Gamers Unite!


CRank: 5Score: 31530

I love 360 fanboys that think showing off multiplats is "showing off games".... LOL!!!!!

You people boast about Dance Dance central 3 like you really enjoy that game. Sad Sad Sad Pathetic keyboard warriors ... ill pray you guys get a life, instead of spreading misinformation on a website no one reads but you and 40 other ppl.

Keep fightign the good fight M$ Fannies!

4370d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

For a second i thought EVILDEAD was joking ... but no he really is that stupid.

Multiplats are a negative because every console has them ... so bragging about having a multiplat title on your system at E3 is LAUGHABLE at best...

And as far as the 3 exclusives they showed, its 3 exclusives that theyve been milking all these 7 years, they have nothing new nothing fresh, just the same games over and over...sad sad sad.

You guys can defend the M$...

4370d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Since DCUO is dying already for goign Pay to Win, this is a welcome MMO in my eyes ^^

4370d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It pains me what damage the public school systems do to people's ability to present their thoughts in writing ..

Hiredhelp, my thoughts go out to you in hopes that youre able to write your excellent thoughts in a way that doesnt give us a headache while reading ...

Im no grammar police ... but that was just bad...

On Topic: That guy is an idiot ... why anyone would take anything he says with a grain of salt is beyond me. He's one of...

4371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'booth babes' are there to cater to people like you ... so you can get all excited and worked up over being there and make the experience seem even more awesome than it really is ... then when its all said and done the booth babes come home to guys like me :D lol

Get your girl to put on a costume and spice up your love life, if you have one. Cause i dont need to go to an E3 to see a woman wearing something sexy.

4371d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

ppl disagreeing with you are the geeks who never see scantly clad women in their lives unless they go to one of these events.

Poor kids...

4371d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Its hard to buy new games when you have games like CoD which are the same every year with no improvements being regurgitated constantly. Developers should either hold to a standard of game development and give us games worth purchasing, or just make buying used games less convenient, which is what theyve been doing.

Buying used means you usually cant play online without a pass, thats just the start, just make other decisions like this and stop complaining about used games sa...

4371d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL at PC re-re folk who really think we dont know the PC has more potential when it comes to performance. The reason Consoles are in their own league is because theyre affordable. A gaming PC can cost anywehre from 600 to thousands of dollars to run PC games at the highest settings. The market is to weak for that, which is why PC gaming is dying.

Yeah your PC can run games better than consoles. Too bad your PC doesnt have any support from most of the best developers out ...

4371d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats what they get for not at least alloweing an offline single player mode for Diablo 3. GOod to see theyre feeling the bite from that ridiculous decision.

4372d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

As far as MICs go...the way i see it is, the 360 is the system adults buy for their kids, because its very inexpensive piece of hardware and it doesnt matter if they break it after a few months because theyll just spend another 99$ to get them one again.

The problem with this is that since every 360 is bundled with a mic, every single person whether it's an adolescent, preteen, child, 4 year old 6 year old whatever it is, will have access to that mic. Which makes the who...

4372d ago 21 agree17 disagreeView comment

In my eyes, 360 will always be in 2nd place behind Sony.

"Sales" dont matter to me, theyve been GIVING away 360s for years now, ps3 has proven itself time and time again with its exclusive titles...and not even the mightiest of 360 fanboys can debunk that FACT.

4372d ago 158 agree37 disagreeView comment

the dust 514 beta is addictive! and theres barely any content on it. The finished product will be insane.

4373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im in the Beta, DUST is giong to ROCK when it's a finished product.

4375d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

DC universe online is still the best MMO out right now in my opinion. It's free, and its amazing.

4390d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

IM a huge Diablo fan, loved every second of Diablo 1 and Diablo 2. Diablo 3 is definitely Meh...i was going to buy it bur checked it out and decided against it. Disapponited yes, but theres a lot of other good games out no need to stress it.

4398d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol ... when a pc gamer comes into a ps3 game thread and tells us things we already know ... does that make them cool or something? Yeah PS3 isnt a PC ... the gap between consoles and PC games are much smaller now though, and its something to be excited about. I enjoy pc gaming, but id much rather be playing my PS3 on my big screen with my friends than alone on a PC. Get a life kid.

4399d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this game has disc locked content i wont be buying it for sure. Ill just get it from gamefly instead. Looks like a good game, but principles are principles.

4403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Internet explorer is EASILY the worst browser out there. I dont dare let that browser find its way on my computer. They used to be forced on us back in the day, most new notebooks and pcs still come with IE pre installed, but everyone just gets a different browser.

IE is notoriously inefficient.
But at least the 360 HAS a browser, thats a step in the right direction, just hope they dont charge for it.

4404d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol@ "the bestbuy where i live has about 80 copies locked in a case."

Ppl post lies for no reason. A person running an electronics store, especially a best buy, would not have that many sitting around for all to see. Ive managed stores and one of the things you have to do is keep copies out of view to make it look like theyre selling. Also, stocking up that many doesnt help the retailer at all...your post reeks of CoD fanboyism, get a clue.


4407d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

to be fair, i was never a huge fan of the DMC series, over the top voice acting and characters made it just silly to me ... the action was good but not so god that i had to buy the game. The reboot i actually want to buy because it looks like theyre fixing what was wrong with the old one and making it appeal to a bigger crowd. Dinosaurs need to adapt. Reboots happen to widen the crowd the game appeals to.

4408d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment