other cinematic parlor tricks. These pretentions start off quite early with Carl wanting him to paint a canvas in his atelier. It builds up to this momentous instance with a crescendo that feels unearned—even unintentionally humorous; in fact, such unwarranted commendation seems to permeate the android revolt.

There’s such inadequate pacing when it comes to Markus’s rise too. Time slows to a crawl performing tasks for Carl, his “ascent from hell” moment in the junkyard could’ve gotten the point across in half the time, following a discreet paper-trail to find the android refuge is the worst slog in the game, and the quickened buildup towards freedom doesn’t feel authentic. It’s more choreographed managerial work of appeasing faction leaders’ happiness bars instead of sincere activism for the downtrodden.

And the approach to crusading feels banal in two respects:

-Markus acquiring messianic powers which enable him to free androids via touch, and telepathy (dependent on Wi-Fi connection, I guess?) when they need to have their March on Selma. ‘Press X to pay respects’ morphs into ‘press/hold a face button to liberate your brothers and sisters in shackles.’

-This impetuous notion of grassroots movements winning hearts over with regurgitated slogans, some holographic iconography, and constantly peaceful submission until said persecutors think maybe they’re in the wrong—which one may not live to see that come to fruition either.

It’s just a mess. Out of the three stories, Markus’s story elicits the least emotion out of me. There’s a reliance on such boilerplate talking points transplanted into the dialogue without any character or flavor to go with it. And it’s tough to say how detrimental the game’s design is in capturing such a leadership role and peacefully protesting (should you choose that route), especially when the violent path feels more exciting. But even within this restrictive framework, a lot of improvements could’ve been made.

The shining star would be Connor's story. He's paired up with Hank (played by Clancy Brown), a robot-skeptic and functioning alcoholic, to track down deviants and find a connection as for why they go rogue. It riffs a lot from buddy-cop movies, specifically more racially-charged ones of old, and utilizes that formula well to have Hank barrage Connor with nasty language but slowly learn to trust him. And the ways of getting on Hank's good side feel believable; he's not interested in analytical data but of casual talk and respectable deeds. Out of the three stories, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say all of the good comedy is found there too. Unfortunate to say, I can’t help but feel guarded in my praise here if only because the actors supposedly improvised a lot of scenes; in fact, behind-the-scenes info suggests Cage was authoritarian in his demands to stick with the script. So even most of Detroit’s best character dialogue may not be due to the writing anyways!

To grant some credit: integrating the impact of Connor’s possible deaths with his replicability as an android was a great addition. There’s this weird and fascinating dynamic about it: being the best detective ever programmed who’s able to be manufactured by the thousands. The shock of seeing a Connor model meet a grisly fate early on literally fooled me into thinking I’d lost out on the rest of his story. Beyond the consequences, it’s also a great concept to contrast with Connor’s mortal partner. While there’s not much depth given in exploring this in dialogue, later action scenes with Connor carried more of an impact by implementing drastic penalties.

Overall, Detroit's story has lofty concepts that are ruined at almost every opportunity. The motifs of combating oppression feels so ineffective because at so many god***n turns the story must flash The Meaning(TM) in big flashing lights, showing little respect for the audience. Even the act of scaling a skyscraper can't escape this with an ad saying "Fight For Your Team" en route to hijack a cable news broadcast. Heck, the very menu screen can’t escape this obnoxious, self-conceited approach as a female android just gawps back at you and provides stupid comments! I can say without reservation that the writing here is more cloying and misguided than a Pure Flix Christian movie (God’s Not Dead series).

With that, the time has come to segue from one of QD's worst qualities to one of its best. Detroit's art style marries antiseptic futurism with real-life Detroit in fascinating ways. The prerequisite dingy, abandoned buildings of Cage's liking are aplenty but gentrified, creating this meshing of old and new. It's part of the reason why certain chase scenes are burned into memory. While there's still that ever-present tussle with the uncanny valley here, especially when it comes to mouth movements, the technical specs are often jaw-dropping. Connor's incipient murder investigation hits as one of the most gorgeous technical achievements of 2018. The moody atmosphere, the immaculate detail of the fat victim, with a bloody maggot-infested shirt, and the lighting are reasons why photo mode needs to happen. And all of this is on a base PS4, mind you.

Soundtrack and sound design have also been one of QD's fortes. The soundtrack deserves great attention, especially in how the roles were divided up: one composer making music strictly for one of the central characters. Out of the three, I'd say Nima Fakhrara’s tracks for Connor won me over. Recall back to Connor's main theme: the quick tempo and cacophony of electro cadences enhanced all of his detective scenes. The other two-thirds, though fine in their own right, never stuck with me to the same degree. Still, the soundtrack as a whole is much better at trying to squeeze emotion than the writing.

Sound design falls close in line with that of soundtrack. My only quibble would be a few sound anomalies here and there. Voice acting wasn't a consistent homerun. I know child actors have a history of being a dice roll, but I…thought Alice wasn’t particularly good. Several secondary actors were bland as well. While the other two leads work well, I'm iffy on how Jesse Williams (Markus) portrayed this character; and yet, it's tough to say whether fault lies ON the actors or in how Cage wanted to direct them. Keeping with the theme here, Bryan Dechart (Connor) and Clancy Brown (Hank) would be among my favorites.

For those familiar with QD games, the same template has returned: dialogue choices regimented to the X, Square, O, Triangle buttons during those scenes and highlighted QTE button prompts during action scenes which vary from being motion-based, button prompts, or use of the touch-pad. Sadly, the more troublesome staples such as gluey character movements and analog stick QTE's for opening doors and the like make their return. I believe that standard has been going on since Heavy Rain, but....we should be past this notion of tying a certain input to the same analog stick that handles the camera. Any imprecision when doing the action sets players back to square one with the camera jerked in an unwanted direction. I know this argument doesn’t go over well in most contexts but I think it applies here: it’s *the current year*.

I've also been of the mind that out of all PlayStation-exclusive QD games, Heavy Rain's handling of QTE’s is still the best. Perhaps that's based on subjectivity and how immersed I felt during my two playthroughs; even with that consideration, my recollection still brings up both casual and intense moments that'd demand a more complex combination of inputs. Crawling through that electric-wire maze as Ethan must've required carefully chained 5-button inputs held in unison. Those kinds of moments, in and out of combat, didn't feel as frequent nor demanding here. A step up from Beyond: Two Souls; then again, that isn’t quite difficult considering how often the game played itself—and how easily I could spot it.

The mechanical feedback and design hasn't moved much since Heavy Rain but that doesn't mean it's gone nowhere. They've acknowledged certain kinks which come with cinematic games and contextualized them. Got annoyed with invisible walls before? Those strictures are still here, but make sense because the android's programming can't flee too far from the objective. Think the "X person will remember that line" feels unnecessary? Well, there’s logical sense designing that here as your characters can’t help but act like robots: analyzing different aspects (facial expressions, tone, etc,) and cataloging them within seconds. How about doing menial tasks when playing as a servant bot? Well...okay...those get dreadful and did stunt the pacing early on, BUT you can't say they don’t mesh with the story’s themes.

Gameplay pacing all but comes to a screeching halt during most moments of Android Detective Mode. To its credit, that first murder case did work as an good introduction blending object discovery and empirical examination. But with Connor, there’s no increased difficulty or complexity after that; for Markus, each instance is about fast-forwarding and rewinding which pre-ordained action route to take. This tedium is exacerbated during a mid-point chapter all about hunting down graffiti geocaches. Sure, an android calculating a suitable route also makes contextual sense…but there’s better ways to not make it feel boring. Imagine a newly-freed Markus having self-determination in a way that played different from the other two characters. Still having a main objective but able to chart out Detroit in a semi-open-world fashion, or an updated control scheme.

Two other separate-but-equally-interesti ng ideas give texture to playing as an android. The first is another set of rudimentary QTE's when one of the central characters is fighting to gain freedom from their pre-programmed state. Outside of their head, they remain motionless; inside, their ‘willpower’ is tearing down a firewall to break free from their binary-code chains. The second is a post-chapter flowchart tabulating all of the potential outcomes—primary or secondary—and revealing this path you decided. It melds perfectly with this game: replicating the analytical mindset and probability assessment of different outcomes like a thinking machine. And there’s the ability of comparing & contrasting the paths taken by all global players, to an even greater extent than what you get in TellTale Games. It's also nice for a 'sub-chapter' select option for players to see the disparate outcomes without resetting the story missions.

Even with acknowledging the panoply of disparate outcomes, I would still sacrifice some of those in the name of consistency. Let's be honest, did we really need a finish-line twist like that in Connor's arc? Master plans where a specific set of circumstances are magically pre-planned by the villains all along are ridiculous. I would take effective 2-phase choices like the end of TT's The Walking Dead: Season 2 over ludicrous shockers any day of the week.


Suffice to say there's highs and lows. When considering the effortlessness to take aim at such a faulty story, it's surprising to think how entertaining some moments can be. But when there's more excitement witnessing the possible experimentation with the flowchart versus playing through all the meandering bits, that complexity can only get you so far. It’s nice to brag about having 50 more complexly-intertwined endings than say Mass Effect 3, but if such plot lines are delivered with such ham-handedness and inept understanding of commentary I'll probably forego replaying the game for those other 49.

I think that’s a weird sticking point between this and Heavy Rain too: that yearning to replay it. Thinking back to my gushing panegyric of Heavy Rain I still recall just how interested I was to watch my friend replay it—start to finish, occasionally contribute, and see the disparate outcomes. Here? While there’s still incredible variance, our collective passion deflated so quickly to where I was the only one interested in finishing it once and viewing some Let’s Plays of the different conclusions.

There’s a cluster of people who may be tempted to use this review as another example towards this question posed: “why are some interested in dragging David Cage through the mud, esp. when considering his enthusiasm?” He isn't shy of exalting games to great heights in respect to holding them in the same regard as other respected mediums. I give due respect for that. But when he’s in this vaunted position in this industry, his call for games to move forward seems like vainglorious preening of his contributions despite his best accomplishment post-2010 being a seven-minute concept video.

coolbeans' *RotteN* Badge

Another instance of Quantic Dream pushing their technical prowess to the limits. Not every issue was ironed out but still impressive. Great art style to compliment it too.
Aside from some examples of less-than-stellar acting, the cast gets the job done. Bryan Dechart (Connor) and Clancy Brown (Hank) among the shining examples. For soundtrack: most of my applause goes towards Nima Fakhrana’s portion.
It’s an update in consequences from QD’s previous, but still clings to the same kinds of control issues years later. While new mechanical & visual quirks marry well with playing as an android, the tedium feels exacerbated here.
Fun Factor
Even with considering the few sterling qualities, this is one of the worst narratives I’ve experienced in this sub-genre. There’s something to wince at in almost every chapter, be it the thoughtless real-world parallels or something else.
coolbeans2089d ago

Hope everyone enjoyed the blog. Feel free to leave comments and/or questions below. If we're going to butt heads on the review: hope to create some engaging & worthwhile conversations down below.

IamTylerDurden12089d ago

People loved Detroit, many believe it's Cage's best game. It also reviewed well, about an 80 overall. To each their own, but it bothers me how ppl shred the writing when in fact these games are taking more risk and attempting far more complex narratives than 99% of games. It's much more complicated than "the writing sucks". Detroit is a quality game, just know what you are playing.

coolbeans2089d ago

Well, I don't see how some believe that but that's the way opinions work I guess.

-"...but it bothers me how ppl shred the writing when in fact these games are taking more risk and attempting far more complex narratives than 99% of games."

And that is something I tried to keep in mind while writing my review. But my biggest problem with that is what good do complex narratives and multiple endings do when so much of it is downright stupid? That's kinda the central conflict here: weighing the credit due to having unique choices in a baseline narrative that's so bad on so many levels.

-"It's much more complicated than 'the writing sucks'."

I mean...I guess? My review isn't so simplistic as to just spout ^that and be on my merry way. I explain the pros and cons found within the writing, and majority of them are cons.

-"Detroit is a quality game, just know what you are playing."



I thought the review was assessed well. Mentioned many negative aspects of the game with fair positive aspects. As i tend to disagree, i nod in relation. I thought the story was ellaborated properply but lacked proper pacing which caused confusion. Overall i enjoyed Detroit for what it was and worth a second play for different outcomes.

parris2088d ago

Geez your like an obnoxious youtuber who has to beg people to "like comment and subscribe". You really seem to feel like you need attention, let's say something controversial then when people get riled up I'll reply to every comment to egg them on.

Why waste your time on blogs when your obviously the master of click bait, you could make money giving popular games low scores. Just think how much you could make giving God of War a 2 or Spider-Man a 1 then write a dozen or so cross play articles a few Pro sucks articles. With your click bait skills I'm sure you could put Jeff Bezos to shame.

coolbeans2088d ago (Edited 2088d ago )

-Haha...well my first comment you're responding to has been standard routine for me almost since the very beginning. I can see why you'd make the comparison, but it doesn't strike me as looking as cloying or desperate. For one, I'm not really e-pleading for followers on here or elsewhere. But sure, like anyone else making content I do hope it's worthwhile criticism. If not, let's see where I'm lacking by commenting. I'm interested in drumming up conversation (preferably about THE GAME or TOPIC), not subscribers or e-drama.

-"...let's say something controversial then when people get riled up I'll reply to every comment to egg them on."

As opposed to me sitting on my thumbs while people post in the comment section of MY submitted review? Get real. If I feel compelled to answer questions, make lame jokes, or respond in some other way then that's what I'm going to do.

-"Why waste your time on blogs when your obviously the master of click bait, you could make money giving popular games low scores. Just think how much you could make giving God of War a 2 or Spider-Man a 1 then write a dozen or so cross play articles a few Pro sucks articles."

It's amazing to see how a couple of submissions can produce such radical assumptions of what I think of other popular games.

Crowd: "Man, the gaming industry really needs reviewers who don't pull punches when it comes to giving their honest opinions."

Me : "Sounds good."

Same Crowd: "Oh so now you're just aching for attention, aren't ya?"

That Jeff Bezos comparison makes no sense. He doesn't write clickbait for a living, he buys outlets like the Washington Post to do that kind of stuff for him. Downward Thrust or cleanprincegaming would be better examples of gaming clickbait.

ArchangelMike2087d ago

I'm just impressed you've actually watched a Pure Flix Christian movie. I haven't seen 'God's Not Dead' but I'd be interested to read your review of it.

coolbeans2087d ago

Well, movie time with the family can vary between modern classics to straight-to-DVD Christian films, with wild variance depending on when I visit. I've never been very compelled to go back and watch any Pure Flix movies on my own though; plus, there's several YouTube channels that've done deep dives on it before. Who knows...maybe I'll get around to it someday.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2087d ago
Neonridr2089d ago

Is the fun factor weighted the heaviest here? I don't understand how your scores translate to a 4.5 tbh.

coolbeans2089d ago (Edited 2089d ago )

Haha...oh the dreaded questions about the overall score. :P

Gameplay and fun factor are given the greatest weight. As I've complained about before, I think 'engagement' is a more appropriate term than fun factor and that's a better way to explain how Detroit's story really harmed that throughout almost the entire game. All of the bad story qualities I list above expatiate on that further.

And I had mixed feelings as to where I'd place the overall score too, because of the better qualities. In the end, I decided to go with my gut because, the way I review things, that score translates to: "I think Detroit: Become Human is a sub-par narrative-focused/QTE-driven adventure game." That was my biggest takeaway upon completing it. Appreciate you bringing that b/c I'm sure that was on other posters' minds.

Neonridr2089d ago

fair enough, thanks for clarifying.

FatherSwank2088d ago

Thank you Coolbeans, very cool!
Great article, I was in tears due to it's beautiful, thought out writing. This review is breathtaking, simply amazing. The point is conveyed perfectly! I love it. Awesome, please write more reviews.

coolbeans2088d ago

Oh my! A rather...umm...devoted fan. Should I...be worried that you're trying to discover my home address?

Appreciate the sentiment though. Thanks to you as well, @Monolith. I appreciate you sharing your take on it.

EverydayJoe2049d ago (Edited 2049d ago )

Pretty sure FatherSwank already knows your home address, because you and he are one n the same. Which is F'n sad that you feel the need to do that.

Srhalo2088d ago

Man, you just love to crap on everything PlayStation.

You really shine a light on the moderation of the site.

coolbeans2088d ago (Edited 2088d ago )

-Eh...I enjoying dunking on anything I think is awful or has awful qualities. Playstation games aren't free from falling into either of those two categories.

-You really shine a light on the moderation of the site."

1.) Suggesting anti-PS moderation on THIS site? Now I've see everything.

2.) It's unfair to generalize the mod team based on my honest opinions of some games and gaming-related topics.

3.) It's also fallacious to tie MY dislike for certain PlayStation exclusives/policies with ME using my mod power against its fans. I don't care if you grew up with these systems and bleed PS blue/black/whatever, stay within the guidelines and I have no reason to bother you. We're going to have disputes when it comes to the 'grey area' of modding comments but that's how it goes. And if I do wrong--as I am not an android, I apologize and try to rectify my mistakes. I've done this posters whom I've had some of the most unpleasant encounters with on this site.

Srhalo2088d ago

Your history of comments and submissions says more about you than your cheap talk.

And as far as I'm concerned good moderators keep out of the discussion and stay neutral and that is certainly not something that happens with some moderators on this site. When you project an image that appears to take sides people will doubt your actions regardless of actual intent.

And yes I doubt you and it seems like others do as well.

NXFather2083d ago Show
coolbeans2088d ago (Edited 2088d ago )

-"Your history of comments and submissions says more about you than your cheap talk."

Am I expected to plead forgiveness for some comments I made or articles I submitted back in 2010-2011 or more joke posts I've made? And if you're talking about weighing what I've reviewed or blogged about in the past: I stand by what I was thinking at the time. Beyond just comment sections, my PM's been open to the vast majority of users since my account's inception in '09 who want to criticize x or y about said review/blog. But I guess all this "cheap talk" is & will be roundly ignored.

-"And as far as I'm concerned good moderators keep out of the discussion and stay neutral..."

Well, I specifically came to this site to get INTO discussion and gagging myself was never part of the mod agreement as I recall. And I find your assessment of what makes a good moderator wanting.

Heck, even for the mods who take on a more quiet, impersonal role here that doesn't stop those punished from sharing how they'd been aggrieved, someone else didn't receive just punishment, etc. Whatever perceived neutrality you think they've acquired gets ignored once punishment gets doled out.

Then again, if you sincerely believe me expressing my views on a game's quality or other gaming topics poisons the mod team's perceived image you're free to take it up with the bossman.

-"When you project an image that appears to take sides people will doubt your actions regardless of actual intent."

Online? Image is reliant upon perception too, which is more than capable of being twisted by onlookers' preconceived notions. And you're still trying to do this weird meshing of stating my dislike about what a game company does with mod treatment of its fans. It's especially weird when I have distaste for all big gaming companies anyways.

But I don't deny that it does pose a quandary for me to consider more. With that noted, I think I've been rather patient with you and hope you don't keep compelling to put out more fires about "teh bias!" accusations/moderation, but instead get back to what this comment section is mainly about.

NXFather2083d ago

This comment section is trolling or bias mainly. No disagrees with you though.

2087d ago Replies(6)
Aceman182086d ago

I loved the game, and I had fun playing it

coolbeans2084d ago

Well, I appreciate the comment but I have to--mostly--disagree. I enjoyed it at certain points but there was often some kind of tedium or emotional hand-wringing that would get in the way.

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Detroit: Become Human has sold more than 8 million copies

Quantic Dream has sent Gamereactor a press release stating that Detroit: Become Human now has sold more than 2,5 million copies on PC, making it surpass 8 million across all platforms.

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Nerdmaster499d ago

That's great. Quantic Dream took everything they learned from their past games and built the most refined, coherent and interesting game and story yet. I even bought it on both PS4 and PC.

Seraphim498d ago

I preferred Beyond Two Souls. Still, Detroit was an exceptional experience just like Heavy Rain. Definitely happy to see the game has sold well over the years.

Fist4achin498d ago

Beyond was outstanding. Their other games were great, but BTS was my favorite so far.

CrimsonIdol498d ago (Edited 498d ago )

It took them nearly 5 years to accomplish that compared to a game that's just come out. Willing to bet a majority of those sales were heavily discounted too. Quantic Dream games were always heavily spruiked by Sony as exclusive graphical showpieces for the Playstation, so I'm sure that helped out too.

For reference the original Dead Space sold 2 Million over its lifetime, so some new IP from a new studio approaching that in its first year or so really isn't that bad.

sagapo499d ago

Great game, really enjoyed this one.

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Best Player Decision-Based Games You Should Check Out

Interested in learning more info about player decision-based video games? This compounded list of games offers some of the best choices.

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Detroit: Become Human Surpasses 6.5 Million Units Sold

PSU writes: "Detroit: Become Human has surpassed 6.5 million units sold, between both PS4 and PC, after hitting the six million mark last July."

NecrumOddBoy804d ago (Edited 804d ago )

Nice. This is a must play and by far the best of QD’s titles (although I have huge love for Heavy Rain).

ApocalypseShadow804d ago

Agreed. This was a very good game. But I guess I love the genre that deals with humans and android like Almost Human which was cool watched in order but was cancelled, Humans, Ex Machina, I Robot, etc. I watch them all.

Cage definitely got this one right. It goes over similar material as other TV, movies and books, but it was put together well. Glad it sold.

S2Killinit803d ago

There is a very interesting show on HBO for you. Its called “raised by wolves”

porkChop803d ago

Almost Human was great. Yet another show that Fox killed with their meddling. I remember the show took two separate 2-3 week breaks in the middle of the season, just a couple episodes apart.

TallDarknWavy802d ago

This was a massive missed opportunity. Instead of really exploring the narrative that AI will one day replace humans, David Cage instead made a racism and slavery allegory with some of his dumbest writing to date. Just like all Cage games, he has the most condescending view of homeless people, who always have some secret society going on and are simultaneously the most moral, upstanding, ethical people, especially compared to anyone with money or power, who are cartoonishly bad. We get it Cage, you're a communist.

shadowT804d ago

love this game, Played it so many times and always got different endings. Even the main story line keeps the same, your actions and decisions can create a whole new plot.

804d ago
Godmars290803d ago

And? By all counts Quantic Dream/David Cage imploded their own reputation.

803d ago
Orchard803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

To this day, I am still very surprised that Sony did not buy Quantic. Especially after the HR, Beyond and Detroit era. Perhaps they tried but weren’t successful.

And now they’re off making multi-plats. Interested to see how their new title is.

CaptainHenry916803d ago

The same way I feel about Microsoft not buying Remedy 😁

Orchard803d ago

I’m glad that didn’t happen. The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today, it would’ve limited their creativity and ultimately ruined Remedy.

A Remedy acquisition by Epic seems more likely nowadays.

SullysCigar803d ago

^ they didn't even need to buy Remedy to achieve that. See: CrossfireX

CaptainHenry916803d ago (Edited 803d ago )


I guess you're right. Crossfire X is definitely one of the worse games I have ever played. I couldn't even finish the game.

803d ago
Orchard803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

@SullysCigar That hasn’t ruined Remedy though, most people associate CFX with SmileGate, not Remedy, and they still have a good reputation and will continue to have creative freedom - I have high hopes for AW2.

@CaptainHenry God, if you think CFX is one the worst games, you should try out some of the games that scored even lower than it :p I recommend Ride to Hell 😂

Knightofelemia802d ago


You will probably see Remedy snatched up by Tencent before Epic even makes or considers making a move on Remedy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 802d ago
TheCaptainKuchiki803d ago

Quantic Dream didn't want to be purchased. Y'all act like a company can buy another anytime and without their approval.

kneon803d ago

If they are publicly traded then you can try, but QD is private company and are free to reject an offer for any reason, or no reason at all.

CrimsonWing69803d ago

Thank god they didn’t or anything from them would be censored worse than Indigo Prophecy was back in the day.

Godmars290803d ago

Likely because they don't have a sustained, ongoing IP. Something that could be done as a trilogy or series.

"The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today,"

MS has really yet to show that they've changed.

803d ago
803d ago
Godmars290803d ago


"Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out."

You put one indie title MS bought into after the fact of its popularity then made a co-op sequel against the entity of a Sony 1st-2nd party studio, and *I'm* the one in some kind of worship bubble?

As for console wars? There are none.

Nintendo's doing its own, low tech, thing, MS is more concerned with streaming than hardware, buying over making games and, as you said, Sony's more focused on open world action/drama.

Its really all about branding at this point and MS is struggling for something other than subscription online multiplayer when all they've done is subscription online multiplayer, as they transition to subscription gaming.

P_Bomb803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

“Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out. Maybe get out of ur sony n4g worshipping mentality…”

Um, Detroit: Become Human thread?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 803d ago
Christopher803d ago

With how long they take to make games and how long they take to reach 6.5m sold with AAA budgets and being multiplatform, I can see why they didn't.

Orchard803d ago

Those are fair points. I guess back in the day I just assumed they’d end under Sony and they didn’t.

gamer7804802d ago

I love QD but I like new ip and story so I’m a bit disappointed there are making a Star Wars game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 802d ago
803d ago
porkChop803d ago

Hell no. This is the one with the least amount of plot holes and red herrings.

babadivad802d ago

Why did Todd tell you to put down food for the child?

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