
CRank: 5Score: 23150

It is if you have a bit more of an open mind and actually think about the future rather than just what we have now.. Imagine when all phones are powerful enough to run highest quality games and stream to any tv. Then you bluetooth a mouse and keyboard or a controller to it. Why would anyone buy a games console when we reach this point?

Ultimately everything's just a computer and then you attach screens and accessories to it, whether it be a console, phone, laptop, smartwa...

3303d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't understand, PS3 outsold everything this year so what are they trying to say?

4561d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, our way is logical. Your way is wrong. Get over it already.

4594d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Honestly it's only been one year and you already forgot that valve did the exact same thing at last year's E3..?

They had a big announcement arranged then they cancelled it and told everyone they weren't going to be at E3, only to then appear as Sony conference surprise. I'm not saying the same exact thing will happen ...

4763d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2fort is a terribly designed map. They dropped it from competitive rotations a long time ago and in 32 man pub servers it's just a boring camp-fest/stalemate where people end up DMing. The worst part is that there's not even any decent areas for DM battles on it, despite the fact that people clearly ignore the game objective anyway. No decent areas to use DM skill and teamwork is pointless when it can be shut down by the inevitable engy-demo camp in their base. so yeah.

4965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not many games will have this anyway, because most games can be played with either move or dualshock and therefore it isn't required.

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. There's a tech section to N4G.
2. iPhone is a popular gaming platform. You wouldn't say the same if it was an 360 or PS3 firmware update.
3. Steam is all about gamin so I don't quite understand your analogy.

5106d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@sixaxis.. The 360 version of tf2 doesn't have any new maps or weapons etc. There's also a few unpatched glitches and they added class limits which, whilst it should work in theory, it ends up being abused by hosts. I've played tf2 on 360, PC and ps3 (less on 360 admitedly because I only play it at a mates house) and I can say that there's not a giant leap between 360 and ps3. The 2 console versions are quite similar, with 360 being a decent way better, but the PC version so m...

5127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trojan=/=virus. Therefore you didn't answer his question

5159d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ Anorexorcist

I have fully played MW2 online, right through 2 prestiges, and no I've never glitched or exploited the game once. So I guess your wrong on both accounts..

I play the PS3 version and in all honesty I rarely see exploiting and it isn't really as wide-spread a problem as you seem to be exaggerating it. Unlimited care packages was rarely game breaking and was patched, as was the javelin glitch and the ability to exploit Cvars giving players aimbots etc. Al...

5268d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The website is 360 exclusive and the story is about 2010, therefore demon's souls is an invalid choice, although it was an excellent game.

I don't know under what criteria this site feels they can judge sleeper hits before they're released. Do they not know the definition of a sleeper hit'?

5268d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I can top score MW2 servers on level 1, as I have done when I prestiged. There's no excuse for doing badly other than your actual skill level. After all there's nothing inherently worse about the first unlocked assault rifle vs later rifles, they're just different and it's a matter of personal choice. This is why the system fits because as you become more experienced you can try a different style of weapon. I find the AK, last unlocked, to be one of my least favourite weapon...

5268d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

£50 000?!

Imagine if that was the fine for shoplifting an actual physical album from a store. people would be shocked. Yet shoplifting surely does more damage then copying a digital song..

5305d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote the article really did his research.. That was on the first page of youtube results.

5305d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Agreed with vhero.

I was in carphone warehouse (a UK phone retailer) a few days ago and they were giving away PS3s, 360s and Laptops. Nothing new..

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well he was incorrect as soon as he said " actually promoting what most world leaders speak out publicly against"

Infinity Ward have made it quite clear that the scene is designed to make the player a witness to the atrocities committed by the terrorist, to give them a greater incentive to stop the terrorists and defeat what they stand for. If that somehow promotes terrorism, then I must be missing something..

5329d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can access 40D through the browser. Just bookmark it and it'll be almost as good.

5330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Socomnick, what is your problem? You don't own a PS3 and you haven't played Uncharted in your life (don't argue, I know you'd only be lying). I've played the game twice and it only froze once on the first playthrough. The freeze is an isolated incident which, according to everyone I've heard from, only happens in one particular part of the game. After resetting the console, the game returns to just after where it froze, so no progress is lost and it won't freeze again.

So remind...

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No I'm not talking about chromium. I'm talking about Chrome, the same version that this guy has. My application states June 3rd as Date Created; I can post a screenshot if any of you care that much. When I first downloaded it, it didn't have the ability to play flash content and it was updated after a month or so to the state it's in now. I think I originally got it after hearing about it on Google's blog or something.

5333d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Am I the only one who's already had chrome on Mac since months ago? This isn't news.. I was hoping that they had released the full version, when I saw the title.

5333d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment